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An Overview of Internet of Vehicles

YANG Fangchun, WANG Shangguang, LI Jinglin, LIU Zhihan, SUN Qibo
State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China

Abstract: The new era of the Internet of signal range and drop out of the network, oth-
Things is driving the evolution of conventional er vehicles can join in, connecting vehicles to
Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks into the Internet of one another to create a mobile Internet. We de-
Vehicles (IoV). With the rapid development of termine that VANET only covers a very small
computation and communication technologies, mobile network that is subject to mobility con-
IoV promises huge commercial interest and straints and the number of connected vehicles.
research value, thereby attracting a large Several characteristics of large cities,such as
number of companies and researchers. This trafficjams, tall buildings, bad driver behav-
paper proposes an abstract network model of iors, and complexroad networks, further hin-
the IoV, discusses the technologies required to der its use. Therefore, for VANET, the objects
create the IoV, presents different applications involved are temporary, random and unstable,
based on certain currently existing and the range of usage is local and discrete,
technologies, provides several open research i.e., VANET cannot provide whole (global)
challenges and describes essential future and sustainable services/applications for cus-
research in the area of IoV. tomers. Over thepastseveral decades, there
Keywords: internet of vehicles; VANET; has not been any classic or popular implemen-
vehicle telematics; network model tation of VANET. The desired commercial
interests have not emerged either. Therefore,
I. INTRODUCTION VANETs usage has begun to stagnate.
In contrast to VANET, IoV has two main
According to recent predictions1, 25 billion technology directions: vehicles neworking
things will be connected to the Internet and vehicles intelligentialize. Vehicles net-
by 2020, of which vehicles will constitute a working is consisting of VANET (also called
significant portion. With increasing numbers vehicles interconnection), Vehicle Telematics
of vehicles being connected to the Internet of (also called connected vehicles) and Mobile
Things (IoT), the conventional Vehicle Ad- Internet (vehicle is as a wheeled mobile termi-
hoc Networks (VANETs) are changing into nal). Vehicles intelligence is that the integra-
the Internet of Vehicle (IoV). We explore the tion of driver and vehicle as a unity is more
reasons for this evolution below. intelligent by using network technologies,
http://www.academia. As is well-known, VANET [1] turns every which refers to the deep learning, cognitive
participating vehicle into a wireless router or computing, swarm computing, uncertainty
mobile node, enabling vehicles to connect to artificial intelligence, etc. So, IoV focuses on
tion_and_Growt each other and, in turn, create a network with the intelligent integration of humans, vehi-
a wide range. Next, as vehicles fall out of the cles, things and environments and is a larger

1 China Communications October 2014

network that provides services for large cities the conventional Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks
or even a whole country. IoV is an open and (VANETs), Vehicle Telematics, and other con- This paper proposes
integrated network system with high manage- nected vehicle networks have to evolve into an abstract network
ability, controllability, operationalization and the Internet of Vehicle (IoV). The question model of the IoV, dis-
cusses the technolo-
credibility and is composed of multiple users, accordingly arises as to why such systems did
gies required to create
multiple vehicles, multiple things and multiple not evolve into IoT, Internet or wireless mo- the IoV, and presents
networks. Based on the cooperation between bile networks. different applications
computation and communication, e.g., col- The main reason is that some characteris- based on certain cur-
laborative awareness of humans and vehicles, tics of IoV are different from IoT, Internet or rently existing tech-
or swarm intelligence computation and cog- wireless mobile networks. Firstly, in wireless nologies,

