Legiones Astartes Kill Team

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Heresy Era gaming

This army list represents Space Marine

legions of great crusade and age of Horus
Heresy, as well as after events of heresy. You
may use it to recreate small scale military
operations performed by Space Marine
Legionaries in 30th and 31st millennium or you
may play against usual WH40k kill teams [as
it is not unusual for a warp-ship in this
universe to emerge from immaterium ten
thousand years later or earlier than the
journey has started].

About this army list

Model availability
You must adhere to the following model
requirements when building your Kill Team:
- 1 Team Leader
- 1-20 Core models
- 0-3 Special models

Deep Strike
In Legiones Astartes list Terminators DON'T
get Deep Strike rules by default. It is
unlocked by certain items.
Support units
Certain Core units have Support Unit
special rule. When composing your roster
you can have up to half of your Core
(rounded down) composed of Support Units.
Fortress of Shields
When model with this rule stands Legion I, the Dark Angels
base-to-base with team leader, he and the
team leader gain +1 toughness. Mastery of the Blade: When fighting in an assault
with one of the following weapons, combat blade,
chainsword, heavy chainsword, power sword,
Army wide special rule Tarranic greatsword, Calibanite war blade and
All models in this army have Legiones paragon blades modeled as swords, and when
Astartes special rule. Additionally team leader fighting a model with an equal WS, a model with this
always has Inspiring Presence rule. special rule strikes on a 3+.
Legiones Astartes special rule is changed for Covenant of death: If at the end of the game, the
purpose of playing Kill Team: opposing force has an equal or greater number of
Legiones Astartes: All models may reroll models in play than an Dark Angels kill team, the
their leadership to regroup and for nerve tests. opposing force gains +1 LD. Fleeing units do not
count towards working out this total.
Additionally you may choose your legionaries
to belong to one of following Legions: Legion III, the Emperor's Children

All models gain Crusader USR.

All Models gain +1 Initiative on the charge
Martial Pride: Must issue/accept challenge
whenever possible. If their character is
defeated, -1Ld for morale test at the end of
Legion IV, the Iron Warriors Legion VII, the Imperial Fists

Wrack & Ruin: Disciplined Fire: Units with this special rule add +1
- Models with the Legiones Astartes(Iron Warriors) to their BS when using Boltguns, Bolt pistols, Heavy
special rule do not suffer moral checks from shooting Bolters, and quad Heavy Bolters, and when firing the
attacks and may re-roll failed pinning tests. bolt component of a combi weapon. Heavy support
- All grenade and melta bomb attacks made by units with this rule also gain the tank hunters special
models with Legiones Astartes(Iron Warriors) rule.
special rule have the Shread special rule in addition Blood and Honor: Imperial fists characters must
to its normal special rules. issue a challenge in close combat. When fighting in
The Bitter End: In games which would normally challenges Imperial fist characters must reroll all
have a random game length, the Iron warriors players failed to hit rolls.
opponent may opt to play to six full turns instead of Unshakable defence: Models with the Legiones
the roll to end the game being made. Astartes (Imperial Fists) special rule are stubborn
when claiming cover/ fighting from fortifications and
Legion V, the White Scars barricades.
The Bitter End: In games which would normally
Swift Action: On any turn in which a model with this have a random game length, the Imperial Fists
special rule ends the movement phase at least 6( or players opponent may opt to play to six full turns
12 if the unit is a vehicle or of the bike or jetbike instead of the roll to end the game being made.
type) from the point it began the phase in the
movement and/or assault phase it gains the following
benefits until the beginning of its controlling players
next turn.
- Re-roll failed to wound rolls of a 1 with all attacks.
- Gain a cover save of 6+ or improve an existing
cover save by1 to a maximum of 3+.
The eye of the storm: A White Scars kill team may
add +1 to the result when rolling to determine which
side will take the first turn or to Seize the initiative,
as well as the first reserves roll of each turn.
Born in the Saddle: All models gain the Skilled rider
special rule.
To laugh in Deaths face: An White Scars kill team
must take a model who is originally a fast attack
choice in the Legion Astartes codex before they may
take a model that is originally a Heavy support choice.
This rule does not apply when playing Zone mortalis

Legion VI, the Space Wolves

All models gain Acute Senses and Counter

Attack. Additionally all Tactical Marines
must purchase a chainsword for 1pt.
Additionally no model in your team may
purchase jump pack if it is an option. This
does not apply to Legion Assault Marines as
their jump pack is standard wargear. [This will
be updated when Forgeworld will release
rules for SW Legion]
Legion VIII, the Night Lords Legion XII, the World Eaters

Talent for murder - if a unit with the legiones Incarnate Violence: All your models that
astartes ( night lords ) special rule outnumber one or have destroyed enemy model in close
more enemy infantry units during any initiative step combat gain Furious Charge
in which they fight an assault , they gain +1 to Hit Bloodlust: After winning assault models with
and wound ( bulky models count as 2 models and this rule consolidate towards nearest enemy.
very bulky count as 3) Should you fail Run Away test, roll d6. On 4+
Nostraman blood - all models with this special rule you pass that test and get Rage USR instead.
fall back +1" further than normal , if the fail a
pinning test , they may elect to fall back instead Legion XIII, the Ultramarines
Night vision
From the shadows - all units with this special rule Interlocking Tactics: Ultramarine units that shoot at
have a 5+ cover save on the first turn of the game, a unit already hit by another Ultramarine unit that
even in open ground this may be combined with phase Reroll 1s on to-wound or penetration rolls.
stealth etc as normal, but other forms of cover which (Doesn't apply to blast weapons or snapshots)
provide a higher save supersede it Additionally, Ultramarine units that charge at an
Seeds of dissent - if an armies warlord is slain, each enemy already engaged in close combat with another
unit in the army with this special rule must take an Ultramarine unit may reroll failed charge distances.
immediate morale check as if they had just suffered Certainty and Resolve: Ultramarines take regroup
25% casualties from shooting and fear tests at an unmodified Ld 10.
Rigid Chain of Command: If the Ultramarine
detachment loses its Warlord then every Model must
Legion IX, the Blood Angels take an immediate pinning test. Additionally the
opponent gains a bonus Victory Point
Encarmine Fury: When fighting in an assault and
using a Melee type weapon, any model in a Blood Legion XIV, the Death Guard
Angels kill team requires one lower result to wound
than they would normally, to a minimum of 2+. This Remorseless: immune to Fear and auto-pass
effect applies regardless of the weapon they are using. all pinning tests
Without Remorse, Without Relent: Models in a Sons of Barbarus: May reroll all failed
Blood Angels kill team always make sweeping Dangerous Terrain tests.
Advances if they are able to, and may not voluntarily Intractable: -1I for Sweeping Advance
Go to Ground. Legion Destroyer Marines may be taken as
Host of Angels: May not take more Vehicles than Core as well as Special.
different types of Infantry units not counting your
Team Leader(IE cannot take 2 rhinos if you only
have Tactical marines). Legion XV, the Thousand Sons

Legion X, the Iron Hands Grudge Against Space Wolves: All models
get Preferred Enemy (Space Wolves) (this
applies any variant of SW list, 30k or 40k)
Inviolate Armour: All shooting attacks Warp Maestry: Thousand Sons Lexicanium
against your models count as having their can purchase second maestry level for 30pts.
strength reduced by 1. This does not affect He may then chose up to two powers at start
instant death threshold, only to-wound rolls. of each game. Additionally they may take
Rigid tactics: only up to half of your models single (level one) lexicanium as a Special
may be equipped with bikes/jetbikes/jum choice. Lexicanium taken as special still has 2
packs. wounds.
Stand and fight: you must pass leadership [This will be updated when Forgeworld will
test to make sweeping advance or run. release rules for this Legion]
Additionally you may take Techmarine as
their team leader (in which case he gets
additional wound for free).
Legion XVI, the Sons of Horus

Death Dealer: +1 BS of shooting at an enemy within

12 with a Pistol, Rapid fire or Assault weapon,
Doesnt effect snap fire, overwatch or furry of the
legion shots. Legion XIX, the Raven Guard
The edge of the Spear: you may reroll ones on your
Reserve rolls By wing & Talon:
Merciless Fighters: If the number of sons of horus - Infantry models (Except ones in Terminator armor)
infantry models in a particular close combat is greater Gain Infiltrate and Fleet.
than that of the enemy during initiative step 1 of the -Jump Infantry, Bikes and Jetbikes, and infantry in
fight sub phase, then each model with this rule that terminator armor gain Furious Assault.
has already fought may make a single additional Flesh over Steel: May not take more tanks than
attack. different types of Infantry units not counting
Bitter pride: Units with this special rule cannot Hq(IE cannot take 2 rhinos if you only have
benefit from Inspiring presence. Tactical marines).

