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Siemens PLM Software

Teamcenter Integration for AutoCAD


Installation and Administration Guide

Software Release: 8.0

Document Revision: A

Date: 2011
Teamcenter Integration for AutoCAD (TCAA)
PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

Proprietary & Restricted Rights Notices

This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management
Software Inc.
2009 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks belong to
their respective holders.

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Teamcenter Integration for AutoCAD (TCAA)
PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

Manual Publication
Teamcenter Version Autodesk AutoCAD Version TCAA Version
Revision Date

AutoCAD 2010
Teamcenter 2007 1.7
AutoCAD 2011
AutoCAD 2012
A Teamcenter 8.3 Release 8.0 March 2011
AutoCAD Mechanical 2010
Teamcenter Express 4
AutoCAD Mechanical 2011
Teamcenter Express 5.3
AutoCAD Mechanical 2012

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Teamcenter Integration for AutoCAD (TCAA)
PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Audience ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Organization ............................................................................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER 1 REQUIREMENTS AND PREREQUISITES.........................................................................7

About TCAA ................................................................................................................................................................. 7

TCAA Server ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

System Requirements ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Software Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Teamcenter 8 or Teamcenter 2007 ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Teamcenter Express ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

TCAA Client ................................................................................................................................................................. 8

System Requirements ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Teamcenter 8 - Teamcenter 2007 - Teamcenter Express ................................................................................................... 8
Autodesk AutoCAD Versions and Requirements ................................................................................................................ 8

CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................... 10

Installing TCAA Server ............................................................................................................................................... 10

TCAA 8.0 Server New Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Concurrent installation of TCAA 8.0 Server and AM4.3 .................................................................................................... 13

Installing TCAA Client ................................................................................................................................................ 15

TCAA Setup ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15
TCAA Silent Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 19

TCAA Post Installation Tasks ..................................................................................................................................... 21

Configure the connection to Teamcenter ......................................................................................................................... 21
Configure Open-In-AutoCAD ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Clear Teamcenter Cache ................................................................................................................................................... 22
Restart Services ................................................................................................................................................................. 22

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CHAPTER 3 ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................ 23

System Architecture .................................................................................................................................................. 23

Client Administration ................................................................................................................................................ 23

Client Preference Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 23

Server Administration ............................................................................................................................................... 25

Setting Options for Item Creation ..................................................................................................................................... 25
Defining Item IDs ............................................................................................................................................................... 25
Defining Item Revision IDs ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Defining File Names .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
File Renaming and Item ID Mapping together .................................................................................................................. 27
Datasets............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Site Preference Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Site Preferences Reference ............................................................................................................................................... 33

Attribute Mapping .................................................................................................................................................... 36

Attribute mapping settings on the server side .................................................................................................................. 37
Attribute mapping settings on the client side ................................................................................................................... 39

CHAPTER 4 GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................ 40

CHAPTER 5 TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................ 43

Generating Log files .................................................................................................................................................. 43

Teamcenter log ................................................................................................................................................................. 43

Naming Rules ............................................................................................................................................................ 43

Sub Item types in TCAA ............................................................................................................................................. 44

Performance Enhancements ..................................................................................................................................... 44

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Teamcenter Integration for AutoCAD (TCAA)
PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

This guide describes the prerequisites, installation, administration and troubleshooting for the Teamcenter
Integration for Autodesk AutoCAD (TCAA).

The reader of this document should be an experienced Teamcenter system administrator who is familiar with
Autodesk AutoCAD and data management concepts.

Chapter 1 Requirements and Prerequisites
Describes the system requirements, software prerequisites and the installation procedures for the TCAA
server and client and also provides a brief overview of the TCAA architecture.

Chapter 2 Installation
Describes administrative tasks related to TCAA. It is divided into two subsections that deal with system
administration for the client and server, including the TCAA data model and various supporting utilities.

Chapter 3 Administration
Describes administrative tasks related to TCAA and system administration for the client and server, including
the TCAA data model and various supporting utilities.

Chapter 4 Glossary
Describes TCAA and Teamcenter terms

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Describes causes and solutions to possible errors

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 1 Requirements and Prerequisites

This chapter describes the system requirements and prerequisites for installing the TCAA server and the
TCAA client.

About TCAA
TCAA is an AutoCAD CAD connector for Teamcenter. TCAA is composed of two primary components: TCAA
server and TCAA client.
The server layer for TCAA is tightly integrated into Teamcenter using the Teamcenter SOA framework.
The client layer is a light weight CAD-centric integration into the Autodesk AutoCAD GUI.
The server and client operate as a designer-centric interface between Autodesk AutoCAD and Teamcenter.

TCAA manages design data by accessing the Teamcenter database directly from AutoCAD. It also ensures
that the AutoCAD designs are secure, reusable and accessible across the enterprise.

TCAA Server
This section describes the system requirements and software prerequisites for installing the TCAA server.

System Requirements
The TCAA server supports the minimum system recommendations for operating a Windows-based
Teamcenter server (Windows XP, Windows 2003). It depends on the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
from Siemens PLM Software for communication between Teamcenter and AutoCAD.

