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Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge

NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations
p and answers will be expressed as
exact numbers such as 4; 2 + 7; etc.
4. Calculators are not allowed.
Answer all questions. The problems in this section are worth three marks each.
A correct answer will receive full marks, but partial marks may be earned from
any written work supplied.
1. The roots of the equation x2 + 4x ? 5 = 0 are also the roots of the equation
2x3 + 9x2 ? 6x ? 5 = 0 .
What is the third root of the second equation?
2. The numbers a; b; c are the digits of a three digit number which satisfy 49a+7b+c = 286.
What is the three digit number (100a + 10b + c) ?
3. The vertices of a right{angled trian-
gle are on a circle of radius R and
the sides of the triangle are tangent
to another circle of radius r. If the
lengths of the sides about the right
angle are 16 and 30, determine the
value of R + r.

4. Determine the smallest positive integer, n, which satis es the equation n3 + 2n2 = b,
where b is the square of an odd integer.
5. A road map of Grid City is shown in wB
the diagram. The perimeter of the
park is a road but there is no road Park
through the park. How many dif-
ferent shortest road routes are there A w
from point A to point B ?

6. In a 14 team baseball league, each team played each of the other teams 10 times. At the
end of the season, the number of games won by each team di ered from those won by the
team that immediately followed it by the same amount. Determine the greatest number
of games the last place team could have won, assuming that no ties were allowed.
7. Triangle ABC is right angled at A.
The circle with center A and radius
AB cuts BC and AC internally at D A
and E respectively. If BD = 20 and E
DC = 16, determine AC 2 .

8. Determine all pairs of integers (x; y) which satisfy the equation

6x2 ? 3xy ? 13x + 5y = ?11:
9. If log2n(1944) = logn 486 2 , compute n6.
10. Determine the sum of the angles A; B , where 0  A; B  180 and
s s
sin A + sin B = 3 ; cos A + cos B = 1 :
2 2
Answer all questions. The problems in this section are worth 10 marks each.
Marks will be based on presentation. A correct solution poorly presented will
not earn full marks.
1. Three numbers form an arithmetic sequence, the common di erence being 11. If the
rst number is decreased by 6, the second is decreased by 1 and the third is doubled,
the resulting numbers are in geometric sequence. Determine the numbers which form
the arithmetic sequence.
2. A rectangle ABCD has diagonal of
length d. The line AE is drawn per- A D
pendicular to the diagonal BD. The
sides of the rectangle EFCG have
lengths n and 1. Prove d2=3 = n2=3 +1:
E n F
3. (a) Given positive numbers a1; a2 ; a3; : : : ; an and the quadratic function
f (x) = (x ? ai)2 ;

1 X
show that f (x) attains its minimum value at n ai , and prove that
ai  n1
n X
ai :
i=1 i=1

(b) The sum of sixteen positive numbers is 100 and the sum of their squares is 1000.
Prove that none of the sixteen numbers is greater than 25.
The Canadian Mathematical Society
in collaboration with
The Center for Education
in Mathematics and Computing

The Second
Canadian Open
Mathematics Challenge
Wednesday, November 26, 1997
Examination Paper
c Canadian Mathematical Society 1997

Part A
Note: All questions in part A will be graded out of 5 points.

1. In triangle ABC , \A equals 120 de- A

grees. A point D is inside the trian-
gle such that \DBC = 2  \ABD D
and \DCB = 2  \ACD. Deter-
mine the measure, in degrees, of B C
\BDC .
2. Solve the following system of equations:
xy2 = 108; xy = 1010 :

3. Determine all points on the straight line which joins (,4; 11) to (16; ,1) and
whose coordinates are positive integers.
4. Given three distinct digits a; b and c, it is possible, by choosing two digits at
a time, to form six two-digit numbers. Determine all possible sets fa; b; cg for
which the sum of the six two-digits numbers is 484.
5. Two cubes have their faces painted either red or blue. The rst cube has ve
red faces and one blue face. When the two cubes are rolled simultaneously, the
probability that the two top faces show the same colour is 21 . How many red
faces are there on the second cube?
6. The triangle ABC has sides AB = A
137; AC = 241, and BC =
200. There is a point D, on BC ,
such that both incircles of trian-
gles ABD and ACD touch AD at
the same point E . Determine the E
length of CD.
7. Determine the minimum value of f (x) where
f (x) = (3 sin x , 4 cos x , 10)(3 sin x + 4 cos x , 10):
8. An hourglass is formed from two identical cones. Initially, the upper cone is
lled with sand and the lower one is empty. The sand ows at a constant rate
from the upper to the lower cone. It takes exactly one hour to empty the upper
cone. How long does it take for the depth of sand in the lower cone to be half
the depth of sand in the upper cone? (Assume that the sand stays level in both
cones at all times.)

Part B
Note: All questions in part B will be graded out of 10 points.

1. The straight line l1 with equation x , 2y +10 = 0 meets the circle with equation
x2 + y2 = 100 at B in the rst quadrant. A line through B , perpendicular to l1
cuts the y-axis at P (0; t). Determine the value of t.
2. Consider the ten numbers ar; ar2; ar3;    ; ar10. If their sum is 18 and the sum
of their reciprocals is 6, determine their product.
3. In an isosceles right-angled triangle AOB , B
points P; Q and S are chosen on sides
OB; OA and AB respectively such that a
square PQRS is formed as shown. If the P S
lengths of OP and OQ are a and b respec-
tively, and the area of PQRS is 52 that of a
triangle AOB , determine a : b. R
Ob Q A
4. Find all real values of x; y and z such that
x,p pyz = 42
y , pxz = 6
z , xy = ,30:
The Canadian Mathematical Society
in collaboration with
The Center for Education
in Mathematics and Computing

The Third
Canadian Open
Mathematics Challenge
Wednesday, November 25, 1998
Examination Paper
c Canadian Mathematical Society 1998

Part A
Note: All questions in part A will be graded out of 5 points.

1. Solve for x, given that 3x+2 = 3x + 216.

2. A rectangular closed box
(shown) with dimensions a,
2a and 1 has a surface area
of 54, where a is an integer.
Determine the volume of the


3. In the figure, each region T B

represents an equilateral tri-
angle and each region S a S
semicircle. The complete fig- A C
ure is a semicircle of radius 6 S S
with its centre O . The three T
smaller semicircles touch the
large semicircle at points A, B
O 6
and C . What is the radius of a
semicircle S ?
4. In an arithmetic sequence t1 ; t2 ; t3 ; :::; t47 , the sum of the odd numbered terms is
1272. What is the sum of all 47 terms in the sequence?
5. Compute the sum of the first 99 terms of the series
loga 2 + log a3
loga a
4 + log a5 6 +:::
a a loga a a loga a

6. The lengths of the sides of tri- B

angle ABC are 60; 80 and 100
with \A = 90 . The line AD
divides triangle ABC into two
triangles of equal perimeter.
Calculate the length of AD .

7. There are ten prizes, five As, three B s and two C s, placed in identical sealed en-
velopes for the top ten contestants in a mathematics contest. The prizes are awarded
by allowing winners to select an envelope at random from those remaining. When
the eight contestant goes to select a prize, what is the probability that the remaining
three prizes are one A, one B and one C ?
8. Nine spheres are placed in a closed cubical box of side lenth 32 cm. Four small
spheres of radius r are first placed in the bottom corners of the box so that they
touch adjacent sides of the box but not each other. A large sphere of radius 15 cm
is then placed in the box so that it touches each of the four smaller spheres but not
the bottom. Four spheres of radius r are then added in the upper corners and the box
closed so that the lid just touches the four smaller spheres. Calculate r .

Part B
Note: Answer all questions. The problems in this section are worth 10 marks each. Marks
will be based on presentation. A correct solution poorly presented will not earn full marks.

1. Triangle ABC has its sides determinded in the following way: side AB by line
3x 2y + 3 = 0; side BC by line x + y 14 = 0; and side AC by line y = 3. If
the point P is chosen so that P A = P B = P C , determine the equation of the line
containing A and P .
2. ABC D is a rectangle and lines DX , A X B
DY and X Y are drawn where X is

on AB and Y is on BC . The area of

triangle AX D is 5, the area of trian-
gle BX Y is 4 and the area of triangle Y
C Y D is 3. Determine the area of tri-

angle DX Y .
3. Alphonse and Beryl play a game by
alternately moving a disk on a circu-
lar board. The game starts with the
disk already on the board as shown.
A player may move either clockwise
one position or one position toward
the centre but cannot move to a po-
sition that has been previously occu-
pied. The last person who is able to
move wins the game.

(a) If Alphonse moves first, is there a strategy which guarantees that he will always win?

(b) Is there a winning strategy for either of the players if the board is changed to five
concentric circles with nine regions in each ring and Alphonse moves first? (The
rules for playing this new game remain the same)

4. A line segment BC has length 6. Point A is chosen such that \BAC is a right angle.
For any position of A a point D is chosen in BC so that AD is perpendicular to BC .
A circle with AD as diameter has tangents drawn from C and B to touch the circle at
M and N , respectively, with these tangents intersecting at Z . Prove that Z B + Z C

is constant.
The Canadian Mathematical Society
in collaboration with
The Center for Education
in Mathematics and Computing

The Fourth
Canadian Open
Mathematics Challenge
Wednesday, November 24, 1999
Examination Paper
c Canadian Mathematical Society 1999

Part A
Note: All questions in part A will be graded out of 5 points.

1. Determine the sum of all odd positive two-digit integers that are divisible by 5.
2. A rough sketch
of the graph of
y = x +
4)(x2 3x) is
shown. For x
what values of
x is y  0?
3. Solve
 xx :
4 x 8 1 =
2 9. 27
4. Solve the system of equations for x.
x + 2y z=5
3x + 2y + z = 11
(x + 2y )
2 z 2 = 15

5. Determine all x which satisfy:

3 x + 6 sin2 x
2 sin sin x 3=0 0; < x < 2
6. A trapezoid, DEF G, is circum- D E
scribed about a circle that has centre
C and radius 2, as is shown. The
shorter of the two parallel sides, DE ,
has length 3 and angles DEF and

EF G are right angles. Determine the

area of the trapezoid. G F
7. The sector OAB of a
circle, with centre O ,
has a perimeter of 12.
Determine the radius O
of the circle which
maximizes the area of
the sector.
8. Find the smallest positive integer k so that the expression 14kk+17
9 becomes a fraction in
the form qd where p; q and d are positive integers, p and q have no common divisors,

and neither q nor d equals 1.