Legion XVII, the Imperial Heralds Legion XX, the Alpha Legion
later known as Word Bearers
Mutable Tactics: An Alpha Legion Kill team must
True believers - all units with the legiones astartes pick one of the following special rules at the point
( word bearers ) special rule roll 3d6 for all morale where warlord traits have been selected for the game.
tests and pick the two lowest dice this rule applies to all the units in the kill team with
Cut them down - all units with the legiones astartes the Legiones Astartes( Alpha Legion) special rule for
( word bearers ) special rule must always make the duration of the game.
sweeping advances when possible and must re-roll -Scout
results of a 1 -Infiltrate
Charismatic leadership If the Word Bearers Team -Tank Hunters
Leader is killed all Word bearer models suffer -1 to -Counter Attack
their LD for the rest of the game. -Move through cover
-Adamantium will
Legion XVIII, the Salamanders Martial Hubris: If the Alpha legion kill team has
suffered more models destroyed than their enemy, the
Alpha Legion Kill team suffers -1 LD until they have
Strength of will - automatically pass all fear tests killed more models than their opponent.
and must re-roll a single d6 when morale and pinning
tests are failed
Promethean gift - all hand flamers , flamers and Legions II and XI, the lost legions
heavy flamers used by a unit with this special rule You may want to play as legion of your own
count as having +1 strength , in addition , any enemy invention. That's the reason why Games
flamer based attacks used against them are reduced in Workshop have virtually never published any
strength by -1 fluff nor rules regarding these legions. If you
Nocturne born - all units with the legiones astartes want to play such legion, use rules for any of
( salamanders ) special rule do not add their initiative other well known legions or invent your own
score to any sweeping rolls and reduce their (discuss this with your oponent)
randomly rolled run and charge distances by -1 to a
minimum of 1.
Instead of picking a specific legion you may choose
to play as a Blackshields force which has their own
special rules and restrictions.

Special rules:

Legiones Astartes: All models may reroll

their leadership to regroup and for nerve tests.

Wrought by War: Each Blackshield kill team may if

its owning player wishes, select one of the Wrought
by War special rules detailed later.

Strike only from a position of strength:

Blackshield kill teams add may +1 to the dice to see
who takes the first turn.

Outcasts: For the purposes of campaigns a

Blackshield force may belong to either Loyalists or
Traitors but must be declared before the beginning of
the game.

Limited Resources: The following are unavailable

to a Blackshield kill team. Legion Tactical marine,
Legion Drop pod. Additionally they may not take
more Vehicles than different types of Infantry units
not counting your Team Leader(IE cannot take 2
rhinos if you only have Tactical marines).

Wrought by War
Orphans of War:
A Blackshield kill team may select one of the
following groups to belong to, conferring their own Non-Character models: When within 2 coherency
special rules and limitations to the kill team for no of at least 5 friendly models from a Blackshield kill
additional cost. team gain +1 leadership (to a maximum of 10) and
can reroll all failed to Hit rolls of a 1 during the
Death Seekers: shooting and assault phase. They may not however
benefit from the leadership value of other models,
Inured to Pain: Models in this Kill team gains the and if they fail a moral check in the assault phase, D3
Feel no Pain(6+) special rule, and does not need to models from the assault are removed as casualtys in
take pinning or moral checks as a result of taking addition to other effects.
casualtys from shooting attacks.
Character models: Gain preferred Enemy
The Lure of the Battle: Models in this Kill team (Character) special rule.
may not voluntarily fail a moral check and must pass
a leadership test in order to end the movement further No gods No Masters: May not include Warden-
from any visible enemy model that it was at the Chaplains in their Kill team
beginning of the phase. If this test is failed, the unit
moves D6 towards the closest enemy target instead,
stopping 1 away from enemy models. Units inside
buildings, fortifications and transports are not subject
to this involuntary movement.

Void Reavers: Before the game begins, up to half of

the kill teams infantry models may be given the Deep
strike special rule and enter play via reserve.
However should a deep strike misshap be suffered, -1
to the roll.

Unsanctioned Weaponry: Any model with this

special rule with access to a combi-bolter as an
upgrade or option may instead take a xenos deathlock
for +3 pts. Any character model that does not already
do so, has access to rad grenades as an option for +10

The Shadow of Oblivion:

This kill team takes a -1 to Rout tests.


Chymeriae Attributes: At the start of the game

before set-up, the kill teams owning player must
declare one of the following combination of bonuses
and penalties for all models in the kill team:

- option 1: +1 Strength, +1 Toughness, -1 Initiative,

-1 Charge and run distance, may not make sweeping

- option 2: +1 WS, +1 BS, -2 LD.

- option 3: The unit gains the Fear, Fleet and rage

special rules, -1 BS, must always make sweeping
advances if able to.
Legion Sergeant 20pts
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Depending on wargear options selected
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+ Legion Sergeant allows to take following
models as core choices as well as special:
Unit Type: Infantry (character) - Space Marine Bike/Jetbike - Outriders
Wargear: - Terminator armour of any kind - Terminators
- Power armour - None of the above Veteran tacticals
- Chainsword
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
May replace any weapon with any of the
- Combi-weapon 10 pts
- Plasma pistol 15 pts
- Volkite Serpenta 5 pts
- Power weapon 15 pts
- Charnabal Saber 5 pts
- Power fist or lightning claw 15 pts
May take one of the following:
- Artficer armour instead of power armour 10 pts
- Terminator armour 25 pts
- Cataprachti pattern Terminator armour 25 pts
- Tartaros pattern Terminator armour 25 pts
Selecting Terminator Armour of any kind
replaces all wargear items with said armour,
combi-Bolter and a Power Weapon
If Terminator Armour [of any type] is not chosen,
may take one of the following:
- Jump pack 5 pts
- Space Marine Bike with twin-linked bolter 20 pts
- Legion Jetbike with heavy bolter 35 pts
If Terminator Armour [of any type] is chosen, may
replace combi-bolter with:
- Combi-weapon 7 pts
- Volkite charger 20 pts
If Terminator Armour [of any type] is chosen, may
replace power weapon with:
- lightning claw or power fist 5 pts
- thunder hammer 10 pts
- chainfist 5 pts
May take any of the following:
- Melta bomb 5 pts
- Digital lasers 10 pts
- Iron Halo 20 pts

Additional options may be available based on

Legion Strike Leader
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 25pts
4 5 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+
If a Legion Strike Leader is taken as your
Unit Type: Infantry (character) team leader, Legion Seeker marines may be
Wargear: taken as troops
- Power armour
- Bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades Special Issue Ammunition:
Special rules: Seeker Marines are equipped with Kraken,
- Special issue ammunition Scorpius and Tempest bolt shells for their
- Marked for Death bolters and may choose which to use each turn.
May take one of the following Marked for Death:
- Power Weapon 10 pts After both sides have set up and any infiltrators
- Power fist 15 pts have been placed, each Seeker may specify a
May take melta bombs 5 pts single enemy model to be marked for death.
May take Artificer armour 10 pts They now have Preferred enemy against their
May exchange their bolter for a plasma pistol 10 pts chosen model.

Legion Veteran Sergeant

4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+ 25pts
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
Wargear: If a Legion Veteran Sergeant is taken as your
- Power armour team leader, Legion Veteran Marines may be
- Bolter taken as troops
- Bolt Pistol
- Chainsword
- Krak and frag grenades
Special rules: Before the game begins you must select one of
- Veteran tactics the following special rules for all Veterans:
Options: - Fearless
May exchange Chainsword for: - Sniper
- Power Weapon 10 pts - Furious Charge
- Power Fist 15 pts - Outflank
- Single Lightning Claw 15 pts - Tank Hunters
- Thunder hammer 20 pts
May take exchange their Bolter for:
- Combi weapon 10 pts
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
May take Melta Bombs 5 pts
May take Artificer Armour 10 pts
Rampager Champion 30pts
May only be selected in World Eaters kill teams

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If Rampager Champion is chosen as your

5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+ leader, Rampagers may be selected as
core as well as Special.
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Power Armour
- Chain Axe
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special Rules:
- Feel No Pain (6+)
- Scout
May replace chain axe with any of the following:
- Power weapon 10 pts
- Lightning claw 15 pts
- Power fist 15 pts
May exchange chain axe and bolt pistol for:
- one of the Caedrere weapons 10 pts
May take Jump Pack 10 pts
May upgrade to artficer armour 10 pts
May replace bolt pistol w/ plasma pistol 15 pts

