Frauleins: A Title or Form of Address For An

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Ingenuity: the quality of being clever, original, Gentility: social superiority as demonstrated by

and inventive. polite and respectable manners, behavior, or

Frauleins: a title or form of address for an appearance
unmarried German speaking young woman. Ludicrous: so foolish, unreasonable, or out of
Vapid: offering nothing that is stimulating or place as to be amusing
challenging; bland Duenna: an older woman acting as a governess
Vogue: a prevailing fashion or style at a and companion in charge of girls
particular time Corollary: a proposition that follows from one
Cult: excessive admiration for a particular thing, already proved. (a direct or natural consequence
a person or a thing that is popular among or result)
particular group Tribulations: cause of great trouble or suffering
Studied: (a quality or result) achieved or Mawkish: sentimental in an exaggerated or false
maintained by careful and deliberate effort way.
Demureness: (of a woman or her behavior) Banal: so lacking in originality as to be obvious
reserved, modest, and shy and boring
Mincing: (of a man) affectedly dainty in manner Propensity: an inclination or natural tendency to
or gait; effeminate. behave in a particular way
Effeminate: (of a man) having characteristics Saccharine: excessively sweet or sentimental
regarded as typical of a woman; unmanly Apotheosis: the highest point in the
Smirking: smile in an irritating smug, conceited, development of sth; a culmination or climax.
or silly way Gorged: having the neck encircled by a coronet
Doltish: stupid, idiotic (a doltish character) or collar, especially one of a specified tincture
Mestiza: (feminine) a person of mixed race, Immolate: kill or offer as a sacrifice, especially
especially having Spanish and …… by burning
Guise: an external form, appearance, or manner Mores: the essential or characteristic customs
of presentation, typically concealing the true and conventions of a society or community
nature of something. Frantic: distracted with fear, anxiety, or other
Frizzing: forming (hair) into a mass of small, emotion
tight curls Conventional: based on or in accordance with
Oriental: (v) of, from, or characteristic of the what is generally done or believed.
Far East;
(n) a person of Far Eastern descent
Almond: the oval edible nut-like seed of the
almond tree
Deplorable: deserving strong condemnation;
completely unacceptable; shockingly bad in
Compress: flatten by pressure; squeeze or press
Diehard: a person who strongly oppose change
or who continues to support something in spite
of opposition
Refinement: the process of removing impurities
or unwanted elements from a substance
Empirical: based on, concerned with, or
verifiable by observation or experience rather
than theory or pure logic
Quintessential: representing the most perfect or
typical example of a quality or class
Lingua franca: a language that is adoped as a
common language between speakers whose
native languages are different
Clout: having influential political or business
Linguistic Imperialism: a policy of extending a
country’s power and influence through
colonization by means of language.
Ideological: a system of ideas and ideals,
especially one which forms the basis of
economic or political theory and policy
Salvaging: retrieving or preserving sth from
potential loss or adverse circumstances
Inherent: existing in sth as a permanent,
essential, or characteristic attribute
Quoth: said

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