Part B
Note: All questions in part B will be graded out of 10 points.


(a) Two identical triangles each have an area of 24. Their vertices are determined by the
intersection of the lines with equations y = 4,x = 0 and y = 43 x + b. Determine
the two possible values for b.
(b) For either of the two given triangles, a circle can be drawn to pass through its three
vertices. What is the radius of this circle?
2. If (bd + cd) is an odd integer, show that the cubic polynomial x 3 + bx2 + cx + d
cannot be expressed in the form (x + r )(x2 + px + q ) where b; c; d; r; p and q are all
3. Triangle ABC is right angled A
with its right angle at A. The
points P and Q are on the hy-
potenuse BC such that BP =
P Q = QC , AP = 3 and 3 4
AQ = 4. Determine the
length of each side of 4ABC .

4. Triangle ABC is any one of the set of
p triangles having base BC equal to a and height
from A to BC equal to h, with h < 23 a. P is a point inside the triangle such that the
value of \P AB = \P BA = \P CB = . Show that the measure of is the same
for every triangle in the set.
Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge

NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations and answers will be expressed as exact numbers such
as 4 p, 2 + 7 , etc.
4. Calculators are not allowed.


1. An operation D is defined by a D b = 1 , b 0.
What is the value of (1 D 2)D(3 D 4) ?

2. The sequence 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, consists of successive multiples of 9. This sequence is then
altered by multiplying every other term by 1, starting with the first term, to produce the new
sequence 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54,... . If the sum of the first n terms of this new sequence is 180,
determine n.

3. The symbol n! is used to represent the product n(n 1)(n 2) L(3)(2)(1) .

( )( )( )( )
For example, 4!= 4(3)(2)(1) . Determine n such that n!= 215 36 53 72 (11)(13).

4. The symbol x means the greatest integer less than or equal to x. For example,

5.7 = 5 , p = 3 and 4 = 4 .
Calculate the value of the sum

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + L + 48 + 49 + 50 .

5. How many five-digit positive integers have the property that the product of their digits is 2000?

6. Solve the equation 4 16sin x = 2 6 sin x , for 0 x 2 p .


7. The sequence of numbers , a3 , a 2 , a1, a0 , a1, a2 , a3 , is defined by an (n + 1)a2 n = (n + 3)2 ,

for all integers n. Calculate a0 .

8. In the diagram, D ABC is equilateral and the radius of its

inscribed circle is 1. A larger circle is drawn through the vertices
of the rectangle ABDE . What is the diameter of the larger circle?


1. Triangle ABC has vertices A(0, 0) , B(9, 0) and C(0, 6) . The points P and Q lie on side AB such
that AP = PQ = QB . Similarly, the points R and S lie on side AC so that AR = RS = SC .
The vertex C is joined to each of the points P and Q. In the same way, B is joined to R and S.
(a) Determine the equation of the line through the points R and B.
(b) Determine the equation of the line through the points P and C.
(c) The line segments PC and RB intersect at X, and the line segments QC and SB intersect at Y.
Prove that the points A, X and Y lie on the same straight line.

2. In D ABC , the points D, E and F are on sides BC , CA and AB , A

respectively, such that AFE = BFD, BDF = CDE, and
(a) Prove that BDF = BAC .
(b) If AB = 5, BC = 8 and CA = 7, determine the length of BD.


3. (a) Alphonse and Beryl are playing a game, starting with the
geometric shape shown in Figure 1. Alphonse begins the
game by cutting the original shape into two pieces along
one of the lines. He then passes the piece containing the Figure 1
black triangle to Beryl, and discards the other piece.
Beryl repeats these steps with the piece she receives; that is to say, she cuts along the length of
a line, passes the piece containing the black triangle back to Alphonse, and discards the other
piece. This process continues, with the winner being the player who, at the beginning of his or
her turn, receives only the black triangle. Show, with justification, that there is always a
winning strategy for Beryl.

(b) Alphonse and Beryl now play a game with the same rules
as in (a), except this time they use the shape in Figure 2
and Beryl goes first. As in (a), cuts may only be made
along the whole length of a line in the figure. Is there a
strategy that Beryl can use to be guaranteed that she will
win? (Provide justification for your answer.)

Figure 2

4. A sequence t1, t2 , t3 , ..., tn of n terms is defined as follows:

t1 = 1, t2 = 4 , and tk = tk 1 + tk 2 for k = 3, 4, ..., n .
Let T be the set of all terms in this sequence; that is, T = {t1, t2 , t3 , ..., tn } .
(a) How many positive integers can be expressed as the sum of exactly two distinct elements of
the set T ?
(b) How many positive integers can be expressed as the sum of exactly three distinct elements of
the set T ?
Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge

NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations and answers will be expressed as exact numbers such
as 4 p, 2 + 7 , etc.
4. Calculators are not allowed.

1. An operation is defined by a b = a + 3 .
2 b

What is the value of (2 0)(0 1) ?

2. In the given diagram, what is the value of x? D

3x 2x

3. A regular hexagon is a six-sided figure which has all of its angles equal and all of its side lengths equal.
If P and Q are points on a regular hexagon which has a side length of 1, what is the maximum possible
length of the line segment PQ?

4. Solve for x:
( )
2 2 2 x = 4 x + 64 .

5. Triangle PQR is right-angled at Q and has side lengths PQ = 14 P

and QR = 48. If M is the midpoint of PR, determine the cosine of


tn 1
6. The sequence of numbers t1, t2 , t3 , ... is defined by t1 = 2 and tn +1 = , for every positive integer n.
tn + 1
Determine the numerical value of t999 .

7. If a can be any positive integer and

2x + a = y
a+y= x
determine the maximum possible value for x + y + z.
8. The graph of the function y = g( x ) is shown. y

Determine the number of solutions of the equation

g( x ) 1 = .

4 2 0 2 4

1. The triangular region T has its vertices determined by the intersections of the three lines x + 2y = 12,
x = 2 and y = 1.
(a) Determine the coordinates of the vertices of T, and show this region on the grid provided.
(b) The line x + y = 8 divides the triangular region T into a quadrilateral Q and a triangle R.
Determine the coordinates of the vertices of the quadrilateral Q.
(c) Determine the area of the quadrilateral Q.

2. (a) Alphonse and Beryl are playing a game, starting with a pack of 7 cards. Alphonse begins by
discarding at least one but not more than half of the cards in the pack. He then passes the remaining
cards in the pack to Beryl. Beryl continues the game by discarding at least one but not more than half
of the remaining cards in the pack. The game continues in this way with the pack being passed back
and forth between the two players. The loser is the player who, at the beginning of his or her turn,
receives only one card. Show, with justification, that there is always a winning strategy for Beryl.
(b) Alphonse and Beryl now play a game with the same rules as in (a), except this time they start with
a pack of 52 cards, and Alphonse goes first again. As in (a), a player on his or her turn must discard
at least one and not more than half of the remaining cards from the pack. Is there a strategy that
Alphonse can use to be guaranteed that he will win? (Provide justification for your answer.)

3. (a) If f ( x ) = x + 6 x + c , where c is an integer, prove that f (0) + f ( 1) is odd.


(b) Let g( x ) = x 3 + px 2 + qx + r , where p, q and r are integers. Prove that if g(0) and g( 1) are both odd,
then the equation g( x ) = 0 cannot have three integer roots.

4. Triangle ABC is isosceles with AB = AC = 5 and BC = 6. Point D A

lies on AC and P is the point on BD so that APC = 90 . If
ABP = BCP , determine the ratio AD:DC.

Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge

NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations and answers will be expressed as exact numbers such
as 4 , 2 + 7 , etc.
4. Calculators are not allowed.

1. In triangle PQR, F is the point on QR so that PF is perpendicular P
to QR. If PR = 13, RF = 5 , and FQ = 9 , what is the perimeter
of PQR ?

Q 9 F 5 R

2. If x + y = 4 and xy = 12 , what is the value of x 2 + 5 xy + y 2 ?

3. A regular pentagon is a five-sided figure which has all of its A

angles equal and all of its side lengths equal. In the diagram, R
TREND is a regular pentagon, PEA is an equilateral triangle, and
OPEN is a square. Determine the size of EAR . E


4. In a sequence of numbers, the sum of the first n terms is equal to 5 n 2 + 6 n . What is the sum of the
3rd, 4th and 5th terms in the original sequence?

5. If m and n are non-negative integers with m < n , we define mn to be the sum of the integers from
m to n, including m and n. For example, 58 = 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 26 .

For every positive integer a, the numerical value of

[(2a 1)(2a + 1)] is the same. Determine this
[(a 1)(a + 1)]

6. Two mirrors meet at an angle of 30o at the point V. A beam of

light, from a source S, travels parallel to one mirror and strikes S
the other mirror at point A, as shown. After a number of
reflections, the beam comes back to S. If SA and AV are both 30
1 metre in length, determine the total distance travelled by the V

7. N is a five-digit positive integer. A six-digit integer P is constructed by placing a 1 at the right-hand

end of N. A second six-digit integer Q is constructed by placing a 1 at the left-hand end of N. If P is
three times Q, determine the value of N.
8. Suppose that M is an integer with the property that if x is randomly chosen from the set
{1, 2, 3,K, 999,1000} , the probability that x is a divisor of M is 100
. If M 1000 , determine the
maximum possible value of M.