Huntmaster 30pts
May only be selected in Night Lords kill teams
If a Huntmaster is chosen as your leader,
5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+
Night Raptors may be selected as core as
Unit Type: Jump Infantry (character) well as Special.
- Power armor
- Chainsword or Combat Blade
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
- Jump pack
Special Rules:
- Onslaught
May exchange bolt pistol and chainsword/combat
blade for a pair of lightning claws 20pts
May replace Chainsword or combat blade with any
of the following:
- Power weapon 10 pts
- Nostraman Chainglaive 10 pts
- Single Lightning Claw 15 pts
May replace bolt pistol
- Hand Flamer 10 pts
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
- Volkite Serpenta 5 pts
May also take any of the following:
- Melta Bomb 5 pts
- Artificer Armor 10 pts
Headsman 27pts
May only be selected in Night Lords kill teams
If a Headsman is chosen as your leader,
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Executioners may be selected as core as
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+ well as Special.
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Power armor
- Chainsword or Combat Blade
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special Rules:
- Fear
- Infiltrate
- Preferred Enemy (Infantry)
May take one of the following:
- Boltgun 2 pts
- Heavy Chainblade 5 pts
- Volkite Charger 5 pts
May replace Chainsword or combat blade with any
of the following:
- Power weapon 10 pts
- Nostraman Chainglaive 10 pts
- Power Fist 15 pts
- Single Lightning Claw 15 pts
May replace bolt pistol
- Hand Flamer 10 pts
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
May also take any of the following:
- Melta Bomb 5 pts
- Artificer Armor 10 pts

Palatine Prefector
May only be selected in Emperors Children kill teams
If Palatine Prefector is chosen as your
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv leader, Palatine Blades may be selected
5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ as core as well as Special.
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Artficer Armour
- Charnabal Sabre
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special Rules:
- Counter-attack
May replace Charnabal Sabre with any of the
- Power sword or lance 5 pts
May take Jump Pack 10 pts
May take Sonic shrieker 2 pts
May replace bolt pistol w/ plasma pistol 15 pts
The Devoured 55pts
May only be selected in World Eaters kill teams

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If The Devoured is chosen as your leader,

Butcher Terminators may be selected as
5 2 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+
core as well as Special and you can select
Unit Type: Infantry (character) up to 4 of them.
- Caraphractii pattern Terminator armor
- Power Axe
- Combi Bolter
Special Rules:
- Ravening Madmen
- Fearless
- Hatred (Everything)
- Unstoppable Charge
May exchange combi bolter for:
- Second power axe Free
May exchange combi bolter and Power axe for:
- Pair of Lightning Claws 5 pts
May exchange any power axe for one of the
- Power Fist 5 pts
- Chainfist 10 pts
- Thunder Hammer 10 pts
May exchange combi bolter for:
- Combi Weapon 5 pts
Phoenix Champion
May only be selected in Emperors Children kill teams
If a Phoenix Champion is chosen as your
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv leader, Phoenix Terminators may be
5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ selected as core as well as Special and
you can select up to 4 of them.
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Terminator Armor
- Phoenix power spear
Special Rules:
- Implacable Advance
- Stubborn
- Sudden Strike
- Living Icon
May take a Sonic shrieker 5 pts
May take a Grenade Harness 10 pts
Chem-Master 55pts
May only be selected in Death Guard kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Chem-Master is chosen as your
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ leader, Grave Warden Terminators may
Unit Type: Infantry (character) be selected as core as well as Special and
Wargear: you can select up to 4 of them.
- Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armor
- Assault grenade launcher with krak and toxin
- Power fist
- Death cloud
Special Rules:
May upgrade power fist to a Chain fist 5 pts
May exchange grenade launcher for a Combi
weapon Free

Deathshroud Champion 60pts

May only be selected in Death Guard kill teams
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Terminator Armor
- Hand Flamer with Chem-munitions
- Deathshroud power scythe
Special Rules:
- Implacable Advance
May take Melta bombs 5 pts
Gorgon Hammerbearer 50pts
May only be selected in Iron Hands kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Gorgon Hammerbearer is chosen as
4 4 4 4 2 3 2 9 2+ your leader, Gorgon Terminators may be
selected as core as well as Special and
Unit Type: Infantry (character) you can select up to 4 of them.
- Gorgon pattern Terminator Armor
- Combi bolter
- Thunder Hammer
Special Rules:
- Implacable Advance
- Feel no pain (5+)
May exchange their combi bolter for a:
- Combi Weapon 7 pts
May take a grenade harness 10 pts
May take a Cyber-familiar 10 pts

Medusan Immortals Sergeant 26pts

May only be selected in Iron Hands kill teams
If a Medusan Immortals Sergeant is
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Reaver
chosen Chieftain
as your is chosen
leader, Medusan as your
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+ leader, Reavers
Immortals may bemay be selected
selected asas
as core core
as well as
as Special. Special.
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Power Armor
- Bolt pistol
- Boltgun
- Boarding Shield
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Gun them down
- Feel no pain (5+)
- Hardened Armour
May exchange boltgun for:
- Volkite charger 5 pts
- Chainsword or Combat blade Free
May exchange Boltgun or bolt pistol with one of the
following (No option may be taken more than once):
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
- Power Weapon 10 pts
- Single Lightning Claw 15 pts
- Power Fist 15 pts
- Thunder Hammer 20 pts
May take any of the following:
- Melta Bombs 5 pts
- Single Breaching charge 10 pts
- Artificer armour 10 pts
Reaver Chieftain If a Reaver Chieftain is chosen as your
May only be selected in Sons of Horus kill teams leader, Reavers may be selected as core
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv as well as Special.
4 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 3+
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Power Armour
- Bolt pistol
- Chainsword or Combat blade
- Frag and krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Assassins Eye
- Outflank
May take one of the following options:
- Boltgun with Banestrike shells 5 pts
- Volkite charger 7 pts
- Combi Weapon with Banestrike shells 10 pts
May exchange their Chainsword or Combat blade
with one of the following:
- Chainaxe 1 pt
- Power weapon 10 pts
- Power fist 15 pts
May take any of the following options:
- Melta bombs 5 pts
- Artificer armour 10 pts
- Hand flamer 5 pts 55pts
May take a Jump pack 10 pts

Justaerin Champion
May only be selected in Sons of Horus kill teams
5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armor
- Combi-bolter
- Power weapon
Special Rules:
- Implacable Advance
- Stubborn
- Furious Charge
May exchange both power weapon and combi-bolter
- Pair of lightning claws 15 pts
May exchange combi-bolter for:
- Combi weapon 7 pts
May exchange power weapon for:
- Power fist 5 pts
- Single lightning claw 5 pts
- Chain fist 10 pts
Pyroclast Warden 35pts
May only be selected in Salamanders kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Pyroclast Warden is chosen as your
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ leader, Pyroclasts may be selected as
core as well as Special and you can select
Unit Type: Infantry (character) up to 4 of them.
- Artificer armour
- Pyroclast flame projector
- Combat blade
- Frag & krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Mantle of Ash
May exchange Combat blade for:
- Power weapon 7 pts
- Power fist 10 pts
May take a Melta bomb 5 pts

Firedrake Master
May only be selected in Salamanders kill teams 55pts
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Firedrake Master is chosen as your
5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ leader, Firedrakes may be selected as
core as well as Special and you can select
Unit Type: Infantry (character) up to 4 of them.
- Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armor
- Combi-bolter
- Master-crafted power weapon
Special Rules:
- Implacable advance
May exchange power weapon for:
- Master-crafted thunder hammer 10 pts
May exchange Combi-bolter for:
- Combi-flamer or melta 5 pts
- Dragonscale pattern storm shield 5 pts
Gal Vorbak Dark Martyr 50pts
May only be selected in Word Bearers kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Dark Marty is chosen as your leader,
5 4 5 5 3 5 3 9 3+ Dark Brethren may be selected as core as
well as Special and you can select up to 4
Unit Type: Infantry (character) of them.
- Power Armour
- Bolt pistol
- Boltgun
- Chainsword or Combat blade
- Frag and krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Daemon
- Stubborn
- Bulky
- Rage
- Rending
- Deep strike
- Damned
May exchange their Chainsword or Combat blade
for a:
- Power weapon 10 pts
- Power fist 15 pts
- Single Lighting Claw 15 pts
May exchange both their Chainsword/Combat blade,
bolt pistol and boltgun for a:
- Pair of lightning claws 20 pts
May take any of the following options:
- Melta bombs 5 pts
- Artificer armour 10 pts

May only be selected in Word Bearers kill teams 30pts
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Iconoclast is chosen as your leader,
5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+ Incendiaries may be selected as core as
well as Special.
Unit Type: Jump Infantry (character)
- Hardened Armour
- Hand flamer
- Axe-rake
- Jump pack
- Frag & krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Burning Descent
- Scortched Earth
- Bitter Duty
May exchange Axe-rake for:
- Power axe 5 pts
May exchange their hand flamer for one of the
- Inferno pistol 10 pts
- Plasma pistol 15 pts
May take any of the following:
- Melta bombs 5 pts
- up to three phosphex bombs 10 pts each
- Artificer Armour 10 pts
Tyrant Siege Master 70pts
May only be selected in Iron Warriors kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Tyrant Siege Master is chosen as your
4 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ leader, Tyrant Terminators may be
selected as core as well as Special and
Unit Type: Infantry (character) you can select up to 3 of them.
- Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armor
- Cyclone missile launcher
- Power fist
- Combi-bolter
- Omni Scope
Special Rules:
- Wrecker(applied to all attacks)
May exchange power fist for:
- Chainfist 10 pts
May exchange Combi-bolter for:
- Combi weapon 5 pts

