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Project Name: I Map

Group Members:
Malik Agayev 130101002
Mahmud Allahverdiyev 103105007
Tebriz Isgenderov 130101006
Arzu Hasanli 130105006
Sabina Abbasova 130105002
Course name: Software Engineering
Lecturer name: Khayyam Masiyev
Class name: Computer Engineering 4
Project Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
The main object of the project is to create an application or web site for the people who dont
know the place or t for tourists. In many cases when we are going to visit somewhere we dont know
anything about that place. Now people could say that for that we have a lot of map applications,
GPRS and etc. But problem is that when we want to eat somewhere we dont know where to go and
it is not written on the map. We could get some recommendations from Tour Company or from that
people who are already visited that place. But we will not able to get clear information about how
prices are there, could we to that place whit family, or is that place near to your current location
beside that do you have other choices and etc. All that are important equations. Let us look to
another situation you need money and you have to find ATM but you dont know the place and you
dont know where nearest ATM. Taking all that and other problem in to the consideration it is abuse
that people need this app absolutely.
To understand what we could do to start any project we should first analyses markets and
understand need of the market. For that reason we have got a loss of meetings and found out that the
main problem of that moment is intellectual map which will help in any cases of each peoples life.

Literature review

The most popular geographical work to be printed from movable type in the fifteenth century was
Ptolemy's Geography or Cosmography. Originally compiled by the Alexandrian geographer,
astronomer, and mathematician Claudius Ptolemy in the second century A.D., it was translated from
Greek into Latin in Florence, Italy about 1410. The map of the world here reproduced, beautifully
illuminated with twelve wind heads, is one of thirty-two maps illustrating the edition of the
Cosmographia issued from the press of Lien hart Hole of Ulm, Germany, on July 6, 1482. Holes
edition was the first to be printed north of the Alps and the first to include maps printed from
woodcuts. To produce his printed editing, Hole used a manuscript copy prepared under the direction
of the Benedictine Monk known as Donnas Nicolaus Germanous.

This world map shows the state of European cartographic knowledge of the world prior to
Columbus' 1492 voyage. It reflects the Ptolemaic world view. The old (or known) inhabited
world oikoumene is depicted as extending 180 degrees east and west, but in reality it covers only
105 degrees of longitude. This elongation, greatly shortening the unknown portion of the earth, was
to influence navigators such as Christopher Columbus for many years. Also depicted is Ptolemy's
mistaken notion that the Indian Ocean was an enclosed body of water, an idea that was to be
disproved only five years later by the successful rounding of the Cape of Good Hope by
Bartholomeus Dias of Portugal.
New information began to find its way into the classical representations then in circulation in
Western Europe, and the 1482 world map was no exception. Nicolaus Germanous, for example,
extended the map northward to show Iceland (correctly positioned north of the British Isles) and
Greenland (incorrectly shown as a peninsula of Europe). Raleigh Skelton in the introduction to the
facsimile edition of Claudius Ptolemais Cosmographies, Ulm, 1482 (Amsterdam 1963) noted that
this is the "earliest printed delineation of Greenland, Iceland and the North Atlantic [on a world
map]; and this was to exercise a potent influence in the cartography of the early 16th century."

The Digital Maps virtual collection contains pointers to images that have been created of objects
from the Harvard Map Collection holdings. While the Map Collection owns maps from around the
world, only a representative sample of the collection have actually been imaged. Because of
copyright issues, only maps that are out of copyright are included here (currently before 1923 or so).

Maps from many geographic and thematic classifications are available. For a brow sable list of
categories, some highlights include: \Here is some Intellectual maps and general information about

Project mission
The project which is idea of the Khayyam Masiyev and directed by the I Map team will
produce the application which referees to customers who want to find nearest places to go and dont
know the surrounding or never used to go to that places.

Research questions
Intellectual maps are the maps which is work with internet and helps you to find the places by
searching. They have android, iOS and web formats. Now days use of intellectual map is popular
and it actual topic. Popular map is Google map.
Expanding Horizons European exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries drew on many sources. A
growing desire for expansion and trade, along with advances in shipbuilding and commercial
technique, fostered the search for new markets and for the legendary sources of precious metals and
other commodities.

