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PRONOUNS POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. That’s my book. It’s mine. That's his pen. It's his. _ That's her hat. It’s hers. That's our car. It's ours. ‘That's your cup. It’s yours. ‘That's their room. It’s theirs, Complete this conversation 7D MAN: 20 ve lost my umbrella. That's funny, I've lost 1_mine too. You've lost yours _ too? Well, that’s not really surprising. Lots of people lose * every day. What colour is * . sit? Black. ‘And what about § madam? Well, it isn’t really atall. You see, Tost 7 last month, and a friend lent me his. Madam, it doesn’t matter if it's eee What colour is it, please? It's black, too, Now, let me see... two black umbrellas... there are about thirty here, you know. Can you describe 10 sit? It's just an ordinary black umbrella I suppose *. is another ordinary black umbrella too, madam? That's what they all say. Yes, is quite ordinary. Wait a minute, I think that's it KATE MAN ™= MAN rep O° I'm sorry, I'm sure that’s 1 not ™ No, it's * -Tmean it’s my friend’s, it’s If the young lady is sure it's a , sir, then perhaps... But it isn’t its », Ttell you. Here's another one jus Is this * t the same. Or madam? Wait, I've just remembered something about Per’s umbrella. It has a hole in it, near the middle. (opens the second umbrella) Yes, there's the hole. This is ™ ‘Then the first one must be sit? You were right. (Of course I was right. I knew ae 8 soon as I saw it, Good, that's that, then. I wonder ‘when all the other people who have lost their umbrellas will com and take * too! PRONOUNS REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS T myself you yourself we ourselves he himself you yourselves she herself they themselves one oneself 4 Finish these sentences Use these verbs: dress oneself feed oneself behave oneself look after oneself wash oneself hurt oneself ‘The baby can feed __ himself now Be careful! Don’t fall! She hasn’t Dent ye emietee very well, has she? 5 Wateabouta Baby or a young child you know Can he/she wash/dress/feed himself/herself? a PRONOUNS EMPHATIC REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS eT ourselves yea yourselves ee themselves 6 Complete these conversations 1. That's a nice dress. Where did you get it? inate Yournenn vou nde it vourself2_ Yes, I make all my own clothes. 2. Who cut Helen's hair? She did. Yes, can't you tell? 3. Their new house is lovely! Yes, who painted it? They did. Yes, it took them a month. 4 What good vegetables! We grew them Yes, but it's lot of work, 5 Did you see the film on TV? Yes. I repaired my TV. Yes, but it's not right yet. 7 Wratabou you and your friends? Do you know any people who do these things themselves? Write sentences about them. repair their cars paint their house cut their hair grow their vegetables, make their clothes ‘My-cousin Ann made her wedding dress herself. 2 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES I watethese adjectives and their comparatives in the right group bad brave sad tidy difficult wide rich hot short interesting _ pretty 1 ter 2 3 +r tall taller big bigger nice nicer young younger thin thinner large larger short __ shorter 4 ytier 5 more + adj. 6 irregular easy easier exciting more exciting good better dirty. dirtier popular more popular far further 2 Ask and answer about Tom and Nick 1. (tall) Which of them is taller? = [Nick is taller than Tom 2. (short) 3 (hea ee a 5 (old) 16 Goumg), 7) fal) a age 23 20 weight 68g 73kg, 28 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES 3 What do you think of these films? [Slaps Write sentences about them (romantic) think ‘Sunshine’ is more romantic than ‘Space Wars. (exciting) (interesting) (popular) (realistic) (seta een Te tsk ee (was expensive to make) (was dangerous to make) a es itius good atiore): eee eee 4 Compare yourself and your friend you your friend age height weight Whois taller? Iam taller than (name)is. OR (name) is taller han am, older? heavier? lighter? ‘more interested in books? tidier? better at English? 2s COMPARISON WITH AS... AS... lax questions 2 pretty intelligent | as Kate Nick [Nick is intelligent. (Tom) ‘Angela is clever. (Nick) Per is poor. (Nick) Kate is careless. (Angela) Nick is untidy. (Rose) Stanley is handsome. (Per) Rose is pretty. (Kate) 1s she as pretty as Kate? What's your opinion’ Rose Nick is pretty, Kate_| a as handsome Tom | Rose and Kate Inmy opinion Rose Kate Kate and Angela Stanley and Per Nick and Stanley Per and Tom Rose and Angela 25

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