Software Prerequisites
TCAA supports the following versions of Teamcenter software products.
Teamcenter 2007 MP 1.7 or higher
Teamcenter 8.3

Teamcenter 8 or Teamcenter 2007

TCAA Server must be installed with Teamcenter 2007 or Teamcenter 8 Server in two-tier or four-tier mode.
Verify that the four-tier mode is successfully configured by going to the URL:

http://<Teamcenter server name>:<port number>/tc/admin

- Teamcenter server name is the machine on which the Web Application Server (Weblogic,
Websphere, JBoss) is installed and the Teamcenter "ear" (Enterprise Archive) is deployed
- port number is the TCP port for connecting to the web-tier.

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If the four-tier mode is configured correctly, the Teamcenter Global Configuration webpage will be displayed.
If the Global Configuration web page is not displayed, see the Teamcenter Installation on Windows Servers
Guide to configure the Teamcenter four-tier architecture.

Teamcenter Express
When installing TCAA client with Teamcenter Express there are no additional configurations needed
because Teamcenter Express automatically installs the four-tier architecture using the IIS Web Application
Verify that the four-tier is configured successful by going to the URL:

http://<Teamcenter Express server name>:<port number>/tc/admin

If the four-tier mode is configured correctly, the Teamcenter Global Configuration webpage will be displayed.
If the Global Configuration web page is not displayed, see the Teamcenter Installation on Windows Servers
Guide to configure the Teamcenter four-tier architecture.

TCAA Client
This section describes the system requirements and software prerequisites for the TCAA client.

System Requirements
The TCAA sever and the Teamcenter server should be installed and configured before installing TCAA client.
TCAA is based on the SOA Architecture and supports all system requirements and multi-tier installations
recommended by Siemens PLM Software for the SOA Architecture.
Micorsoft .NET 3.5 SP1 is required in order to have all TCAA features working properly.
The following sections describe requirements for installing TCAA client for the supported versions of

Teamcenter 8 - Teamcenter 2007 - Teamcenter Express

TCAA client has to be installed on machine(s) where AutoCAD and Teamcenter Rich Client have been
already installed.
For the TCAA client it is mandatory that a Teamcenter Rich Client be installed on same machine and that the
connection to the Rich client is verified.
It is recommended that the connection be verified by attempting a login to Teamcenter from the workstation
that is also deploying TCAA.
Depending on the kind of installation, 2-tier or 4-tier, it may be necessary to perform some Post Installation

Autodesk AutoCAD Versions and Requirements

One of the following versions of AutoCAD must be installed on the client before installing TCAA Client.
TCAA client has to be re-installed if AutoCAD is upgraded to a newer version.
It may happen TCAA client needs to be re-installed even after having applied an AutoCAD Service Pack or

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

TCAA client supports the following versions of AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical:

AutoCAD/AutoCAD Mechanical 2010

o 32-bit
o 64-bit

AutoCAD/AutoCAD Mechanical 2011

o 32-bit
o 64-bit

AutoCAD/AutoCAD Mechanical 2012

o 32-bit
o 64-bit


- Not all AutoCAD features are supported by TCAA. Refer to TCAA User Manual for more information.

- After having installed a new version of AutoCAD, AutoCAD application has to be launched at least once
before installing TCAA client.

- There is a known issue with 64 bit OS installations: every time a brand new AutoCAD session is started, the
first login into Teamcenter will take about 2-4 minutes to complete.

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Chapter 2 Installation
The following sections describe the TCAA server installation process for the supported versions of
Teamcenter. The TCAA server installation instructions are followed by the TCAA client installation
instructions and post install tasks.

Installing TCAA Server

This section contains instructions for installing TCAA server with all supported versions of Teamcenter.

TCAA 8.0 Server New Installation

The instructions in this section applies if TCAA server has never been installed in the current Teamcenter 8/
Teamcenter 2007 / Teamcenter Express 4.x / Teamcenter 5.3 environment.
It is mandatory to go through the TCAA Server System Requirements and Software Prerequisites section
before proceeding with TCAA server installation.

Hereafter the procedure to install TCAA server is described:

1. Log in with administrative privileges.

2. Double-click the tcaa8_server_msi.exe file and click Next at the TCAA Server welcome screen.

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

3. The second page allows selecting TCAA Server installation folder. In order to change the default value,
edit the folder field or use the Browse button. Once done click Next.

4. In the third page the Teamcenter TC_DATA folder has to be specified. Once done, click Next.

5. Click Install in the next window.

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

6. Click Finish in the last window where there are some instructions for next step.

7. Launch Teamcenter Environment Manager (TEM) and perform the following steps:

a) Select Configuration Manager and click Next.

b) Select Perform maintenance on an existing configuration and click Next.

c) Select the existing configuration and click Next.

d) Select Teamcenter Add/Remove Features and click Next.

e) Click the Browse button and navigate to TCAA Server installation folder defined in step 3 (by default
it is C:\Program Files\Siemens\Tcaa_Server).

f) Select the file feature_autocad.xml located under:

TCAA_2007_Installation\BMIDE_Package for Teamcenter 2007 installation

TCAA_8_Installation\BMIDE_Package for Teamcenter 8 installation.

g) The AutoCAD Foundation feature should now be listed under Miscellaneous category. Check
AutoCAD Foundation feature and click Next.

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h) Log in as the Teamcenter Administrative User and click Next.

i) Verify Database Template summary shows feature_autocad.xml and click Next.

j) To confirm selections, click Next.

k) When the Successful window appears, Close the Install Features Panel.

