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The literature review section critically examined the recent or historically

significant research studies, company data or industry reports that acts as a
basis for the purpose to study. To begin with research discussion of the related
literature and relevant secondary data from a comprehensive perspective moving
to move specific studies that are associated with research problem. Basically the
literature should be applied to the study that the researcher proposes. The
literature may also explain the need for the proposed work to apprise the short
comings and informational gaps in secondary data sources. This analysis may go
beyond scrutinizing the availability or conclusions of past studies and their data,
to examining the accuracy of secondary sources, the credibility of secondary
sources, and the appropriateness of earlier studies. A choice often reveled by
this exercise is that of using a secondary data approach instead of collecting
primary data. So, last but not the least a comprehensive review lays a basis

The review of literature session analyzes the significant research studies.

The secondary data may be used as a sole for a research study. Since in many
research situations one cannot conduce primary research because of physical,
legal or cost influences. The researcher procured and compiled the data in its
normal operations within its premises. The researcher has collected the company
profile and the sample profile from the various internal reports by the company.
The external secondary data recourses has been obtained by researcher from
the Central library, Government sources, Commercial sources and Industrial
sources as well as from the internet.

In the present scenario, the Internet facilitate the researcher in such way
that where the researcher can collect everything. Perhaps, it includes the profile
of the company, library sources as well as historically significant research

The review of literature has facilitated the researcher to have a familiarity

with the research problem undertaken and also is indicates the deficiencies as
well as informational gap. In result of this the researcher can make the primary
data collection more specific and more relevant research study. It has helped the
researcher to explore the research problem in an improved way. It has change
the earlier idea of the research. The review of literature are an integral part of a
large a research study or of a report to justify having bypassed the cost and
benefits of doing primary research. Primarily the research is depending on
primary data through the literature review helped the researcher to understand
more inside to the research problem by analyzing relevant research studies. For
any research problem, when secondary data is too exhaustive, the researcher
could depend on secondary sources. With the short span of time the literature
review has helped the researcher to have a strong background of the study.

Type of Research:

The research design constitutes the blueprint of the collection,

measurement and the analysis of data. The research design is the plan and
structure of investigation so conceived as to obtain answers to research
questions. The plan is the overall scheme or program of the research. The
researcher has adopted descriptive research studies. Descriptive research is
used to describe the conditions that are prevailing in the place where the
research study was conducted.

Sampling Technique:
Sampling is simply the process of learning about the population on the
basis of a sample. Thus in a sampling technique instead of every unit of the
universe only a part of the universe is studied and conclusions are drawn on the
basis for the entire universe.
A sample is a subset of the population units.
The researcher has adopted Random Sampling because population is known.

Sample size:
The researchers main concentration is to reduce the cost substantially.
Now if the researcher surveyed to a relatively smaller number of units would
mean relatively high cost per interview. Hence, the sample size consists of 250
for this research.

Sample Description:

The study was conducted with in the limits of Bangalore City. It covers
various places like J P nagar, Indhira nagar , Koramangala and B T M layout.

Instrumental Techniques:

The researcher has done the communication method by having a

structured non-disguised questionnaire. A structured non-disguised questionnaire
is the one where the listing of questions is in a prearranged order where the
objective of the enquiry is reveled to the respondents. Most market studies use
this type of questionnaire. It may be mentioned that in large majority of cases it
has been felt that the respondents should be taken in to confidence and clearly
told why the survey is being undertaken so that the respondents would realize its
relevance and give desired information accurately. The structured non-disguised
questionnaire consists of dichotomous questions, multiple choice questions,
ranking scales, and close-ended questions.
The researcher has used structured non-disguised questionnaire.

Actual Collection of Data:

The researcher has collected the actual data through personal survey with
the help of a structured non-disguised questionnaire.

The researcher has to exercise great care in choosing the method on the
basis of a couple of criteria or considerations which he thinks are important in the
survey so the given short span of time, if the researcher would go ahead with
mail survey or email survey or personal observation never be cost effective, so in
order to overcome from all these difficulties the researcher has done the actual
field work by personal survey. In this process the researcher has submitted a
well-structured questionnaire to the respondents by meeting them personally.

Tools Used For Testing of Hypothesis:

In attempting to arrive at decisions about the population, on the basis of

sample information it is necessary to make assumptions or guesses about the
population parameter involved. Such an assumption is called statistical
hypothesis, which may or may not be true. The procedure, which enables the
researcher to design on the basis, is sample regards whether a hypothesis is true
or not is called test of hypothesis or test of significance.
The null hypothesis asserts that there is no significant difference between the
statistics and the population parameters and what ever is observed difference is
there, is merely due to fluctuations in sampling from the same population. Null
hypothesis is thereby denoted by the symbol H0. Any hypothesis, which
contradicts the H0, is called an alternate hypothesis and is denoted by the
symbol H1.
The researcher has used chi-square analysis.


The 2 is one of the simplest and most widely used non-parametric

test in statistical work. It makes no assumptions about the population being
sampled. The quantity 2 describes the magnitude of discrepancy between
theory and observation i.e. with the help of 2 test we can know whether a given
discrepancy between theory and observation can be attributed to chance or
whether it results from the inadequacy of the theory to fit the observed facts. If 2
is zero, it means that the observed and expected frequencies completely
coincide. The greater the value of 2, the greater will be the discrepancy
between observed and expected frequencies.
The formula for computing chi-square is
2 = (O-E) 2/E
Where, O=Observed frequency
E=Expected or theoretical frequency

Other Software used for Data Analysis:

For the data analysis and the subsequent interpretation, the researcher
has adopted advanced version of MS Excel 2000. This application software has
facilitated the researcher to construct the frequency table, various types of
graphs and to find out the average responses form the sample. By this
automated data analysis it has minimized the researchers time constraints and
reduced human error and also accurate outlay of information.

Table Number 1.

Table shows the relation between the various sales promotion tools and the
opinion of the respondents.

Chi-Square Analysis.

Strongly Strongly
Parameters Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Total

Exchange offer 80 70 40 33 27 250

Discount offer 90 63 32 35 30 250

Prices 95 80 28 25 22 250

Warranties 70 85 43 32 20 250

Tie-in-offer 65 78 70 20 17 250

Total 400 376 213 145 116 1250

Source: Primary Data.
Ho: There is no significant association between the sales promotion tools and the
opinion of the respondents about sales promotion tools.

H1: There is a significant association between the sales promotion tools and the
opinion of the respondents about sales promotion tools.

Degree of freedom =16

Level of significance =5%

Calculated value= 47.791

Table value = 21


Since the table value is less than the calculated value. So Hypothesis is
rejected. Hence there is a significant association between the sales promotion
tools and the opinion of the respondents about sales promotion tools.
Table 2:

Table showing which companys televisions they are using

Particulars No of respondents Percentage

L.G 107 43
BPL 53 21
OTHERS 35 14
SOURCE: primary data


43% of them say LG, 22% of them say samsumg and 21% of them say its
BPL while 14% of them say its others.

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