1. Square ABCD has vertices A(0, 0) , B(0, 8) , C (8, 8) , and D(8, 0) . The points P (0, 5) and Q(0, 3) are on
side AB , and the point F (8,1) is on side CD.
(a) What is the equation of the line through Q parallel to the line through P and F?
(b) If the line from part (a) intersects AD at the point G, what is the equation of the line through F
and G?
(c) The centre of the square is the point H ( 4, 4 ) . Determine the equation of the line through H
perpendicular to FG.
(d) A circle is drawn with centre H that is tangent to the four sides of the square. Does this circle
intersect the line through F and G? Justify your answer. (A sketch is not sufficient justification.)

2. (a) Let A and B be digits (that is, A and B are integers between 0 and 9 inclusive). If the product of
the three-digit integers 2 A5 and 13B is divisible by 36, determine with justification the four
possible ordered pairs ( A, B) .
(b) An integer n is said to be a multiple of 7 if n = 7 k for some integer k.
(i) If a and b are integers and 10 a + b = 7 m for some integer m, prove that a 2b is a multiple
of 7.
(ii) If c and d are integers and 5c + 4 d is a multiple of 7, prove that 4c d is also a multiple
of 7.

3. There are some marbles in a bowl. Alphonse, Beryl and Colleen each take turns removing one or two
marbles from the bowl, with Alphonse going first, then Beryl, then Colleen, then Alphonse again, and
so on. The player who takes the last marble from the bowl is the loser, and the other two players are
the winners.
(a) If the game starts with 5 marbles in the bowl, can Beryl and Colleen work together and force
Alphonse to lose?
(b) The game is played again, this time starting with N marbles in the bowl. For what values of N
can Beryl and Colleen work together and force Alphonse to lose?

4. Triangle DEF is acute. Circle C1 is drawn with DF as its D

diameter and circle C2 is drawn with DE as its diameter.
Points Y and Z are on DF and DE respectively so that EY and C1
FZ are altitudes of DEF . EY intersects C1 at P, and FZ C2
intersects C2 at Q. EY extended intersects C1 at R, and FZ
extended intersects C2 at S. Prove that P, Q, R, and S are
concyclic points.
Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge

NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations and answers will be expressed as exact numbers such
as 4 , 2 + 7 , etc.
4. Calculators are not allowed.

1. Jeff, Gareth and Ina all share the same birthday. Gareth is one year older than Jeff, and Ina is two years
older than Gareth. This year the sum of their ages is 118. How old is Gareth?

2. The point ( 4, 2 ) is reflected in the x-axis. The resulting

point is then reflected in the line with equation y = x . What y y=x
are the coordinates of the final point?

(4, 2)

3. A circle of radius 1 is centred at the origin. Two particles start y

moving at the same time from the point (1 , 0) and move around
the circle in opposite directions. One of the particles moves
counterclockwise with constant speed v and the other moves
clockwise with constant speed 3v. After leaving (1 , 0) , the two x
(1, 0)
particles meet first at point P, and continue until they meet next
at point Q. Determine the coordinates of the point Q.

4. Two different numbers are chosen at random from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} . What is the probability that
their sum is greater than their product?

5. In the diagram, square ABCD has a side length of 6. Circular A B

arcs of radius 6 are drawn with centres B and D. What is the area
of the shaded region?


6. The symbol a means the greatest integer less than or equal to a.

For example, 5.7 = 5, 4 = 4 and 4.2 = 5 .
3 4
Determine all values of x for which + = 5 .
x x
7. Each of the points P ( 4 , 1) , Q( 7 ,8) and R(10, 1) is the midpoint of a radius of the circle C. Determine
the length of the radius of circle C.

8. Determine the number of triples ( k, l, m) of positive integers such that

k + l + m = 97
4 k 5l 6m
+ + = 82
5 6 7

1. In the diagram shown, whole numbers are to be k
placed in the ten circles so that the sum of the
numbers in the circles along any of the ten straight
lines is 15. For example, a + g + k = 15 and i
e + i = 15 .
(a) If k = 2 and e = 5 , fill in the whole numbers g h e
that go in all of the circles in the diagram. f
(b) Suppose that k = 2 and the value of e is d
(i) Find a formula for each of b and c in terms a b c
of e. A clearly labelled diagram is sufficient
(ii) Show that e must be equal to 5.
(c) Suppose now that k = x , where x is unknown. Prove that e must still be equal to 5.

2. A barn has a foundation in the shape of a trapezoid, with three sides D 6 A

of length 6 m, and one side of length 12 m, as shown.
(a) Determine each of the interior angles in the trapezoid. 6 6
(b) Chuck the Llama is attached by a chain to a point on the outside
wall of the barn. Chuck is smarter than the average llama, and so C 12 B
realizes that he can always reach the area between the barn and
where the chain is fully extended.
(i) If Chuck is attached at the point A with a chain of length 8 m, what is the area outside the barn
that Chuck can reach?
(ii) If Chuck is attached at some point P along the wall between A and B with a chain of length
15 m, determine the location of P which restricts Chuck to the minimum area.

3. (a) In the diagram, the two circles C1 and C2 have a P

common chord AB. Point P is chosen on C1 so that it is
outside C2 . Lines PA and PB are extended to cut C2 at
X and Y, respectively. If AB = 6 , PA = 5 , PB = 7 and
AX = 16, determine the length of XY. B

(b) Two circles C3 and C4 have a common chord GH. Point Q is chosen on C3 so that it is outside
C4 . Lines QG and QH are extended to cut C4 at V and W, respectively. Show that, no matter
where Q is chosen, the length of VW is constant.

over ...
Canadian Open

4. The polynomial equation x 3 6 x 2 + 5 x 1 = 0 has three real roots a, b and c.
(a) Determine the value of a 5 + b 5 + c 5 .
(b) If a < b < c , show that c 2004 is closer to its nearest integer than c 2003 is to its nearest integer.
Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge

NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations
and answers will be expressed as
exact numbers such as 4, 2 + 7, etc.
4. Calculators are not allowed.

1. If x + 2y = 84 = 2x + y, what is the value of x + y?

2. Let S be the set of all three-digit positive integers whose digits are 3, 5 and 7, with no digit
repeated in the same integer. Calculate the remainder when the sum of all of the integers in
S is divided by 9.

3. In the diagram, point E has coordinates

(0, 2), and B lies on y
the positive x-axis so that BE = 7. Also, point C lies on
the positive x-axis so that BC = OB. If point D lies in the E
first quadrant such that CBD = 30 and BCD = 90 ,
what is the length of ED?

4. A function f (x) has the following properties:

i) f (1) = 1
ii) f (2x) = 4f (x) + 6
iii) f (x + 2) = f (x) + 12x + 12

Calculate f (6).

5. The Rice Tent Company sells tents in two different sizes, large and small. Last year, the
Company sold 200 tents, of which one quarter were large. The sale of the large tents pro-
duced one third of the companys income. What was the ratio of the price of a large tent to
the price of a small tent?

6. In the diagram, a square of side length 2 has semicircles

drawn on each side. An elastic band is stretched tightly
around the figure. What is the length of the elastic band in
this position?
7. Let a and b be real numbers, with a > 1 and b > 0.
If ab = ab and = a3b , determine the value of a.
8. A rectangular sheet of paper, ABCD, has AD = 1 and AB = r, where 1 < r < 2. The
paper is folded along a line through A so that the edge AD falls onto the edge AB. Without
unfolding, the paper is folded again along a line through B so that the edge CB also lies
on AB. The result is a triangular piece of paper. A region of this triangle is four sheets
thick. In terms of r, what is the area of this region?

1. The points A(8, 6) and B(6, 8) lie on the circle x2 + y 2 = 100.

(a) Determine the equation of the line through A and B.

(b) Determine the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB.
(c) The perpendicular bisector of AB cuts the circle at two points, P in the first quadrant
and Q in the third quadrant. Determine the coordinates of P and Q.
(d) What is the length of P Q? Justify your answer.

2. (a) Determine the two values of x such that x2 4x 12 = 0.

(b) Determine the one value of x such that x 4x + 12 = 0. Justify your answer.
(c) Determine all real values of c such that
x2 4x c 8x2 32x 8c = 0

has precisely two distinct real solutions for x.

3. A map shows all Beryls Llamaburgers restaurant locations in North America. On this map,
a line segment is drawn from each restaurant to the restaurant that is closest to it. Every
restaurant has a unique closest neighbour. (Note that if A and B are two of the restaurants,
then A may be the closest to B without B being closest to A.)

(a) Prove that no three line segments on the map can form a triangle.
(b) Prove that no restaurant can be connected to more than five other restaurants.

4. In a sumac sequence, t1 , t2 , t3 , . . ., tm , each term is an integer greater than or equal to 0.

Also, each term, starting with the third, is the difference of the preceding two terms (that
is, tn+2 = tn tn+1 for n 1). The sequence terminates at tm if tm1 tm < 0. For
example, 120, 71, 49, 22, 27 is a sumac sequence of length 5.

(a) Find the positive integer B so that the sumac sequence 150, B, . . . has the maximum
possible number of terms.
(b) Let m be a positive integer with m 5. Determine the number of sumac sequences
of length m with tm 2000 and with no term divisible by 5.
Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge
NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations
and answers will be expressed as
exact numbers such as 4, 2 + 7, etc.
4. Calculators are not allowed.

1. Determine the value of 102 92 + 82 72 + 62 52 + 42 32 + 22 12 .

2. A bug in the xy-plane starts at the point (1, 9). It moves first to the point (2, 10) and
then to the point (3, 11), and so on. It continues to move in this way until it reaches
a point whose y-coordinate is twice its x-coordinate. What are the coordinates of
this point?

3. If ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = (x2 + x 2)(x 4) (x + 2)(x2 5x + 4) for all values of x,

what is the value of a + b + c + d?
4. A fraction is in lowest terms if p and q have no common factor larger than 1.
1 2 70 71
How many of the 71 fractions , ,..., , are in lowest terms?
72 72 72 72
5. An office building has 50 storeys, 25 of which are painted black and the other 25 of
which are painted gold. If the number of gold storeys in the top half of the building
is added to the number of black storeys in the bottom half of the building, the sum
is 28. How many gold storeys are there in the top half of the building?