8. Perform Server post installation tasks referring to the section TCAA Post Installation Tasks

Concurrent installation of TCAA 8.0 Server and AM4.3

TCAA 8.0 data model is fully compatible with AutoCAD Manager 4.3 data model. Therefore the two products
can coexist on the same machine.
If AM 4.3 has been already installed on the target system, the following procedure has to be fulfilled in order
to install TCAA 8.0:

1. Install the TCAA Server launching tcaa8_server_msi.exe and follow the setup wizard as explained for a
new installation.

2. Once the setup wizard is over, launch the Environment Manager for Teamcenter (TEM).

3. Select Configuration Manager and click Next.

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4. Select Perform a maintenance on an existing configuration and click Next.

5. Select the existing configuration and click Next.

6. Select Update the Database and click Next.

7. Enter Teamcenter Administrative User/Password and click Next.

8. Click the Browse button and navigate to TCAA Server installation folder (by default it is like C:\Program
9. Select
- under TCAA_2007_Installation\BMIDE_Package for Teamcenter 2007 installation.
- feature_autocad.xml under TCAA_8_Installation\BMIDE_Package for Teamcenter 8 installation.

10. Select the AutoCAD Foundation feature in Teamcenter 2007 or verify that AutoCAD Foundation feature
is marked to be updated in Teamcenter 8 and click Next.

11. Close the Install Features: Successful window.

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

Installing TCAA Client

Before installing the TCAA Client, it is mandatory to have gone through the TCAA Client System Requirements
and Software Prerequisites.

TCAA Setup
Before performing TCAA Client Installation, it is imperative the server side of TCAA be installed and running
properly. It is necessary to verify the AutoCAD Foundation is installed using the Teamcenter Environment
Manager (TEM) before proceeding with the steps outlined below.
Note: the AutoCAD application needs to be started at least once before installing TCAA Client.

The required steps to install the TCAA client are outlined below:

1. Log in with administrative privileges.

2. Extract the contents of the TCAA installation zip file.

3. Double-click Tcaa80_client_msi.exe.

4. Next at the TCAA client welcome screen.

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

5. Select the AutoCAD version(s) on top of which TCAA has to be installed.

6. Enter the TCAA installation folder.

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

7. Enter the Teamcenter client root folder (TC_ROOT folder).

Note: this information is needed for two different reasons:

- To allow TCAA supporting 2-tier connections. This connection mode is available only if current
Teamcenter rich client is accordingly installed.
- By the setup procedure itself to install Open-In-AutoCAD feature (only for Teamcenter 8.x. For
Teamcenter 2007 or for troubleshooting see section Configure Open-In-AutoCAD).

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

8. Review the current selections and click Install to start the installation.

Note: a warning message may be displayed at the end of the selection list. Its content depends on
Teamcenter client installation and can report one or both the following notifications:

- 2-tier connections will not be supported by TCAA if Teamcenter client installation does not appear
to be configured for 2-tier connections (iiopservers\start_imr.bat not found under the specified
Teamcenter root folder).

- Open-In-AutoCAD feature will not be installed in Teamcenter RAC if folder portal\plugins (or
rac\plugins for Over the Web installations) is not found under the specified Teamcenter root folder.
See Configure Open-In-AutoCAD to manually install the feature.

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9. During the installation process feedback is provided on the installation status.

10. Click Finish when the install completes successfully.

11. Run AutoCAD application.

12. TCAA tips dialog box will initially be visible

13. If the required connection server is not available in the list inside the login page, exit AutoCAD and go
through the procedure described in the section Configuring the connection to Teamcenter.

14. Perform post installation tasks referring to the section TCAA Post Installation Tasks.

TCAA Silent Install

In order to install TCAA client without the user interaction, Tcaa80_client_msi.exe has to be launched
providing the needed information as input arguments.

In particular it is necessary to specify:

1. /qb option to launch the silent installation instead of the default setup wizard
2. The installation folder (APPDIR option)
3. The target AutoCAD version (AUTOCAD_RELEASE_NUMBER option):
R18.0 for AutoCAD 2010
R18.1 for AutoCAD 2011
R18.2 for AutoCAD 2012
4. Teamcenter installation root (TC_ROOT_NS option)
Optionally it is possible to specify a custom TCAA configuration folder (TCAA_CONFIG_PATH option).

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The silent setup will log information in Tcaa_client_msi_log.txt under the temporary folder exactly the same
way as if a manual install was performed.
In order to log msiexec engine specific information add the option /l <log file name>.

The full command line syntax is (optional arguments in square brackets):

Tcaa80_client_msi.exe /qb [/l LogFileName] APPDIR=TargetInstallationFolder
AUTOCAD_RELEASE_NUMBER=TargetAutoCADVersion TC_ROOT_NS=TeamcenterInstallationFolder


Tcaa80_client_msi.exe /qb /l %temp%\Tcaa_client_silent_msi.log APPDIR="C:\Program Files

(x86)\Siemens\Integrations\AutoCAD\TCAA" AUTOCAD_RELEASE_NUMBER="R18.1"
TC_ROOT_NS="C:\Program Files\Siemens\Teamcenter8"

Note: on 64 bits OS, APPDIR cannot be located under %ProgramFiles%. It has to be located either under
%ProgramFiles(x86)% or under a different folder.

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

TCAA Post Installation Tasks

The following post installation tasks are required after having installed TCAA.

