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(10 marks)
(Time suggested: 15 minutes)

Answer all questions in this paper

Question 1

Read the text below. There is ONE grammatical error in each line.

The error is underlined. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An
example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.
There are no spelling and punctuation error in this text.

His name is Azlan, but most of us call him Kecil because of his

tiny body. He is just above 1 metre tall. Him hair looks like coconut husk. e.g. His

I loves his sparkling eyes. They show a lot of life. When he laughs, his 1._____________

mouth opens wide, showing a set of uneven tooth. His two front teeth are 2._____________

especially larger. We like to laugh at his teeth but he does not get angry- 3._____________

that is what makes him so likeable. A shirts that he wears are much too 4._____________

large for him. According to Azlan, large shirts make his look fatter. Azlan 5._____________

is a smart boy. He is usually the first to answer the teachers questions. 6._____________

Whenever we play Scrabble with him, he always came out the winner. 7._____________

However, he is not selfish about his knowledge and intelligence. He helps 8._____________

us with our homework and in return he will ask for a sweet. He always 9._____________

finishes his work at time and he is also teachers pet. Azlan is truly a nice 10.___________

boy. I am glad to be his friend.

[30 Marks]
(Time suggested : 40 minutes)
Question 2

Read the following text. Then, answer question (a) (j).

Born on the first day of Hari Raya, on 22 March 1929, P. Ramlee was destined for greatness. He
started his primary education in Sekolah Melayu Kampung Jawa, penang. In his teens, he went
on to study at Penang Free School. However, he stopped schooling at Standard 7 due to World
War 2.

At school, he was good at entertaining his friends with his jokes and stories. He also excelled in
drawing, reading as well as music. He took up music lesson and his favourite musical instruments
were the violin and the piano.

P. Ramlee grew up in a multi-racial community and this enabled him to master a variety of local
dialects. Later he also learnt Japanese during the war.

He acted in many great movies which include Bujang Lapok and Sarjan Hassan. He was also an
accomplished singer, producer and director.

His talent and versatility made him a great legend in the entertainment industry in Malaysia.
Question (a) (j)

Using information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.

Date of Birth (a)




Reason for not

continuing school

Entertain his friends

Favourite musical

Language learnt
during the war

Bujang Lapok
Famous movies
Question 3

Read the brochure below. Then answer question (a) (h).


Having Afternoon Exercise Regularly

You should exercise everyday
Afternoon naps should not be longer because it helps to improve the
than half an hour. These naps would quality of your sleep. Most of us may
enhance performance and make you be mentally exhausted but not
more alert. However, avoid sleeping physically. Therefore, you need to do
on a bed where you are likely to go simple exercise such as jogging and
into a deep sleep. swimming.

Avoid Caffeine and

Sugary Food Having a Clear Mind

Taking coffee or tea especially in the Before going to bed, put aside all
evenings can be problematic. All your worries. Take a few deep
these beverages may keep you breath to regulate your blood
awake as the caffeine stimulates circulation and help you to relax.
your brain. Similarly, food with high Furthermore, do not use electronic
sugar content could make you gadget before going to bed.
Question (a) (d): Based on the brochure, state whether the following statements are TRUE

(a) Afternoon naps should be longer than an hour _______________ [1 mark]

(b) We need to be physically tired to sleep better _______________ [1 mark]

(c) Taking food with high sugar content helps us to relax _______________ [1 mark]

(d) Gaming before bed can cause sleep difficulties _______________ [1 mark]

Question (e) (g): Read the brochure and answer the questions below.

(e) Why are afternoon naps important?

(i) __________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) __________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(f) Fill in the table with the appropriate word from the brochure

Meaning Word

(i) Very tired

[1 mark]
(ii) To stabilise and control

[1 mark]

Beside jogging and swimming, suggest two other physical activities to help you
sleep well.

(i) ___________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) ___________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(h) Your friend is having trouble sleeping at night and needs your advice.

