Scientists Timeline: The Development of Evolutionary Thought

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THOMAS MALTHUS (1766 1834) In

1798, he published the Principle of

Population where he made the
observations that the human race would
be likely to overproduce if the population
size was not kept under control.
ARISTOTLE (384-322 BC) first
introduced the two key concepts
of taxonomy as we practice it
today: classification of oranisms
by type and binomial definition.

JAMES HUTTON (1726 1797)

Theory of Gradualism, which states that slow CHARLES DARWIN (1809 1882)
and continuous physical processes, acting Natural Selection; described evolution as Descent
over long periods of time, produced Earths with Modification.
major geological features. And in 1859, he published On the Origin of Species.


GEORGES CUVIER (1769 1832)

Theory of Catastrophism, states that each
boundary in the strata represents a sudden
catastrophic event that had destroyed many species
in the area. Such regions were then repopulated by
species immigrating from other areas.
(1707-1778) father of
taxonomoy, the system of
classifying and naming CHARLES LYELL (1797 1875) Principles of
organisms. He contributed on JEAN BAPTISTE DE LAMARCK (1744 1829)
geology; Theory of Uniformitarianism. He extended
the development of a proposed the first comprehensive theory of biological Huttons ideas in an influential series of books,
hierarchical system of evolution that was based on specific mechanisms. He Principles of Geology.
classification of nature proposed that a metaphysical perfecting principle
(K, P, C, O, F, G, S) caused organisms to become better suited to their

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