Configure the connection to Teamcenter

The information about the connection to Teamcenter used by TCAA is stored in TCAAAPP.PAR file (see
Client Preference Settings for additional details on the file content).

In order to add or configure the connection parameters used by TCAA the user has to go through the
following steps:

1. Launch AutoCAD at least once and close it. In this way, the default TCAAAPP.PAR will be
generated. Failure to perform this step will halt the post install process as the TCAAPP.PAR file will
not exist
2. Launch the batch EditTcaaServerconfig.bat located under Windows Start Menu All Programs
Tcaa8_client as shown in the following figure:

3. The batch script will open TCAAAPP.PAR for editing. The two entries TC_SERVER_TITLE and
TC_SERVER_NAME have to be added.

TC_SERVER_TITLE is an arbitrary name assigned by the user to identify the connection. This value
will be showed in the list of available servers in the login page.

TC_SERVER_NAME contains actual connection information and depends on the type of connection:

4-tier connection: http://<servername>:<portnumber>/tc/

2-tier connection: corbaloc:iiop:localhost:<portnumber>/<servername>

where <portnumber> and <servername> are referred to Teamcenter Server Installation.

It is possible to define a list of connections. For each connection define a unique
TC_SERVER_TITLE and the related TC_SERVER_NAME as described above.

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Configure Open-In-AutoCAD
This post installation step is required to enable the Open in AutoCAD functionality from Teamcenter Rich
Application Client.
In order to install this feature it is necessary to take the following actions:
1) Under TCAA installation folder, locate the proper jar file depending on the currently installed
Teamcenter version:
<InstallationPath>\Rac\2007\TCAAcustom_8.0.0.jar for Teamcenter 2007
2) <InstallationPath>\Rac\8\MechworksTcaaplugin_8.0.0.jar for Teamcenter 8.3
3) Copy the jar file to Teamcenter installation folder <TC_ROOT>\portal\plugins for TEM installation or
<TC_ROOT>\rac\plugins for Over The Web installation.
4) Launch the script <TC_ROOT>\portal\registry\genregxml.bat (or <TC_ROOT>\rac\registry\genregxml.bat for
the Over The Web installation).

Once this post installation step is completed, all known AutoCAD datasets will be represented with the right
icon in Teamcenter and can be opened directly from RAC with double-click.

Clear Teamcenter Cache

In some installations, problems have occurred with the Teamcenter client connections. If this occurs it is
suggested to delete the folder under: <User directory>\Teamcenter\RAC.

Restart Services
After completion of the installation of the TCAA client, TCAA server and required Post Install tasks, it is
necessary to reboot both Client and Server to reset all the services installed.

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

Chapter 3 Administration
This chapter covers various topics related to administration and deployment of TCAA.

System Architecture
The architecture for TCAA is anchored in the latest SOA technology developed by Siemens PLM Software
for interfacing CAD systems with Teamcenter.

Client Layer:
The client layer is a light weight CAD-centric integration into the Autodesk AutoCAD GUI.
Requirements for the TCAA client are:
Installation of Autodesk AutoCAD;
Installation of Teamcenter client RAC;
Properly configured Teamcenter Server.

Client Administration

Client Preference Settings

The client configuration files are located in the %APPDATA%\TCAA directory on the PC where TCAA is
installed. The following configuration file is used with TCAA: TCAAAPP.PAR


The TCAAAPP.PAR file contains the information related to last used Teamcenter servers, last login info and
user preferences. Following is a sample of the file:

; TCAxAPP.PAR - TCAx (C)Siemens global parameters file
; TCAx Teamcenter servers list
TC_SERVER_NAME http://VMTC20071/tc/
TC_SERVER_NAME http://VMTC8301:8080/tc/
; TCAx client preferences

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide


TC_LOGIN_SERVER http://VMTC8301:8080/tc/
; User options

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PLM SOFTWARE Installation and Administration Guide

Server Administration

Setting Options for Item Creation

Unmanaged AutoCAD files are imported in Teamcenter during the first save/create operation in TCAA or
using the TCAA Bulk Loader Tool (see the related sections in TCAA User Manual for details).
During this first save operation, for each imported file TCAA has to create a new item containing a new
dataset that references the imported file.
TCAA provides different options to drive the assignment of the item ID, the Item Revision ID and the file
name for the new item being created. In particular the following options are available:
- the new item id can be set by Teamcenter rules or set equal to the file name being imported
- the new item revision id can be set by Teamcenter rules or set on the basis of the revision number
stored in the AutoCAD drawing
- the file stored in Teamcenter can retain its original filename or can be renamed on the basis of the
Item ID

The 4 primary TCAA preferences that control Item IDs, revision IDs and drawing filenames during the save
process are:
- TCAA_Mapping_ItemID (see section Defining Item IDs for additional details)
- TCAA_Mapping_RevID (see section Defining Item Revision IDs for additional details)
- TCAA_file_rename (see section Defining File Names for additional details)
- TCAA_file_name_rule (see section Defining File Names for additional details)

It is necessary to understand the effect each one has on the save process and resulting Teamcenter Item
- the *file* preferences above focus on the creation of the actual file name as saved in Teamcenter
and focus must be on not creating broken references if bulk import is utilized.
- the *Mapping* pair of preferences above focus on the creation of a unique ITEM and Revision ID in
Teamcenter and set where these unique IDs originate from.
These 4 preferences are part of the entire set of TCAA preferences described below in the section titled Site
Preference Settings.

