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Knowing your limits

Value-at-risk limits are widely used risk management instruments. But issues over
the allocation of Var limits remain, says Brett Humphreys

alue-at-risk1 (Var) limits have and Europe. If for some reason we know the net desk position will be long.

V become commonplace risk

management tools for energy
companies in the past five years. These
that the portfolios held by the two desks
have a 50% correlation, then the best
equal division of the limit would be $5.8
However, in the next month the trading
desk may change its overall view to the
belief that natural gas prices are falling
limits are used to control the amount of million assigned to each desk, calculated and shift its overall position to short.
risk taken by a business unit. from the equation above. The table on If overall positions can change
However, as Var limits have become page 62 shows the optimal breakdown significantly, allocating static Var limits
more widely used, risk managers have based on the correlation of positions based on correlations will tend to mis-
been forced to deal with a number of held by the two desks. allocate the limits. If we create good Var
related issues. Two of the most common It is clear that as the correlation limits then it should never be possible for
questions are: how does one allocate Var between the two desks decreases, we can every sub-group to be under their limit
limits between members of a corporate raise the Var limit of each individual desk while the total Var is greater than the
group, and what should be done if Var without violating the total Var limit of limit. However, the only way to be certain
limits are exceeded? $10 million. This method of allocating such a situation cannot occur is to assume
Var limits works well as long as the two perfect correlation between groups and
Allocating Var desks actively use their Var limits and the split the total Var limit between the
Allocating Var limits is often one of the correlation used for allocation is correct. groups. While this method avoids the
first tests of the Var limit system. The However, imagine a case where we summation problem it does so by
problem here is that Var limits are not believe the correlation between the two allowing no diversification benefits.
cumulative consider the following desks to be 75%, and so allocate a So far we have only discussed an
simple equation for calculating the $14.14 million limit to each desk. It may equal allocation of Var limits between
portfolio Var from the Var of two occur where one desk actually has no groups, but it is easy to modify this
component portfolios (Vara and Varb): exposure but the other desk has risk up to allocation in whatever manner we choose.
its limit of $14.14 million. The total risk For example, we could allocate limits
Var _ portfolio = in this case would be $14.14 million, based on the profits each group made the

Vara2 + Varb2 + 2Vara Varb

where is the correlation of changes in Two of the most common questions relating to Var limits are:
values between the two component how does one allocate them between members of a corporate
The portfolio Var will be the sum of group, and what should be done if they are exceeded?
the two component Vars only if the
correlation equals one. If the correlation
is less then one, the portfolio Var will be
less than the sum of the individual Vars.
This is the problem we face if we wish to higher than the expected $10 million. The previous year. So if the first group had
allocate Var between members of a group. actual total risk is higher because we had profits of $10 million and a second group
In such a situation, we know the total assumed that the second desk would have had profits of $5 million we would
portfolio Var limit and want to know the positions with risk close to their Var limit, allocate a Var limit of two-thirds the total
appropriate component limits. Assuming which are needed to offset the risk of the Var limit to the first group and one-third
we want to equally allocate the limit first desk. to the second group.
between the two business units, the only This problem highlights a weakness of
additional information we need is the this allocation method: we can never Breaking the limit
correlation between each sub-group. We know with certainty what the correlation Of course, after all the effort has been
can then use that correlation and the total between two trading books will be, made to set the appropriate Var limits,
limit in the above equation to derive the especially when we do not know the exact some group will eventually have a Var
appropriate component limits. trading instruments or positions that the greater than the allocated limit. What
For example, consider a trading desk desk is using. should be done in this situation?
that has a Var limit of $10 million and is To further highlight this difficulty, At some companies, the traders may
made up of two desks: North America consider a simple situation of a natural be directed to immediately enter into
gas trading desk. For one month, the desk trades that reduce the Var of the position.
1 Var is the worst loss expected to be suffered over may take positions based on the belief At others, the risk manager might review
a given time period with a given probability that natural gas prices will be rising so the positions and grant a temporary I 61

increase of the Var limits. What is the trades are only marginally profitable then
correct solution? Table 1: Optimal Var breakdown they are not worth the risk associated
Forcing the traders to immediately with them and should be liquidated.
enter trades to reduce the Var seems a Correlation between desks Var limit per desk We can take this a step further. We
harsh solution. For instance, sometimes 75% $14.14 know that by allocating Var limits based
markets shift and simply become more 50% $10.00 on the assumption of perfect correlation
volatile. In such cases, perhaps it is more we are not likely to use the entire Var limit
important to raise limits. 25% $8.16 as there will be some diversification. The
Another potential problem with this 0% $7.07 risk management group could, therefore,
policy is external manipulation. 25% $6.32 sell this diversification back to the groups
While this may be easier to do in in the form of increased Var limits. If
50% $5.77
illiquid markets, large traders with demand is higher than available Var, this
sufficient funds can move any market. To 75% $5.35 sale could take the form of an auction to
avoid such activity, we need a rule that 100% $5.00 ensure the most efficient allocation.
does not automatically force the The method proposed would improve
liquidation of positions. the efficiency of allocating Var limits
Reviewing the limits seems a practical to maintain it or reduce the risk of the and handling Var exceptions. By shifting
solution. However, the problem with this position. The price of the additional risk to a market solution for Var allocation,
solution is that the limit tends to be raised should be a risk charge or risk-adjusted we shift from a hard rule that may be
if the group has been profitable in the return on capital (Raroc) for the desk. biased to allowing those that know the
past or if overall market risk increased For example, if the best-performing positions to decide whether to keep or
and not based upon the underlying merits trading group has returns of 30% on risk reduce them. EPRM
of the position. capital, any trader may be allowed to
One method that may avoid these increase his or her Var limit by paying Brett Humphreys is a founding
problems is to allow traders to purchase this 30% premium from past profits. partner of Risk Capital
the additional Var limit. This allows the Under this approach, if the trader really Management, a risk management
person who can best evaluate the merits of believes in the trades he or she will advisory group based in New York
the trade the trader to decide whether happily pay the additional cost, but if the e-mail:

62 I March 2002

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