nition, IoV can obtain, manage and compute mobile networks, most end-users trajectories
the large scale complex and dynamic data of follow a random walk model. However, in
humans, vehicles, things, and environments to IoV, the trajectory of vehicles is subject to the
improve the computability, extensibility and road distributions in the city. Secondly, IoT
sustainability of complex network systems focuses on things and provides data-aware-
and information services. An ideal goal for ness for connected things, while the Internet
IoV is to finally realize in-depth integration focuses on humans and provides information
of human-vehicle-thing-environment, reduce services for humans. However, IoV focuses
social cost, promote the efficiency of trans- on the integration of humans and vehicles, in
portation, improve the service level of cities, which, vehicles are an extension of a humans
and ensure that humans are satisfiedwith abilities, and humans are an extension of a
and enjoy their vehicles. With this definition, vehicles intelligence. The network model,
itis clear that VANET is only a sub network the service model, and the behavior model of
of IoV. Moreover, IoV also contains Vehicle human-vehicle systems are highly different
Telematics [2], which is a term used to define from IoT, Internet or wireless mobile network.
a connected vehicle interchanging electronic Finally, IoV interconnects humans within and
data and providing such information services around vehicles, intelligent systems on board
as location-based information services, remote vehicles, and various cyber-physical systems
diagnostics, on-demand navigation, and au- in urban environments, by integrating vehi-
dio-visual entertainment content. For IoV, Ve- cles, sensors, and mobile devices into a global
hicle Telematics is simply a vehicle with more network, thus enabling various services to be
complex communication technologies, and the delivered to vehicles and humans on board
intelligent transportation system is an applica- and around vehicles. Several researchers have
tion of IoV, but vehicleelectronicsystems do referred to the vehicle as a manned computer
not belong to IoV. with four wheels or a manned large phone in
In the last severalyears, the emergence of IoV. Thus, in contrast to other networks, ex-
IoT, cloud computing, and Big Data has driven isting multi-user, multi-vehicle, multi-thing
demand from a large number of users. Individ- and multi-network systems need multi-level
ual developers and IT enterprises have pub- collaboration in IoV.
lished various services/applications. However, In this paper, we first provide a network
because VANET and Vehicle Telematics lack model of IoV using the swarm model and an
the processing capacity for handling global individual model. We introduce existing re-
(whole) information, they can only be used in search work focusing on activation and main-
short term applications or for smallscale ser- tenance of IoV. Then, we survey the various
vices, which limits the development and popu- applications based on some currently existing
lar demand for these applications on consumer technologies. Finally, we give several open re-
vehicles. There is a desperate need for an open search challenges for both the network model
and integrated network system. Therefore, and the service model of human-vehicle sys-

China Communications October 2014 2

tems, i.e., enhanced communication through people who consume or provide services/ap-
computation and sustainability of service pro- plications of IoV. Human do not only contain
viding, and outline essential future research the people in vehicles such as drivers and pas-
work in the area of IoV. sengers but also the people in environment of
The rest of this paper is organized as fol- IoV such as pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers
lows. Section 2 describes our proposed net- family members. Vehicle in IoV terminology
work model of IoV. The overview of IoV is refers to all vehicles that consume or provide
presented from three different perspectives in services/applications of IoV. Thing in IoV ter-
Section 3. In Section 4, several open research minology refers to any element other than hu-
challenges and essential future research work man and vehicle. Things can be inside vehicles
related to IoV are outlined. Finally, we present or outside, such as AP or road. Environment
this papers conclusions in Section 5. refers to the combination of human, vehicle
and thing.
II. NETWORK MODEL OF IOV The individual model focuses on one vehi-
cle. Through the interactions between human
As shown in Fig. 1, we propose a network and environment, vehicle and environment,
model of IoV based on our previous work [3], and thing and environment, IoV can provide
in which the model is composed of a swarm services for the vehicles, the people and the
model and an individual model. The key as- things in the vehicles. In the model, the in-
pect of the network model is the integration tra-vehicle network is used to support the
between human, vehicle, thing, and environ- interaction between human and vehicle, and
ment. the interaction between vehicle and thing in
Human in IoV terminology refers to all the that vehicle. The inter-vehicle network is used

