Kayser J 2014 Qol Assesment in German Female Infertile

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Campus Lbeck

Quality of life assessment in German female infertile patients:

a prospective cohort study conducted at a university-affiliated
infertility care center
J. Kayser, M. Depenbusch, K. Von Horn, A. Schulze-Mosgau, G. Griesinger1

Study aim
This study aimed at assessing quality of life (QoL) by means of an objective measurement tool (FertiQoL) in German infertile patients
before a first IVF/ICSI cycle with ancillary assessment of changes in FertiQoL scores after a failed first cycle and the predictive
capacity of FertiQoL scores of treatment discontinutation.
score Mean
total score
What is known already: 80
at initiation
of the first 16.3%
FertiQoL is an internationally validated IVF/ICSI
instrument to measure quality of life in
individuals experiencing fertility problems. 76
Subscales and total scales show high 74
total score
reliability and sensitivity of FertiQoL to well- 72
at initiation
of the
established moderators of QoL. A validation 70
in German patients has as yet not been Group A Group B Group C
Group A: All Patients before first IVF/ICSI cycle
Group C2 cycle 60.6% 18.3%
performed. The potential uses of the FertiQol Group B: Patients who achieved live birth in the first cycle
Group C: Patients who did not achieve pregnancy and who continued
tool in a clinical context have not yet been treatment and filled out a second FertiQoL scoring sheet
fully explored. Group C2: Patients of group C who achieved live birth in second cycle
Fig.1: MeanTotal FertiQoL scores of sub-groups in the study
Participants/materials, setting, methods:
Female patients (mean age 33.8 years, Main results and the role of chance:
mean duration of infertility 4.2 years) were Before a first IVF/ICSI cycle, the mean (SD) scores patients who did not achieve
offered to fill out the core FertiQoL (24 items for subscales emotional, mind-body, relational and pregnancy and who continued
social items were 61 (19), 74 (17), 81 (14) and 78 treatment and who filled out a
in emotional, mind-body, relational and social second FertiQol scoring sheet
subscales) in addition to a sociodemographic (14), respectively and the total FertiQoL score was patients who achieved pregnancy
questionnaire also including self perception 74 (12) (Fig. 1&2). Seventeen patients who did not but not yet a live birth
of fertility status. Furthermore, all IVF/ICSI achieve pregnancy and who continued treatment
treatment outcomes were assessed. and who filled out a second FertiQol scoring sheet ( patients who achieved live birth in
Fig.3) showed a mean total score of 77 (9) at the first cycle
Study design, size, duration: initiation of a second cycle versus 74 (8) at initiation
Prospective cohort study (duration: 12/2011- of the first cycle (Fig. 1). patients who achieved live birth in
12/2013) on 118 female patients; fertility Patients who discontinued treatment after a failed the second cycle
quality of life (FertiQoL) tool together with a first cycle (Fig. 3) had a mean total score at initiation
questionnaire on sociodemographic variables of the first cycle of 73 (13) vs. 75 (8) in patients who patients who did not achieve
was filled out at the time of first IVF/ICSI continued treatment (Fig.3) and 78 (11) in patients pragnancy and did not fill a second
treatment initiation; follow-up assessment achieving live birth (Fig. 3). All differences were not
Fig. 3: Assignment of the different scopes in
was offered at initiation of a second cycle in statistically significant. the study population
case of failure.
Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Summary answer: FertiQol Emotional 21 100 61.1 18.5
The mean FertiQoL score before first
IVF/ICSI treatment was 74 (Fig.2). Mean FertiQol Mind-Body 21 100 74.2 17.3
FertiQoL scores did not change after failure FertiQol Relational 42 100 81.1 13.5
to achieve pregnancy in a first IVF/ICSI
FertiQol Social 29 100 77.7 14.4
cycle. FertiQoL score did not significantly
differ between patients who discontinued FertiQol Total 38 99 73.5 12.3
treatment after a first cycle vs. patients Duration partnership (years) 1 20 8.3 4.6
continuing treatment.
Duration infertile (years) 1 17 4.2 3.0
Fig.2: FertiQoL scores in the study population

Wider implications of the findings:

The present study has established a reference level of QoL in the clinical setting of patients starting to attempt IVF or ICSI and may
serve as basis for future studies. FertiQoL scores are unlikely to identify patients at high risk of discontinuation, and contrary to
intuition FertiQoL scores did not change with the burden of a failed attempt, but larger data sets are necessary to corroborate this

1correspondence: griesing@uni-luebeck.de


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