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Task 4.1: - Procedures for producing large horizontal curves used in road
Calculation for setting out have been done in the office, work can proceed on site.

Locate the tangent point set up the theodolite over it. This is usually done by locating
the Intersection Point from straights and taping back along one straight, or set out
directly from control survey points by calculating their co ordinates.
Sight the IP through the telescope and set the horizontal circle to zero. Alternatively,
sight back down the straight and set the horizontal circle to 180.
Turn the theodolite to the required angle for the entry sub chord and, with the zero
end of the tape attached to the tangent point peg, mark out the position of the first point
on the curve.
Turn the theodolite through a further angle of corresponding to the deflection angle for
the first full short chord and, with the zero end of the tape now attached to the first curve
peg, mark out the position of the second point on the curve.
Repeat the process until the second Tangent Point is reached.
Check the curve using a different method, e.g. halving and quartering.

Task 4.2: - Large horizontal curve calculation

I. Intersection angle = 89 08 09
II. Circular curve radius = 500m
III. Chainage of Intersection Point = 6051.35m
IV. Chord length = 20m
500/20 = 25m; 20m < 20 and its suitable

01. Tangent length = Rtan2

= 500 x tan(89 08 09"2)
= 492.52m
02. Chainage of T1 = 6051.35m 492.52m
= 5558.83m
03. Curve length = R
= 3.14 X 500 X 89 08 09"
= 777.46m
04. Chainage of T2 = (5558.83 + 777.46)m
= 6336.29m

01. Entry sub chord = 5560m 5558.83m

= 1.17m
02. Standard chord = 38 X 20
= 760m
03. Exit sub chord = 6336.29m 6320m
= 16.29m
Total curve length = 1.17m + 760m + 16.29m
= 777.46m

Deflection angles
01. Entry sub chord = 28.648 X 1.17500
= 3 50 20
02. Standard sub chord = 28.648 X 20500
= 65 39 23
03. Exit sub chord = 28.648 X 16.29500
= 53 28 37

Chord Chord Chainage Deflection angle Setting out angle Remarks

length (m)
Entry 1.17 5560 3 50 20 3 50 20 Peg 01
2 20.0 5580 65 39 23 692943 Peg 02
3 20.0 5600 65 39 23 Peg 03
4 20.0 5620 65 39 23 Peg 04
5 20.0 5640 65 39 23 Peg 05
6 20.0 5660 65 39 23 Peg 06
7 20.0 5680 65 39 23 Peg 07
8 20.0 5700 65 39 23 Peg 08
9 20.0 5720 65 39 23 Peg 09
10 20.0 5740 65 39 23 Peg 10
11 20.0 5760 65 39 23 Peg 11
12 20.0 5780 65 39 23 Peg 12
13 20.0 5800 65 39 23 Peg 13
14 20.0 5820 65 39 23 Peg 14
15 20.0 5840 65 39 23 Peg 15
16 20.0 5860 65 39 23 Peg 16
17 20.0 5880 65 39 23 Peg 17
18 20.0 5900 65 39 23 Peg 18
19 20.0 5920 65 39 23 Peg 19
20 20.0 5940 65 39 23 Peg 20
21 20.0 5960 65 39 23 Peg 21
22 20.0 5980 65 39 23 Peg 22
23 20.0 6000 65 39 23 Peg 23
24 20.0 6020 65 39 23 Peg 24
25 20.0 6040 65 39 23 Peg 25
26 20.0 6060 65 39 23 Peg 26
27 20.0 6080 65 39 23 Peg 27
28 20.0 6100 65 39 23 Peg 28
29 20.0 6120 65 39 23 Peg 29
30 20.0 6140 65 39 23 Peg 30
31 20.0 6160 65 39 23 Peg 31
32 20.0 6180 65 39 23 Peg 32
33 20.0 6200 65 39 23 Peg 33
34 20.0 6220 65 39 23 Peg 34
35 20.0 6240 65 39 23 Peg 35
36 20.0 6260 65 39 23 Peg 36
37 20.0 6280 65 39 23 Peg 37
38 20.0 6300 65 39 23 Peg 38
39 20.0 6320 65 39 23 Peg 39
40 16.29 6336.29 53 28 37 Peg 40 (T2)

Task 4.3: - Check the verticality of a pile structure using the a theodolite
A diagonal eye piece can be fitted to the theodolite telescope and the telescope clamped
in the vertical position.
Take care and ensure that the theodolite is carefully levelled, that the vertical circle is
set to give a vertical angle of 90 and the altitude bubble, if one exists, is levelled.
The theodolite can now be used in the same manner as an auto plumb.
To reduce the instrumental error to a minimum, only use the horizontal crosswire, with
the theodolite turn through each of the four quadrants.
The resulting transferred line will form a small square and the centre of this square will
be the plumbed up point. (Engineering, 2013)

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