6. In the grid shown, each row has a value assigned

to it and each column has a value assigned to it. 3 0 5 6 2
The number in each cell is the sum of its row and 2 5 0 1 y
column values. For example, the 8 is the sum 5 2 x 8 0
of the value assigned to the 3rd row and the value 0 3 2 3 5
assigned to the 4th column. Determine the values 4 7 2 1 9
of x and y.
7. In the diagram, the semi-circle has centre O and diameter AB. A ray of light leaves
point P in a direction perpendicular to AB. It bounces off the semi-circle at point D
in such a way that P DO = EDO. (In other words, the angle of incidence equals
the angle of reflection at D.) The ray DE then bounces off the circle in a similar
way at E before finally hitting the semicircle again at B. Determine DOP .

8. The number 18 is not the sum of any 2 consecutive positive integers, but is the sum
of consecutive positive integers in at least 2 different ways, since 5 + 6 + 7 = 18 and
3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18. Determine a positive integer less than 400 that is not the sum of
any 11 consecutive positive integers, but is the sum of consecutive positive integers
in at least 11 different ways.

1. A line with slope 3 intersects the positive x-axis at A and the positive y-axis at B.
A second line intersects the x-axis at C(7, 0) and the y-axis at D. The lines intersect
at E(3, 4).
(a) Find the slope of the line through C and E.

(b) Find the equation of the line through C B

and E, and the coordinates of the point D.

(c) Find the equation of the line through A D

and B, and the coordinates of the point B.
E (3, 4)
(d) Determine the area of the shaded region.

O A C (7, 0)
2. (a) Determine all possible ordered pairs (a, b) such that
ab = 1
2 2
2a + ab 3b = 22

(b) Determine all possible ordered triples (x, y, z) such that

x2 yz + xy + zx = 82
y zx + xy + yz = 18
z 2 xy + zx + yz = 18

3. Four tiles identical to the one shown, with a > b > 0,

are arranged without overlap to form a square with a
square hole in the middle. b

(a) If the outer square has area (a + b)2 , show that the area of the inner square
is (a b)2 .
(b) Determine the smallest integer value of N for which there are prime numbers
a and b such that the ratio of the area of the inner square to the area of the
outer square is 1 : N .
(c) Determine, with justification, all positive integers N for which there are odd
integers a > b > 0 such that the ratio of the area of the inner square to the
area of the outer square is 1 : N .



4. Triangle ABC has its base on line segment P N and vertex A on line P M . Circles
with centres O and Q, having radii r1 and r2 , respectively, are tangent to the triangle
ABC externally and to each of P M and P N .


(a) Prove that the line through K and L cuts the perimeter of triangle ABC into
two equal pieces.
(b) Let T be the point of contact of BC with the circle inscribed in triangle ABC.
Prove that (T C)(r1 ) + (T B)(r2 ) is equal to the area of triangle ABC.
Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge
NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations
and answers will be expressed as
exact numbers such as 4, 2 + 7, etc.
4. Calculators are not allowed.

1 1 1 1
1. What is the value of 1 + 2 1+ 3 1+ 4 1+ 5 ?

2. If f (2x + 1) = (x 12)(x + 13), what is the value of f (31)?

3. In 4ABC, M is the midpoint of BC, as shown. If ABM = 15

and AM C = 30 , what is the size of BCA? A


4. Determine all solutions (x, y) to the system of equations

4 5
+ = 12
x y2
3 7
+ = 22
x y2

5. In 4ABC, BC = 4, AB = x, AC = x + 2, and cos(BAC) = .
2x + 4
Determine all possible values of x.

6. Determine the number of integers n that satisfy all three of the conditions below:
each digit of n is either 1 or 0,
n is divisible by 6, and
0 < n < 107 .

7. Suppose n and D are integers with n positive and 0 D 9.

Determine n if = 0.9D5 = 0.9D59D59D5 . . . .
8. What is the probability that 2 or more successive heads will occur at least once in
10 tosses of a fair coin?
1. Piotr places numbers on a 3 by 3 grid using the following rule, called Piotrs

For any three adjacent numbers in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal

line, the middle number is always the average (mean) of its two

(a) Using Piotrs principle, determine the missing numbers in the 3 19

grid to the right. (You should fill in the missing numbers in
the grid in your answer booklet.)

(b) Determine, with justification, the total of the nine numbers x

when the grid to the right is completed using Piotrs
5 23

(c) Determine, with justification, the values of x and y when the x 7

grid to the right is completed using Piotrs Principle.
9 y

2. In the diagram, the circle x2 + y 2 = 25 intersects

the x-axis at points A and B. The line x = 11 y x = 11
intersects the x-axis at point C. Point P moves
along the line x = 11 above the x-axis and AP P
intersects the circle at Q. Q
(a) Determine the coordinates of P when
4AQB has maximum area. Justify your x

(b) Determine the coordinates of P when Q is

the midpoint of AP . Justify your answer.

(c) Determine the coordinates of P when the

area of 4AQB is 41 of the area of 4AP C.
Justify your answer.
3. (a) In the diagram, trapezoid ABCD has parallel sides
AB and DC of lengths 10 and 20, respectively. Also, A B
the length of AD is 6 and the length of BC is 8.
Determine the area of trapezoid ABCD.
(b) In the diagram, P QRS is a rectangle and
T is the midpoint of RS. The inscribed R T S
circles of 4P T S and 4RT Q each have
radius 3. The inscribed circle of 4QP T
has radius 4. Determine the dimensions of
rectangle P QRS.




4. (a) Determine, with justification, the fraction , where p and q are positive integers
and q < 100, that is closest to, but not equal to, 73 .
a c a+c
(b) The baseball sum of two rational numbers and is defined to be .
b d b+d
(A rational number is a fraction whose numerator and denominator are both
integers and whose denominator is not equal to 0.) Starting with the rational
numbers 01 and 11 as Stage 0, the baseball sum of each consecutive pair of
rational numbers in a stage is inserted between the pair to arrive at the next
stage. The first few stages of this process are shown below:
0 1
STAGE 0: 1 1

0 1 1
STAGE 1: 1 2 1

0 1 1 2 1
STAGE 2: 1 3 2 3 1

0 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 1
STAGE 3: 1 4 3 5 2 5 3 4 1
Prove that
(i) no rational number will be inserted more than once,
(ii) no inserted fraction is reducible, and
(iii) every rational number between 0 and 1 will be inserted in the pattern at
some stage.
Sun Life Financial Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge
NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations
and answers will be expressed as
exact numbers such as 4, 2 + 7, etc., rather than as 12.566 . . .
or 4.646 . . ..
4. Calculators are not allowed.

1. If a = 15 and b = 9, what is the value of a2 + 2ab + b2 ?

2. A circular wind power generator turns at a rate of 30 complete revolutions per

minute. Through how many degrees does it turn in one second? y
3. In the diagram, ABCD is a rectangle with A on the
line y = x + 10, B on the line y = 2x + 10, and
C and D on the x-axis. If AD = 4, what is the area
of rectangle ABCD?



4. In June, the ratio of boys to girls in a school was 3 : 2. In September, there were
80 fewer boys and 20 fewer girls in the school and the ratio of boys to girls was 7 : 5.
What was the total number of students at the school in June?

5. The numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . , 9 are placed in a square array. The sum of the three rows,
the sum of the three columns, and the sum of the two diagonals are added together
to form a grand sum, S.
For example, if the numbers are placed as shown, the grand sum is

1 2 3 S = row sums + column sums + diagonal sums

4 5 6 = 45 + 45 + 30
7 8 9 = 120 .

What is the maximum possible value of the grand sum S?

6. In the diagram, O is the centre of the circle, AN is tangent to

the circle at A, P lies on the circle, and P N is perpendicular
to AN . If AN = 15 and P N = 9, determine the radius of O
the circle.

7. Determine all ordered triples of real numbers, (x, y, z), that satisfy the system of

xy = z 2
x+y+z = 7
x + y 2 + z 2 = 133 .

8. In the diagram, there are 28 line segments of length 1 arranged as shown to form
9 squares. There are various routes from A to B travelling along the segments so
that no segment is travelled more than once. Of these possible routes, determine

the length of route that occurs the most often, and

the number of different routes of this length.


1. An arithmetic sequence a, a + d, a + 2d, . . . is a sequence in which successive terms
have a common difference d. For example, 2, 5, 8, . . . is an arithmetic sequence with
common difference d = 3 because 5 2 = 8 5 = 3.

(a) If x 1, 2x + 2 and 7x + 1 are the first three terms of an arithmetic sequence,

determine the value of x.
(b) For the value of x from (a), what is the middle term of the arithmetic sequence
x 1, 2x + 2, 7x + 1, . . . , 72?

A geometric sequence a, ar, ar2 , . . . is a sequence in which successive terms have a

common ratio r. For example, the sequence 2, 10, 50, . . . is a geometric sequence with
10 50
common ratio r = 5 because = = 5.
2 10
(c) If y 1, 2y + 2 and 7y + 1 are the first three terms of a geometric sequence,
determine all possible values of y.
(d) For each of the values of y from (c), determine the 6th term of the geometric
sequence y 1, 2y + 2, 7y + 1, . . . .

2. In the diagram, ABC = BCD = 90 . Also, AB = 9, BC = 24 and CD = 18.

The diagonals AC and BD of quadrilateral ABCD meet at E.

(a) Determine the area of the quadrilateral ABCD.

(b) Show that the ratio DE : EB = 2 : 1. 9 A

(c) Determine the area of triangle DEC.
(d) Determine the area of triangle DAE.

C 18 D
Canadian Open


Sun Life
3. Alphonse and Beryl are back! They are playing a two person game with the following

Initially there is a pile of N stones, with N 2.

The players alternate turns, with Alphonse going first. On his first
turn, Alphonse must remove at least 1 and at most N 1 stones from
the pile.
If a player removes k stones on their turn, then the other player must
remove at least 1 and at most 2k 1 stones on their next turn.
The player who removes the last stone wins the game.