Fig.1 Network model of IoV

3 China Communications October 2014

to support the interaction between human and significantly improve the quality of vehicle
environment, vehicle and environment, and service, while a bad wireless access may often
thing and environment. Swarm model focus- lead to the breakdown of services. As is well-
es on multi-user, multi-vehicle, multi-thing known, routing technology is the research core
and multi-network scenarios. Through swarm of traditional networks. For IoV, while routing
intelligence, crowd sensing and crowd sourc- is still the core of the inter-vehicle network,
ing, and social computing, IoV can provide it is also essential for delivering the control
services/applications. Moreover, in this model, message. Finally, IoV has the two most im-
the interaction between human and human, ve- portant elements, i.e., users and network. For
hicle and vehicle, and thing and thing, all need a simple IoV, wireless access is its user, and
an integrated network to collaborate with each routing is its network. With the development
other and with the environment. Note that IoV of IoV, however, these elements might be less
has a computation platform for providing vari- important, and other technologies may play
ous decisions for whole network, and there are a vital role, such as collaboration technology
many virtual vehicles with drivers correspond- and swarm intelligence computing. However,
ing to physica vehicles and drivers. Then we due to page limitations, a detailed discussion
call the virtual vehicle with driver as Autobot. is beyond this paper.
In the IoV, Autobot can interactwitheach Note that the technologies introduced in this
other by using swarm computing technologies section cannot cover the technologies of IoV,
and provide decision-making information for and most of them belong to VANET [4] or Ve-
IoV in the computation platform. hicle Telematics. The reason is that IoV is an
open and integrated network system composed
III. TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION OF of multiple users, multiple vehicles, multiple
IOV things and multiple networks, and an integrat-
ed IoV is not described. Hence, this section
Over a decade ago,bothindustrialandaca- mainly focuses on existing technologies and
demic researchers proposed many advanced applications, even if they do not represent the
technologies for the application layer, the mo- technologies and applications of IoV.
bile model & the channel model, the physical
3.1 Activation of IoV
layer & the data link layer, the network layer
& the transport layer, and security & privacy; There are many steps in the activation of IoV,
these technologies are all used in IoV. In this but the most important step is to take the vehi-
section, we only focus on giving an overview cles into the integrated network of IoV using
of the technologies and their applications in wireless access technologies. At present, there
IoV, and do not describe the details of the are many existing wireless access technologies
technologies. The overview describes the acti- such as WLANs, WiMAX, Cellular Wireless,
vation of the IoV, maintenance of the IoV, and and satellite communications [5]. As shown in
IoV applications. Fig. 1, most of these technologies are used to
For the activation and maintenance of the connect vehicles to each other in IoV.
IoV, we only summarize the wireless access WLAN contains IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/p
technology and the routing technology. There standards. IEEE 802.11-based WLAN, which
are several reasons for focusing on these has achieved great acceptance in the market,
two technologies. Firstly, most researchers supports short-range, relatively high-speed
working on IoV focus on wireless access and data transmission. The maximum achievable
routing, for which the number of proposed re- data rate in the latest version (802.11n) is ap-
search works are the highest. Secondly, wire- proximately 100 Mbps. IEEE 802.11p is a new
less access technologies play an important role communication standard in the IEEE 802.11
in IoV. A good wireless access technology can family which is based on the IEEE 802.11a.

China Communications October 2014 4

IEEE 802.11p is designed for wireless access quality of service, even for non-line-of-sight
in the vehicular environment to support intel- transmissions. The key advantage of WiMAX
ligent transport system applications. The use compared to WLAN is that the channel access
of wireless LANs in VANETs requires further method in WiMAX uses a scheduling algo-
research. For example, Wellens et al. [6] pre- rithm in which the subscriber station needs
sented the results of an extensive measure- to compete only once for initial entry into the
ment campaign evaluating the performance of network.
IEEE 802.11a, b, and g in car communication Cellular wireless comprises of 3G, 4G
scenarios, and showed that the velocity has a and LTE. Current 3G networks deliver data
negligible impact, up to the maximum tested at a rate of 384 kbps to moving vehicles, and
speed of 180 km/h. Yuan et al. [7] evaluated can go up to 2 Mbps for fixed nodes. 3G sys-
the performance of the IEEE 802.11p MAC tems deliver smoother handoffs compared to
protocol applied to V2V safety communica- WLAN and WiMAX systems, and many nota-
tions in a typical highway environment. Wi- ble works have been proposed. For example,
MAX contains IEEE 802.16 a/e/m standards. Chao et al. [8] modeled the 3G downloading
IEEE 802.16 standard-based WiMAX are able and sharing problem in integration networks.
to cover a large geographical area, up to 50 Qingwen et al. [9] made the first attempt in
km, and can deliver significant bandwidth to exploring the problem of 3G-assisted data
end-users - up to 72 Mbps theoretically. While delivery in VANETs. However, due to central-
IEEE 802.16 standard only supports fixed ized switching at the mobile switching center
broadband wireless communications, IEEE (MSC) or the serving GPRS support node
802.16e/mobile WiMAX standard supports (SGSN), 3G latency may become an issue for
speeds up to 160 km/h and different classes of many applications. Vinel [3] provided an an-

IEEE 802.11
IEEE 802.16

Vehicle Management and
Management and Control on the AP
Control on the AP

WiMax AP

Centralized Management
and Control Unit (CMCU)


Satellite Network
Cellular Network

Vehicle Vehicle
Management and Management and
Control on the AP Control on the AP

