Controlling Function in Batstateu: A Case Study

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Controlling Function in BatStateU

A Case Study

The government gives less financial supports to university managers which affects
greatly on the calls for an increase for accountability to performance of universities. This gives
burden in management control for the universities just like Batangas State University. And for a
long time already, this has always been a great challenge for the management of the university,
to perform an effective control function for the university.

To analyze the controlling function of Batangas State University, we first find out the
basic control process. One is establishing standards. Next is measuring performance against these
standards. Lastly, correcting deviations from standards and plans. Taking note that controls need
to focus on results and that there is no perfect control because of the likely occurrence of
unforeseen events.

Batangas State University has established its standards which are reflected on its mission
and vision. No doubt, these standards are excellent. However, to accomplish the universitys
goals, the school managers need to not only know what the performance standards are, but also
have monitoring performance against a plan and then making adjustments either in the plan or in
operations as necessary. In measuring performance against the standards built by BatStateU.
This is multidimensional, which means that the performance on all significant dimensions should
be considered. Performance measurement is the process of quantifying the efficiency and
effectiveness of actions. (Neely et al.,1995) The discussion of efficiency and effectiveness must
relate to different contexts and measurement subjects such as inputs, outputs and outcomes
(Carmona and Sieh, 2004). However, as the organizational contexts and goals vary, the
measurements on effectiveness and efficiency also vary. When we look on the goals of
BatStateU, they are somewhat vague and broad to be clearly understand. These goals include
contribution to sustainable development by providing community partnerships that would help
fuel national economy, social impact, multidisciplinary research and education, etc. It is a
difficult task to capture the performance areas related to the ambiguous goals. Besides, it is
unclear to what extent the established dimensions from the frameworks can capture and
understand the performance areas and goals in universities.

The process of measuring performance can be mainly divided into academic and
management performance. The academic performance dimension can be further divided into
research and educational dimensions. The management performance dimension can be further
divided into financial and human resource dimensions. In academic dimension, the Academic
Affairs of BatStateU which is under Dr. Erma Quinay, has a list of numerous functions, duties
and responsibilities which patterns from the vision and mission of the university. It provides
Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) which is envisioned as a technology
composed of strategies, methods and tools for ensuring fulfillment of the functions of the offices
and its personnel as well as for assessing the accomplishments. It achieves the objectives that it
has set itself in its strategic plan. It includes Performance Planning and Commitment;
Performance Monitoring and Coaching; Performance Review and Evaluation and Performance
Rewarding and Development. (Office Of The Vice President For Academic Affairs Operations
Manual) On the other hand, the Research Office, also under Dr. Erma Quinay, provides all the
necessary information in including its projects and
acitivities, the BatStateU - Research and Development Institutional Linkages (international,
national, and regional) and also the Research Development and Extension Journal. Moreover, the
Research Management provides achievements and highlights of activities from 2011.
Furthermore, the Extension Services Office carry out the extension service function of the
University. The control that they do is to create effective mechanisms that ensure productive
extension service. Another controlling function they do is to augment the Universitys budgetary
provision for extension service by tapping external sources of funds. It is the job of the The Vice
President for Research, Development and Extension to implement, monitor and evaluate
institutional policies and plans pertaining to Extension Service. In financial dimension, the
Administration and Finance Division of BatStateU, which provides a broad range of financial
and administrative services to students, faculty, staff and other university stakeholders is doing
their part in controlling function of the management as it seeks to provide financial and
administrative expertise to campus administrators and other key officials of the University in a
prompt professional manner. It also provides information as current as possible, including
information about projects in progress. Currently, it strives to complete the following on-going
and proposed activities: Workload Assessment, Installation of Performance Management System
Office Performance Evaluation System, and A Review of the University Administration and
Finance Operation. ( They include here
the scope and objectives of each project they are working and also the procedure, estimated
budget and expected date of completion which are very good because these are all essential in
measuring performance. In human resource dimension, BatStateU has Mr. Noel Alberto S.
Omandap as the Assistant Director for Human Resources Management. This management plans,
directs, and supervises the functions and activities in the personnel office. Its controlling function
is to keep, maintain and update a systematic filing of personnel records.

Controlling is a multi-dimensional concept that covers broad aspects in universities like

Batangas State Universities. Under this function are the responsibility of the BatStateU managers
for resources and market seeking. It is a very important function because this makes the plans
effective as the BatStateU would be self-sufficiency and accountable to the stakeholders.
Batangs State University managers should undertake full responsibilities for their actions within
the regulations to obtain value for money so to ensure that the university resources are properly
allocated. Academic and management performances are measured by dimensions, and the
correction of plans are performed if necessary.

To fulfill the planning and control process in BatStateU, various data should be collected
from inside and outside of the university and be transferred to the system doing information
processing. This is by communication channel. Incomplete information disturbs the planning,
control and decision making and makes it ineffective as scientifically and practically. There is no
perfect control. However, a good control is possible if the management stimulates action by
spotting the significant variations from the original plan and highlighting them for the people
who can set things right. It could mean that every dimension manager is reasonably confident
that no major unpleasant surprises will occur.


Wang, X. (2010). Performance Measurement In Universities. [pdf] University of Twente.

Enschede, The Netherlands

VPAA Compiled and Formatted Operations Manual

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