Portuguese exploration and trade along the West African coast and to Atlantic islands, encouraged
and directed by Prince Henry de Avis, the Navigator, continued throughout the 15th century. He
assembled an international team of experts which made revolutionary advances in geography,
navigation, and cartography.

Handbooks, guides, and charts, along with the invention of more sophisticated and practical nautical
instruments, professional-sized what had been largely an intuitive craft. Crucial to these innovations
were Muslim and Jewish contributions in mapmaking and navigational instruments.
Main Principe of the project is analysis all kind of maps and the mark of maps. At the end design
strategic plan to make I Map.

Analysis and designing this kind of project will take approximately 3 moths or 4 moths.

Expected outcome
The main expectation is analyses a market and design the guide line for making Intellectual map. It
will be start-up project which will give an information to government organizations, people and
companies, give general information to foreign investors about the region capacity, also support and
give data about social and economic improvement.
Gives an information about the now days maps and applications, mainly which is like guide. Over
all about maps market.
This research project expects to have following outcomes by the end of the project.
Has identified areas within the Athletic Departments student data collection system that should be
targeted for further study. Upon completion of the Systems Analysis, we will define in detail the
problems that existing within the Intellectual maps. Our submittals will include a solution that will
efficiently manage the map and distribution of pleases data.

Preliminary Investigation
If we take a look the market there a lot of application that works a little bit smeller. But idea is
different. Theyre a lot of applications, which help you to find places, and they have section in order
to make search easer. But main defaults is most of them dont have language chooses, they dont
work in the foreign country, all most all of them locational, some of them created only for one aim;
food, hospital, touristic places etc. The major issue is all the applications show all places around 20-
30km and they dont gives almost any information about that palace.

Understanding the problem

If we take a look the market there a lot of application that works a little bit smeller. But idea
is different. Theyre a lot of applications, which help you to find places, and they have section in
order to make search easer. But main defaults is most of them dont have language chooses, they
dont work in the foreign country, all most all of them locational, some of them created only for one
aim; food, hospital, touristic places etc. The major issue is all the applications show all places
around 20-30km and they dont gives almost any information about that palaces.
Project will give an information to government organizations, people and companies, give
general information to foreign investors about the region composite, also support and give
data about social and economic improvement.

Application Procedure
Code error Human error
System features


Network Following the stages

Hardware 3 reports using SAD
Infrastructure Process Technics

Project Scope
The scope of I Map project includes the planning, design, development, testing, and transition of the
I Map voice recognition software package. This software will meet or exceed organizational
software standards and additional requirements established in the project charter. The scope of this
project also includes completion of all documentation, manuals, and training aids to be used in
conjunction with the software.
Project completion will occur when the software and documentation package has been successfully
executed and transitioned to Khayyam Massive. All I Map project work will be performed internally
and no portion of this project will be outsourced. The scope of this project does not include any
changes in requirements to standard operating systems to run the software, software updates or
Request Summary
Request have been replied and works start. First stage of the work is to make ready Businesses case
and then only after meeting will decade the next stage.
Business: Project idea owner is Khayyam Masiyev and his will patriciate in all stage of project and
all stages could only by his permeation.
Cost: limited cost for SAD in this stage is 0.
Human Resource: Team can contain only 3 member. The size of team is fixed.
Infrastructure: The use of any information material is acceptable.

1. List of Requirements
What is required to increase employee performance? This is a very serious and important
question that concerns most of the companies today. There are actually a lot of answers to this
question like developing trainings, building strong team spirit, employee appraisal, evaluating
success of employees, making promotions and so on. In this project we focused on only some of
them that are seemed most important to us.
First issue is employee satisfaction. Happy employees are productive employees. You must
give in order to receive. This statement is true for every environment included workplaces. It is
companys responsibility to provide its employees needs. After doing its burdens, the company
can expect hard work and success from its employees. Statistics show that the companies with
higher employee satisfaction is more successful. How to improve employee satisfaction? Firstly,
companies must revise workplace conditions. People spend in average eight hours of the day in
the work, so conditions of that place is very essential and directly connected to satisfaction.
Another method is evaluating their accomplishments. When they realize that their success are
considered they will feel more motivated and this will affect their performance. Managers and
supervisors must respect their workers ideas. This will also affect their performance in a good
Second requirement is good communication. This includes both communication between
employee and employee and manager and employee. Good communication helps everyone on a
team to feel heard and understood, and as a result, everyone benefits from a positive,
encouraging and successful environment. Good communication causes to good relationships and
innovations. When people within organization are communicating effectively, it opens the door
for cooperation and innovation. Employees in the company must not be hesitated to ask
questions to their managers. You never know which person will come which idea that may be
causes a great benefit to a company.