Database Cellular Network

Fig.2 Wireless access technologies in IoV

5 China Communications October 2014

alytical framework which allows comparing 3.2 Maintenance of IoV
802.11p/WAVE and LTE protocols in terms of
There are also many aspects to the mainte-
the probability of delivering the beacon before
nance of IoVs, such as data-awareness, virtual
the expiration of the deadline. Lei et al. [4]
networks, and encoding, but the most im-
studied the potential use cases and technical
portant aspect is the switching of the control
design considerations in the operator con-
message for IoV. Routing technology is the
trolled device-to-device communications. The
suitable solution, and in IoV, is dependent on
potential use cases were analyzed and classi-
a number of factors such as velocity, density,
fied into four categories. Each use case had
and direction of motion of the vehicles. As
its own marketing challenges and the design
shown in Fig. 1, vehicles can either be the
of related techniques should take these fac-
source or the destination during the process of
tors into consideration. Gerla and Kleinrock
routing, and various standards have been built
[5] discussed LTE cellular service in a future
to accomplish the task of routing. With the
urban scenario with very high bandwidth and
growing needs of the users to access various
broad range. The so-called cognitive radios
resources during mobility, efficient techniques
will allow the user to be best connected all
are required to support their needs and keep
the time. For instance, in a shopping mall or in
them satisfied.
an airport lounge, LTE will become congested,
Topology based maintenance: Because of
and the users cognitive radio will disconnect
the large overhead incurred for route discovery
from LTE. For vehicles, due to large costs, sat-
and route maintenance for highly mobile unco-
ellite communications are barely used, except
ordinated vehicles, only a few of the existing
for GPS. It is only a supplement for temporary
routing protocols for inter-vehicle networks
and emergency uses, when other communica-
are able to handle the requirements of safety
tion technologies are invalid or unavailable.
applications [10,11]. An important group of
Looking at the wireless access technologies
routing protocols for ad-hoc networks is based
described above, we think that the 4G or LTE
on topology, and needs the establishment of
should be the most efficient technology to
an end-to-end path between the source and the
launch the inter-vehicle network and to acti-
destination before sending any data packet.
vate the IoV. The reasons are as follows. First-
Due to rapid changes in the network topology
ly, 4G or LTE is the most used communication
and highly varying communication channel
standard, and has been deployed by most
conditions, the end-to-end paths determined
countries to provide access services. Obvious-
by regular ad-hoc topology-based routing pro-
ly, any vehicle can use it to connect to the IoV.
tocols are easily broken. To solve this prob-
Secondly, in the context of high buildings and
lem, several routing protocols have been pro-
a complex city environment, the performance
posed [12,13] [14,15] [16] [17]. For example,
of 4G or LTE is the best among all wireless
Namboodiri and Gao [12] proposed a predic-
access technologies. Finally, in the past ten
tion-based routing for VANETs. The PBR is a
years, the development of VANET has been
reactive routing protocol, which is specifically
very slow, and can barely be used in the real
tailored to the highway mobility scenario, to
world. The main reason is that the connected
improve upon routing capabilities without us-
vehicles cannot maintain VANET in city roads
ing the overhead of a proactive protocol. The
because the goals of drivers are random and
PBR exploits the deterministic motion pat-
different. To maintain the VANET, all vehicles
tern and speeds, to predict roughly how long
must access the integrated network of IoV,
an existing route between a node vehicle
after which IoV can be activated to provide
and a gateway vehicle will last. Using this
services for users.
prediction, the authors pre-emptively create
new routes before the existing route lifetime

China Communications October 2014 6

expires. Toutouh et al. [13] proposed a well- which combines store-carry-and-forward tech-
known mobile ad hoc network routing proto- nique with routing decisions based on geo-
col for VANETs to optimize parameter settings graphic location. These geographic locations
for link state routing by using an automatic are provided by GPS devices. In GeoSpray,
optimization tool. Nzounta et al.[15] proposed authors proposed a hybrid approach, mak-
a class of road-based VANET routing proto- ing use of a multiple copy and a single copy
cols. These protocols leverage real-time ve- routing scheme. To exploit alternate paths,
hicular traffic information to create paths. Fur- GeoSpray starts with multiple copy schemes
thermore, geographical forwarding allows the which spread a limited number of bundle cop-
use of any node on a road segment to transfer ies. Afterwards, it switches to a single copy
packets between two consecutive intersections scheme, which takes advantage of additional
on the path, reducing the paths sensitivity to opportunities. It improves delivery success
individual node movements. Huang et al. [16] and reduces delivery delay. The protocol ap-
examined the efficiency of node-disjoint path plies active receipts to clear the delivered bun-
routing subject to different degrees of path dles across the network nodes. Compared with
coupling, with and without packet redundancy. other geographic location-based schemes, and
An Adaptive approach for Information Dis- single copy and non-location based multiple
semination (AID) in VANETs was presented copy routing protocols, it was found that Geo-
in [14], in which each node gathered the in- Spray improves delivery probability and re-
formation on neighbor nodes such as distance duces delivery delay. In contrast to the above
measurements, fixed upper/lower bounds and work, Bernsen and Manivannan proposed [20]
the number of neighboring nodes. Using this a routing protocol for VANETs that utilizes an
information, each node dynamically adjusts undirected graph representing the surrounding
the values of local parameters. The authors street layout, where the vertices of the graph
of this approach also proposed a rebroadcast- are points at which streets curve or intersect,
ing algorithm to obtain the threshold value. and the graph edges represent the street seg-
The results obtained show that AID is better ments between those vertices. Unlike existing
than other conventional schemes in its cate- protocols, it performs real-time, active traffic
gory. Fathy et al. [17] proposed a QoS Aware monitoring and uses these data and other data
protocol for improving QoS in VANET. The gathered through passive mechanisms to as-
protocol uses Multi-Protocol Label Switching sign a reliability rating to each street edge.
(MPLS), which runs over any Layer 2 technol- Then, considering the different environments,
ogies; and routers forward packets by looking a qualitative survey of position-based rout-
at the label of the packet without searching the ing protocols was made in [21], in which the
routing table for the next hop. major goal was to check if there was a good
Geographic based maintaining. The geo- candidate for both environments or not. An-
graphic routing based protocols rely mainly other perspective was offered by Liu et al.
on the position information of the destination, [22], who proposed a relative position based
which is known either through the GPS sys- message dissemination protocol to guarantee
tem or through periodic beacon messages. By high delivery ratio with acceptable latency and
knowing their own position and the destination limited overhead. Campolo et al. [23] used the
position, the messages can be routed directly, time, space and channel diversity to improve
without knowing the topology of the network the efficiency and robustness of network ad-
or prior route discovery. V. Naumov et al. [18] vertisement procedures in urban scenarios.
specifically designed a position-based routing Clustering based maintenance: In this
protocol for inter-vehicle communication in a type of routing scheme, one of the nodes
city and/or highway environment. Soares et al. among the vehicles in the cluster area becomes
[19] proposed the GeoSpray routing protocol, a clusterhead (CH), and manages the rest of