Iron Havoc Sergeant 40pts

May only be selected in Iron Warriors kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Iron Havoc Sergeant is chosen as your
leader, Iron Havocs may be selected as
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+
core as well as Special and you can select
Unit Type: Infantry (character) up to 4 of them.
- Power Armour
- Heavy bolter with shrapnel bolts
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Hardened Armour
- Tank hunters
- Deadly Aim
May exchange their Heavy Bolter for:
- Autocannon Free
- Missile Launcher 5 pts
- Lascannon 15 pts
- Nuncio-vox and Power weapon 5 pts
- Nuncio-vox and Power fist 10 pts
May take any of the following options:
- Augury scanner 5 pts
- Melta bombs 5 pts
- Artificer armour 10 pts
Invictarus Suzerain Ancient 35pts
May only be selected in Ultramarines kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Invictarus Suzerain Ancient is chosen
5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+ as your leader, Invictarus Suzerains may
be selected as core as well as Special and
Unit Type: Infantry (character) you can select up to 4 of them.
- Artificer Armour
- Legatine Axe
- Boarding Shield
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Implacable Advance
- Lords of Ultramar
May exchange bolt pistol for:
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
May exchange Legatine Axe for:
- Thunder Hammer 15 pts

Locutarus Strike Leader
May only be selected in Ultramarines kill teams
If a Locutarus Strike Leader is chosen as
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv your leader, Locutarus may be selected as
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ core as well as Special and you can select
up to 4 of them.
Unit Type: Jump Infantry (character)
- Artificer Armour
- Power Sword
- Jump pack
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Opening Salvo
- Precision Intervention
May exchange bolt pistol for:
- Hand Flamer 10 pts
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
May exchange Power sword for:
- Power Axe Free
- Power fist 5 pts
- Single Lightning Claw 5 pts
May take any of the following:
- Combat Shield 5 pts
- Melta bombs 5 pts
Headhunter Prime 35pts
May only be selected in Alpha Legion kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Headhunter Prime is chosen as your
4 5 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+ leader, Headhunters may be selected as
core as well as Special.
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Power Armour
- Bolt pistol
- Bolter with Banestrike ammunition
- Power dagger
- Krak grenades
- Venom spheres
Special Rules:
- Preferred Enemy (Infantry)
- Infiltrate
May exchange their Bolt pistol for:
- Plasma pistol 15 pts
- Inferno pistol 15 pts
- Power Fist 15 pts
May exchange their Power dagger with one of the
- Power weapon 10 pts
- Power fist 15 pts
May take any of the following options:
- Melta bombs 5 pts
- Artificer armour 10 pts

Harrower 55pts
May only be selected in Alpha Legion kill teams
If a Harrower is chosen as your leader,
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Lernaean Terminators may be selected as
5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 2+ core as well as Special and you can select
Unit Type: Infantry (character) up to 4 of them.
- Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armor
- Power axe
- Volkite charger
Special Rules:
- Stubborn
- Implacable Advance
May exchange power axe for:
- Power fist 5 pts
- Chainfist 10 pts
May take any of the following:
- Venom sphere harness 10 pts
- Master-crafted weapon 10 pts
Chapter Champion 35pts
May only be selected in Imperial Fists kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Chapter Champion is chosen as your
5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ leader, Templar Brethren may be selected
as core as well as Special and you can
Unit Type: Infantry (character) select up to 4 of them.
- Artificer Armour
- Power sword
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Furious Charge
May exchange bolt pistol for:
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
- Archaeotech pistol 20 pts
May exchange Power sword for:
- Power axe or power maul Free
- Power fist 5 pts
- Solarite power gauntlet 10 pts
- Thunder Hammer 15 pts
May upgrade one weapon:
- Master Crafted 10 pts
May take a Combat shield 5 pts
May take Melta bombs 5 pts
Phalanx Champion If a Phalanx Champion is chosen as your
May only be selected in Imperial Fists kill teams leader, Phalanx Warders may be selected
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv as core as well as Special.
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Power Armour
- Boltgun
- Bolt Pistol
- Boarding shield
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Shield Wall
- Hardened Armour
May exchange bolt pistol or boltgun for:
- Power weapon (any type) 10 pts
- Power fist 15 pts
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
- Thunder hammer 20 pts
May take any of the following:
- Artificer armour 10 pts
- Melta bombs 5 pts
Mor Deythan Shade 30pts
May only be selected in Raven Guard kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Mor Deythan Shade is chosen as your
4 5 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+ leader, Mor Deythan may be selected as
core as well as Special.
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Power Armour
- Bolt pistol
- Chainsword or Combat blade
- Krak grenades
- Shroud bombs
Special Rules:
- Scout
- Stealth
- Fatal Strike
Must take one of the following:
- Legiones Astartes Shotgun 2 pts
- Sniper Rifle 5 pts
- Combi-weapon 5 pts
May take any of the following options:
- Melta bombs 5 pts
- Artificer armour 10 pts

Chooser of the Slain 45pts

May only be selected in Raven Guard kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Chooser of the Slain is chosen as your
5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ leader, Dark Fury may be selected as core
as well as Special.
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Artificer Armour
- Pair of Ravens Talons
- Frag and krak grenades
- Jump pack
Special Rules:
- Sudden Strike
- Fateful Descent
May take the following option:
- Melta bombs 5 pts
Legion Space Marine Chosen 30pts
5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+ If legion space marine Chosen is not
selected as your team leader, you can
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
select one Chosen as Special choice
Wargear: instead. (in which case he has only one
- Artficer armour wound, not two)
- Chainsword
- Bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
May replace any weapon with any of the following:
- Combi-weapon 10 pts
- Plasma pistol 15 pts
- Volkite Serpenta 5 pts
- Power weapon 15 pts
- Charnabal Sabre 5 pts
- Power fist or lightning claw 15 pts
May take Terminator armour or Cataprachti Pattern
Terminator armour 25pts
If Terminator armour was not chosen, may take
Jump Pack 10pts
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Battle Liturgies: Any friendly Space Marine
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+ Legion models within 6 of the Warden-
Chaplain gain the Zealot special rule.
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Power armour
- Crozius Arcanum (Power Maul)
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special Rules:
- Battle Liturgies
- Zealot
May replace any weapon with any of the following:
- Combi-weapon 10 pts
- Plasma pistol 15 pts
- Volkite Serpenta 5 pts
- Power weapon 15 pts
- Charnabal Sabre 5 pts
- Power fist or lightning claw 15 pts
May take one of the following:
- Artficer armour 10 pts
- replace all wargear items Terminator armour,
Crozius and Combi Bolter 25 pts
If Terminator Armour [of any type] is not chosen,
may take one of the following:
- Jump pack 5 pts
- Space Marine Bike with twin-linked bolter 20 pts
- Legion Jetbike with heavy bolter 35 pts
May take any of the following:
- Melta bomb 5 pts
- Digital lasers 10 pts
Legion Lexicanium 45pts
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+ Psychic Powers:
Before the battle the Lexicanium may
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
choose a single Psychic Power from the
Wargear: following list:
- Power armour - Smite (Biomancy)
- Force Weapon - Flame Breath (Pyromancy)
- Bolt Pistol - Assail (Telekinesis)
- Krak and frag grenades - Psychic Shriek (Telepathy)
Special Rules: - Prescience (Divination).
- Battle Liturgies
- Psyker (Maestry Level 1)
May replace any weapon with any of the
- Combi-weapon 10 pts
- Plasma pistol 15 pts
- Volkite Serpenta 5 pts
- Power weapon 15 pts
- Charnabal Sabre 5 pts
- Power fist or lightning claw 15 pts
May take one of the following:
- Artficer armour 10 pts
- Terminator armour with combi-bolter and force
weapon instead of all other wargear items. 25 pts
If Terminator Armour [of any type] is not chosen,
may take one of the following:
- Jump pack 5 pts
- Space Marine Bike with twin-linked bolter 20 pts
- Legion Jetbike with heavy bolter 35 pts
May take any of the following:
- Melta bomb 5 pts
- Digital lasers 10 pts
Orchestrator 30pts
Emperors Children Kill teams only If a Orchestrator is chosen as your leader, Choras
may be selected as core as well as Special and you
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv can select up to 4 of them.
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 3+
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Power armour Bio-psychic shock: any model within 3 of another
- The Cacophony model that has suffered an unsaved wound from a
- Bolt Pistol weapon with this special rule suffer the effects of
- Combat blade or chainsword Bio-psychic shock.
- Krak and frag grenades
- Sonic Shrieker
Special rules:
- Stubborn
May exchange combat blade or chainsword for:
- Power Weapon 10 pts
- Power fist 15 pts
May take melta bombs 5 pts
May exchange bolt pistol for plasma pistol 15 pts
May take Artificer armour 10 pts

