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UfiU f;omnfi[g

Put o tick (r') or o cross (X).

This is mg This is mg I'ot eY,

bobg cousin. brother.

This is mg

Reod qnd circle the fomitg words.

Mg nome's Som. I live in o big house with
.g(ffihnd dod ond mg three sisrers qnd
two brothers. Mg grondpo ond grondmo live -
in the house next to us.We qU love qnimots. d io>
We've got cl dog. lt steeps in mg gorden.
grondporents hove got q cqt ond three fish.
v _)

Which is Som's fomitg?

Answer the questions.

I How mong brothers qnd sisters hqve gou got?

2 How mong peopte live in gour house?
3 Do gour grondfothers ond grondmothers live with gou?
4 Hove gou got q lot of cousins?
5 Hos gour fomilg got q pet?

E_ Me, mg fomitg ond mg home.

Write ond circle the words.

This is me!

Mg nome's

I live in q

mum dod brother sister

with mg grondmo grondpo

mum dod brother sister

ond mg grondmo grondpo

next to us.

We love cots dogs , but we hqven't got q cot dog gorden t

gordens ,

_ Ptog the gome!Who's thot?

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