7 China Communications October 2014

the nodes, which are called cluster members. dynamic transmission range, the direction of
If a node falls in the communication range of vehicles, the entropy, and the distrust value
two or more clusters, it is called a border node. parameters. Wang et al. [26] refined the orig-
Different protocols have been proposed for inal PC mechanism and proposed a passive
this scheme, and they differ in terms of how clustering aided mechanism, the main goal of
the CH is selected and the way the routing is which is to construct a reliable and stable clus-
done. R. S. Schwartz et al. [24] proposed a ter structure for enhancing the routing perfor-
dissemination protocol suitable for both sparse mance in VANETs. The proposed mechanism
and dense vehicular networks. Suppression includes route discovery, route establishment,
techniques were employed in dense networks, and data transmission phases. The main idea
while the store-carry-forward communication is to select suitable nodes to become cluster-
model was used in sparse networks. A. Daein- heads or gateways, which then forward route
abi [25] proposed a novel clustering algorithm request packets during the route discovery
- vehicular clustering - based on a weighted phase. Each clusterhead or gateway candidate
clustering algorithm that takes into consider- self-evaluates its qualification for clusterhead
ation the number of neighbors based on the or gateway based on a priority derived from a

Table I Relative comparison of routing protocols in IoV maintain schemes

Vehicle Probabilistic No. of Packet
Speed Latency Distance Throughput Bandwidth Feasibility
density DelayRouting Hops Loss
PBR [10] Medium High High ND Medium Low Medium ND Medium Medium
OLSR [11] Low Medium Medium Medium Low ND Low High Low Low
AID [12] High Medium Medium Low High Medium ND ND Medium Low
eMDR [26] High ND High Medium High Medium High ND Low High
SADV [27] Medium Medium Low Medium High High Medium Medium ND Low
RBVT-R[13] Medium ND Medium Low Medium Medium ND High Medium Medium
QoSAware[15] ND ND Low ND Low Low Medium Low Low Low
CAR [16] Medium Medium Low High ND High ND Low Low Low
GRANT [28] High Medium Low ND High Low ND ND ND Low
GpsrJ+ [29] High Medium Medium High Medium Low ND ND ND Medium
GyTAR [30] Medium Medium Low Medium Low ND ND Medium Medium Medium
LOUVRE [31] Low ND Low High High ND High Low ND Low
GeoCross [32] Medium Low Medium Low High Medium ND ND ND High
GeoSpray[17] Medium Medium Low Low ND ND Low ND High Low
RIVER [18] Medium Low ND Medium Medium ND ND Low Medium Medium
GeoSVR [33] Medium Medium High Medium High High Low ND ND Medium
RPB-MD [20] High High High Medium ND ND ND High Medium High
AVRM [21] High Medium Medium High ND Medium Medium ND High Medium
FTLocVSDP[34] Low ND Medium Low Low High Low Medium High High
SRD [22] High High High ND High Medium Medium High High Medium
VWCA [23] Medium High High ND Medium ND Low High High High
PassCAR [24] High High Low Low High Medium ND Medium Low Low
MDDC [35] Medium Low Medium ND Medium Low ND Medium High Medium
C-VANETs [25] Low High ND Low Medium High Medium Medium High Medium
VADD [36] ND Low ND High High High High High High Medium
MURU [37] High High Medium Low Medium Medium Low High High Medium
EEDAHRP[38] Medium ND Medium Medium Medium Medium ND Low High Medium
ND = Not Determined