Marauder Leader 25pts

Blackshield Kill teams only If a Marauder Leader is chosen as your leader,
Marauders may be selected as core as well as
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Special.
5 4 4 4 2 4 3 9 3+
Unit Type: Infantry (character)
- Power armour
- Bolt Pistol
- Combat blade or chainsword
- Krak and frag grenades
Special rules:
May exchange combat blade or chainsword for:
- Single Lightning Claw 15 pts
- Power fist 15 pts
- Thunder Hammer 20 pts
May take melta bombs 5 pts
May take
- Combi weapon 10 pts
- Plasma Pistol 10 pts
May exchange power armor for Pariah power Armor for
May take one of the following:
- Lascarbine or autogun free
- Astartes Shotgun 1 pt
- Laslock 2 pts
- A second bolt pistol 2 pts
- Bolter or Pariah bolter 2 pts
- Heavy Chainsword 5 pts
- Lascutter 10 pts
Legion Tactical Marine 12pts
4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Infantry
- Power armour
- Bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special rules:
- Fury of the Legion
May take chainsword 2pts
May replace bolter w/ chainsword free

Legion Assault Marine 15pts

4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Jump Infantry
- Power armour
- Chainsword
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
- Jump pack
May take combat shield 3pts
May take melta bomb 5pts
One in every five Legion Assault Marines may modify his weapons in following way:
- exchange chainsword for Power weapon 10 pts
- exchange bolt pistol for hand flamer 15 pts
- exchange bolt pistol for plasma pistol 15 pts

Legion Breacher Siege Marine 14pts

4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Infantry
- Power armour
- Boarding shield
- Bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special rules:
- Hardened Armour
Options (Legion Siege Breacher Marine):
May take melta bomb 5pts
One in every five Legion Siege Breacher Marines may replace his Bolter with:
- Volkite Charger 5 pts
- Flamer 10 pts
- Meltagun 15 pts
- Grav gun 15 pts
- Lascutter 5 pts
Legion Tactical Support Marine 15pts
4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Infantry
- Power armour
- Flamer
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special rules:
- Support unit
May take melta bomb 5pts
May replace his flamer with: [in which case all tactical support marines must do the same, all tactical
support marines in kill team must have the same weapon]
- Volkite Caliver 5 pts
- Rotor cannon 5 pts
- Meltagun 15 pts
- Plasma gun 15 pts

Legion Recon Marine 15pts

4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Infantry
- Power armour
- Bolgun
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
- Shroud bombs
Special rules:
- Support unit
- Scout
- Outflank
- Acute senses
May take melta bomb 5 pts
May take Cameleoline 5 pts
May replace his Bolter with:
- Sniper rifle 5 pts
- Shotgun Free
- Chainsword Free
May replace their power armour with recon armour for free (this changes armour save to 4+, but grants
them Infiltrate and Move through Cover special rules)
Legion Apothecary 45pts
4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Nathercium rules update: all friendly
models within 6 of apothecary gain FNP.
Unit Type: Infantry (Character) Additionally in kill-point missions, enemy
Wargear: doesn't get VP for killing your models if
- Power armour said models happen to die within 6 of
- chainsword Apothecary. You may only take a
- Bolt Pistol maximum of 1 Apothecary in a Kill team
- Krak and frag grenades list.
- Nathercium
May take one of the following:
- Augury scanner 5 pts
- Combi-weapon 10 pts
- Volkite charger 10 pts
May exchange chainsword for:
- Power sword 10 pts
May take artficer armour 10 pts

Legion Techmarine 45pts

4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 2+ You may only take a maximum of 1
Unit Type: Infantry (Character) Techmarine in a Kill team list.
- Artficer armour
- Power axe
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades Servo-automata
- Servo-arm WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Special rules: 3 3 4 5 1 1 1 6 5+
- Battlesmith Unit Type: Infantry
Options: Wargear:
May take one of the following: - chainsword
- Nuncio-vox 10 pts - Bolter
- Augury scanner 5 pts
- Master-crafted bolter 5 pts
Any Servitor-automata may replace their bolter with
- Combi-weapon 10 pts
one of the following:
- Volkite charger 10 pts
- Lascutter 5 pts
- Plasma pistol 15 pts
- Power Fist 15 pts
- Gravitation gun 15 pts
- Flamer 5 pts
May take Melta bombs 5 pts
- Rotor cannon 10 pts
May take Rad grenades 10 pts
May replace servo-arm:
- Conversion beamer 35 pts
May exchange power axe for:
- Thunder Hammer 15 pts
May take a Cyber-familiar 15 pts
May take up to 4 forming a unit:
- Servo-automata 12 pts
Legion Terminator 30pts
4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 2+
Unit Type: Infantry
- Terminator armour
- Power weapon
- Combi-bolter
May replace Terminator Armour with Cataprachti
pattern Terminator Armour for free
for every five terminators in your team one model
may replace its combi-bolter with:
- Heavy flamer 10 pts
- Reaper autocannon 15 pts
- Plasma blaster 15 pts
any terminator may replace combi-bolter with:
- Combi-weapon 7 pts
- Volkite charger 7 pts
any terminator may replace power weapon with:
- lightning claw or power fist 5 pts
- thunder hammer 10 pts
- chain fist 10 pts
May exchange power weapon and combi bolter for:
- pair of lightning claws 15 pts

Legion Veteran Tactical Marine 20pts

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Before the game begins you must select
4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ one of the following special rules for the
Unit Type: Infantry - Fearless
Wargear: - Sniper
- Power armour - Furious Charge
- Bolter - Outflank
- Bolt Pistol - Tank Hunters
- Chainsword
- Krak and frag grenades
Special rules:
- Veteran tactics
May take power weapon 10 pts
May take combi-weapon 10 pts
one model in your team may replace bolter with:
- Missile launcher and suspensor web 10 pts
- Heavy bolter and suspensor web 15 pts
- Heavy flamer 15 pts
- Plasma gun 15 pts
- Melta gun 15 pts
- Volkite Charger 15 pts
May take following types of special issue
- Kraken bolt shells 1 pt
- Scorpius bolt shells 1 pt
- Tempest bolt shells 1 pt
If special issue ammunition is taken, all Veteran Tactical
Marines must buy access to the same type(s) of said
Legion Strike Marine 15pts
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Legion Strike Leader is taken as your
4 5 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ team leader, Legion Seeker marines may be
taken as troops
Unit Type: Infantry
- Power armour
- Bolter Special Issue Ammunition:
- Bolt Pistol Seeker Marines are equipped with Kraken,
- Krak and frag grenades Scorpius and Tempest bolt shells for their
Special rules: bolters and may choose which to use each turn.
- Special issue ammunition
- Marked for Death
Marked for Death:
After both sides have set up and any infiltrators
have been placed, each Seeker may specify a
single enemy model to be marked for death.
They now have Preferred enemy against their
chosen model.
Legion Heavy Support Marine 20pts
4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Infantry
- Power armour
- Heavy bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
May take melta bomb 5 pts
May replace his heavy bolter with:
- Heavy flamer free
- Autocannon 5 pts
- Missile launcher 5 pts
- Multi-melta 10 pts
- Plasma Cannon 15 pts
- Volkite Culverin 10 pts
- Lascannon 20 pts

Legion Space Marine Outrider 30pts

4 4 4 5 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Bike
- Power armour
- space marine bike with TL bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Chainsword
- Krak and frag grenades
Special rules:
- Scout
May take melta bomb 5 pts
One in every three may take power weapon 10pts
May replace bike's twin linked Bolter with:
- TL Flamer 10 pts
- TL Meltagun 15 pts
- TL Plasmagun 15 pts

Legion Space Marine Attack Bike 40pts

4 4 4 5 2 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Bike
- Power armour
- space marine bike with TL bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Chainsword
- Krak and frag grenades
- Heavy Bolter
May take melta bomb 5 pts
May replace Heavy Bolter with:
- Multimelta 10 pts
- Autocannon 5 pts
Legion Space Marine Jetbike Skyhunter 35pts
4 4 4 5 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Jetbike
- Power armour
- space marine bike with TL bolter
- Bolt Pistol
- Chainsword
- Krak and frag grenades
Special rules:
- Scout
May take melta bomb 5 pts
One in every three may take power weapon 10 pts
One in 10 models in team may take
- Legion Vexilla 10 pts
One model may replace jetbike's twin Heavy Bolter
- multimelta 10 pts
- Volkite Culvarin 10 pts
- Plasma cannon 15 pts

