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6 Caloulste the remainder {modu above:83 MOD 10=9, 0) of result {5} 7 Subtract (6) above fromm 10: 10-9 =3, The result ef the algorithm is 1 Invalid example inthis example, the ISBN has been encered incorrectly as two numbers have been transposed (and 3) accidentally: 78085374041-1 1 Addall the digits in even numbered positions together 978095374041):7 +0-547+0+7 =20, 2 Multiply result) above by: 20x 3 = 60. 3 Addall the digits incdd numbered postions together 978095374041) :9+8+9+3+4+¢=37, 4 Addresults (2) ane 3) together: 60 + 37=97. 5 Dwvidethe result (a) above by 19:97 + 19 6 Caleulete the remainder (modula 10) bore: 97 MOD 19=7. 7 Subtract (6) above from 10: 10-7 =3. Ey recite eet eee compared with the check ¢igttof 1 that was entered. They donot match. The ISBN entered is invalid, . sult TASK Usethe website ro genie check digits far pracuct cages, a DISCUSSION POINT ‘Theusualalgorthn for UFCSis te multiply the odd digs by S rather an the even digs. ILis only for 13 character barcodes that theever digitsare multipliec by 3 Find out how to calculate check digit fr 10 git | tarcodes Verification Verification is the process of checking that the data entered inta the computer system matches the original Visual checking ‘A method of veriication can be forthe user to visually check thet thedata entered ‘natches the original source. I hiscan be cone by reading the data displayec'on screen and comparing itwith the original data. IFthe data ‘matches, then ithas passed the verification process. lit does not match, chenithas felled the verification process and neecs 19 be re-entered. visual checking does not ensurethat the data entered is correct. Ifthe original data iswiorg, thenthe veriication process may still pass. For examole, ithe intended data is ABCD but ABC ison the source document, then ABCwil be entered into the computer and verified, butit should have been ABCD in the first place Double data entry ‘Another method of verification is to Inputdata into the computersystem twice. The two items of data ere compared by the computer systern ang ifthey match, then thoy are ver fied. Ifthere are any differences, then ane of the pues musthave been incorrect. wren changing a password, most systers ack the use’ to enter the new password t Thisis because itis cri.ical Frat Lig password is entered correctly n orrier that the user ean gain access to te system in tine lulure. Irthe nen passwords match, then the password will be changed. Ifthe new passwords don’t match, then one ofthe passwords must have heen ente: Incixtectly, It's stil possible to pass double entry verification and for the data lo seincorrect. Ifthe data is entered incorrectly twice, then the two values may match. For example ifthe CAPS ley islet on by mistake then both ertries would match, The need for both validation and verification ‘As youvwillhaveseen in the iwo sections above, itis possible to enter valid data thal is stil incorrect. tis also possible toverify incortact data. By using both validation end verification, the chances of enveting incorrect date are reduced, ata Urat is incorrect passes avalication check, then the verification check is likely to spot the error

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