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Email address *
Nama Mahasiswa *
Student Name
Frida Adhani E.S

No. Handphone *
Phone Number

Jenis Kelamin *
O Pria/ Male
O Wanita/Female Formatted: Font: Bold, Font color: Red
Formatted: Font color: Red

Aspek Tangibles (Tangible Aspect)

Pernyataan / Item 1 2 3 4 5
Ruang kuliah tertata dengan bersih dan rapi * V
Classrooms are clean and tidy
Ruang kuliah sejuk dan nyaman * V
Classrooms are cool and comfortable
Sarana pembelajaran tersedia di ruang kuliah * V
Learning facilities are adequate in the classrooms
Layanandankoleksiperpustakaan lengkap dancukup* V
Library resources and services are adequate and comprehensive
Laboratorium relevan dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa * V
Laboratories and academic services meet the needs of students
Buku referensi tersediadi perpustakaan * V
Reference books are available in the library
Kamar kecil yang tersediacukup dan bersih * V
The available toilets are adequate and clean
Fasilitas ibadah yang dapat dipergunakan oleh mahasiswa V
Praying rooms for students are adequate
1. Tidak Puas/Not Satisfied at All 2. Kurang Puas/Not Very Satisfied 3.Netral/ Neutral
4. Puas/ Satisfied 5. SangatPuas/Very Satisfied
Aspek Pengajaran (TeachingAspect)
Pernyataan / Item 1 2 3 4 5
Materi perkuliahan yang diberikan dosen jelas* V
Teaching materials and instruction are clear and sufficient
Waktu untuk diskusi dan tanya jawab cukupdanmemadai* V
Time for discussion and question & answer is adequate
Bahan ajar suplemen yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa V
tersediadenganbaik(handout, modul, dll) *
Supplementary teaching materials are available (handouts, modules,
Dosen mengembalikan hasil ujian dengan nilai objektif * V
Lecturers return the test result with objective marking
Dosen datang tepat waktu * V
Lecturers are punctual (on time)
Satuan acara perkuliahan dibuat oleh dosen * V
Lecturers make a structured lesson plan
Staf akademik mampu melayani urusanadministrasi mahasiswa * V
The academic staff adequately serve the students administrative
Kualitas layanan staf akademik memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa * V
Academic support servicesadequately meet the needs of the students
1. Tidak Puas/Not Satisfied at All 2. Kurang Puas/Not Very Satisfied 3.Netral/ Neutral
4. Puas/Satisfied 5. SangatPuas/Very Satisfied

Aspek Responsif (Responsiveness Aspect)

Pernyataan / Item 1 2 3 4 5
Tersedia dosen bimbingan konseling bagi mahasiswa. * V
Academic advisor is approachable and helpful.
Tersedia beasiswa bagi mahasiswa yang tidak mampu * V
Scholarships for low-income group students are available

Bantuan apabila mahasiswamemiliki masalah akademik tersedia* V

Tutoring services are readily available

Pimpinan Fakultas memberikan waktu untuk berdiskusi dengan V

orangtua mahasiswa *
The Faculty top management provide sufficient time to discuss with the
student's parents/guardians

Bantuan pengobatan bagi mahasiswa yang sakit tersedia* V

Medical service for students is available

Bantuan asuransi bagi mahasiswa yang mendapatkat musibah V

kecelakaan tersedia*
Health Coverage Insurance for accident is provided

1. Tidak Puas/Not Satisfied at All 2. Kurang Puas/Not Very Satisfied 3.Netral/ Neutral
4. Puas/Satisfied 5. SangatPuas/Very Satisfied
Aspek Asuransi (Assurance Aspect)
Pernyataan / Item 1 2 3 4 5
Staf administrasi akademik santun dalam memberikan pelayanan * V
Academic administration staffs are caring and helpful
Permasalahan/ keluhan mahasiswa ditangani oleh dosen PA (Pembimbing V
akademik) *
Problems or complaints of students handled by the Academic Advisor
Setiap pekerjaan atau tugas dikembalikan kepada mahasiswa * V
Assignment or homework is returned to the student
Waktu dipergunakan secara efektif oleh dosen dalam proses pengajaran * V
Teaching time is adequately and effectively used by the lecturers
Sanksi bagi mahasiswa yang melanggar aturan berlaku bagi seluruh V
mahasiswa tanpa terkecuali *
Sanctions for students who violate the rules are fair and unbiased
1. Tidak Puas/NotSatisfied at All 2. Kurang Puas/Not Very Satisfied 3.Netral/ Neutral
4. Puas/Satisfied 5. SangatPuas/Very Satisfied

Aspek Empati (Empathy Aspect)

Pernyataan/ Item 1 2 3 4 5
Peduli terhadap kepentingan mahasiswa dan kesulitan mahasiswa *
Faculty and counseling staff care about students problems and needs
Besarnya konstribusi biaya (sumbangan pengembangan lembaga )
dibicarakan dengan orangtua wali mahasiswa *
The amount of contribution fee (contribution for institutional
development) is properly discussed with the student parent or guardian
Pengawasanterhadap kemajuan mahasiswa melalui dosen pembimbing
akademik atau dosen konseling dilakukandenganbaik*
Academic advisor and counseling staff provide timely feedback about the
student progress
Dosen bersedia membantu mahasiswa yang memiliki kesulitan bidang
akademik *Lecturers show concern for students academic difficulties
Dosen bersikap terbuka, dankooperatif dengan mahasiswa *
Lecturers are open-minded and helpful to students
Berusaha memahami minat dan bakat mahasiswa *
This institution shows concern for students' interests and talents
1. Tidak Puas/Not Satisfied at All 2. Kurang Puas/Not Very Satisfied 3.Netral/ Neutral
4. Puas/Satisfied 5. SangatPuas/Very Satisfied
Aspek SistemInformasi(Information System Aspect)
Pernyataan / Item 1 2 3 4 5
Informasi sistem perkuliahan dalam bentuk buku panduan perkuliahan V
There is an adequate and helpful handbook onthe education system
Informasi akademik dan pelayanan non - akademik dalam bentuk website V
(online)tersedia *
Academic information and non-academic services is available on the
website (online)
Informasi dan Layanan akademik maupun non akademik V
Both academic and non-academic information and services are available
and accessible
Layanan pengaduan bagi mahasiswa yang memiliki permasalahan V
Student complainthandling services are available and adequate
Fakultas memberikan respon positif kepadasetiap pengaduan mahasiswa * V
Faculty respond quickly and positively tothe student complaint
Fakultas menggunakan dana kemahasiswaandenganbaikdantransparan * V
Student activities fees are put to good use transparently
1. Tidak Puas/Not Satisfied at All 2. Kurang Puas/Not Very Satisfied 3.Netral/ Neutral
4. Puas/Satisfied 5. SangatPuas/Very Satisfied


AKADEMIK/Suggestion for Improvement

Medan, ..5/10/2017................................

(Nama/Name: ...Frida Adhani E.S.................................................)

Tanda tangan/Signature

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