Roll No. ................................ 361001

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Roll No. ................................


MAY, 2013
Bachelor of Computer Application

Sixth Semester

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Note: All questions are compulsory, each question carries 12 marks.

1. What do you mean by Computer Graphics? Also write its application [12]
What are display devices? Explain any one display device.

2. What is MIDI? How is a basic MIDI message structured? In what ways can MIDI be used [12]
effectively in Multimedia Applications?
Explain animation along with its principles. Also explain the term morphing.

3. Write an algorithm for circle generation. [12]

Explain 2D Transformations.

4. What is the purpose of the near and far clipping planes? [12]
Explain polygon clipping & window & view port transformation.

5. Why is data compression necessary for Multimedia activities? What do you mean by Data [12]
Write short notes on any four of the following, each carries three marks:
(i) Faces
(ii) Kinetics
(iii) JPEG and MPEG
(iv) Digital Camera
(v) Plotter

Roll No. ................................ 361002

MAY, 2013
Bachelor of Computer Application

Sixth Semester

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Note: All questions are compulsory. Attempt any two parts from each question, each sub-
part is of 6 marks.

1. (a) Find a real root of the equation x3-9x+1 = 0 by the method of False Position.

(b) Find cube root of 12 upto four places of decimal.

(c) What are Normalized Floating Point Operations? Explain each with example.

2. (a) Apply Gauss Jordan method to solve

2x-6y+8z = 24
5x+4y-3z = 2
3x+y+2z = 16.

(b) What do you mean by Ill Conditioned System of equations? Establish whether the
system 1.02x + 2y = 2.02, x+ 2y = 2 is well conditioned or not?

(c) Fit a second degree parabola to the following data regarding x as an independent
x 0 1 2 3 4

y 1 5 10 22 38

3. (a) Using Newtons Forward Interpolation formula, find the value of f(1.6),if

x 1 1.4 1.8 2.2

y 3.49 4.82 5.96 6.5

(b) Following values of the function f(x) for values of x are given:
f (1) =4, f (2) =5, f (7) = 5, f (8) =4.
Find the value of f(6) and also find the values of x for which f(x) is maximum or
-1- P.T.O.
(c) The following table gives the viscosity of all oil as a function of temperature. Use
Lagranges formula to find viscosity of oil at temperature of 1400.

Temperature 110 130 160 190

Viscosity 10.8 8.1 5.5 4.8

4. (a) Given:

x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

y 1.10517 1.22140 1.34986 1.49182

dy d2y
Find and at x = 0.4.
dx dx 2

(b) Calculate (up to 3 places of decimals) 1+ x
by dividing the range into eight equal


(c) Calculate the value of the following integrals by Trapezoidal rule: log xdx .

dy y x
5. (a) Given = with the initial condition y = 1 and x = 0. Find y for x = 0.1 by
dx y + x
Eulers method (five steps).

(b) Using Taylors series, find the solution of differential equation xy = x-y: y(2) =2 at
x = 2.1, correct to five places of decimal.

(c) Use Picards method to approximate y when x = 0.1, given that y = 1 when x = 0,
= x + y . Check the result with the exact value.


Roll No. ................................ 361003

MAY, 2013
Bachelor of Computer Application

Sixth Semester

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Note: All questions are compulsory. Attempt any two sub-parts from each question, each
sub-part is of 6 marks.

1. (a) Draw the architecture of 8085 and explain all its parts.

(b) Explain the CPU organization of 8085.

(c) Draw the pin diagram of 8085 and explain all its pin.

2. (a) Write any six instruction set of 8085 in detail.

(b) Explain following instruction with description: (one mark each)

(i) MOV R,M (ii) OUT 8-bit
(iii) SUI- 8 bit (iv) MVI R, 16-bit
(v) INR R (vi) RRC

(c) Discuss instruction and data flow format.

3. (a) Explain the basic concept of memory interfacing.

(b) Explain the following: (three marks each)

(i) I/O mapped I/O scheme
(ii) Memory mapped I/O scheme

(c) What do you mean by latches and tri-state buffers?

4. (a) Explain the 8259 programming peripheral interface with its features.

(b) Draw the architecture of 8279 keyboard controller.

(c) Comparison between 8155 and 8255 peripheral interface.

5. (a) What is Micro Controller? Draw the architecture for 8051.

(b) What is the difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller?

(c) Explain the various addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller.

Roll No. ................................ 361004

MAY, 2013
Bachelor of Computer Application

Sixth Semester

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Note: All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 12 marks.

1. Discuss various functions of management and also explain the Taylors concept of scientific
Explain Fayols principles of Management in detail.

2. What is Planning? Explain the steps involved in Planning.

What do you understand by Objectives? Discuss the concept of Management by Objective
along with its benefits and weaknesses in an organisation.

3. What do you understand by departmentation? Explain the bases on which departmentation

can takes place.
What is Span of Management? Discuss the concept of narrow and wide span of
management along with the various factors influencing the span of management.

4. Define Directing and discuss its importance in management and explain the principles of
direction in detail.
Discuss the problems in human relations takes place while directing and the various
strategies used for establishing a healthy human relation in an Oranization.

5. Discuss the concepts and process of control. State the requirement of an effective control
Discuss the various techniques of controlling used by management.

Roll No. ................................ 361005

MAY, 2013
Bachelor of Computer Application

Sixth Semester

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

Note: All questions are compulsory, each question carries 12 marks.

1. What are the advantages that visual basic have, which makes it an excellent programming
tool? Also explain the IDE.
Explain FORM and its properties in VB.

2. Discuss various data types used in Visual Basic with example.

Expalin ARRAY in VB. Also explain ARRAY as function in VB.

3. Write a program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not.

Write basic Activex control & their usage.

4. Write a program to design a simple calculator in Visual Basic. Also explain it.
What is Menu editor in VB? Write procedure to create pop-up menu through menu editor.

5. Write short notes on: (with example)

(i) Data Control
(ii) ADODC Control
What is Data bound controls? Explain with examples.


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