Legion Destroyer Marine 20pts

4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Infantry
- Power armour
- Chainsword
- Pair of Bolt Pistol s
- Rad, Krak and frag grenades
Special Rules:
- Counter-attack
May take jump pack 10 pts
May take melta bomb 5 pts
One Legion Destroyer Marine may replace one of
his Bolt Pistols for:
- Missile Launcher with suspensor web and rad
missiles 25 pts
- Plasma pistol 15 pts
- Volkite serpent 5 pts
- Hand-flamer 15 pts
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery 40pts
4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+

- - - 7 2 - - - 3+
Unit Type: Artillery
Wargear( 2 space marine crew):
- Power armour
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and krak grenade
Wargear(rapier carrier):
- Quad heavy bolter
Special Rules:
- Extremely Bulky (Rapier combined with its crew)
- Squad (Rapier and two space marine legionaries as
- Non-learning (rapier carrier itself)
May replace quad heavy bolter for:
- Laser destroyer array 15 pts
- Quad mortar ('Thudd gun') 20 pts
- Grav cannon 35 pts

May only be selected in World Eaters kill teams 20pts
4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ If Rampager Champion is chosen as your
Unit Type: Infantry leader, Rampagers may be selected as
Wargear: core as well as Special.
- Power Armour
- Chain Axe
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special Rules:
- Feel No Pain (6+)
- Scout
- Chosen Warriors
May exchange chain axe for:
- Heavy chainsword 5 pts
May exchange chain axe and bolt pistol for:
- one of the Caedrere weapons 10 pts
May take Jump Pack 10 pts
Butcher Terminator 45pts
May only be selected in World Eaters kill teams
Only up to two of these elite warriors may
be included in your kill team. If The
5 2 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ Devoured is chosen as your leader,
Unit Type: Infantry Butcher Terminators may be selected as
Wargear: core as well as Special and you can select
- Power Armour up to 4 of them.
- Chain Axe
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special Rules:
- Feel No Pain (6+)
- Ravening Madmen
- Fearless
- Hatred (Everything)
- Unstoppable charge
May exchange Combi-bolter for:
- Second power axe Free
May exchange power axe and combi-bolter for:
- Pair of Lightning claws 5 pts

Palatine Blade
May only be selected in Emperors Children kill Teams 20pts
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If Palatine Prefector is chosen as your
5 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 3+ leader, Palatine Blades may be selected
Unit Type: Infantry as core as well as Special.
- Power Armour
- Charnabal Sabre
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special Rules:
- Counter Attack
- Chosen Warriors
May replace chain axe with any of the following:
- Power sword 5 pts
- Power Lance 5 pts
- Phoenix power spear 10 pts
May take Jump Pack 10pts
May take Sonic shrieker 2pts

Phoenix Terminator 40pts

May only be selected in Emperors Children kill teams
Only up to two of these elite warriors may
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv be included in your kill team. If a Phoenix
4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 2+ Champion is chosen as your leader,
Unit Type: Infantry Phoenix Terminators may be selected as
Wargear: core as well as Special and you can select
- Terminator Armor up to 4 of them.
- Phoenix power spear
Special Rules:
- Implacable Advance
- Stubborn
- Sudden Strike
- Living Icon
May take a Sonic shrieker 2 pts
Executioners 17pts
May only be selected in Night Lords kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Headsman is chosen as your leader,
4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ Executioners may be selected as core as
well as Special.
Unit Type: Infantry
- Power armor
- Chainsword or Combat Blade
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
Special Rules:
- Fear
- Infiltrate
- Preferred Enemy (Infantry)
May take one of the following:
- Boltgun 2 pts
- Heavy Chainblade 5 pts
- Volkite Charger 5 pts

Night Raptor 20pts

May only be selected in Night Lords kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Huntmaster is chosen as your leader,
5 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Night Raptors may be selected as core as
well as Special.
Unit Type: Jump Infantry
- Power armor
- Chainsword or Combat Blade
- Bolt Pistol
- Krak and frag grenades
- Jump pack
Special Rules:
- Onslaught
May replace Chainsword or combat blade with any
of the following:
- Power weapon 10 pts
- Nostraman Chainglaive 10 pts
- Single Lightning Claw 15 pts
One in every five models may exchange their bolt
pistol for one of the following:
- Flamer 10 pts
- Meltagun 15 pts
- Plasma gun 15 pts
- Plasma pistol 15 pts
- Hand flamer 10 pts
May exchange bolt pistol and chainsword/combat
blade for a pair of lightning claws 20pts
Grave Warden Terminator 35pts
May only be selected in Death Guard kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Only up to two of these elite warriors may
4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 2+ be included in your kill team. If a Chem-
Master is chosen as your leader, Grave
Unit Type: Infantry Warden Terminators may be selected as
Wargear: core as well as Special and you can select
- Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armor up to 4 of them.
- Assault grenade launcher with krak and toxin
- Power fist
- Death cloud
Special Rules:
May upgrade power fist to:
-Chain fist 5 pts
One model may exchange grenade launcher for a:
- Heavy flamer with Chem-munitions 10 pts

May only be selected in Sons of Horus kill teams
4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+
If a Reaver Chieftain is chosen as your
Unit Type: Infantry leader, Reavers may be selected as core
Wargear: as well as Special.
- Power Armour
- Bolt pistol
- Chainsword or Combat blade
- Frag and krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Assassins Eye
- Outflank
May take one of the following options:
- Boltgun with Banestrike shells 5 pts
- Volkite charger 7 pts
- Combi Weapon with Banestrike shells 10 pts
One in every five models may exchange their bolt
pistol for one of the following:
- Flamer 10 pts
- Meltagun 15 pts
- Plasma gun 15 pts
- Plasma pistol 15 pts
May exchange their Chainsword or Combat blade
with one of the following:
- Chainaxe 1 pt
- Power weapon 10 pts
- Power fist 15 pts
May take a Jump pack 10 pts
Gorgon Terminator 35pts
May only be selected in Iron Hands kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Only up to two of these elite warriors may
4 4 4 4 1 3 2 8 2+ be included in your kill team. If a Gorgon
Hammerbearer is chosen as your leader,
Unit Type: Infantry Gorgon Terminators may be selected as
Wargear: core as well as Special and you can select
- Gorgon pattern Terminator Armor up to 4 of them.
- Combi bolter
- Thunder Hammer
Special Rules:
- Implacable Advance
- Feel no pain (5+)
May exchange power axe for:
- Power fist 5 pts
- Lightning Claw 5 pts
- Chainfist 10 pts
May exchange power axe and Combi-bolter for:
- Pair of lightning claws
One model may exchange its combi-bolter for:
- Heavy flamer 10 pts
- Reaper autocannon 15 pts
- Graviton gun 15 pts

Medusan Immortal 16pts

May only be selected in Iron Hands kill teams
If a Medusan Immortals Sergeant is
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv chosen as your leader, Medusan
4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Immortals may be selected as core as well
Unit Type: Infantry as Special.
- Power Armor
- Bolt pistol
- Boltgun
- Boarding Shield
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Gun them down
- Feel no pain (5+)
- Hardened Armour
May exchange boltgun for:
- Volkite charger 5 pts
- Chainsword or Combat blade Free
One in five models may exchange their bolter for:
- Flamer 10 pts
- Meltagun 15 pts
- Graviton gun 15 pts
- Lascutter 10 pts
Pyroclast Warden 25pts
May only be selected in Salamanders kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Only up to two of these elite warriors may
4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ be included in your kill team. If a Pyroclast
Warden is chosen as your leader,
Unit Type: Infantry Pyroclasts may be selected as core as
Wargear: well as Special and you can select up to 4
- Artificer armour of them.
- Pyroclast flame projector
- Combat blade
- Frag & krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Mantle of Ash
May take a Melta bomb 5 pts

Firedrake Master
May only be selected in Salamanders kill teams 40pts
5 4 4 4 2 4 2 9 2+
Only up to two of these elite warriors may
Unit Type: Infantry be included in your kill team. If a Firedrake
Wargear: Master is chosen as your leader,
- Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armor Firedrakes may be selected as core as
- Combi-bolter well as Special and you can select up to 4
- Power weapon of them.
Special Rules:
- Implacable advance
May exchange power weapon for:
- Power fist 10 pts
- Chainfist 5 pts
- Thunder hammer 10 pts
May exchange Combi-bolter for:
- Combi-flamer or melta 5 pts
- Dragonscale pattern storm shield 5 pts
One model May exchange Combi-bolter for:
- Heavy flamer 10 pts
Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren 35pts
May only be selected in Word Bearers kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Only up to two of these elite warriors may
5 4 5 5 2 5 2 8 3+ be included in your kill team. If a Dark
Marty is chosen as your leader, Dark
Unit Type: Infantry Brethren may be selected as core as well
Wargear: as Special and you can select up to 4 of
- Power Armour them.
- Bolt pistol
- Boltgun
- Chainsword or Combat blade
- Frag and krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Daemon
- Stubborn
- Bulky
- Rage
- Rending
- Deep strike
- Damned
One model may exchange their boltgun for:
- Flamer 10 pts
- Meltagun 15 pts
- Plasma gun 15 pts
- Power weapon 10 pts

