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Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

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Challenges to generic medicines

utilization in Yemeni healthcare
Saleh Karamah AL-Tamimi1,2, BPharm, MPharm (ClinPharm); Mohamed
Azmi Hassali1, BPharm(Hons), MPharm (ClinPharm), PhD; Alian A
Alrasheedy1, BPharm(Hons), MPharm(Clin), BCPS

Generic medicines are promoted in many countries as an

essential part of the healthcare system. However, in Yemen,
there are many challenges to the utilisation of generic
medicines. Currently, there is no national level policy
to enhance or promote generic medicines use. In addi-
tion, other challenges to the use of generic medicines in
Yemen including negative perceptions and availability of in the last decade (2002 through 2011) in
the US [8]. Thus, the wide use of generic
counterfeit medicines are highlighted in this brief report. medicines is essential to enhance the
access to essential medicines particularly
Keywords: Challenges, consumers, generic medicines, healthcare professionals, Yemen in low and middle income countries [7]
and the savings that are achieved could be

emen faces several challenges is in an alarming state. Currently, about allocated to get the more expensive pat-
in most aspects of life. Current 70% of the population live in remote ented medicines [9]. Furthermore, generic
challenges include the high areas where they lack access to medicines medicines could improve patients adher-
unemployment rate (more and basic health services [4]. Public and ence to medicines in general and patients
than 50% of the population), private health services are mainly avail- with poly-pharmacy in particular [10].
a low level of education, high population able in the capital and urban cities and Besides that, the competition between
growth, and limited access to healthy water patients have to pay the consultation fees, the originator and the generic medicines
and appropriate sanitation. In addition, it is the cost of diagnostic tests and the cost of manufacturers can lead to constant supply
estimated that about two million children medicines. of medicines in the market, price reduc-
are suffering from chronic malnutrition. tion of medicines and also encourage
Furthermore, the continuous political con- According to World Health Organization, innovation by original innovators manu-
flict and clashes worsen the situation and a generic drug is a pharmaceutical prod- facturers [7].
weaken the healthcare system, leading to uct, usually intended to be interchange-
the ongoing humanitarian crises in this able with an innovator product that is Therefore, the use of generic medicines
low income country [1, 2]. manufactured without a licence from the provides an opportunity for diminishing
innovator company and marketed after healthcare funding and an opportunity to
The healthcare system in Yemen con- the expiry date of the patent or other save money that can be used to improve
fronts many obstacles. The annual health exclusive rights [5]. The use of generic the access to medicines and other health-
expenditure in Yemen (US$40 per capita) medicines is advocated by many govern- care services in Yemen. Although the pro-
is among the lowest in the world. ments and third party payers as a mean motion of generic medicines utilisation in
to confront the escalation of medicine Yemen will be of great value, so far there
Access to medicines is defined as the expenditure [6]. The generic medicines is no national level policy to enhance
timely use of standard medicines according are usually cheaper and their prices were generic medicine utilisation. Furthermore,
to needs and it should be accessible and estimated to be 2090% lower than the we have conducted a research project
available in the region, as well as afford- innovator original medicines [6, 7]. In fact, to evaluate the use of generic medicines
able and acceptable by the patients [3]. the wide use of generic medicines can in the Yemeni healthcare system and to
lead to substantial savings. For example, explore the challenges and facilitators of
Moreover, the current status of access to a recent study showed that generic medi- generic medicine use in Yemen. After
medicines and health services in Yemen cines saved approximately US$1 trillion obtaining the approval from Ministry of

Author for correspondence: Saleh Karamah Al-Tamimi, BPharm, MPharm (ClinPharm), School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Submitted: 8 February 2013; Revised: 8 March 2013; Accepted: 14 March 2013; Published online first: 27 March 2013

GaBI Journal | Volume 2 | 2013 | Issue 2 | 63

2013 Pro Pharma Communications International. All rights reserved
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Journal

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For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of the publisher (

Recent trends and special topics in new drug review in PMDA

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Copyright 2013 Pro Pharma Communications International

64 | Volume 2 | 2013 | Issue 2 GaBI Journal |

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