No Stakeholder Stakeholder sub groups Details

1 National authorities Governor high Regional
(at all levels) commissioner perfect Provincial
2 Traditional authorities Chief of village
3 Communication Media
4 Deconcentrated Government Services Health Health center
Education inspection of
Environment education
5 Opinion leaders Religious Imams
Authorities Priests
Parliamentarian Pastors

6 Local Authorities Head of Municipal The mayor

7 Direction of municipality General affairs
8 Education Universities Primary
Institutes Secondary
Colleges Specific
Training centers

Project usibility: Usefull for all

Cost for stage of SAD is zero

Saving time
(more information is above)

Manager and also owner of idea support the project but user havent seen product yet. User
see need of the product.

The new system will not require trainings for user. Using the application will be similar to others
Users will interview in order to check the usability of the product
New system will place new demands on users and require operating changes
Customer will affect and parasite on all stages both temporarily or permanently
Company does not have any risk to their image.
Development schedule does not conflict with other company priorities.
No legal or ethical issues need to be considerate.

Company have all resources needed.
The platform have capacity for release this project. Project is simple but the features which will
used for project is notion for this kind
Prototype will be ready after 6moths- 1 year
For making ready project both hardware and software will use
Hardware and soft are combination will show adequate performance because this kind of project
already exist.
Project will patented and at first step not all requirement will be executed

People, including IT staff and users: 20.000 man
Hardware and equipment: 10.000 man
Formal and informal training: 1000 man
Licenses and fees: 5000 man
Consulting expenses: 2000 man
Facility costs: 1500 man
The estimated cost of not developing the system or postponing the project: 30.000 man

The schedule feasibility will be controlled only by PM
Office and computers.
5% risk is acceptable
PM techniques will coordinate the project
Project manager will be appointed

Types of Requirements
The process of establishing the services that a customer requires from a system and the constraints
under which it operates and is developed.
If a stakeholder wishes to let a contract for a large software development project, it must define its
needs in a sufficiently abstract way that a solution is not pre-defined. The requirements must be
written so that several contractors can bid for the contract, offering, perhaps, different ways of
meeting the client organizations needs. Once a contract has been awarded, the contractor must write
a system definition for the client in more detail so that the client understands and can validate what
the software will do. Both of these documents may be called the requirements document for the
Here give three types of requirements: User, Functional and Non-Functional.

Functional requirements
Users are client manager, system end user, client engineering, contract manager, system architects.
User creates an account.
User adds information about him/her for filling his/her account.
User can view his/her account information.
User can delete account or update account by changing data.
User can search for place.
User can use wish list function.
User can use filter function.
User can add comments.
User can share where he/she is to other social media.
User can see additional information about places he/she go.

System Requirements

System requirement are uses by System end user, client engine, System architecture, Software

System requirement dived in two parts: functional and non-functional requirements.

