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Assessment Implementation:

Client Information

Client Name - Stacey Lancaster

Client Place of Employment - Morgan County Elementary, 3rd grade

Client Email Address -

Client's Certification ID Number -- 450970

The Actual Assessment

The actual assessment that the students will be tested on is below. The
formatting is a little off due to the fact that I copy and pasted it from another Google Doc
that we share with each student to complete. The setting of this lesson will take place in
the classroom with the teacher and paraprofessional facilitating in a collaborative
classroom. The teacher will conduct the lesson while the paraprofessional walks
around to answer questions or handle any discipline issues that may arise. There are
twenty students each seated at their own desk 4 groups of five desks. Each student will
have a Chromebook connected to the internet, and the teacher will use her desktop
thin-client along with the Smartboard located at the front of the classroom. The Smart
Board will be used to introduce the lesson, review the rubric and expectations, as well
as show the students a brief tutorial of how to create the comic. After the completion of
the lesson students will be given the test to demonstrate mastery of the content.

Famous Americans
Use the word bank on the board to fill in the blanks below. (DOK 1)

- Frederick Douglass was born a

1 - Susan B. Anthony spent most of
_________. her life speaking out for _____
He was very _______________ when he __________ rights. She fought for women to
escaped from slavery. He became a famous have the right to ____________ (suffrage).
___________ and ___________ when he spoke
out against slavery.
- Lyndon B. Johnson was also a
3 4- Franklin D. Roosevelt was our 32nd
_________of the United States. He created _____________ during the Great Depression.
the __________ ___________ to help He helped create a program called the _______
Americans that could not help themselves. He _________ to help people find jobs. He caught a
also passed the Civil Rights Bill making disease called _____________ that paralyzed
_________________ illegal (judging one his legs. FDR was re-elected ______________
because of their skin color, male/female, or terms as president.

5- Paul Revere was an American 6- Explain how Cesar Chavez changed

Patriot. the lives of farm workers. (Think about
What impact did he have on the what he fought for and how he did it)
United States? (What did he fight for and
what courageous thing did he do?)

Circle the correct answer.

7. Mary McLeod Bethune was a leader in Civil Rights and

A. women's rights.
B. education.
C. workers' rights.
D. prison reform.

8. Thurgood Marshall was a lawyer. He won an important

court case which said that African American children could
go to school with white children. This was an important
victory for ..
A. workers' rights.
B. civil rights.

9. Paul Revere supported the American Revolution because he wanted

A. the U.S. to be independent of Great Britain
B. to take territory away from Mexico.
C. land that belonged to Native Americans.
D. France to take over the colonies.

10. Which famous American is described?

President from 1963 to 1969
Passed the Voting Rights Act in 1965
Created the Great Society program

A. Frederick Douglass
B. Franklin D. Roosevelt
C. Lyndon B. Johnson
D. Thurgood Marshall

11. Which famous American is being described?

First Lady of the United States
Ambassador to the United Nations
Worked for human rights

A. Susan B. Anthony
B. Eleanor Roosevelt
C. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
D. Mary McLeod Bethune

12. Famous American leaders like Susan B. Anthony and Mary McLeod Bethune
probably faced challenges because they were
A. African Americans.
B. women.
C. Native Americans.
D. former slaves.

13. Who was the first African American to serve on the Supreme Court?
A. Martin Luther King, Jr.
B. Frederick Douglass
C. Thurgood Marshall
D. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Measurement Tool for Comic

Comic Strip Rubric

Student Name _______________
4 3 2 1

Scenes There are 4-6 There are 4-6 There are 4-6 There are less
or 8-10 (or 8-10) (or 8-10) than 4-6 (or
scenes. They scenes. They scenes. There less than 8-10)
list all the most list some the are important scenes. There
important most important events in are few
events that events that history, but important
occur in occur in either events in
history. history. highlights history, and
unimportant highlights only
events. unimportant

Historical The historical The historical The historical It is hard to tell

Figure figure is clearly figure is clearly figure is who the
identified, and identified, and identified, but historical figure
his/her actions his/her actions actions and is, and actions
and dialogue and dialogue dialogue are and dialogue
are match to their too general. are not clear.
well-matched actions and
to their actions dialogue in
and dialogue in history.