(a) Determine who should win the game when N = 7, and explain the winning
(b) Determine who should win the game when N = 8, and explain the winning
(c) Determine all values of N for which Beryl has a winning strategy. Explain this

4. A cat is located at C, 60 metres directly west of a mouse located at M . The mouse

is trying to escape by running at 7 m/s in a direction 30 east of north. The cat, an
expert in geometry, runs at 13 m/s in a suitable straight line path that will intercept
the mouse as quickly as possible.
(a) If t is the length of time, in seconds, that it
takes the cat to catch the mouse, determine N
the value of t.

(b) Suppose that the mouse instead chooses a

different direction to try to escape. Show that
no matter which direction it runs, all points of
13 m/s 30
interception lie on a circle.
7 m/s

(c) Suppose that the mouse is intercepted after W 60 m M E

running a distance of d1 metres in a particular
direction. If the mouse would have been S
intercepted after it had run a distance of d2
metres in the
opposite direction, show that
d1 + d2 14 30.
Sun Life Financial Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge
NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations
and answers will be expressed as
exact numbers such as 4, 2 + 7, etc., rather than as 12.566 . . .
or 4.646 . . ..
4. Calculators are not allowed.
5. Diagrams are not drawn to scale. They are intended as aids only.

1. If 2x + y = 13 and x + 2y = 11, what is the value of x + y?
2. Determine the units digit of the integer equal to 9 + 92 + 93 + 94 .
(The units digit of an integer is its rightmost digit. For example, the units digit of
the integer 1234 is 4.)
3. If the average of four different positive integers is 8, what is the largest possible value
of any one of these integers?
4. In the diagram, D is on AB and E is on AC with DE parallel A
to BC. Also, DE = 1, BC = 6, AE = x, and EC = x2 + 4. x
Determine all possible values of x.

x2 + 4

5. Four consecutive integers p, q, r, s with p < q < r < s satisfy 12 p + 13 q + 14 r = s.
What is the value of s?
6. Rectangle ABCD intersects a circle at points A H G D
E, F, G, and H, as shown. If AH = 4, HG = 5 B C
and BE = 3, determine the length of EF .

7. A star is placed in the bottom right corner square of a 3 3

grid, as shown. A fair coin is flipped repeatedly. Each time that
the coin shows heads, the star is moved one space upwards;
each time that the coin shows tails, the star is moved one space
to the left. (The star may move off the grid.) Determine the
probability that the star reaches the top left corner square of
the grid.

8. Determine the sum of all integer values of the parameter r for which the equation
x3 rx + r + 11 = 0 has at least one positive integer solution for x.
1. In the diagram, 4P SR is right-angled at S and
4P RQ is right-angled at R. Also, P S = 12, P
SR = 9, and P Q = 25.
12 25
(a) Determine the length of RQ.
(b) Determine the area of figure P QRS. S
9 Q
(c) Show that QP R = P RS. R
(d) Determine the length of SQ.

2. (a) Determine all real numbers x such that (x + 3)(x 6) = 14.

(b) Determine all real numbers x such that 22x 3(2x ) 4 = 0.
(c) Determine all real numbers x such that (x2 3x)2 = 4 3(3x x2 ).

3. (a) An infinite sequence a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . satisfies

amn + am+n = 12 a2m + 12 a2n

for all non-negative integers m and n with m n 0.

(i) Show that a0 = 0.
(ii) If a1 = 1, determine the value of a2 and the value of a3 .
(b) An infinite sequence b0 , b1 , b2 , b3 , . . . satisfies

bmn + bm+n = b2m + b2n

for all non-negative integers m and n with m n 0. Prove that all terms in
the sequence have the same value.

4. A triangle is called automedian if its three medians can be used to form a triangle
that is similar to the original triangle.

(a) Show that the triangle with sides of length 7, 13 and 17 is automedian.
(b) 4ABC has side lengths AB = c, AC = b and BC = a, with a < b < c. If
4ABC is automedian, prove that a2 + c2 = 2b2 .
(c) Determine, with proof, an infinite family of automedian triangles with integer
side lengths, such that no two of the triangles in the family are similar.
Sun Life Financial Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge
NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations
and answers will be expressed as
exact numbers such as 4, 2 + 7, etc., rather than as 12.566 . . .
or 4.646 . . ..
4. Calculators are not allowed.
5. Diagrams are not drawn to scale. They are intended as aids only.

1. Determine the value of
1 + 2 3 + 4 5 + 6 7 + 8 9 + 10 11 + 12 13 + 14 15 + 16 17 + 18 .

2. If 3 10a + 5 10b + 7 10c = 5073, and a, b and c are non-negative integers, what
is the value of a + b + c?
3. Soroosh has 10 coins, each of which is either a quarter (worth 25 cents) or a dime
(worth 10 cents). The total value of the dimes is greater than the total value of the
quarters. What is the smallest possible number of dimes that he could have?
4. The positive integers 15, 12 and n have the property that the product of any two of
them is divisible by the third. Determine the smallest possible value of n.
5. In the diagram, there are three islands labelled
A, B and C. Islands A and B are joined by a
bridge, as are islands B and C. Maya begins her A
journey on island A and travels between the islands
by bridge only. She records the sequence of islands
that she visits. She does not necessarily visit all
three islands. If Maya makes 20 bridge crossings C
in total, how many possible sequences of islands
A, B and C could she travel along?

6. A polygon is called regular if all of its sides are

equal in length and all of its interior angles are B C
equal in size. In the diagram, a portion of a regular D
polygon is shown. If ACD = 120 , how many A
sides does the polygon have?

7. Determine all angles with 0 360 such that log2 (3 sin ) = 2 log2 (cos )+1.
8. Determine all triples (a, b, c) of positive integers such that a! = 4(b!) + 10(c!).
Note: If n is a positive integer, the symbol n! (read as n factorial) is used to
represent the product of the positive integers from 1 to n; that is,
n! = n(n 1)(n 2) (3)(2)(1)
For example, 5! = 5(4)(3)(2)(1).
1. (a) In the diagram, CAB = 90 , AB = 9 and
BC = 15. Determine the area of 4ABC.


A 9 B

(b) From part (a), 4ABC has side BA extended C

to D. If the area of 4CDB is 84, determine
the length of CD.

D A 9 B

(c) In 4P QR, P Q = 25 and QR = 25. If the area P

of 4P QR is 300, determine the length of P R.


2. Triangle P QR has vertices P (7, 13), Q(19, 1) and R(1, 1). Point M (4, 7) is the
midpoint of P R; the midpoint of P Q is N .

(a) Determine the equation of the median of the triangle that passes through points
Q and M .
(b) Determine the coordinates of G, the point of intersection of RN and QM .
(c) Point F is on P R so that QF is perpendicular to P R. Point T is on P Q so
that RT is perpendicular to P Q. Determine the coordinates of H, the point of
intersection between altitudes QF and RT .
(d) Determine which of G and H is closer to the origin.
Canadian Open


Sun Life
3. Suppose that f and g are functions.
We say that the real number c is a real fixed point of f if f (c) = c.
We say that f and g commute if f (g(x)) = g(f (x)) for all real numbers x.

(a) If f (x) = x2 2, determine all real fixed points of f .

(b) If f (x) = x2 2, determine all cubic polynomials g that commute with f .
(c) Suppose that p and q are real-valued functions that commute.
If 2 [q(p(x))]4 + 2 = [p(x)]4 + [p(x)]3 for all real numbers x, prove that q has no
real fixed points.

4. For each positive integer n, define f (n) to be the smallest positive integer s for which
1+2+3+ +(s1)+s is divisible by n. For example, f (5) = 4 because 1+2+3+4
is divisible by 5 and none of 1, 1 + 2, or 1 + 2 + 3 is divisible by 5.

(a) Determine all positive integers a for which f (a) = 8.

(b) Prove that there are infinitely many odd positive integers b for which

f (b + 1) f (b) > 2009 .

(c) Determine, with proof, the smallest positive integer k for which the equation
f (c) = f (c + k) has an odd positive integer solution for c.
Sun Life Financial Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge
NOTE: 1. Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet.
2. Write solutions in the answer booklet provided.
3. It is expected that all calculations
and answers will be expressed as
exact numbers such as 4, 2 + 7, etc., rather than as 12.566 . . .
or 4.646 . . ..
4. Calculators are not allowed.
5. Diagrams are not drawn to scale. They are intended as aids only.

(9 + 5)2 (9 5)2
1. Determine the integer equal to .
2. Determine all values of x for which x (8 x) = 8 (x 8).

3. In the diagram, each of the three circles has centre O. C

Diameter CD of the largest circle passes through points B
B, A and O. The lengths of the radii of the circles are A
OA = 2, OB = 4, and OC = 6. What is the area of the
shaded region? O

(3.1 107 )(8 108 )
4. Determine the number of digits of the integer equal to .
2 103
5. What point on the line with equation y = x is closest to the point P (3, 9)?

6. On a calculus exam, the average of those who studied was 90% and the average of
those who did not study was 40%. If the average of the entire class was 85%, what
percentage of the class did not study?

7. In the diagram, rectangle ABCD has AB = 20 and W

BC = 10. Points W and K are outside of the
rectangle with W A = KC = 12 and W B = KD = 16.
Determine the length of W K and express your answer A B

in the form W K = m n, where m and n are positive
integers with m > 1.


8. Determine all values of x for which (x2 + 3x + 2)(x2 2x 1)(x2 7x + 12) + 24 = 0.

1. In each part of this problem, each of the variables in the
grid is to be replaced with an integer. The sum of the
X 13 30
integers in a row is given to the right of the row. The
Y 11 23
sum of the integers in a column is given at the bottom of
the column. For example, from the grid to the right we 29 24
can conclude that X +13 = 30, Y +11 = 23, X +Y = 29,
and 13 + 11 = 24.
(a) Determine the value of C.
A A 50
B C 44
37 57
(b) Determine the value of n, the sum of the integers in the second column.

D D D 30
F F E 55
F E E 50
50 n 40

(c) Determine the value of P + Q.