Functional requirements

1. A user shall be able to search the restaurant and their properties.

2. A user shall be able to search banks, clinics, entertainment, hotels etc.

3. The system shall generate reserved places.

4. The system shall give an accurate information about the palaces

5. User shall be able to write comments

6. User shall be able to add placeless to wish list

7. User shall be able to share the place to other social media.

8. Each staff member using the system shall be uniquely identified by his or her eight-digit
employee number.

9. Each user using the system shall be uniquely identified and has user name and password.

Non-Functional requirements
There is no matter using which kind of technology the system will be very secure.
The System will be able to work 24 hours and will not meet any problem.
The system interface will be user friendly and very simple to use. Any person will be able to
use it easily.
The design will be minimalistic and more interesting, elegant to amuse users.
Any person, any time in a day will be able to connect this application.
The system should be provided the data integrity.
Speed: Processed transactions/second
User/event response time
Screen refresh time
Size: Mbytes. Number of ROM chips
Ease of use: Training time. Number of help frames
Reliability: Mean time to failure. Probability of unavailability. Rate of failure occurrence.
Robustness: Time to restart after failure. Percentage of events causing failure. Probability of
data corruption on failure
Portability: Percentage of target dependent statements. Number of target systems


Product Organizational External

requirements Requirements Requirments

Usability Effesiency Dependability Security Enviroment Requilarity Etical Legistivity

requirements Requirement Requirements requirements Tequirement Requirements Requirments Requirements

Persormance Operational Accounting

requiremendts Requirmetns Reuirements
Space Development
requirements Requirments

Product Requirement
The program shall be able 24 hour each day. Manager shall be able to access to all information 24
hours each day. Program shall give virtual memory for informations 3 MB. All information about
user shall protect accurately. Program shall work without any errors and speed should depend on
network requirements.

Requirement Check List

The Requirements Checklist is a convenient element that acts as a tally to indicate whether a
Requirement complies with a set of predefined measures such as whether the Requirement is
Atomic, Cohesive, Traceable and Verifiable. It can be assigned to any Requirement and the
measures can be updated directly in the diagram. When working with requirements it is sometimes
very useful to refer to a common set of 'best practices' and qualities that help define the nature of a
well formed specification. The Requirement Checklist element is designed to meet this need. This
section contains information that shows the requirements which are mentioned before are all
collected. It is built upon five main steps.
Performance Management relies on gathering accurate data about how processes perform in
order to stimulate improvement activity. Data that is collected from the very beginning of the
project is considered as input of the project. Before starting to work on the problem solution, we
should understand reasons behind the problem. What performance is considered as a poor
performance? and What performance is considered as a high performance? these are the
questions which leads us to the proper solution of the problem. In the understanding of the
problem research is the most essential part. In company employees form the main part of
population. That is why approach in problem solving process is communicate with them and try
to understand their problems and needs in the workplace.

This section shows result of the project. After finishing and handing project over to the
company, we must be in touch with the company to see if they implemented solving methods
appropriately in the workplace and if the result of the project is successful. The expected output
of this project is increase individual employee performances and overall company productivity.
Side effects of the project result are improvement in employee satisfaction, communication,
good working atmosphere, strong team spirit and so on. Which are directly tied to improvement
in employee productivity.
This section is located between input and output. After collecting information about
requirements it is time to decide what to with that information which is called processing.
Main aim of the project is to improve performance. After finishing of the project issues that are
planned to achieve are:
Highly visible performance difference
Continuous and sustained improvement in quality, cost, delivery and safety
Satisfied customer, shareholders and employees
Issues that this section contains are:
Regular Review Process
Formal and Well-understood Escalation Procedure
ID Task Name We Comply?
1 SAD Full
1.1 Planning & Defining Full
1.1.1 Project Agreement Full Abstract of Project Full Literature review of project Full Project mission Full Research Questions Full Expected Outcomes Full References Full
1.1.2 Business Case Full Meeting Full Memo1 Full Memo2 Full Request Form Full Preliminary Investigation Full Problem Description Full Anticipated Business Benefits Full System Capabilities Full Proposed Project Schedule Full Feasibility Analysis Full Organizational Full Technological Full Schedule Full Resource Full Economic Full Recommendation Full
1.1.3 RSR Full RSR Preparation Full User Requirements Full Introduction Full Program Requirement Full Data Requirement Full Life Cycle Requirement Full System Requirements Full Hardware Requirements Partial Architecture Partial Processing Power Partial Memory Partial Secondary Storage Partial Display Adapter Partial Software Requirements Partial Platform Partial APIs and Drivers Partial Functional Requirements Partial Entered Data Partial Operations Partial Work-Flows Partial System Reports Partial
Applicable Regulator Partial
Requirements Non-Functional Requirements Partial Performance Requirement Partial Safety Requirement Partial Security Requirement Partial Methods/Tools Full WBS Full Gantt Chart Full PDM Full PERT Full CPM Full Data Processing Full Object Processing Full
1.2 Software Not Yet
1.2.1 Design Not Yet
1.2.2 Implementation Not Yet
Development Document Not Yet
Preparation End User Manual Not Yet Technical Manual Not Yet
1.3 Testing Not Yet
1.3.1 Test Strategy Document Not Yet
1.3.2 Test Environment Not Yet
1.3.3 Testing Scenario Not Yet
1.3.4 Testing Phases Not Yet Code Testing Not Yet Development Testing Not Yet
1.4 Close Not Yet
Requirement Documentation Method