Note: these preferences play a role only during new item creation. Therefore they are not taken into
consideration when updating data already stored in Teamcenter.

Section File Renaming and Item ID Mapping together recaps the possible cases for Item ID and file renaming

Defining Item IDs

TCAA provides two options for defining Item IDs to be used while saving new data to Teamcenter: Item IDs
can be assigned by Teamcenter or Item IDs can be assigned on the basis of the file name.
While both these methods allow save data to Teamcenter equally well, the method chosen at company level
will have an impact on the behavior of the TCAA save environment.

The rule driving the process of assigning Item IDs is also known as Item ID mapping.
The Item ID mapping is controlled by TCAA_mapping_ItemID site preference.

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Possible values are:

0 - For Teamcenter Item ID (Default)
1 - For AutoCAD File Name

Teamcenter Item IDs

Item IDs are generated by Teamcenter and provided to TCAA during the save process. In this case, TCAA
asks Teamcenter for the next available Item IDs and applies them to the items being saved. In this way,
Item IDs generated are guaranteed to be unique and will conform to business rules in place in Teamcenter.
This case is also referred to as No mapping.

File Name Mapping

At the Item creation, during the Save/Create process, Item IDs are mapped from the File Name of the
AutoCAD datasets. In this case, it is necessary to have processes in place to ensure assignment of unique
file names to all AutoCAD data as it is created. TCAA will help identify and correct duplicate file names.

Item ID Mapping during Setup

In case of large number of AutoCAD files to be migrated to Teamcenter, it is suggested to work with File
Name Mapping (set TCAA_mapping_ItemID = 1) to assign Item IDs. In this way TCAA will detect when a
component has already been imported to Teamcenter and it will avoid saving multiple copies of the same file
with different Item IDs.

After the bulk importing process is complete, it is recommended to switch this setting back to the value of 0 to
allow Teamcenter to provide item IDs.

Defining Item Revision IDs

It is possible to activate the mapping between the Item Revision ID and the drawing revision number.
If the mapping is activated the drawing revision number is used as the starting Item Revision Id when saving
un-managed data to Teamcenter for the first time. In case the drawing revision number is empty, the user is
asked to provide the Revision ID during the save process. The entered value will be assigned to the drawing
Note: the mapping between Item Revision and drawing revision number takes place only when saving the
item for the first time to Teamcenter: for subsequent revisions of the same item, the Item Revision IDs will be
assigned by Teamcenter according to business naming rules.

The Item Revision ID mapping is controlled by TCAA_mapping_RevID site preference.

Possible values are:
0 - Item Rev ID assigned by Teamcenter (Default)
1 - For activating the mapping between Item Rev ID and drawing revision

Defining File Names

The name of the actual file on the hard disk can be automatically set to be derived from the Item ID. This
behavior is configured with the combination of two site preference settings called TCAA_file_rename and
TCAA_file_name_rule. These preferences are site wide settings that can thus be setup inside Teamcenter
Rich Application Client.

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If the file rename option is set to 0, files saved initially to Teamcenter will retain their original filename as
defined on the operating system (or last local save).

If the file rename option is set to 1, files will be renamed according to the file rename rule.
If the file rename rule option is set to 0, all files will get a file name matching the Item ID.
If the file rename rule option is set to 1, the Original File Name is appended to the Item ID for composing the
new file name.

When working with un-managed data, the file rename option must be switched off to prevent broken
references for drawings using XREFs.
If file rename option is left on, all drawings migrated to Teamcenter will be renamed in order to match the
Item ID (or Item ID + Original File Name). The remaining un-managed drawings will report unresolved
external references if referencing files that had been renamed.

When working with all managed data, which entails creating all new data in the context of other components
or referencing newly created components only after they have been saved to Teamcenter, automatic file
renaming can be switched on. This will eliminate the need to come up with unique filenames for all
The following table reports possible and default values for the two options.

Preference Possible Values Default Value

0 (no file renaming)

TCAA_file_rename 1
1 (file rename switched on)
0 (file name = Item ID)
TCAA_file_name_rule 1
1 (file name = Item ID + Original File Name)

File Renaming and Item ID Mapping together

When file renaming is enabled (TCAA_file_rename = 1), the item ID and the file name become dependent on
each other.
The following table recaps the possible cases and the implemented behavior (000xxx stands for Item ID
generated by Teamcenter).

1 (File Name from Item ID and/or

TCAA_FILE_NAME_RULE 0 (File Name from Item ID) Original File Name)

TCAA_MAPPING_ITEMID Item ID File Name Item ID File Name

0 (Item ID from Teamcenter) 000xxx 000xxx.dwg 000xxx 000xxx-OriginalFN.dwg

1 (Item ID from Original File Name) OriginalFN OriginalFN.dwg OriginalFN OriginalFN.dwg

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The following table lists the Autodesk AutoCAD data components (datasets) that TCAA manages in

Dataset Type Icon Description File Extension

ACADDWG Autodesk AutoCAD Drawing .dwg

ACADTMPL Autodesk AutoCAD Drawing Template .dwt

ACADDWF Autodesk Design Web Format .dwf, .dwfx

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Site Preference Settings

TCAA behavior is driven by a number of Teamcenter site preferences.