In about 50 words, write a note to your friend.

In your note:

Suggest ways to help your friend sleep better

Give reasons to support your answer

To: ________________












From: _______________
(20 marks)
(Time suggested: 20 minutes)
Question 4
Read the text below.

There was a king who had a daughter and she was the fairest girl in the land. As he was old, he
wanted to find and heir to the throne to whom he woud give his daughters hand in marriage.

To achieve this, the person had to take up a challenge. The person had to be brave enough to
swim across the crocodile-filled river around the palace. He believed that the person who was
courageous enough to do so would be suitable to rule his palace. Besides, he wanted a man who was

The King called for all the men in his kingdom and they gathered around the palace. He announced
the challenge and the reward but no one dared to jump into the river as this would risk their lives.
They knew that the crocodiles would attack anyone who jumped into the river. Moreover, the
creatures were left hungry so they would be ferocious.

Although the King was disappointed, in reality, he had not expected anyone to take up the
challenge. As he was telling his people to return home, he suddenly heard a distant splash. He rushed
to the other side of the palace and saw a man swimming in the state of panic. He was desperately
trying to keep away from the crocodiles. The people started to cheer for the brave young man. It was
a miracle that he survived. When he was out of the water, he shouted and demanded t know who
had pushed him in.

THE King was surprise but he still embraced the young man. He told the young man that he was
impressed by his bravery and granted him an additional reward. All that the young man had to do
was ask!

Read the text carefully and answer question (a) (j)

(a) Who was the fairest girl in the Kingdom?

[1 mark]
(b) What was the river filled with?
[1 mark]
(c) What did one have to do to marry the Kings daughter?

[1 mark]

(d) What were the main qualities that the King had expected from the successor?

[1 mark]
(i) ____________________________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(e) Fill in the table with appropriate word or phrase from the text.

Meaning Word/Phrase
(i) A difficult task that test
somebodys ability
(ii) Very fierce
(iii) Avoid
(iv) Hugged

(f) Why did the King rushed to the other side of the palace?
[1 mark]

(g) Why did the young man swim in the state of panic?
[1 mark]

(h) it was a miracle that he survived. Do you agree with miracle? Why?

(i) If you were one of your villagers, would you have accepted the Kings
Question 5

Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) (d)

My Hero by Willis Hall

My dad's as brave as a dad can be,

I rate him Number One,
He's not afraid of the dead of night,
Or anything under the sun. He's not afraid of vampires,
Or a wolf-man come to get him,
He's not afraid of a late-night film, If Frankenstein's monster knocked on our
Full of horrors on the telly, door,
And is he afraid of skeletons? He wouldn't let that upset him.
Not dad, not on your Nelly!
My dad's as brave as a dad can be,
He's not afraid of meeting ghosts, And he's always ready to prove it.
He'd even smile and greet 'em, So why, when a spider's in the bath,
And things that scare most dads the most, Does Mum have to come and remove i
My dad could just defeat 'em.

(a) What is the late-night film on the telly full of?

[1 mark]

(b) What would the child's dad do if he met the ghosts?

[1 mark]

(c) Who solves the problem when there's a spider in the bath?

[1 mark]

Would you recommend this poem to your friend? Give reason for your

[2 marks]

(40 marks)
(Time suggested: 45 minutes)
Question 6

Your parents had organized a party to celebrate your birthday. Based on the picture
given, write an essay on your birthday party.

Invite neighbours classmates happy presents fried chicken chocolate cake

sang Birthday Song play games Musical Chair Treasure Hunt clean up

In your essay:
describe who your parents invited to the birthday party
describe the activities carried out during the birthday party
make sure your essay is between 150 to 200 words
Question 7
The following are the text studied in the Literature Component in English Language

1. Fairs Fair -
2. Cheat -

Based on one of the short stories above, state an event that makes you happy.
Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.

In not less than 50 words
In continuous writing (not in note form)

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