China Communications October 2014 8

weighted combination of the proposed metrics. avoidance. At present, collision avoidance
P. Miao [27] proposed a cooperative commu- technologies are largely vehicle-based systems
nication aware link scheduling scheme, with offered by original equipment manufacturers
the objective of maximizing the throughput as autonomous packages which broadly serve
for a session in C-VANETs. They let the RSU two functions, collision warning and driver
schedule the multi-hop data transmissions assistance. The former warns the driver when
among vehicles on highways by sending small a collision seems imminent, while the latter
sized control messages. partially controls the vehicle either for steady-
Based on the above overview, we provide state or as an emergency intervention [41]. To
a relative comparison of all routing protocols be specific, collision warning includes notifi-
in Tab 1. In this table, Route length is the total cations about a chain car accident, warnings
distance between source and destination. PDR about road conditions such as slippery road,
is the packet delivery ratio. Latency is the in- and approaching emergency vehicle warning
terval of time between the first broadcast and [5]. On the one hand, collision warnings could
the end of the last hosts broadcast. Latency be used to warn cars of an accident that oc-
includes buffering, queuing, transmission and curred further along the road, thus presenting
propagation delays. a pile-up from occurring. On the other hand,
they could also be used to provide drivers with
3.3 IoV applications
early warnings and prevent an accident from
With the rapid development of numeric infor- happening in the first place. Note that driving
mation technology and network technology, it near and through intersections is one of the
is brought forward that theautomatization and most complex challenges that drivers face be-
intelligentization of vehicle.This gives birth cause two or more traffic flows intersect, and
to lots of applications which combine safe the possibility of collision is high [42]. The
driving with service provision. For example, intelligent intersection, where such conven-
Apple CarPlay, originally introduced as iOS in tional traffic control devices as stop signs and
vehicles, offer full-on automobile integration traffic signals are removed, has been a hot area
for Apples Maps and turn-by-turn navigation, of research for recent years. Vehicles coordi-
phone, iMeessage, and music service5. Similar nate their movement across the intersection
to CarPlay, Google Android Auto provides a through a combination of centralized and dis-
distraction-free interface that allows drivers tributed real-time decision making, utilizing
enjoy the services by connecting Android de- global positioning, wireless communications
vices to the vehicle. Chinese Tecent recently and in-vehicle sensing and computation1. A
launched its homegrown navigation app Lu- number of solutions for collision avoidance
bao that features user generated contents and of multiple vehicles at an intersection have
social functions7. For demonstration purposes, been proposed. A computationally efficient
in this paper, IoV applications can be divided control law [43-45] has been derived from ex-
into two major categories: Safety applications ploitation of the monotonicity of the vehicles
and User applications. Applications that in- dynamics, but it has not been applied to more
crease vehicle safety and improve the safety than two vehicles. An algorithm that addresses
of the passengers on the roads by notifying the multi-vehicle collisions, based on abstraction,
vehicles about any dangerous situation in their has been proposed in [46]. An algorithmic ap-
neighborhood are called safety applications. proach to enforcing safety based on a time slot
Applications that provide value-added services assignment, which can handle a larger number
are called User applications. of vehicles, is found in [41]. Colombo et al.
Technologies to enhance vehicular and [47] designed a supervisor for collision avoid-
passenger safety are of great interest, and ance, which is based on a hybrid algorithm
one of the important applications is collision that employs a dynamic model of the vehicles