TCAA site preferences are not added to the server setup at installation time and must be specifically added
to alter default value. This may lead to unexpected behavior. It is recommended to specify each server
preference, even if left as default, to insure complete coverage and definitive expected behavior.
In order to override the default behavior for each TCAA site preference Teamcenter administrators have to
first create the site preference and then assign it the wanted value using Teamcenter Rich Client.

The current values for TCAA site preferences can be displayed using the command Preferences on TCAA
client side (available either in AutoCAD main menu or in Teamcenter menu):

Note: the Site options section is greyed out if the user is not currently logged into TCAA. In that case, the
shown values are not ensured to be consistent to the ones currently set in Teamcenter.

As previously stated the value of each site option is assigned to its default value and then overwritten with
the value coming from the related Teamcenter site preference (if existing).

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The list of TCAA preferences currently defined in Teamcenter can be showed by an administrator in
Teamcenter Rich Client following these steps:

1. Connect with administrative permissions in Teamcenter Rich Client.

2. From the menu bar launch Edit Options.

3. In the displayed dialog click on Index and then in Search On Preference Name enter the string

4. The Preferences List box contains the list of TCAA preferences currently defined. Just after TCAA
server installation such list is normally empty. This will cause each TCAA preference to be assigned
default settings.

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5. Clicking on each preference will show its current value that can be modified and then saved with the
Modify command as highlighted in the following picture:

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The procedure to override a TCAA preference default value is described below.

1. Connect with administrative permissions in Teamcenter Rich Client.

2. From the menu bar launch Edit Options.

3. In the showed dialog click on Index and then on New, as highlighted in the following picture:

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4. In the right panel defines the TCAA preference by setting its name, site scope, multiple values flag as
per TCAA documentation, the value to be assigned to the preference and finally click on Create.
The following picture shows how to create preference TCAA_file_rename and set it to 0:

Note: for each TCAA user the change to the preference will be effective starting from the next login in

Site Preferences Reference

This section provides the full list of all the site preference settings used by TCAA.

Description: specifies whether TCAA creates the BOMViews / BOMViewRevisions as Precise or Imprecise.
Possible values:

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Description: controls if datasets will be automatically checked in to Teamcenter during save from TCAA.
Possible values:
0 - Do not Check-In dataset on save. Users will manually perform Check-In. (Default)
1 - Check-In dataset on save

Description: controls whether AutoCAD filenames will be renamed to their ItemID value during save to
Possible values:
0 - Do not rename file on save
1 - Rename file on save with format depending on TCAA_file_name_rule option (Default)
Note: A value = 0 should be used for legacy data migration because renaming files will cause broken
references in other documents that refer to the original filename.
For additional details see section Defining File Names.

Description: controls how AutoCAD files will be renamed during save to Teamcenter. The value of this option
is taken into consideration only if file renaming is enabled (that is TCAA_file_rename is set to 1).
Possible values:
0 - the new file name matches the Item ID
1 - the original file name is appended to the Item ID for composing the new file name (Default)
For additional details see section Defining File Names.

Description: sets the Item ID mapping for data migration.
Possible values:
0 - For Teamcenter Item ID (Default)
1 - For AutoCAD File Name
For additional details see section Defining Item IDs.

Description: sets the Item Rev ID mapping for data migration.
Possible values:
0 - For Item Rev ID from Teamcenter (Default)
1 - For Item Rev ID from drawing revision number
For additional details see section Defining Item Revision IDs.

Description: sets the default revision rule to resolve the opening of drawings.
Possible values:
Latest Working (Default). Any valid Teamcenter revision rule can be defined for this preference.

Description: controls whether the PSE of a drawing with Xref(s) is updated when the main drawing is
Possible values:
Y(yes)/N(no) , Y (Default).

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Description: contains a list of drawing template Item IDs that will be downloaded automatically in AutoCAD
template folder every time the user logs into TCAA.
Possible values:
Multivalue site options containing a list of Item IDS

Description: controls whether new items can be created in TCAA. If set to 0 all the commands that let the
user to create new items in AutoCAD environment are disabled. PLM-oriented companies may have this
option set to 0 in order to ensure that all items are created in Teamcenter environment.
Default value: 1

Description: controls whether it is possible to create CAD neutral files when saving in TCAA. If set to 0 the
option Create auxiliary Output File in TCAA preferences is not available.
Default value: 1

Description: max number of files transferred from Teamcenter. Directly affects performance of save and open
Default value: 50

Description: limits the number of revisions shown in TCAA Home Browser for each item. If set to n, only the
last available n revisions will be showed.
Default value: -1 means all

Description: sets new sequence number mode.
Possible values:
new: new sequence numbers are assigned, old sequence numbers are overwritten; (Default)
existing: delegates the management of sequence numbers to Teamcenter, old sequence numbers
are maintained;
none: delegates the management of sequence numbers to Teamcenter;
For more information on this property please refer to the Teamcenter documentation.

Description: if this option is set (multiple values), TCAA will filter the list of available Item Types.
If the site option is set to TCAA_item_type_filter to the multi-value:
The default item type can be picked up from a list of item types starting with ME and NX as shown below:

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Description: this option specifies the behavior of attribute mapping from Teamcenter to AutoCAD.
Possible values:
0 = apply mappings only to files in writeable state (Default)
1 = apply mappings to every file

Setting this value to true (case sensitive) will enable user to have 128 characters in the Item Name.