Landscape Landscape and Landscape and Landscape and Landscape and

props are props are props are props seem
directly related directly related generally randomly
to the historical to the to the related to the chosen OR
figure and historical historical distract the
enhance figure. figure. reader.
of the scene.

Spelling There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-5 There are
Punctuation/ spelling, spelling, spelling, more than 5
Grammar punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, spelling,
grammar grammar and grammar punctuation,
errors. errors. errors. and grammar
Score ______/20
One Example of Student/Participant Submission with Teacher Feedback and

Comic Strip Rubric

Student Name _______________
4 3 2 1

Scenes There are 4-6 There are 4-6 There are 4-6 There are less
or 8-10 (or 8-10) (or 8-10) than 4-6 (or
scenes. They scenes. They scenes. There less than 8-10)
list all the most list some the are important scenes. There
important most important events in are few
events that events that history, but important
occur in occur in either events in
history. history. highlights history, and
unimportant highlights only
events. unimportant

Historical The historical The historical The historical It is hard to tell

Figure figure is clearly figure is clearly figure is who the
identified, and identified, and identified, but historical figure
his/her actions his/her actions actions and is, and actions
and dialogue and dialogue dialogue are and dialogue
are match to their too general. are not clear.
well-matched actions and
to their actions dialogue in
and dialogue in history.

Landscape Landscape and Landscape and Landscape and Landscape and

props are props are props are props seem
directly related directly related generally randomly
to the historical to the to the related to the chosen OR
figure and historical historical distract the
enhance figure. figure. reader.
of the scene.

Spelling There are no There are 1-3 There are 4-5 There are
Punctuation/ spelling, spelling, spelling, more than 5
Grammar punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, spelling,
grammar grammar and grammar punctuation,
errors. errors. errors. and grammar

Teacher Comments: WOW!! I am super impressed by your hard work! You obviously enjoyed
this project based on your final product. The landscapes you chose were well-aligned with the
Famous American you were tasked in representing, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Do you think you
could have done more slides? How could you improve your comic? Do you think that you could
make a comic about how FDRs contributions are still evident today? GREAT Job!!
Below you will see an analysis for subgroups of students. The first chart and pie graph
you see will be males compared to females. The one just below that compares special
education students versus regular ed. students.

Group Mastered Content Did Not Master

80% or higher >80%

Males 8/9 = 89% 1/9 = 11%

Females 8/11 = 73% 3/11 = 27%

Group Mastered Content Did Not Master
80% or higher >80%

SPED 5/7 = 71% 2/7 = 29%

Regular Education 9/13 = 69% 2/13 = 31%

As a whole group 80% of the class mastered the standards that were being
assessed. Sixteen out of the twenty students made an 80 or higher on the assessment.
Of the students who did not obtain mastery two of those were in the mid 70s, so those
students were not far from reaching our goal. For subgroups we focused on boys and
girls, and since it is a collaborative setting, special education compared to regular
education. In the chart and bar graphs above will see that only one male did not pass
and three female students did not pass. I was super excited that of 7 special education
students only 2 did not pass. This group of kids struggles greatly with academics and
for them to have such success I totally attribute it to the level of engagement,
excitement, novelty, brainstorming, and collaboration!!

Future Instructional Plans

As stated earlier, more time for collaboration and creation will be given. Research was
also a big time constraint. The students struggle with reading to locate the information
needed to create the comic. I think a research lesson would be beneficial to include in
the plan as well. It is hard to find the balance of enough time to allow students to create
and do so confidently, along with the constraints of making sure to stay on pace with
teaching all content during and by the appropriate time. To address the 20% of the
students that did not master the content through the teaching of this lesson we will focus
more on researching and locating content. We will also have students create questions
to use for a review game after person shares their comic with the class. Thus they are
taking notes, without actually taking notes. This is definitely a lesson that we will
attempt again with our next crop of students!!

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