P Q T R 20
Q P T R 20
R R R T 33
T T T R 19
20 20 19 33

2. The parabola with equation y = x2 4x + 12 intersects the line with equation

y = 2x + 20 at points A and B.
(a) Determine the coordinates of the points A and B.
(b) Determine the coordinates of the midpoint, M , of the segment AB.
(c) A line parallel to the line with equation y = 2x + 20 intersects the parabola at
distinct points P (p, p2 4p + 12) and Q(q, q 2 4q + 12). Prove that p + q = 2.
(d) Point N is the midpoint of P Q. Explain why line segment M N is vertical.
3. In the diagram, the circle has centre O, diameter AC,
and radius 1. A chord is drawn from A to an arbitrary P
point B (different from A) on the circle and extended B
to the point P with BP = 1. Thus P can take many
positions. Let S be the set of points P .

(a) Let U be a point in S for which U O is

perpendicular to AC. Determine the length of U O. O
(b) Let V be a point in S for which V C is
perpendicular to AC. Determine the length of V C.

(c) Determine whether or not there is a circle on which

all points of S lie.
Canadian Open


Sun Life
4. Let bxc denote the greatest integer less than or equal to x.
For example, b3.1c = 3 and
 b1.4c =2. 
1 1
For x > 0, define f (x) = x + x+ .
x x
For example, f 49 = 49 + 49 49 + 94 = 97 25
36 2 = 36 .

(a) Determine all x > 0 so that f (x) = x.

(b) Suppose that x = for some positive integer a > 1.
Prove that x 6= f (x), but that f (x) = f (f (x)).
(c) Prove that there are infinitely many rational numbers u so that
0 < u < 1,
u, f (u) and f (f (u)) are all distinct, and
f (f (u)) = f (f (f (u))).






StudentSignature:_____________________________GENDER:Male Female


GRADE:8 9 10 11 12 CEGEP OTHER: __________




PARTB:Consistsof4intermediatequestionsworth6markseach. Cellphonesandcalculators








A1 A2 A3 A4 A B1 B2 B3 B4 B C1 C2 C3 C4 C ABC


SunLifeFinancialCanadianOpenMathematicsChallenge2011 Page2 of16

If ris a number such that 6r+ 5 = 0, what is the value of 3 ?

selects four different numbers from the set{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}whose sum is 11. If `is the
largest of these four numbers, what is the value of `?


SunLifeFinancialCanadianOpenMathematicsChallenge2011 Page3 of16


The faces of a cube contain the number 1,2,3,4,5,6such that the sum of the numbers on each pair of
opposite faces is 7. For each of the cubes eight corners, we multiply the three numbers on the faces incident
to that corner, and write down its value. (In the diagram, the value of the indicated corner is 1x2x3=6.)
What is the sum of the eight values assigned to the cubes corners?

In the figure, AQPB and ASRC are squares, and AQS is an equilateral triangle. If QS= 4 and
BC= x, what is the value of x?


SunLifeFinancialCanadianOpenMathematicsChallenge2011 Page4 of16


Arthur intending to arrive at a certain time. If he drives at 60 km/h, he
is driving to Davids house
will arrive 5 minutes late. If he drives at 90 km/h, he will arrive 5 minutes early. If he drives at
nkm/h, he will arrive exactly on time. What is the value of n?


SunLifeFinancialCanadianOpenMathematicsChallenge2011 Page5 of16

Integers a, b, c, d, and esatisfy the following three properties:
(i) 2 a<b<c<d<e<100
(ii) gcd (a,e) = 1
(iii) a, b, c, d, eform a geometric sequence.
What is the value of c?


SunLifeFinancialCanadianOpenMathematicsChallenge2011 Page6 of16

In the figure, BCis a diameter of the circle, where BC= 901, BD= 1, and DA= 16. If
EC= x, what is the value of x?


SunLifeFinancialCanadianOpenMathematicsChallenge2011 Page7 of16

A group of nfriends wrote a math contest consisting of eight short-answer problems , , , , , , ,
, and four full-solution problems , , , . Each person in the group correctly solved exactly 11 of the
12 problems. We create an 8 x4 table. Inside the square located in the row and column, we write down
the number of people who correctly solved both problem and problem . If the 32 entries in the table sum
to 256, what is the value of n?


SunLifeFinancialCanadianOpenMathematicsChallenge2011 Page8 of16

ABCis a triangle with coordinates A=(2,6), B=(0,0), and C=(14,0).

(a) Let Pbe the midpoint of AB. Determine the equation of the line perpendicular to ABpassing through P.
(b) Let Qbe the point on line BCfor which PQis perpendicular to AB. Determine the length of AQ.
(c) There is a (unique) circle passing through the points A, B, and C. Determine the radius of this circle.


SunLifeFinancialCanadianOpenMathematicsChallenge2011 Page10 of16


Charlotte writes a test consisting of 100 questions, where the answer to each question is either TRUE or
FALSE. Charlottes teacher announces that for every five consecutive questions on the test, the answers to
exactly three of them are TRUE. Just before the test starts, the teacher whispers to Charlotte that the
answers to the first and last questions are both FALSE.
(a) Determine the number of questions for which the correct answer is TRUE.
(b) What is the correct answer to the sixth question on the test?
(c) Explain how Charlotte can correctly answer all 100 questions on the test.


SunLifeFinancialCanadianOpenMathematicsChallenge2011 Page12 of16


Let nbe a positive integer. A row of n+ 1 squares is written from left to right, numbered 0, 1, 2, , n, as

Two frogs, named Alphonse and Beryl, begin a race starting at square 0. For each second that passes,
Alphonse and Beryl make a jump to the right according to the following rules: if there are at least eight
squares to the right of Alphonse, then Alphonse jumps eight squares to the right. Otherwise, Alphonse jumps
one square to the right. If there are at least seven squares to the right of Beryl, then Beryl jumps seven
squares to the right. Otherwise, Beryl jumps one square to the right. Let A(n) and B(n) respectively denote
the number of seconds for Alphonse and Beryl to reach square n. For example, A(40) = 5 and B(40) = 10.
(a) Determine an integer n>200 for which B(n) <A(n).
(b) Determine the largest integer nfor which B(n) A(n).


SunLifeFinancialCanadianOpenMathematicsChallenge2011 Page14 of16

Let f(x) = ax+ b, where aand bare positive integers.
(a) Suppose a= 2 and b= 2. Determine the set of real roots of f(x) x, and the set of real
roots of f(f(x)) x.
(b) Determine the number of pairs of positive integers (a,b) with 1 a,b2011 for which
every root of f(f(x)) xis an integer.


The 2012 Sun Life Financial

First Name: Grade

Last Name: Other:


Y N Date of Birth:
y y y y mm d d

E-mail Address:





A3 A4 A B3 B4 B C3 C4 C ABC
COMC 2012: Final Version 1

COMC 2012 : Final Version

Part A

A1 Determine the positive integer n such that 84 = 4n .

A2 Let x be the average of the following six numbers: {12, 412, 812, 1212, 1612, 2012}. Determine
the value of x.

A3 Let ABCDEF be a hexagon all of whose sides are equal in length and all of whose angles
are equal. The area of hexagon ABCDEF is exactly r times the area of triangle ACD.
Determine the value of r.



A4 Twelve different lines are drawn on the coordinate plane so that each line is parallel to exactly
COMC 2012: Final Version 1
two other lines. Furthermore, no three lines intersect at a point. Determine the total number
of intersection points among the twelve2012 lines.: Final Version
.... ... . . .
.... .. . . . . .
Part A
... ...
. . . . . . . . . .. . .
. . .
A1 Determine the positive integer n such . . . 4 n . .
. ......that
.. 8 = 4 .
.. . ... ...
. .. . . .. .
A2 Let x be the average of the following six numbers:. . {12, 412, 812, 1212, 1612, 2012}. Determine
the value of x.

A3 Let ABCDEF be a hexagon all of whose sides are equal in length and all of whose angles
are equal. The area of hexagon ABCDEF is exactly r times the area of triangle ACD.
Determine the value of r.



A4 Twelve different lines are drawn on the coordinate plane so that each line is parallel to exactly
two other lines. Furthermore, no three lines 1 intersect at a point. Determine the total number
of intersection points among the twelve lines.
.... ... . . .
.... .. . . . . .
... ...
. . . . . . .. . .
... ... ... .
. . . .
. ... ..
.. . ... ...
. .. .. . .. .
. ..
COMC 2012 : Final Version
Part A

A1 Determine the positive integer n such that 84 = 4n .

A2 Let x be the average of the following six numbers: {12, 412, 812, 1212, 1612, 2012}. Determine
the value of x.

A3 Let ABCDEF be a hexagon all of whose sides are equal in length and all of whose angles
are equal. The area of hexagon ABCDEF is exactly r times the area of triangle ACD.
COMC the value
2012: Final of r.
Version 1
COMC 2012 : Final Version
Part A F C

A1 Determine the positive integer n such that 84 = 4n .


Let x different lines are
be the average drawn
of the on the six
following coordinate
numbers:plane {12,so that
412, each
812, line1612,
1212, is parallel
of x.Furthermore, no three lines intersect at a point. Determine the total number
of intersection points among the twelve lines.
.. . .
......... . .. . .. .
A3 Let ABCDEF be a hexagon all of whose .sides are equal in length and all of whose angles
are equal. The area of hexagon ... ...
ABCDEF is exactly r. . times the area of triangle ACD.
.. .. .
Determine the value of .r.. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .
. .. . . .
. . . A... B
. .. .. . .. .
. ..


A4 Twelve different lines are drawn on the coordinate plane so that each line is parallel to exactly
two other lines. Furthermore, no three lines intersect at a point. Determine the total number
of intersection points among the twelve lines.
.... ... . . .
.... .. . . . . .
... ...
. . . . . . .. . .
... ... ... .
. . . .
. ... ..
.. . ... ...
. .. . . .. .
.. ..
COMC 2012: Final Version 2

Part B

B1 Alice and Bob run in the clockwise direction around a circular track, each running at a
constant speed. Alice can complete a lap in t seconds, and Bob can complete a lap in 60
seconds. They start at diametrically-opposite points.