Incendiary 20pts
May only be selected in Word Bearers kill teams
If a Iconoclast is chosen as your leader,
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Incendiaries may be selected as core as
5 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ well as Special.
Unit Type: Jump Infantry
- Hardened Armour
- Hand flamer
- Axe-rake
- Jump pack
- Frag & krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Burning Descent
- Scortched Earth
- Bitter Duty
May exchange Axe-rake for:
- Power axe 5 pts
Tyrant Terminator 55pts
May only be selected in Iron Warriors kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Only one of these elite warriors may be
4 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 2+ included in your kill team. If a Tyrant Siege
Master is chosen as your leader, Tyrant
Unit Type: Infantry Terminators may be selected as core as
Wargear: well as Special and you can select up to 3
- Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armor of them.
- Cyclone missile launcher
- Power fist
- Combi-bolter
Special Rules:
- Wrecker(applied to all attacks)
May exchange power fist for:
- Chainfist 10 pts

Iron Havoc
May only be selected in Iron Warriors kill teams
Only up to two of these elite warriors may
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv be included in your kill team. If a Iron
4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ Havoc Sergeant is chosen as your leader,
Iron Havocs may be selected as core as
Unit Type: Infantry well as Special and you can select up to 4
Wargear: of them.
- Power Armour
- Heavy bolter with shrapnel bolts
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Hardened Armour
- Tank hunters
- Deadly Aim
May exchange their Heavy Bolter for:
- Autocannon Free
- Missile Launcher 5 pts
- Lascannon 15 pts
Invictarus Suzerain 25pts
May only be selected in Ultramarines kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Only two of these elite warriors may be
5 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 2+ included in your kill team. If a Invictarus
Suzerain Ancient is chosen as your leader,
Unit Type: Infantry Invictarus Suzerains may be selected as
Wargear: core as well as Special and you can select
- Artificer Armour up to 4 of them.
- Legatine Axe
- Boarding Shield
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Implacable Advance
- Lords of Ultramar
May exchange bolt pistol for:
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
May exchange Legatine Axe for:
- Thunder Hammer 15 pts

May only be selected in Ultramarines kill teams
Only two of these elite warriors may be
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv included in your kill team. If a Locutarus
4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 2+ Strike Leader is chosen as your leader,
Locutarus may be selected as core as well
Unit Type: Jump Infantry
as Special and you can select up to 4 of
Wargear: them.
- Artificer Armour
- Power Sword
- Jump pack
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Opening Salvo
- Precision Intervention
One model may exchange their bolt pistol for:
- Hand Flamer 10 pts
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
May only be selected in Alpha Legion kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 25pts
4 5 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Type: Infantry If a Headhunter Prime is chosen as your
Wargear: leader, Headhunters may be selected as
- Power Armour core as well as Special.
- Bolt pistol
- Bolter with Banestrike ammunition
- Power dagger
- Krak grenades
- Venom spheres
Special Rules:
- Preferred Enemy (Infantry)
- Infiltrate
Any model may exchange their Boltgun for:
- Combi-bolter with Banestrike ammunition 5 pts
One model may exchange their Boltgun for:
- Heavy bolter with suspensor web and Banetrike
ammunition 10 pts

Lernaean Terminator
May only be selected in Alpha Legion kill teams
5 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 2+
Only two of these elite warriors may be
Unit Type: Infantry included in your kill team. If a Harrower is
Wargear: chosen as your leader, Lernaean
- Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armor Terminators may be selected as core as
- Power axe well as Special and you can select up to 4
- Volkite charger of them.
Special Rules:
- Stubborn
- Implacable Advance
May exchange power axe for:
- Power fist 5 pts
- Chainfist 10 pts
One model may exchange their Volkite charger for:
- Plasma blaster 15 pts
- Heavy flamer 10 pts
- Conversion beamer 25 pts
Templar Brethren 25pts
May only be selected in Imperial Fists kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Only two of these elite warriors may be
5 4 4 4 1 4 2 8 2+ included in your kill team. If a Chapter
Champion is chosen as your leader,
Unit Type: Infantry Templar Brethren may be selected as core
Wargear: as well as Special and you can select up
- Artificer Armour to 4 of them.
- Power sword
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Furious Charge
Two models May exchange bolt pistol for:
- Plasma pistols 15 pts
One model may take:
- Nuncio-vox 10 pts
One model may take:
- Legion vexilla 10 pts
May take Melta bombs 5 pts

Phalanx Warder
May only be selected in Imperial Fists kill teams 16pts
4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ If a Phalanx Champion is chosen as your
leader, Phalanx Warders may be selected
Unit Type: Infantry as core as well as Special.
- Power Armour
- Boltgun
- Bolt Pistol
- Boarding shield
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Shield Wall
- Hardened Armour
May exchange Bolter for:
- Power axe 10 pts
One in five models may exchange their bolter for:
- Combi-weapon 5 pts
- Flamer 5 pts
- One breaching charge 10 pts
- Melta gun 15 pts
- Plasma gun 15 pts
- Thunder hammer 20 pts
One model may take:
- Nuncio-vox 10 pts
One model may take:
- Legion vexilla 10 pts
Mor Deythan 20pts
May only be selected in Raven Guard kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Mor Deythan Shade is chosen as your
4 5 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ leader, Mor Deythan may be selected as
core as well as Special.
Unit Type: Infantry
- Power Armour
- Bolt pistol
- Chainsword or Combat blade
- Krak grenades
- Shroud bombs
Special Rules:
- Scout
- Stealth
- Fatal Strike
Must take one of the following:
- Legiones Astartes Shotgun 2 pts
- Sniper Rifle 5 pts
- Combi-weapon 5 pts
Instead one model for per 3 may take any of the
- Volkite Charger 7 pts
- Flamer 10 pts
- Meltagun 15 pts
- Plasma gun 15 pts
- Plasma Pistol 15 pts
- Missile launcher with suspensor web 15 pts

Dark Fury 30pts

May only be selected in Raven Guard kill teams
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv If a Chooser of the Slain is chosen as your
leader, Dark Fury may be selected as core
5 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 2+ as well as Special.
Unit Type: Jump Infantry
- Power Armor
- Pair of lightning claws
- Frag and krak grenades
- Jump pack
Special Rules:
- Sudden Strike
- Fateful Descent
Chora 20pts
Emperors Children Kill teams only Only up to two of these elite warriors may be
included in your kill team. If a Orchestrator is
chosen as your leader, Choras may be selected as
4 5 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
core as well as Special and you can select up to 4
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: of them
- Power armour
- The Cacophony
- Bolt Pistol Bio-psychic shock: any model within 3 of another
- Krak and frag grenades
model that has suffered an unsaved wound from a
Special rules:
- Stubborn weapon with this special rule suffers the effects of
Bio-psychic shock.
Blackshield Kill teams only

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 12pts
4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
If a Marauder Leader is chosen as your leader,
Unit Type: Infantry Marauders may be selected as core as well as
Wargear: Special.
- Power armour
- Bolt Pistol
- Combat blade or chainsword
- Krak and frag grenades
Special rules:
May take one of the following:
- Lascarbine or autogun free
- Astartes Shotgun 1 pt
- Laslock 2 pts
- A second bolt pistol 2 pts
- Bolter or Pariah bolter 2 pts
- Heavy Chainsword 5 pts
- Lascutter 10 pts
One Marauder per 5 may take one of the following:
- Sniper Rifle 5 pts
- Xenos deathlock 8 pts
- Flamer or Pariah flamer 10 pts
- Rotor cannon 10 pts
- Grenade Launcher (frag and krak) 15 pts
- Heavy flamer 10 pts
- Meltagun 15 pts
- Plasma gun 15 pts
- Heavy Bolter 15 pts
- Autocannon 15 pts
- Missile Launcher (frag and krak) 20 pts
- Multi-Melta 20 pts
- Exchange Bolt pistol for Plasma Pistol 10 pts
- Exchange Bolt pistol for Hand flamer 10 pts
- Exchange CCW for Power weapon 10 pts
One Marauder may take a Nuncio-Vox 10 pts
May exchange power armor for Pariah power Armor for
Transport vehicles are meant to be used only in campaign games and certain other pickup games
where both players agree to use such vehicles.