This document has been written so that those to designer group of project who need access
information about topic, and those who wish to learn all information about electron mapping and
start project in this spare.

Each section will make more understandable the project. First section is Method and tools here
could see different methods like, JAD, RAD, WBS with explanation, Gantt chart, PERT, and CPM.
For all this methods will be given an explanation and introduction in order make it more usable.

The second part which will consist of List of requirement will give accurate information about stake
holders, end user, demonstrators and etc. Following third part is about Types of Requirement. There
will be seen a detailed information about User, Functional, Non-Functional requirements. Nearly
last part is check list.

Define the scope of the session.
The scope of I Map project includes the planning, design, development, testing, and transition of the
I Map voice recognition software package. This software will meet or exceed organizational
software standards and additional requirements established in the project charter. The scope of this
project also includes completion of all documentation, manuals, and training aids to be used in
conjunction with the software.
Project completion will occur when the software and documentation package has been successfully
executed and transitioned to Khayyam Massive. All I Map project work will be performed internally
and no portion of this project will be outsourced. The scope of this project does not include any
changes in requirements to standard operating systems to run the software, software updates or

Expected benefits is to make most popular map system for both tourist and other peoples
The main problem which we will solve and which is our main requirement is easy to use and
contain all fiction about where to go and how to find program.
there are a lot of map programs. Actually they are not the same but similar.
It fits with strategic direction of stakeholder.

Schedule design sessions.
Conduct orientation and training for design session participants.
Prepare the materials, room, and software aids.
Customize the design session agenda.
Conduct the kickoff meeting.
In most cases, a particular technique or methodology will be followed in the JAD sessions. To
ensure participation, the customer must be educated in the terminology that will be used and the
deliverables that will be created in the JAD sessions.

Other preparation tasks include preparing the room with the proper equipment (PC, workstation,
overhead projector, flip charts, markers, white boards, and so forth), obtaining any software aids,
and preparing the reference materials and definition documentation that will be referenced
throughout the design sessions. An agenda is also prepared so that the objectives for each design
session are clearly stated and the participants can stay focused on the work to be done.

The final Preparation step is the kickoff meeting, at which the executive sponsor addresses the team
members and shows support for the JAD effort. This meeting is a key component of JAD. In
organizations using JAD for the first time, the meeting will minimize resistance within the
customer's organization and kindle a spirit of teamwork. A high? Level explanation of the JAD
process is given, preferably by the executive sponsor. If the sponsor is uncomfortable doing this, the
facilitator can present the orientation. The goals of the project are stated and everyone is made to
feel a part of the process. Initial concerns are expressed, and the executive sponsor works to ease
any fears. The executive sponsor also gives a personal statement of support for the facilitator.

Design Session

Process Models
User Interface
Data Model
Platform Specification
Development Languages specifications

The facilitator should frequently review the session goals and objectives, and report on how the
session's progress relates to the overall project. The facilitator should also designate a person who
will be responsible for resolving each issue or concern documented during the session. A resolution
date must also be assigned. Subsequent design sessions can then begin with a discussion of any
issues that have been resolved. (

The presentation and prototype demonstration should be given to the executive sponsor, as well as
to other leaders. The goal is to get approval to proceed to the next stage of development. The team
members, executive sponsor, and facilitator should also take some time to evaluate the effectiveness
of the JAD process and to discuss ways to improve that process for future use.