Attribute Mapping
Each AutoCAD drawing holds a set of properties that can be modified within the AutoCAD session, such as
author, subject, title, etc. It is also possible to add custom drawing properties (refer to AutoCAD help for more
information about accessing and modifying AutoCAD drawing properties).
In addition to drawing properties exist attribute sets attached AutoCAD blocks.
AutoCAD drawing custom properties and blocks attributes can be mapped to specific Teamcenter attributes
belonging to Item, Item Revision or master forms.
In this way it possible to edit the drawing custom properties or the block attributes inside AutoCAD and have
them synched with Teamcenter during save or check-in.
It is also possible to change data in Teamcenter and have the related AutoCAD custom properties or block
attributes synched during loading from Teamcenter.

In order to work properly, the attribute mapping has to be defined in part on the server side and in part the
client side. In particular:
- on the server side, set the association between a Teamcenter attribute and an arbitrary symbolic
attribute name
- on the client side, set the association between each symbolic attribute name defined on the server
side and the actual AutoCAD drawing custom property or block attribute.

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Attribute mapping settings on the server side

The Teamcenter Attribute Mapping Utility controls which properties are mapped. The administrator can
define the mapping using the following steps:

Step 1: Export the Teamcenter mapping file

Using the Teamcenter menu, open an MS-DOS window and export the attribute mapping file by typing the
following command:

export_attr_mappings -u=username -p=password -g=group -file=drive-path\attr.txt

Note: This command has to be issued by a user with administrative privileges.

Step 2: Edit the Teamcenter Attribute mapping file

1. Once exported, open the attr.txt file using a text editor.
2. Under the AutoCAD dataset ACADDWG associate the mapping of specific Teamcenter attributes to
arbitrary symbolic names. Each symbolic name will be linked to the actual AutoCAD custom property or title
block attribute inside the file AttributeMapping.xml on the client side (see section Attribute mapping settings
on the client side).

The syntax of a typical section for Teamcenter property mapping is as follows:

{ Dataset type="<dataset type>"

{Item type= <item type>
<title1> : <mapping1> [ /master=both|cad|iman|none /description="<description1>"]
<title2> : <mapping2> [ /master=both|cad|iman|none /description="<description2>"]


<titleX> is a symbolic name that will be resolved to an AutoCAD attribute in the AttibuteMapping.xml
file on the client side.
<mappingX> is a reference to a specific Teamcenter attribute.
The /master qualifier is optional. If not specified it will act as /master=both.
The /description qualifier is optional.

3. Save attr.txt file.

Step 3: Import the mapping file.

Import the Teamcenter Integration for AutoCAD mapping file into the Teamcenter database by entering the
following command at the MS-DOS prompt (launched using the Teamcenter menu):

import_attr_mappings -u=username -p=password -g=group -file=drive-path\attr.txt

Note: This command has to be issued by a user with administrative privileges.

The mappings are imported in to the database, and the values are updated on the form when the file is
imported into Teamcenter.

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Sample of Teamcenter attribute mapping file

Hereafter an example of attribute mapping for ACADDWG dataset type:

{ Dataset type="ACADDWG"
TITLE_NR : IRM.user_data_3 /master=cad /description="Attr_TITLE_NR_cad"
TITLE_DES2 : IRM.user_data_2 /master=iman /description="Attr_TITLE_DES2_iman"
TITLE_DES1 : IRM.user_data_1 /description="Attr_TITLE_DES1_both"

The association between symbolic names (TITLE_NR, TITLE_DES2 and TITLE_DES1 in the example) and
actual drawing custom properties or block attributes has to be defined in the proper AttributeMapping.xml file
on the client side.

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Attribute mapping settings on the client side

On the client side it is necessary to define the actual drawing custom properties and title block attributes to
be associated with the symbolic names used in the attribute mappings set on the server side.
Such association is specified in the file AttributeMapping.xml belonging to a folder whose location is specified
as registry key ClientConfigPath under the registry branch:

The general format of AttributeMapping.xml is the following:

<!-- Drawing Attributes mapping XML file -->

<!DOCTYPE DwgAttributeMapping [
<!-- The DTD syntax could be -->
<!ELEMENT DwgAttributeMapping (AttrInfo*)>
<!ELEMENT AttrInfo (TcEngName, (Block | CustPropName))>
<!ELEMENT Block (BlockName, BlockAttrName)>
<!ELEMENT BlockName (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST BlockName BlockHandle CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ELEMENT BlockAttrName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT CustPropName (#PCDATA)>

Sample of TCAA client attribute mapping file

Hereafter an example of AttributeMapping.xml file located on the client side:


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Chapter 4 Glossary

Application Interface
Teamcenter Engineering object used to manage data in an import or export transaction.

Named storage variable that describes an object and is stored with the object. Users can search the
database for objects using the object's attributes.
In an object, an attribute is a name/value pair; in the database, an attribute is a field.

BOM View
Teamcenter Engineering object used to manage product structure information for an item.

BOM View Revision

Teamcenter Engineering object used to store the single-level assembly product structure of an item revision.
Access can be controlled on the BOM view revision, independent of other data. BOM view revisions are
meaningful only in the context of the item revisions in which they are created.

Objects used to build up a drawing.

Teamcenter Engineering workspace object used to manage data files created by other software applications.
Each dataset can manage multiple operating system files, and each dataset references a dataset tool object
and a dataset type object.

A layout of drawing views in model space or layout. Beyond sketched geometry, it can contain blocks,
groups, external references, etc. (refer to AutoCAD Help for details).