9 China Communications October 2014

and periodically solves a scheduling problem. physical connection to the vehicle. When a ve-
The intelligent intersection is motivated by the hicle enters the area near a service garage, the
potential benefits of comfort, safety, and effi- service garage can query the vehicle for its di-
ciency. Removing the driver from negotiating agnostic information to support the diagnosis
the passage through complicated intersections of the problem reported by the customer. Even
will improve driver comfort. Furthermore, as the vehicle approaches, the vehicles past
smooth coordination of vehicles through in- history and the customers information can be
tersections will provide improvements in fuel retrieved from a database and made available
efficiency, vehicle wear, travel time and traffic for the technician to use [49].
flow. It can also be switched over seamlessly
at higher traffic intensities to a more tradition- IV. CHALLENGES AND FUTURE WORK
al traffic control operation without the need for
any lights, stop signs or human intervention The objective of IoV is to integrate multiple
[41]. users, multiple vehicles, multiple things and
User applications are quite varied, ranging multiple networks, to always provide the best
from real-time or non-real-time multimedia connected communication capability that is
streaming and interactive communications manageable, controllable, operational, and
such as video-conferencing, weather informa- credible. Such a network system is not cur-
tion or Internet access such as data transfer, rently available, but it is highly desirable for
Web browsing, music download and interac- advancing the capabilities of future IoV ap-
tive games, to roadside service applications, plications. Efficient wireless access solutions
such as location and price lists of restaurants will be essential for manageable and credible
or gas-stations [5]. Generally speaking, user IoV. The solutions should consider the com-
applications provide two basic user-related munication coverage limitation in a complex
services: co-operative local services and global city. Sophisticated solutions can be developed
internet services. Co-operative local services that enhance the communication ability using
are applications focusing on infotainment that diverse technologies for the IoV. The transport
can be obtained from locally based services of big data, especially video, over the IoV,
such as point of interest notification, local can aggravate the network burden. Efficient
electronic commerce and media downloading. methods will also need to be developed for the
Global Internet services focus on data that can sustainability of service providing as vehicles
be obtained from global Internet services [48]. become mobile nodes in the global network.
Typical examples are community services, The integration of human and vehicle as one
h t t p : / / e l i b . d l r.
d e / 4 8 3 8 0 / 1 / C 2 C - CC _
such as insurance and financial services, fleet end-to-end user creates a new network model
management and parking zone management, and service model, which are very different 3
which focus on software and data updates234. from existing models. These new models liver/etsi_tr/102600_1026
Moreover, user applications include three maydisturb the operations of the IoV. New 99/102638/01.01.01_60/
types of use cases. The first type gives the ve- methods will be needed to assure a good qual- tr_102638v010101p.pdf
hicle or the driver the freedom to access any ity IoV experience.
type of information available on the Internet. Although many challenges have been
The second type allows local businesses, tour- proposed, most of them have focused on the pdf
ist attractions, or other points of interest to VANET or Vehicle Telematics, and few re- 5
advertise their availability to nearby vehicles. searchers have proposed the challenge of IoV ios/carplay
In this case, a roadside unit broadcasts infor- from a multi-user, multi-vehicle, multi-thing 6
mation regarding a point of interest such as and multi-network perspective. Obviously, wiki/Google_driverless_
its location, hours of operation, and pricing. there are many unprecedented challenges for 7
And the third type allows a service station to IoV, but we only specify three challenges in bao
assess the state of a vehicle without making a this section that need to be urgently addressed:

China Communications October 2014 10

1) what is the network model and service there is still a network bottleneck associat-
model of human-vehicle in IoV? 2) How to edwithwireless access parts. Joint optimi-
enhance communication ability in IoV? 3) zation among all the layers can be challeng-
How to cooperateamong Autobots? 4) How to ing because solving the bottleneck requires
assure the sustainability of service providing modification of multiple communication
in IoV? layers. Most of the works on network op-
etwork model and service model of hu- timization are derived from heuristics and
man-vehicle. We know that the network simulation. A mathematical framework to
model of a user derives from the Internet characterize the interactions among the lay-
and that the network model of a vehicle ers would be desirable. There is much work
is from VANET, both of which have been to be done to extend the communication
studied for many years, with many sophisti- capability to each layer. The difficulties are
cated models published. However, realizing due to 1) dramatic changes in the channel,
an efficient network model of human-vehi- network element, mobility, and resource,
cle is still an open problem. In the IoV, the and 2) inconsistent optimization goals in
network model of human-vehicle should terms of users, services, and networks.
be addressed to maximize the resource To combat these problems, several mod-
utilization, robustness and stability of the ifications to the network layer have been
network. Although still an open problem, proposed in the literature. However, these
some approaches could include the use modifications could not fundamentally im-
of deeplearning and cognitive comput- prove the communication ability of the IoV.
ing along with network link data sharing Achieving a steady supply of bandwidth
through Big Data technologies. A related for IoV traffic in presence of congestion is
issue here is focusing on finding the service a challenging task. We may use some intel-
and its space-time distribution characteris- ligent technologies to enhance the commu-
tics by establishing a quantitative evalua- nication ability, and subsequently, to reduce
tion system of a typical network service re- the redundant network traffic.
quirement. The next question is whether the Cooperation technologiesof virtual vehi-