Legion Rhino
4 11 11 10 3
Requisition Fee: 35 points
Upkeep Fee: 5 points
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Transport)
May take any of the following:
- Hunter-killer missile 10 pts
- Dozer Blade 5 pts
- Extra Armour 10 pts
- Auxiliary drive 10 pts
May take one of following pintle-mounted weapons:
- Combi-bolter 5 pts
- Combi-weapon 10 pts
- Heavy bolter 15 pts
- Heavy flamer 15 pts
- Havoc Launcher 15 pts
Smoke Launchers
Special Rules:
Transport Capacity:
10 models (may not transport models in Terminator armour).

Legion Drop Pod

4 12 12 12 3
Requisition Fee: 35 points
Upkeep Fee: 5 points
Unit Type: Vehicle (Open-topped, Transport)
Transport Capacity:
10 models
Special Rules:
Drop Pod Assault
Inertial Guidance System
Legion Dreadclaw Assault Pod
- 12 12 12 3 Unlike a normal Dreadclaw the one used in kill
teams doesnt have the flyer profile
Requisition Fee: 100 points
Upkeep Fee: 15 points
Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer)
Transport Capacity:
10 models
Frag assault launcher

Special Rules:

Assault Vehicle
Deep Strike
Drop pod Assault
Heat Blast
Unless otherwise specified, any model is eligible to take these items.

Paragon Blade (Leader only) 25pts Sonic Shriekers (Emperor's Children only)
A Team Leader may replace one of his weapons for a 5pts
Paragon Blade. A team Leader in terminator armor may Any EC model can take one of these. Follow usual
replace their power weapon for a Paragon blade for 20 pts. Sonic Shrieker rule

Paragon Blade: S:+1 AP:2 melee, murderous Chem-munitions (death guard only) free
strike, specialist weapon) Any flame weapon may be upgraded to contain
chem-munitions for free. This has to be noted in
Archeotech pistol (Leader only) 10pts army list and it is recommended to represent this
Team Leaders may replace one of his weapons with a on model as well. Upgraded weapon gets Shred
Archeotech pistol and Gets Hot! Special rules.

Archeotech Pistol 12 S6 AP:3 pistol, master Deathshround power scythe (death guard
crafted only)
Any model with power fist may replace it with
Psychic Hood (Psyker only) 10pts Power Scythe at no additional cost. Any model
It is rare for a Lexicanium to be equipped with eligible to take power fist, may take power
such artifact but it happens scythe instead at cost of power fist. Rules for
said scythe are on page 235 of HH Book 1.
Purity Seal (Leader only) 10pts
Range of Inspiring Presence is increased from 6 Rosarius (Warden-chaplain only) 25pts
to 12. Rosarius grants 4+ invulnerable save.
Targeter 5pts
Auto-launchers (Terminator only) 10pts If a model with a Targeter has not moved in the
The model counts as having assault grenades previous Movement phase it may re-roll To Hit
that do not have the One Use rule (i.e. they rolls of 1 when shooting
never run out). These grenades may not be fired
in the shooting phase. Relic weapon 10pts
Choose a single weapon the model has to gain
Refractor field 10pts the Master-crafted special rule.
5+Invulnerable save For Salamanders Legionaries this upgrade is
available for just 5pts.
Bionics 5pts For Emperor's Children Legionaries this upgrade
6+FNP is available for just 5pts but only when selected
for melee weapons (for ranged weapons, 10pts).
Teleporter (Terminator only) 5pts For Iron Hands Legionaries this upgrade is
Instead of moving, a Terminator may teleport. available for just 5pts but only when selected for
Roll 2d6,the model may then move up to this ranged weapons (for melee weapons, 10pts).
amount in any direction, ignoring all terrain and
models. If he does this he cannot assault this Suspensor web 10pts
turn. A model with Suspensor web that is equipped
Additionally taking yhis item allows deep strike with a Heavy type weapon may fire this weapon
even if he has moved in the previous Movement
Caedere Weapon (World Eaters only) phase although if he does so, the maximum
15pts range of the weapon is halved.
Any model may take replace his weapon with
one of following: Meteor Hammer, Excoriator Overcharged weapon 10pts
Chainaxe, Twin-falax blades, Barb-hook lash Choose a single ranged weapon the model has to
be overcharged. This gains +1 Strength and the
Chain Axe (World Eaters only) 1pt Gets Hot! rule. Plasma weapons may be
Any WE model may replace his chainsword (if he overcharged but will Get Hot! on a To Hit roll of a
has access to one) with this as long as it is 1 or 2 instead of just a 1.
appropriately represented on model. Following
usual rules for Chain Axe Legion Vexilla (up to one per KT. If KT
numbers more than 15 models, second
Vexilla may be included)- 10pts
Models within 6 of Legion Vexilla may reroll their
leadership tests (except psychic tests)
Dragonscale Storm Shield (Salamanders only) 10
Legion Standard (unique) 20pts pts Characters or models in terminator armor only
Models within 6 of a Legion Standard (including Provides a 5+ invulnerable or increases an existing
its bearer) are Fearless. As long as Legion invulnerable save by +1 (to a maximum of 3+). The model
Standard Bearer is alive, you automatically pass may not claim an extra attack from an additional weapon.
Ran away Leadership test. Models in terminator armor may exchange their combi-
bolters for one 5 pts.
Augury Scanner 10pts
Enemy models may not infiltrate within 18 of an
augury scanner. Enemy models deployed using Purging Flame (Salamanders only)
deep strike within this range can be attacked in Any heavy bolters/twin-linked heavy bolters in a
their shooting phase as if all your models within salamanders kill team may be exchanged for heavy
3 of the bearer of Augury Scanner had flamers/twin-linked heavy flamers at no cost. Any
Interceptor special rule. Salamanders model eligible to take a plasma pistol may
instead take a inferno pistol at the same cost.
Cognis-signum - 15pts
Model bearing Cognis-signum is counted as Tainted Weapon (Word Bearers only)
beign equipped with Augury Scanner and has Any Word Bearer character with the option to take a power
Night Vision special rule. weapon can take a tainted weapon for the same cost.
In addition if model equipped with Cogis Signum Tainted weapon S: user AP: - Melee, Specialist weapon,
does not shot or run this turn, all friendly models Instant Death
within 3 of him have BS5.
Power Daggers (Alpha Legion only)
Chainglaive (Night Lords only) at cost of Any character may take a power dagger in addition to its
power weapon. options 5 pts
Any character with power weapon can replace it
with this. Any model eligible to take power Power Dagger S: -1 AP:3 Specialist weapon, rending
weapon may take this instead.
Blood Angels Options:
Chainglaive S:+1 AP:3 two handed, rending. Any model in a Blood Angels kill team with access to a
volkite sepenta as part of their wargear options may instead
Teleportation Transponder (terminator take a hand flamer for +15 pts.
only) 15pts Any mode in a Blood Angels kill team with access to a
Equipping one of your models with this item plasma pistol as part of their wargear options may instead
grants all your Terminators ability to Deep Strike. take a inferno pistol for +15 pts.
To use this ability bearer of this item must be
held in deep strike reserve. Additionally when Iliastus Pattern assault cannon( Blood Angels only)
using deep strike you roll for reserves once for all Any model equipped with heavy flamers may exchange
your Terminator-armoured models performing them for a Iliastus pattern assault cannon for +5 pts each.
deep strike. Night Lords and Dark Angels get this ( this is added to the cost of the heavy flamer)
item for 10pts.
Iliastus assault cannon: 24 S:6 AP:4 Heavy 4, Rending,
Trophies of judgment (Night Lords only) 5 pts Malfunction
Any character can adorn themselves with the Trophies of
judgment granting the Fear special rule to themselves and Malfunction: When rolling to hit with this weapon, if 3 or
any friendly model within 3. (Enemy models must have more results of 1 are rolled then the assault cannon
LOS to the trophy carrier) malfunctions and may not be used again in the game.

Charnabal Sabre 5pt Terranic greatsword (Dark Angels only)

Any model with chainsword or eligible to take Team leaders may take a Terranic greatsword in addition to
one can replace it with a Charnabal Sabre. its other options for the same price as a power fist.

Cyber Familiar (Iron Hands only) 5 pts Terranic Greatsword: S:+2 AP: 3 Melee, Two-handed,
Follows rules detailed on page 237 of HH vol. 1. Instant Death

Artificer Weapons (Salamanders only) 5 pts

Any Salamanders Character may apply the master crafted
special rule to one weapon.
Calibanite war blade (Dark Angels only)
Any character eligible to take a power weapon may take a
Calibanite war blade for the same cost.

Calibanite war blade: S: +1 AP:3 Melee

Power Glaive (White Scars only)Any character eligible to

take a power weapon may take a power glaive for the same

Power Glaive has two profiles:

One handed counts as a power sword
Two handed counts as a power axe without unwieldy

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