Alice Bob

When they meet for the first time, Alice has completed exactly 30 laps. Determine all possible
values of t.

B2 For each positive integer n, define (n) to be the number of positive divisors of n. For exam-
ple, (10) = 4, since 10 has 4 positive divisors, namely {1, 2, 5, 10}.

Suppose n is a positive integer such that (2n) = 6. Determine the minimum possible value
of (6n).

B3 Given the following 4 by 4 square grid of points, determine the number of ways we can label
ten different points A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J such that the lengths of the nine segments


are in strictly increasing order.

Alice Bob

When they meet for the first time, Alice has completed exactly 30 laps. Determine all possible
values of t.

B2 For each positive integer n, define (n) to be the number of positive divisors of n. For exam-
ple, (10) = 4, since 10 has 4 positive divisors, namely {1, 2, 5, 10}.

Suppose n is a positive integer such that (2n) = 6. Determine the minimum possible value
of (6n).

B3 Given the following 4 by 4 square grid of points, determine the number of ways we can label
ten different points A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J such that the lengths of the nine segments


are in strictly increasing order.

When they meet for the first time, Alice has completed exactly 30 laps. Determine all possible
values of t.

B2 For each positive integer n, define (n) to be the number of positive divisors of n. For exam-
ple, (10) = 4, since 10 has 4 positive divisors, namely {1, 2, 5, 10}.

Suppose n is a positive integer such that (2n) = 6. Determine the minimum possible value
of (6n).

B3 Given the following 4 by 4 square grid of points, determine the number of ways we can label
ten different points A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J such that the lengths of the nine segments


are in strictly increasing order.

COMC 2012: Final Version 3

B4 In the following diagram, two lines that meet at a point A are tangent to a circle at points
B and C. The line parallel to AC passing through B meets the circle again at D. Join the
segments CD and AD. Suppose AB = 49 and CD = 28. The length of AD is a positive
integer n. Determine n.



COMC 2012: Final Version 4

Part C

C1 Let f (x) = x2 and g(x) = 3x 8.

(a) (2 marks) Determine the values of f (2) and g(f (2)).

(b) (4 marks) Determine all values of x such that f (g(x)) = g(f (x)).
(c) (4 marks) Let h(x) = 3x r. Determine all values of r such that f (h(2)) = h(f (2)).

C2 We fill a 3 3 grid with 0s and 1s. We score one point for each row, column, and diagonal
whose sum is odd.

1 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 1

For example, the grid on the left has 0 points and the grid on the right has 3 points.

(a) (2 marks) Fill in the following grid so that the grid has exactly 1 point. No additional
work is required. Many answers are possible. You only need to provide one.

(b) (4 marks) Determine all grids with exactly 8 points.

(c) (4 marks) Let E be the number of grids with an even number of points, and O be the
number of grids with an odd number of points. Prove that E = O.

COMC 2012: Final Version 4

Part C

C1 Let f (x) = x2 and g(x) = 3x 8.

(a) (2 marks) Determine the values of f (2) and g(f (2)).

(b) (4 marks) Determine all values of x such that f (g(x)) = g(f (x)).
(c) (4 marks) Let h(x) = 3x r. Determine all values of r such that f (h(2)) = h(f (2)).

C2 We fill a 3 3 grid with 0s and 1s. We score one point for each row, column, and diagonal
whose sum is odd.

1 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 1 1

For example, the grid on the left has 0 points and the grid on the right has 3 points.

(a) (2 marks) Fill in the following grid so that the grid has exactly 1 point. No additional
work is required. Many answers are possible. You only need to provide one.

(b) (4 marks) Determine all grids with exactly 8 points.

(c) (4 marks) Let E be the number of grids with an even number of points, and O be the
number of grids with an odd number of points. Prove that E = O.

COMC 2012: Final Version 5

C3 Let ABCD be a parallelogram. We draw in the diagonal AC. A circle is drawn inside ABC
tangent to all three sides and touches side AC at a point P .

(a) (2 marks) Prove that DA + AP = DC + CP .
(b) (4 marks) Draw in the line DP . A circle of radius r1 is drawn inside DAP tangent to
all three sides. A circle of radius r2 is drawn inside DCP tangent to all three sides.
Prove that
r1 AP
= .
r2 PC
(c) (4 marks) Suppose DA + DC = 3AC and DA = DP . Let r1 , r2 be the two radii defined
in (b). Determine the ratio r1 /r2 .

C4 For any positive integer n, an n-tuple of positive integers (x1 , x2 , , xn ) is said to be super-
squared if it satisfies both of the following properties:

(1) x1 > x2 > x3 > > xn .

(2) The sum x21 + x22 + + x2k is a perfect square for each 1 k n.

For example, (12, 9, 8) is super-squared, since 12 > 9 > 8, and each of 122 , 122 + 92 , and
122 + 92 + 82 are perfect squares.

(a) (2 marks) Determine all values of t such that (32, t, 9) is super-squared.

(b) (2 marks) Determine a super-squared 4-tuple (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) with x1 < 200.
(c) (6 marks) Determine whether there exists a super-squared 2012-tuple.

(a) (2 marks) Prove that DA + AP = DC + CP .
(b) (4 marks) Draw in the line DP . A circle of radius r1 is drawn inside DAP tangent to
all three sides. A circle of radius r2 is drawn inside DCP tangent to all three sides.
Prove that
r1 AP
= .
r2 PC
(c) (4 marks) Suppose DA + DC = 3AC and DA = DP . Let r1 , r2 be the two radiuses
defined in (b). Determine the ratio r1 /r2 .

C4 For any positive integer n, an n-tuple of positive integers (x1 , x2 , , xn ) is said to be super-
squared if it satisfies both of the following properties:

(1) x1 > x2 > x3 > > xn .

(2) The sum x21 + x22 + + x2k is a perfect square for each 1 k n.

For example, (12, 9, 8) is super-squared, since 12 > 9 > 8, and each of 122 , 122 + 92 , and
122 + 92 + 82 are perfect squares.

(a) (2 marks) Determine all values of t such that (32, t, 9) is super-squared.

(b) (2 marks) Determine a super-squared 4-tuple (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) with x1 < 200.
(c) (6 marks) Determine whether there exists a super-squared 2012-tuple.

The Sun Life Financial
Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge
November 6/7, 2013


General Instructions

1) Do not open the exam booklet until instructed to do so by your

supervising teacher.
2) Take the first five minutes to fill in the exam cover sheet. Be sure to fill
in all information fields and write legibly.
3) Once you have completed the exam and given it to your supervising Mobile phones and
teacher you may leave the exam room. calculators are NOT
4) The contents of the COMC 2013 exam and your answers and solutions permitted.
must not be publically discussed (including web chats) for at least 24

Exam Format

There are three parts to the COMC to be completed in 2 hours and 30 minutes:

PART A: Consists of 4 basic questions worth 4 marks each.

PART B: Consists of 4 intermediate questions worth 6 marks each.

PART C: Consists of 4 advanced questions worth 10 marks each.

Diagrams are not drawn to scale; they are intended as aids only.

Work and Answers

All solution work and answers are to be presented in this booklet in the boxes provided. Marks are
awarded for completeness and clarity. For sections A and B, it is not necessary to show your work in
order to receive full marks. However, if your answer or solution is incorrect, any work that you do and
present in this booklet will be considered for part marks. For section C, you must show your work and
provide the correct answer or solution to receive full marks.

It is expected that all calculations and answers will be expressed as exact numbers such as 4, 2 + 7,
etc., rather than as 12.566, 4.646, etc. The names of all award winners will be published on the
Canadian Mathematical Society web site.
The 2013 Sun Life Financial
Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge

Please print clearly and complete all information below. Failure to print legibly or provide
complete information may result in your exam being disqualified. This exam is not considered
valid unless it is accompanied by your test supervisors signed form.
First Name: Grade:
8 9 10
11 12 Cgep
Last Name: Other:

T-Shirt Size:
Are you currently registered in full-time attendance at an elementary, secondary or
Cgep school, or home schooled and have been since September 15th of this year?
Date of Birth:
Yes No
Are you a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident of Canada (regardless of current y y y y m m d d
address)? Gender: (Optional)
Yes No
Male Female

E-mail Address:

Signature: ________________________________

For official use only:

A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 TOTAL

Marker initials Data entry initials


Part A: Question 1 (4 marks)

A1 Determine the positive integer n that satisfies the following equation:
1 1 1 n
+ 9 + 8 = 10 .
2 2 2 2

A2 Your Solution:
Determine the positive integer k for which the parabola y = x2 6 passes through the point
(k, k).

A3 In the figure below, the circles have radii 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The total area that is contained
inside an odd number of these circles is m for a positive number m. What is the value of m?

A4 A positive integer is said to be bi-digital if it uses two different digits, with each digit used
exactly twice. For example, 1331 is bi-digital, whereas 1113, 1111, 1333, and 303 are not.
Determine the exact value of the integer b, the number of bi-digital positive integers.

A1 Determine the positive integer n that satisfies the following equation:

1 1 1 n
+ 9 + 8 = 10 .
Part A: Question 2 (4 marks) 210 2 2 2

A2 Determine the positive integer k for which the parabola y = x2 6 passes through the point
(k, k).

A3 In the figure below, the circles have radii 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The total area that is contained
Your Solution:
inside an odd number of these circles is m for a positive number m. What is the value of m?

A4 A positive integer is said to be bi-digital if it uses two different digits, with each digit used
exactly twice. For example, 1331 is bi-digital, whereas 1113, 1111, 1333, and 303 are not.
Determine the exact value of the integer b, the number of bi-digital positive integers. 2013 CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY

A1 Determine the positive integer n that satisfies the following equation:
1 1 1 n
+ 9 + 8 = 10 .
2 22013 Page 3 of 16

A2 Determine the positive integer k for which the parabola y = x2 6 passes through the point
Part A: Question 3 (4 marks)
(k, k).

A3 In the figure below, the circles have radii 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The total area that is contained
inside an odd number of these circles is m for a positive number m. What is the value of m?