The Rapid Application Development methodology was developed to respond to the need to deliver
systems very fast. The RAD approach is not appropriate to all projects - an air traffic control system
based on RAD would not instill much confidence. Project scope, size and circumstances all
determine the success of a RAD approach. The following categorize indicates suitability for a RAD

Suitable for RAD - Focused scope where the business objectives are well defined and narrow.
Unsuitable for RAD - Broad scope where the business objectives are obscure or broad.

Suitable for RAD - Data for the project already exists (completely or in part). The project largely
comprises analysis or reporting of the data.
Unsuitable for RAD - Complex and voluminous data must be analyzed, designed and created within
the scope of the project.

Suitable for RAD - Decisions can be made by a small number of people who are available and
preferably co-located.
Unsuitable for RAD - Many people must be involved in the decisions on the project, the decision
makers are not available on a timely basis or they are geographically dispersed.

Suitable for RAD - The project team is small (preferably six people or less).
Unsuitable for RAD - The project team is large or there are multiple teams whose work needs to be


Suitable for RAD - The technical architecture is defined and clear and the key technology
components are in place and tested.
Unsuitable for RAD - The technical architecture is unclear and much of the technology will be used
for the first time within the project.


Suitable for RAD - Technical requirements (response times, throughput, database sizes, etc.) are
reasonable and well within the capabilities of the technology being used. In fact targeted
performance should be less than 70% of the published limits of the technologies.
Unsuitable for RAD - Technical requirements are tight for the equipment to be used.

WBS (Attachment WBS)

Here will be written detailed information about WBS. All task and subtask will discuss. Also
there will accurate information why the WBS is written in this way, way we divided our
project in this much of task and why they consist of this sub tasks.

We dived our in to big 4 parts which are: Analysis, Design/Implementation, Testing and
Closeting. It is the conception of SDLC.
Planning & Defining
Project Agreement: Firstly t start to any project we need to make agreement between sides.
Abstract of Project: Here given an information about project generally.
Literature review of project: Here is given a literature review abut project: Now days map and
all maps also function list
Project mission: Project mission in one sentences.
Research Questions: what is the problem? O which topic we will work.
Expected Outcomes: what we expected to see at the end of the project.
References: used references
Business Case
Memo1: With stakeholder
Memo2: With team
Request Form: request form for Stakeholder
Preliminary Investigation
Problem Description: Here is accurate description of problem.
Feasibility Analysis: Gives focus to the project and outline alternatives.
Narrows business alternatives
Identifies new opportunities through the investigative process.
Identifies reasons not to proceed.
Enhances the probability of success by addressing and mitigating factors early on that could affect
the project.
Provides quality information for decision making.

User Requirements
Functional Requirements
Non-Functional Requirements
Methods and tools

Gant Chart (Attachment)

In Gant Chart given a duration and dependency between the stages pf project. It is simpler to
manage the time management with gnat chart also.
PERT/CPM (Attachment)

Here given a different variation of the timing and dependency of stages. PERT gives and
pessimistic and optimistic variation of timing and CPM illustrate the dependency between

