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Sem II, Std III

1. What helps the birds to fly?

Ans- Following things help them to fly

a. Thin and hollow bones

b. Streamlined or boat shaped body
c. Strong muscles attached to the body

2. Write the uses of different types of feathers

Ans. Birds have different types of feathers

a. Flight feathers- are long feathers in the wings and tail. They are used for flying.
b. Down feathers- are soft and fluffy. They keep the bird warm.
c. Body feathers- cover the body and give the bird its shape.

3. What are talons?

Ans. Praying birds like eagles and hawks have sharp curved claws. These are called claws.

They use their talons to grip and carry small animals.

4. What are the characteristics or traits of living things?

Ans. The main characteristics of living things are:

a. Living things need food, air and water

b. They grow
c. They reproduce
d. They feel
e. They show movements

5. What is reproduction?

Ans. All living things produce young ones.

Producing young ones is called reproduction.

6. How do animals reproduce?

Ans. Animals reproduce by giving birth to young ones or by laying eggs.

7. How do plants reproduce?

Ans. Most plants produce seeds and new plants grow from the seeds.

Some plants produce baby plants from their stems or leaves.

8. Distinguish between
a. Living and non-living things
b. Plants and animals
Living things Non-living things
Living things need food, air and water Non-living things do not need food, air and
They grow They do not reproduce
They reproduce

Plants Animals
Plants do not move Animals move from one place to another
They make their own food They cannot make their own food
They breathe through stomata They breathe through their different organs

9. Fill in the blanks:

a. Animals move from place to place to find food and water.
b. Plants breathe through stomata.
c. Insects have feelers to feel changes around them.
d. Cockroaches breathe through air holes in their bodies.

10. Draw, colour and label how fish and plants breathe.
a. Fish-gills
b. Plants- stomata and leaf.

11. What is a nest?

Ans. All birds reproduce by laying eggs. When they have to lay eggs, they build homes called nests.

12. Why do birds make nests?

Ans. Birds make nests because:

a. To protect themselves and nestlings from harsh weather.

b. To lay eggs and sit over them, till babies come out.
c. To protect their eggs and nestlings from enemies.

13. What materials do birds use to make their nest?

Ans. Different birds build different kinds of nests. Most birds use twigs, leaves, thread or cotton to
make their nests. Some birds use pebbles and mud.

14. What is migration and why do birds migrate?

Ans. During winter, many birds from colder regions move to warmer places. This movement of birds
which takes place every year, is called migration. Birds migrate because food is not easily available
and they cannot lay eggs in cold conditions.

15. Fill in the blanks:

1. Woodpecker bird makes a hole in a tree trunk.
2. Tailor bird stitches leaves together to make a nest.
3. Weaverbird ties dry grass and twigs into knots to make a nest.
4. Partridge bird makes its nest on the ground.
Sem II, Std III
16. What helps the birds to fly?

Ans- Following things help them to fly

d. .
e. .
f. .

17. Write the uses of different types of feathers


d. .
e. .
f. .

18. What are talons?


What are the characteristics or traits of living things?

Ans. The main characteristics of living things are:

f. .
g. .
h. .
i. .
j. .
19. What is reproduction?


How do animals reproduce?


20. How do plants reproduce?

Distinguish between

c. Living and non-living things

d. Plants and animals
Living things Non-living things

Plants Animals

21. Fill in the blanks:

e. Animals move from place to place to find _______and ___________
f. Plants breathe through _____________
g. Insects have __________ to feel changes around them.
h. Cockroaches breathe through _____________ in their bodies.

22. Draw, colour and label how fish and plants breathe.
c. Fish-
d. Plants-

23. What is a nest?


24. Why do birds make nests?

Ans. Birds make nests because:

d. .
e. .
f. .
25. What materials do birds use to make their nest?


26. What is migration and why do birds migrate?


27. Fill in the blanks:

5. Woodpecker bird makes a hole in a tree trunk.
6. Tailor bird stitches leaves together to make a nest.
7. Weaverbird ties dry grass and twigs into knots to make a nest.
8. Partridge bird makes its nest on the ground.

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