Active-mode relationship between an application and Teamcenter in which Teamcenter is brought into the
application. The application drives Teamcenter to provide the functionality, such as implicit checkout when
data is modified, and reading and writing data directly from Teamcenter in a secured way. Data is exported

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(pushed) and imported (pulled) as needed.

My Navigator
Teamcenter Engineering Portal client application that is the main access point for managing product
information. My Navigator provides the functionality for creating objects in the Teamcenter Engineering
database, querying the database for objects, checking in and checking out objects, and managing tasks.
Users can also open objects, automatically launching the related application.
Each user has a personal My Navigator window that displays product information as graphical objects.
Although users share product information across the enterprise, they organize this information individually in
personal workspaces.

Named Reference
File types that are managed by a dataset. Datasets are the only workspace objects that use named

Siemens PLM Software format for facilitating product lifecycle interoperability using XML. It is open and
based on standard W3C XML schemas. Representing a variety of product data both explicitly and via
references, PLM XML provides a lightweight, extensible and flexible mechanism for transporting high-content
product data over the Internet, and aims to form the basis of a rich interoperability pipeline connecting
Siemens PLM Software products and third party adopter applications.

User interface to Teamcenter Engineering comprised of Portal Framework and Teamcenter Engineering
Product Data Management (PDM) applications in a single environment.

Product Structure Editor

Teamcenter Engineering application that enables creation of generic product structures that can be
configured to show the product structure that is in production, effective on a certain date, used by a particular
customer, and so on. Product Structure Editor enables creation and modification of a product structure and
its associated occurrence data, display of a product structure in a multilevel indented bill of materials (BOM)
format, and viewing graphics tightly coupled to the structure for easy identification of a component by location
in the structure or in the graphics viewer.

See Product Structure Editor.

RAC is referred for the Teamcenter Rich Client. It is also referred as the Portal interface of Teamcenter.

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SOA Architecture is a software standard which allows disparate applications built on different platforms to
exchange data from one another. SOA Architecture has become the de facto standard within Siemens PLM
Software for providing integration between Teamcenter and other CAD applications.

See Teamcenter Integration for AutoCAD.

Directory location of the Teamcenter shared data subdirectories and files. Each data directory is associated
with a single database instance.

This is the folder where Teamcenter is installed

Teamcenter Integration for AutoCAD

Integration framework that provides transparent management of Autodesk AutoCAD part files, assemblies,
drawings, and presentations including the synchronization of metadata (product structure and attributes), multiple
import and export capability, and the ability to use seed files when creating Teamcenter datasets.

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Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
This chapter contains some error messages and known causes and fixes.

Generating Log files

Log files provide valuable information for troubleshooting.

TCAA log
The TCAA logs are generated in %TEMP% folder.
For each TCAA session a separate log file is generated.
The file name contains the timestamp and it is in the format TCAA_<date>_<time>.LOG.

Teamcenter log
Teamcenter log files are created under the %temp% folder of the server.
The log files are created in the tcserverxxx.syslog format.

Naming Rules
Teamcenter provides the ability to define Naming Rules for Business Objects. These include the auto
generation of Item IDs and Item Revision IDs. TCAA creates items when saving an AutoCAD drawing. TCAA
Save supports adherence to the naming rules defined in the Teamcenter database, for the selected Item

The following error dialogs are displayed, when invalid values are supplied in the Save Dialog.

Error dialog when defined pattern for Item ID is NNN, and input is 12345.

Error dialog when defined pattern for Item Revision ID is @, and input is 1.

Note: TCAA does not support naming rule for an Item Name. For details on creation of naming rules, please
refer to Teamcenter Help on Business Modeler.

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Sub Item types in TCAA

In order to see sub Item types in TCAA (for example in SAVE TABLE), add the value "Item" to the preference
TYPE_DISPLAY_RULES_list_types_of_subclasses. These settings can be setup inside Teamcenter Rich
Application Client:

Performance Enhancements
This section describes options that are available to improve the performance of TCAA.

Increase Maximum Port Number

For a Windows base installation of Teamcenter Web Access, occasionally an operation on a socket could not
be performed because the IPC queue was full.

WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to
reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from
using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

The default maximum number of ephemeral TCP ports for Microsoft Windows NT is 5000. A new parameter has
been added to Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 5 and to Windows NT 4.0 or higher. To increase the maximum
number of ephemeral ports you must set the registry parameter, as follows:

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1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).

2. Locate the following key in the registry:
3. Choose Add Value from the Edit menu, and add the following registry value: Value Name: MaxUserPort
Data Type: REG_DWORD Value: 65534
Valid Range: 5000-65534 (decimal) Default: 0x1388 (5000 decimal)
Description: This parameter controls the maximum port number used when an application requests any
available user port from the system.
Normally, ephemeral (that is, short-lived) ports are allocated between the values of 1024 and 5000 inclusive.
4. Quit Registry Editor.

For more details, see

Reducing Closing Connection Time

A Windows base installation of Teamcenter Web Access may run out of ports before TCP/IP releases closed

To resolve this behavior, you must make the following registry change:

WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to
reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from
using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.


The registry value is:


Key: Tcpip\Parameters
Value Type: REG_DWORD - Time in seconds
Valid Range: 30-300 (decimal)
Default: 0xF0 (240 decimal)

For more details, see

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