Task Name
I-Map 200 140 100
Planning & Defining 65 50 30
Project Agreement 3 2 1
Abstract of Project 2 1 0.5
Literature review of project 5 4 3
Project mission 2 1 0.5
Research Questions 3 2 1
Expected Outcomes 1 1 0.5
References 1 1 0.5
Business Case 26 24 18
Meeting 5 4 3
Memo1 3 2 1
Memo2 3 2 1
Request Form 4 3 2
Preliminary Investigation 25 24 15
Problem Description 5 3 1
Anticpated Business Benefits 14 12 10
System Capabilities 14 12 10
Proposed Project Schedule 14 12 10
Fesibility Analysis 4 3 1
Organizational 4 3 1
Technological 4 3 1
Schedule 4 3 1
Resource 4 3 1
Economic 4 3 1
Recomondation 4 1 0.5
RSR 30 28 20
RSR Preparation 2 1 0.5
User Requirements 2 1 0.5
Introduction 5 2 1
Program Requirement 4 2 1
Data Requirement 4 2 1
Life Cycle Requirement 4 2 1
System Requirements 5 3 1
Hardware Requirements 3 1 0.5
Architecture 2 1 0.1
Processing Power 2 1 0.1
Memory 2 1 0.1
Secondary Storage 2 1 0.1
Display Adapter 2 1 0.1
Software Requirements 2 1 0.5
Platform 5 4 0.5
APIs and Drivers 5 4 0.5
Functional Requirements 3 2 0.5
Entered Data 3 2 0.5
Operations 3 2 0.5
Work-Flows 3 2 0.5
System Reports 3 2 0.5
Applicaple Regulator Requirements 3 2 0.5
Non-Functional Requirements 3 1 0.5
Performance Requirement 1 3 1
Safety Requirement 3 2 1
Security Requirement 3 2 1
Methods/Tools 28 22 15
WBS 4 3 2
GanttChart 4 3 2
PDM 4 3 2
PERT 3 2 1
CPM 3 2 1
Data Processing 5 4 3
Object Processing 5 4 3
Software 47 45 30
Design 16 15 5
Process Models 4 3 1
User Interface 5 4 1
Data Model 5 4 1
Platform Specification 4 2 1
Development Languages specifications 4 2 1
Implementation 45 50 30
Development Document Preparetion 55 50 30
End User Manual 24 20 15
Cover page 1 1 0.5
Title Page 1 1 0.5
Copyright Page 4 3 2
Preface 3 2 1
Content Page 4 3 2
Troubleshooting Section 3 2 1
FAQ 4 3 2
Help 3 2 1
Contact Details 2 1 0.5
Technical Manual 7 5 2
Installation 1 1 0.5
Operation 1 1 0.5
Maintenance 3 2 1
Part List 3 2 1
Support 2 1 0.7
Training Requirements 3 2 1
Define features to be included in each release 3 2 1
Implemen code control system 3 2 1
Setup development environment 3 2 1
UI Development 4 3 2
Testing 50 45 40
Test Strategy Document 40 27 20
Introduction 4 3 2
Scope 3 2 1
Resource&Schedule for Test Activity 4 3 2
Acceptance Criteria 3 2 1
Tools 3 2 1
Test Priorities 3 2 1
Test Planning 5 4 3
Executing a Test Pass 4 3 1
Types of Testing to be Performed 4 3 2
Risk and Issues 4 3 1
Test Environment 3 3 1
Determine to Take Backups 5 4 1
Verify Network Configuration 5 4 1
Iddentify Server Operating System 2 1 1
Identify Database 2 1 1
Identify the Number of License 4 3 1
Testing Schenario 2 1 1
Story Lines 3 2 1
State Transitions 3 2 1
Business Verticals 3 2 1
Implementation Story from Customers 3 2 1
Testing Phases 17 15 8
Code Testing 7 6 2
Release Testing 3 2 1
Bug Fixes 3 2 1
Development Testing 10 7 5
Unit Testing 2 1 0.5
System Testing 2 1 0.5
Integration Testing 2 1 0.5
UAT 2 1 0.5
Smoke Test 2 1 0.5
Regression Test 2 1 0.5
Performance 2 1 0.5
Close 10 7 5
Administrative Closure 2 1 0.5
Project Evaluation Review 2 1 0.5
Supporting 2 1 0.5
Post-Project Review 2 1 0.5
Final Report 3 2 1
Presentation 2 1 0.5

1. Frontend
1. a Context of I-MAP
Here is given general context of project. There given not only the titles of context but detail
information and sub topics of connote. Context contain 5 main titles:

1. b General Activity List of Project

General Activity list of project show all activities while using the project. Here shown all stages of
activity from beginning and till finding new placeless to go. Here clear description of using the

1. c General Use Case of project

General user case show all and detailed information about project Use Cases for all stages of
projects like in contexts. Here you can see connection between user and functions. The connection
dived in some parts like: searching system, user interests, login etc.

1. d General Sequences of Project

General Sequence show the login and all detailed information about Sequence.