service model of human-vehicle would be cles with drivers. With the popular of in-car
the same as the service model of the Inter- operating systems such as Carplay, Google
net or a mobile wireless network? There is Auto Link, QNX Car, more and more ve-
almost no research on this issue. The study hicles will be connected to IoV. Then in
of service characteristics during the process the computation platform of IoV, massive
of coordination with services and network virtual vehicles with drivers can interact
through the user participation mode of ser- with each other, which can provide better
vices, its evolution mechanism and trends, network experience for vehicles and drivers
and the building of a cognitive learning by using cooperation technologies. The co-
model are all fundamental research prob- operation among virtual vehicles with driv-
lems. The data obtained from such research ers contains two phases. The first phase is
can help establish a user's service behav- informationsensingandcollectionof phys-
ior, in terms of a cognitive learning model ical vehicles with drivers including finding
combining human, vehicle, and services, to the space-time distribution characteristics
improve the ability to cope with complex and behavior characteristic of vehicles, es-
space-time change of service requirements tablishing a quantitative evaluation system
in the IoV. of service experience quality, etc. The sec-
Enhancing communication ability. Although
 ond phase is interaction and evaluation of
current communication systems provide the virtual vehicles with drivers which includes
capacity to support network performance, whats the model of mixed network and

11 China Communications October 2014

service behavior, whats its work mecha- V. CONCLUSIONS
nism and evolution trend, how to cope with
complex space-time change of services. For With the rapid development of Internet and
example, based on the two phases, although communication technologies, vehicles that
physical two vehicles are not connectivity often quickly move in cities or suburbs
or not within the same scope, they also are havestrong computation and communication
connected and exchange information by abilities. IoV is emerging as an important part
these virtual vehicles with drivers. Or even of the smart or intelligent cities being pro-
when one vehicle is offline or stops, its posed and developed around the world. IoV
virtual vehicle can continue to run with its is a complex integrated network system that
role, and provide non-confidentialdata or interconnects people within and around vehi-
services for other virtual vehicles. cles, intelligent systems on board vehicles, and
he sustainability of service providing. As-
various cyber-physical systems in urban envi-
suring the sustainability of service provid- ronments. IoV goes beyond telematics, vehicle
ing in IoV is still a challenging task, calling ad hoc networks, and intelligent transportation
for high intelligence methods, as well as a by integrating vehicles, sensors, and mobile
friendly network mechanism design. Ve- devices into a global network to enable vari-
hicles in the IoV, such as smart vehicle, ous services to be delivered to vehicular and
"mediocre vehicle, idiot vehicle, cannot transportation systems and to people on board
be expected to give the same type and level and around vehicles. This paper first gives a
of services. These vehicles have coexisted network model of IoV, and later provides an
for at least 30 years. There are challenges abstract taxonomy of IoV activation, mainte-
in adjusting all vehicles to provide sustain- nance, and applications. Finally, an analysis of
able services over heterogeneous networks challenges and future study directions in IoV
in real-time, subject to limited network is also provided.
bandwidth, mixed wireless access, lower
service platforms, and a complex city envi- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
ronment. Other factors of concern are mo-
bility, network partitions and route failures, The work presented in this study is supported
change in channel quality and data rate, by the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing
and network load. Some of these have to be under Grant No.4132048, NSFC(61472047),
addressed by swarm intelligence computing and NSFC(61202435).
at the service providing stage. To assure the
sustainability of service providing in IoV,
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international conference on Hybrid Systems: Computational Science, Journal on Wireless Commu-
Computation and Control, Beijing, China, 2012. nications and Networking, etc. His research interests
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[49] H. Hartenstein and K. P. Laberteaux, A tutori- Telecommunications in 2004. His research interests
al survey on vehicular ad hoc networks, IEEE include Converged network and Service support en-
Communications Magazine, 6, vol. 46, pp. 164- vironment.
171, Jun 2008.
LIU Zhihan, is alecturerin State Key Lab of Net-
Biographies working and Switching Technology,Beijing University
YANG Fangchun, received his PhD degree in com- of Posts and Telecommunications. Hehas served
munication and electronic system from the Beijing as Deputy Secretary-General of China IoV Industry
University of Posts and Telecommunication in 1990. Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance. His re-
He is currently a professor at the Beijing University of search interests includeIoT, IoV anddecentralized
Posts and Telecommunication, and president of Stra- SNS.
tegic Alliance of China Internet of Vehicles Industrial
Technology Innovation. His current research interests SUN Qibo, He received the Ph.D. degree in Com-
include network intelligence and Internet of vehicles. munication and Electronic System from the Beijing
He is a fellow of the IET. University of Posts and Telecommunication, in 2002.
He is currently an Associate Professor at the Beijing
WANG Shangguang, is an associate professor at University of Posts and Telecommunication in China.
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He is a memberof the CCF. His current research in-
He received his Ph.D. degree at Beijing University terests include network security, network intelligence
of Posts and Telecommunications in 2011. He has and services

15 China Communications October 2014

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