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Tarea 1

Cristian Parra Alvial

ELO352: Comunicaciones por Fibra Optica
Profesor: Ricardo Olivares
14 de Septiembre de 2017

Problema 1.1
Calculate the carrier frequency for optical communication systems operating at 0.88,
1.3, and 1.55 m. What is the photon energy (in eV) in each case?
E =hV =h

h = 6, 63 10 [J/s]
h = 4, 13 1015 [EV s]

i) 0, 88[m]
f = 3, 40 1014 [Hz]
E = 1, 40[EV ]

ii) 1, 3[m]
f = 2, 3 1014 [Hz]
E = 0, 953[EV ]

iii) 1, 55[m]
f = 1, 93 1014[Hz]
E = 0, 79[EV ]

Calculate the transmission distance over which the optical power will attenuate by
a factor of 10 for three fibers with losses of 0.2, 20, and 2000 dB/km. Assuming that
the optical power decreases as exp(L), calculate a (in cm1) for the three fibers.
= 0, 1
i) 0, 2[db/km]
ii) 20[db/km]
iii) 2000[db/km]

Pout = Pin eL 0, 1 = eL
10 Pout
[db/km] = log10 ( )
L Pin
10 1
i) 0, 2[db/km] = log10 ( )
L 10
L = 50[km]

Entonces calculando para el largo L obtenido, se tiene:

ln(0, 1) 1
= = 4, 6 107 [ ]
50[km] cm
10 1
ii) 20[db/km] = log10 ( )
L 10
L = 0, 5[km]

Entonces calculando para el largo L obtenido, se tiene:

ln(0, 1) 1
= = 4, 6 105 [ ]
0, 5[km] cm
10 1
iii) 2000[db/km] = log10 ( )
L 10
L = 5 10 [km]

Entonces calculando para el largo L obtenido, se tiene:

ln(0, 1) 1
= 3
= 4, 6 103 [ ]
5 10 [km] cm

Problema 1.3
Assume that a digital communication system can be operated at a bit rate of up to
1 % of the carrier frequency. How many audio channels at 64 kb/s can be transmitted
over a microwave carrier at 5 GHz and an optical carrier at 1.55 m?

i) = 1, 55[m]
f = = 1, 935 1014 [Hz]

ii) f = 5[GHz]

B = 1 %f
# de canales =
1, 935 1014 0, 01[bit/s]
i) # de canales = = 30, 24 106 canales
5[GHz] 0, 01[bit/s]
ii) # de canales = = 781, 25 canales

Problema 1.4
1hour lecture script is stored on the computer hard disk in the ASCII format.
Estimate the total number of bits assuming a delivery rate of 200 words per minute
and on average 5 letters per word. How long will it take to transmit the script at a bit
rate of 1 Gb/s?
Se sabe que en el codigo ASCII una letra contiene 8 bits
min palabras letras bit
Bits = 1[hora] 60[ ] 200[ ] 5[ ] 8[ ] = 4, 8 105 [bits]
hora min palabra letra

4, 8 105 [bits]
T = = 4, 8 104 [s]
1 109 [bit/s]

Problema 1.5
A 1.55m digital communication system operating at 1 Gb/s receives an average
power of 40 dBm at the detector. Assuming that 1 and 0 bits are equally likely to
occur, calculate the number of photons received within each 1 bit.
B = 1[ ]
= 1, 55[m]
P = 40[dbm] P = 1 104 [mW ]
E = P T

1 1
T = = = 109 [s]
B 1 109 [ bit
E = 1 104 [mW ] 109 [s] = 1 1016 [J]

Nf otones = = 780
hV hc

Problema 1.6
An analog voice signal that can vary over the range 050 mA is digitized by sam-
pling it at 8 kHz. The first four sample values are 10, 21, 36, and 16 mA. Write the
corresponding digital signal (a string of 1 and 0 bits) by using a 4bit representation
for each sample.
V alores de muestreo 10, 21, 36, 16 [mA]
fS = 8[kHz]
4 bits por muestreo
B = 32[ ]
Sea D la dif erencia entre las amplitudes de corriente, D = 50[mA] 0[mA] = 50
L = 2N = 24 = 16
= = 3, 125
= 3, 2 0011

= 6, 72 0110

= 11, 52 1011

= 5, 12 0101

Problema 1.7
Sketch the variation of optical power with time for a digital NRZ bit stream 010111101110
by assuming a bit rate of 2.5 Gb/s. What is the duration of the shortest and widest
optical pulse?

El pulso mas corto dura 1 bit, y el mas largo dura 4 bits consecutivos, por lo tanto se
tiene para el pulso mas corto:

Gbit 1
B = 2, 5[ ] T = = 4 1010 [s]
s 2, 5[ Gb
Y para el pulso mas largo se tiene:

4 T = 1, 6 109 [s]

Problema 1.8
A 1.55m fiberoptic communication system is transmitting digital signals over
100 km at 2 Gb/s. The transmitter launches 2 mW of average power into the fiber
cable, having a net loss of 0.3 dB/km. How many photons are incident on the receiver
during a single 1 bit? Assume that 0 bits carry no power, while 1 bits are in the form
of a rectangular pulse occupying the entire bit slot (NRZ format).

Gb db
= 1, 55[m] L = 100[km] B = 2[ ] P = 2[mW ] = 0, 3[ ]
s km
h = 6, 6 1034 [ ]
1 1
T = = = 5 1010
B 2 109

10 Prx
L = log10 ( )
L Prx
= log10 ( )
10 P
L Prx L
10 10 = Prx = P 10 10 = 2 103 [mW ]
Prx T
Nf otones = 7804[f otones]

Problema 1.9
A 0.8m optical receiver needs at least 1000 photons to detect the 1 bits accu-
rately. What is the maximum possible length of the fiber link for a 100Mb/s optical
communication system designed to transmit 10 dBm of average power? The fiber loss
is 2 dB/km at 0.8 m. Assume the NRZ format and a rectangular pulse shape.

= 0, 8[m]

Nf otones = 1000[f otones]

= 0, 2[ ]
B = 100[ ]
P = 10[dbm] P = 104 [W ]
N hV N hcB
Prec = = = 2, 482 105 [mW ]
10 P rec 10 Prec
= log10 ( ) L = log10 ( ) 18[Km]

Problema 1.10
A 1.3m optical transmitter is used to obtain a digital bit stream at a bit rate of
2 Gb/s. Calculate the number of photons contained in a single 1 bit when the average
power emitted by the transmitter is 4 mW. Assume that the 0 bits carry no energy.

P = 4[mW ]
B = 2[ ]
= 1, 3[m]
h = 6, 62 1034 [ ]
P T 1 c
Nf otones = , T = , V =
hV B
Nf otones = = 13, 09 106 [f otones]

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