2. New User Detailed
2.1 A WBS
Here show context only for new user. New user divides in two parts like admin and normal user.
Their sign up look same but there some difference like Sending approval message to admin etc. and
occur the page which will created will be different. Admin is the person which own place which is
registered in app. The main admin is different.
2.1. B Activity

2.1. Cause case

Graph gives a detailed information about use case of project. This apart use case of sign in part here
is shown the connection between user and sign in purses.
2.1. D Sequence
Sequence of project is show only sing up information sequence part. In this part clearly shone the
sequence of sign up project.

2.2 Login
2.2. A WBS
In computer security, logging in (or logging on or signing in or signing on) is the process by which an individual
gains access to a computer system by identifying and authenticating themselves. The user credentials are typically
some form of "username" and a matching "password"
2.2. B Activity List
Activity diagram of GPS of project. Activity diagram of GPS describe the activity for 2 situation in

2.2. C Use Case

Graph gives a detailed information about use case of project. This apart use case of log in part here
is shown the connection between user and log in purses.
2.2. D Sequence
Sequence of project is show only Login information sequence part. In this part clearly shown the
sequence of Login project

2.3 Filter
2.3. A WBS
Text searching lists pages with the following types of matches:



Most recent author

Tag text
You can use advanced search features, such as quoting text, to get exact matches.
But here will be more function to easily find what you looking for.

2.3. B Activity
Activity diagram of GPS of project. Activity diagram of GPS describe the activity for 3 situation in

2.3. C Use Case

Graph gives a detailed information about use case of project. This apart use case of filter part here is
shown the connection between user and filter purses.
2.3. D Sequence
Sequence of project is show only sing up information sequence part. In this part clearly shone the
sequence of Filter project

2.4 WTD
2.4. A WBS
In this section shown a webs OD WTD unction. This function help to user to update main wall. Also
this function help user to follow new places which that person interested in.
2.4. B Activity
Activity diagram of GPS of project. Activity diagram of GPS describe the activity for 5 situation of

2.4. C Use Case

Graph gives a detailed information about use case of project. This apart use case of WTD part here
is shown the connection between user and WTD purses.
2.4. D Sequence
Sequence of project is show only WTD information sequence part. In this part clearly shone the
sequence of WTD project

2.5 GPS
2.5.a WBS
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system made up of at least 24
satellites. GPS works in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, with no
subscription fees or setup charges. And here WBS of GPS which format will use our application.
2.5. B Activity
Activity diagram of GPS of project. Activity diagram of GPS describe the activity for some two
situation for clicking.

2.5. C Use Case

Graph gives a detailed information about use case of project. This apart use case of GPS part here is
shown the connection between user and GPS purses.
2.5. D Sequence
Sequence of project is show only GPS information sequence part. In this part clearly shone the
sequence of GPS project

3. Backend
3.1 ER diagram
An entity relationship diagram (ERD) shows the relationships of entity sets stored in a database. An
entity in this context is a component of data. In other words, ER diagrams illustrate the logical
structure of databases.
At first glance an entity relationship diagram looks very much like a flowchart. It is the specialized
symbols, and the meanings of those symbols, that make it unique.

3.2 Class Diagram

Classes represent an abstraction of entities with common characteristics. Associations represent the
relationships between classes.
Illustrate classes with rectangles divided into compartments. Place the name of the class in the first
partition (centered, bolded, and capitalized), list the attributes in the second partition (left-aligned,
not bolded, and lowercase), and write operations into the third.

Common Functions

WTD ()
Search () Username: String
Filter () Password: Integer
Profile ()
New Operation ()

User Information:

Name: String
Add () Id: Integer
Modify ()

Type: Integer
Price: Integer
Distance: Integer Map: Integer
Destination: Integer
WTD Information () Transport: Integer
Comments: Integer
Test cases (draft):
1. Place cursor in text box and type Baku and click on Search maps.
2. Check place is displayed in maps.
3. Check for any location/business address in selected area.
4. Zoom in for clear view.
5. Click on Street view.
6. To check directions click on Get Directions and type locations A and B and
click on Get Directions; should display directions to reach B from A.
7. Check for live traffic click on Traffic button; should display live traffic with
traffic speed.
8. Try right and left click functions.
9. Try drag and move map around.

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