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City International School, Wanowrie


To perform and observe the following
reaction and classify them into combination,
1.Chemical Rxns and decomposition,displacement and double
1 APRIL equation Chemical equation displacement reaction
(chp-1) Writing a chemical equations
Balanced chemical equations
Types of chemical Rxns
Combination Rxns Decomposition
Displacement Rxns
Double Displacement Rxns
Oxidation and Reduction
2.Life Processes What are life processes-Nutrition 1.To prepare a temperary mount of a leaf
(chp-6) Autotrophic Nutrition-Heterotophic peel to show stomata.
Nutrition-Nutrition in Human beings
Respiration-Transpiratation in plants
Human beings-Transportation in 3.To show experimentally,CO2 is given out
Excretion in human beings durery respiration
Excretion in plants
1.To study the dependece of potential
(PHYSICS) Electric current & circuit
difference(V) across a resistor on the current
(I) passing through it and determine its
resistance.Also plot a graph b/w V and I.
3.Electricity Electrical potetial and potential difference
2.To determine the equivalent resistance of
two resistors when connected in series and
(chp-12) Circuit Diagram-Ohm's Law parallel .
Factors on which the Resistance of a
conductor depends
Resistance of a system of Resistors
Resistance in series and parallels
Heating effects of electric current
Practical applications of Heating effect
of electric current-electrice power
2 JUNE (CHEMISTRY) Understanding the chemical properties
To find the ptl of the sampler by using pH
Acids,Bases and Salts of Acids and Bases i)Acids and bases in lab paper/
(chp-2) ii)How do Acids and bases react with Universal indicater
To study the properties of acids and bases
metal.iii)How do metal carbonates & metal HCl & NaOH
hydrogen carbonates react with acids
iv)How do acids and bases react with each
=Rxn of Non-metallic oxide with base
What do all acids and all bases have in common
i) What happens to an acid or base in a water
solution ii)How strong are acid and base solutions
iii)Imporance of pH in everyday life iv)More
about salts v)Are the crystals of salts really dry

(PHYSICS) Magnetic field and field lines

3.Magnetic effects of i)Magnetic field due to a current carrying
electrics current conductor.ii)Magnetic field due to current through
(chp-13) a straight conductor.iii)Right-hand thumb rule

iv)Magnetic field due to a current through a circular

loop v)Magnetic field due to current in solenoid

Force on a current cassying cunductor in a magnetic

field-electric motor-electromagnetic induction
-electric generator-Domestic electric ciricuts
Continuation of chp-6
Life Processes

The chemical properties of Acids and Bases i)Acids

3 JULY (CHEMISTRY) and bases react with
metals. Iii)How do metal carbante and metal hydrogen
4.ACIDS,BASES carbonatic react
react with each other v) Rxn of metallic oxidis with
and SALTS of Non-

(chp-2) metallic oxide with base -What di all acids in common

Contriuation What happens to an acid or a base in a water solution

How strong are cid or base solutions
Importance of PH in everyday life
More about slts
i)Family of slats ii)PH of salts iii)Chemicals from
common salts
iv)Washing soda
Are the crystals of salts really dry
-Animals i)Nervous system-What happens in reflex
Control and co-ordination action human brain,
Coordination in plants, Immediate response to
(chp-7) & stimulus,movement due
to growth
-Harmones in animals
How do Organisim How do Organasims Reproduce 1.To study binary fussion in amoeba

-Do organasims create exact copies of themselves. i)

Reproduce (chp-8) The importance of & budding in yest with help of slides
variation-Modes of Reproduction used by single
organisms i)Fission 2/ To identfy the different part of
ii)Fragmentation iii)Regeneration iv) Budding
v)Vegetative propagation and embryo of dicots seed
vi) Spore formation-Sexual Reproduction , why the
sexual mode of
reproduction ii) Sexual reproduction in flowering
plants iii)Reproduction in human
beings iv)Male nd female reproductive and system-
reproductive Health

Physical Properties i)Metals ii)Non-metals-Chemical
Metals & nonmetals properties of metals
i)What happens when metals are burnt in air ii)What
(chp-3) happens when metals
react with water ii)What happens when metals react
with acids iv)How do metals
react with solution of other metal salts v)The
Reactivity series
How do metals & Non-metals react
i) Properties of ionic compunds
Occurrence of metals i)Extraction of
metals,enrichment of ores
Refining of metals
Corrosion-Prevention of corrosion
Heredity& Accumulation of variation during
reprodution-Heredity i)Inherited traits ii)Mendel's
Evolution contribution iii)How
do these traits get expressed iv)sex determination-
(chp-9) Evolution i) All illustration
ii) Acquired & inherited traits-speciation-Evolution &
classification i)Tracing
evolutionary relationship ii)Fossils iii)Evolution by
Evolution should not be equated with progress
i)Human evolution
Reflection of light -spherical mirrors i)Image 1.Dermination the focal length of
Light-Reflection & formation by spherical mirrors a)concave mirror b)convex lens by obtaining the
Refraction ii)Representation of Images formed image of a distant object.
(chp-10) by spherical mirrors using ray diagrams
Use of concave mirrors & convex mirrors
2. To trace the path of a ray of light passing
through the rechange for glass slab for
different angles of incidence.Measure the angle
of incidence, angle of
refraction,angle of emergence & interpret
Sign convention for Reflection by spherical mirrors the result.

Mirror formula & Magnification, Refraction of light, 3.Tracing the path of the rays of light through a
refraction through a Rectangular glass slab glass prism.
Refractive index
Refraction by spherical lenses
4. Finding the image distance for varying object
in case of a convex lens and deawing
Image formation by lenses i)Image formation in lenses correponding ray diagrams to show the nature
using ray diagram sign convention for spherical of image formed.
lenses-power of lenses


Bonding in carbon-The covalent bond-Versatile Nature

5 SEPTEMBER Carbon & its compounds of carbon To study the properties of ethanoic acid
i)Saturated & Unsaturated carbon compound
(chp-4 ii)Chairs,benches & rings
iii)Homologous series iv)Nomenclaure of carbon

Chemical properties of carbon compounds To study the comparative cleaning capacity of

i)Combustion ii)Oxidation iii)Addition
rxn,iv)Substitution rxn-Some important a sample of soap in soft & hard water
compounds ethanol & ethanoic acid
Properties of ethanol & ethanoic acid
Soaps & Detergents
Sources of Energy What is a good sources of energy
Convention sources of energy i)Fossil Fuel ii)Thermal
(chp-14) power plant
iii) Hydropower plant iii)Improvements in the
technology for using
conventional sources of energy
Biomass, Wind energy
Allternative/Non-conventional sources of energy-solar
from the sea
Geothermal energy,Nuclear energy
Enviromental consequences
How long will an energy
sources last us
The Human Eye The Human eye i)Power of Accomodation
Defects of vision and their correction i)Myopia
& the colourful ii)Hypermetropia iii) Presbyopia
World Refraction of light through a prism
Dispersion of white light by
glass prism
Atmospheric Retraction
Scattering of light-Tyndall effect
why is the colour of clear sky blue? Why is the colour
of sun at sunrise & sunset?

Syllabus for UT I -Chpt 1- Chemical reactions and equations,Chpt 6 - Life processes, Chpt12 Electricity

Syllabus for Half yearly- Chpt 1, 6,12 and Chpt 2 -Acids, Bases and salts, Chpt 7- Control and coordination, Chpt 13 -Magnetic effects of electric current, Chpt
14- Sourcess of energy

Syllabus for Pre board I AND II- Chpt 1 to 16


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