A4 Determine
A positivethe positive
integer integer
is said to ben bi-digital
that satisfies
if it the
usesfollowing equation:
two different digits, with each digit used
Your Solution:
exactly twice. For example, 1331 is bi-digital, whereas 1113, 1111, 1333, and 303 are not.
1 1 1 n
Determine the exact value of the integer + b, the
+ number
= 10 .of bi-digital positive integers.
210 29 28 2

A2 Determine the positive integer k for which the parabola y = x2 6 passes through the point
(k, k).

A3 In the figure below, the circles have radii 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The total area that is contained
inside an odd number of these circles is m for a positive number m. What is the value of m?

Part A: Question 4 (4 marks)

A4 A positive integer is said to be bi-digital if it uses two different digits, with each digit used
exactly twice. For example, 1331 is bi-digital, whereas 1113, 1111, 1333, and 303 are not.
Determine the exact value of the integer b, the number of bi-digital positive integers.



Part B: Question 1 (6 marks)

B1 Given a triangle ABC, X, Y are points on side AB, with X closer to A than Y , and Z is
a point on side AC such that XZ is parallel to Y C and Y Z is parallel to BC. Suppose
AX = 16 and XY = 12. Determine the length of Y B.

X   Z





B2 There is a unique triplet of positive integers (a, b, c) such that a b c and

Your Solution:
25 1 1 1
= + + .
84 a ab abc
Determine a + b + c.

B3 Teams A and B are playing soccer until someone scores 29 goals. Throughout the game
the score is shown on a board displaying two numbers the number of goals scored by A
and the number of goals scored by B. A mathematical soccer fan noticed that several times
throughout the game, the sum of all the digits displayed on the board was 10. (For example,
a score of 12 : 7 is one such possible occasion). What is the maximum number of times
throughout the game that this could happen?

B4 Let a be the largest real value of x for which x3 8x2 2x + 3 = 0. Determine the integer

Y  C

MATHEMATICS Page 5 of 16


Part B: Question 2B(6 marks)
B2 There is a unique triplet of positive integers (a, b, c) such that a b c and
25 1 1 1
= + + .
84 a ab abc
Determine a + b + c.

B3 Teams A and B are playing soccer until someone scores 29 goals. Throughout the game
the score
Your is shown on a board displaying two numbers the number of goals scored by A
and the number of goals scored by B. A mathematical soccer fan noticed that several times
throughout the game, the sum of all the digits displayed on the board was 10. (For example,
a score of 12 : 7 is one such possible occasion). What is the maximum number of times
throughout the game that this could happen?

B4 Let a be the largest real value of x for which x3 8x2 2x + 3 = 0. Determine the integer



B2 There is a unique triplet of positive integers (a, b, c) such that a b c and

1 12013 Page 6 of 16
= + + .
84 a ab abc
Part B: Question
Determine a + b +3 c.
(6 marks)
B3 Teams A and B are playing soccer until someone scores 29 goals. Throughout the game
the score is shown on a board displaying two numbers the number of goals scored by A
and the number of goals scored by B. A mathematical soccer fan noticed that several times
throughout the game, the sum of all the digits displayed on the board was 10. (For example,
a score of 12 : 7 is one such possible occasion). What is the maximum number of times
throughout the game that this could happen?

B4 Let a be the largest real value of x for which x3 8x2 2x + 3 = 0. Determine the integer
Your Solution:

Determine a + b + c.

B3 Teams A and B are playing soccer until someone scores 29 goals. Throughout the game
the score is shown on a board displaying two numbers the number of goals scored by A
the numberCANADIAN
scored CHALLENGE 2013
by B. A mathematical soccer fan noticed that several times Page 7 of 16
throughout the game, the sum of all the digits displayed on the board was 10. (For example,
a score of 12 : 7 is one such possible occasion). What is the maximum number of times
Part B: Question
throughout 4 (6 marks)
the game that this could happen?

B4 Let a be the largest real value of x for which x3 8x2 2x + 3 = 0. Determine the integer
closest to a2 .



Part C: Question 1 (10 marks)

C1 In the diagram, AOB is a triangle with coordinates O = (0, 0), A = (0, 30), and B = (40, 0).
Let C be the point on AB for which OC is perpendicular to AB.

A(0, 30)




O(0, 0) B(40, 0)
(a) Determine the length of OC.
(b) Determine the coordinates of point C.
(c) Let M be the centre of the circle passing through O, A, and B. Determine the length
of CM .

C2 (a) Determine all real solutions to a2 + 10 = a + 102 .

Your Solution:
(b) Determine two positive real numbers a, b > 0 such that a = b and a2 + b = b2 + a.
(c) Find all triples of real numbers (a, b, c) such that a2 + b2 + c = b2 + c2 + a = c2 + a2 + b.

C3 Alphonse and Beryl play the following game. Two positive integers m and n are written on
the board. On each turn, a player selects one of the numbers on the board, erases it, and
writes in its place any positive divisor of this number as long as it is different from any of
the numbers previously written on the board. For example, if 10 and 17 are written on the
board, a player can erase 10 and write 2 in its place. The player who cannot make a move
loses. Alphonse goes first.

(a) Suppose m = 240 and n = 351 . Determine which player is always able to win the game
and explain the winning strategy.
(b) Suppose m = 240 and n = 251 . Determine which player is always able to win the game
and explain the winning strategy.

C4 For each real number x, let [x] be the largest integer less than or equal to x. For example,
[5] = 5, [7.9] = 7 and [2.4] = 3. An arithmetic progression of length k is a sequence
a1 , a2 , . . . , ak with the property that there exists a real number b such that ai+1 ai = b for
each 1 i k 1.
Let > 2 be a given irrational number. Then S = {[n ] : n Z}, is the set of all integers
that are equal to [n ] for some integer n. 2013 CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY



O(0, 0) B(40, 0)
(a) Determine the length of OC.
LIFE Determine
the coordinates of point C.CHALLENGE 2013 Page 10 of 16

(c) Let M be the centre of the circle passing through O, A, and B. Determine the length
Part C:
of Question
CM . 2 (10 marks)
C2 (a) Determine all real solutions to a2 + 10 = a + 102 .
(b) Determine two positive real numbers a, b > 0 such that a = b and a2 + b = b2 + a.
(c) Find all triples of real numbers (a, b, c) such that a2 + b2 + c = b2 + c2 + a = c2 + a2 + b.

C3 Alphonse and Beryl play the following game. Two positive integers m and n are written on
the Solution:
On each turn, a player selects one of the numbers on the board, erases it, and
writes in its place any positive divisor of this number as long as it is different from any of
the numbers previously written on the board. For example, if 10 and 17 are written on the
board, a player can erase 10 and write 2 in its place. The player who cannot make a move
loses. Alphonse goes first.

(a) Suppose m = 240 and n = 351 . Determine which player is always able to win the game
and explain the winning strategy.
(b) Suppose m = 240 and n = 251 . Determine which player is always able to win the game
and explain the winning strategy.

C4 For each real number x, let [x] be the largest integer less than or equal to x. For example,
[5] = 5, [7.9] = 7 and [2.4] = 3. An arithmetic progression of length k is a sequence
a1 , a2 , . . . , ak with the property that there exists a real number b such that ai+1 ai = b for
each 1 i k 1.
Let > 2 be a given irrational number. Then S = {[n ] : n Z}, is the set of all integers
that are equal to [n ] for some integer n. 2013 CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY


(b) Determine the coordinates of point C.
(c) Let M be the centre of the circle passing through O, A, and B. Determine the length
of CM .
C2 (a) Determine all real solutions to a2 + 10 = a + 102 .
(b) Determine two positive real numbers a, b > 0 such that a = b and a2 + b = b2 + a.
Part C: Question 3 (10 marks)
(c) Find all triples of real numbers (a, b, c) such that a2 + b2 + c = b2 + c2 + a = c2 + a2 + b.

C3 Alphonse and Beryl play the following game. Two positive integers m and n are written on
the board. On each turn, a player selects one of the numbers on the board, erases it, and
writes in its place any positive divisor of this number as long as it is different from any of
the numbers previously written on the board. For example, if 10 and 17 are written on the
board, a player can erase 10 and write 2 in its place. The player who cannot make a move
loses. Alphonse goes first.

(a) Suppose m = 240 and n = 351 . Determine which player is always able to win the game
and explain the winning strategy.
(b) Suppose m = 240 and n = 251 . Determine which player is always able to win the game
and explain the winning strategy.

C4 For each real number x, let [x] be the largest integer less than or equal to x. For example,
Your Solution:
[5] = 5, [7.9] = 7 and [2.4] = 3. An arithmetic progression of length k is a sequence
a1 , a2 , . . . , ak with the property that there exists a real number b such that ai+1 ai = b for
each 1 i k 1.
Let > 2 be a given irrational number. Then S = {[n ] : n Z}, is the set of all integers
that are equal to [n ] for some integer n. 2013 CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY


the numbers previously written on the board. For example, if 10 and 17 are written on the
board, a player can erase 10 and write 2 in its place. The player who cannot make a move
loses. Alphonse goes first.
40 51
SUN (a)
LIFE Suppose
FINANCIALm = 2 and
OPEN 3 . Determine
CHALLENGE player is always able to win the game Page 14 of 16
and explain the winning strategy.
(b) Suppose m = 240 and n = 251 . Determine which player is always able to win the game
Part C: Question 4 (10 marks)
and explain the winning strategy.

C4 For each real number x, let [x] be the largest integer less than or equal to x. For example,
[5] = 5, [7.9] = 7 and [2.4] = 3. An arithmetic progression of length k is a sequence
a1 , a2 , . . . , ak with the property that there exists a real number b such that ai+1 ai = b for
each 1 i k 1.
Let > 2 be a given irrational number. Then S = {[n ] : n Z}, is the set of all integers
that are equal to [n ] for some integer n.

(a) Prove that for any integer m 3, there exist m distinct numbers contained in S which
form an arithmetic progression of length m.
(b) Prove that there exist no infinite arithmetic progressions contained in S.




Canadian Mathematical Society

Socit mathmatique du Canada

Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge 2013 CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY

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