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Companion animal practice

Gastrointestinal disease in rabbits

2. Intestinal diseases

Brigitte Lord

Intestinal diseases in rabbits can develop as a result of many causes. Diet-

related problems are a common aetiology of intestinal disorders but infectious
(bacterial, viral, parasitic), idiopathic and neoplastic diseases are also seen
Brigitte Lord graduated from with relative frequency. This article describes the diagnosis and approach to
the Royal Veterinary College in treatment of intestinal diseases in rabbits. An article in the February issue of
2002. After a period in exotic and In Practice (volume 34, pages 90-96) considered gastric diseases in this species.
small animal practice, she spent
time at the Royal (Dick) School of
Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh Intestinal ileus and obstruction Diagnosis
and the University of Bristol/ The history and clinical findings of a firm, dough-like
Bristol Zoo, and ran a rabbit and Caecal stasis is primarily an acquired disorder of or gas-filled caecum on palpation allow a presumptive
exotics veterinary referral service in decreased motility. Generalised ileus is a common con- diagnosis of caecal stasis and ileus. Non-obstructive
south-west England. She returned tinuation of this condition and may arise from mechan- and obstructive ileus can usually be differentiated
to Edinburgh in 2008 as a lecturer ical obstruction or from defective propulsion, as seen on the basis of the clinical appearance of the rabbit
in rabbit medicine and surgery, with gastric stasis (see Part 1). Obstruction of the small and its response to treatment, although advanced
and is now head of the universitys and the large intestine has been reported in rabbits, non-obstructive disease may be more challenging to
exotic animal handling facility. with the small intestine being more commonly affected interpret (see Box 1). Non-obstructive ileus can usu-
She is also the veterinary adviser (Harcourt-Brown 2007). Foreign bodies were most fre- ally be managed medically, while obstructive ileus will
for the British Rabbit Council. quently found in the small intestine and included locust require surgical treatment.
She holds the RCVS certificate bean seeds from mixed muesli-type rations, carpet fibre Radiography is indicated if obstructive disease
in zoological medicine and is and pellets of compressed hair. Post-surgical adhe- is suspected. Dilation of the region proximal to the
currently working towards the sions, an inguinal hernia and a tapeworm cyst causing obstruction is diagnostic for the condition and, in such
diploma in zoological medicine.
strangulating obstructions of both the small and large cases, an emergency laparotomy should be carried out,
intestines were seen. Neoplasia was found to cause
obstruction in all areas of the gastrointestinal tract.
Rabbits have complex large intestines, which are
Provenance: Commissioned typical of hindgut fermenter species (Fig 1), in contrast
and peer-reviewed to the simple gastrointestinal tract of cats or dogs.



Fig 1: Normal gastrointestinal F

tract of a rabbit on postmortem
examination. The large caecum
(F) is typical of a hindgut
fermenter species. A Stomach, G
B duodenum, C pancreas, I
D jejunum, E sacculus rotundus,
F caecum, G caecal appendix, Fig 2: Dorsoventral abdominal radiograph of a rabbit
H proximal colon, I fusus coli, showing gas distension of the caecum, which has been
J distal colon, K rectum, L anus K L displaced to the left side of the abdomen

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Box 1: Diagnosis and management of ileus

Non-obstructive Obstructive
ileus ileus

History History
Gradual onset over a period of days Rapid onset, within 24 hours
Decreased appetite or anorexia Anorexia
Decreased or absent faecal pellets Absent faecal pellets
Rabbit is bright, alert and responsive Rabbit may be quiet, alert and reactive, depressed,
non-responsive or collapsed

Physical examination Physical examination

Pink, moist or tacky mucous membranes Pale pink or grey, tacky mucous membranes
Capillary refill time <2 seconds Capillary refill time >2 seconds
Dough-like caecum and/or stomach on gentle abdominal Dough-like caecum and/or stomach on gentle abdominal
palpation palpation
Gas may be obvious on palpation of the gastrointestinal tract Gas may be obvious on palpation of the gastrointestinal tract
Rectal temperature 38 to 385C (within normal limits) Rectal temperature 38 to 385C or hypothermic
Animal is bright, alert and responsive Animal is quiet, alert and reactive, depressed or collapsed

Diagnostic investigation
Medical treatment
Conscious lateral and dorsoventral abdominal radiography
Buprenorphine (003 to 005 mg/kg every 6 to 8 hours,
Blood sampling for measurement of packed cell volume,
orally, intravenously, subcutaneously or intramuscularly)
total protein, albumin, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline
Meloxicam (03 to 06 mg/kg every 24 hours, orally
phosphatase, creatinine and urea
or subcutaneously)
Ranitidine (4 to 6 mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours, orally
or subcutaneously)
Intravenous fluid therapy with Hartmanns solution at Management
twice the maintenance rate (8 ml/kg/hour) Exploratory laparoscopy or laparotomy is indicated if obstruction
High-fibre recovery diet (eg, Critical Care; Oxbow), is suspected on radiography
10 ml/kg per feed, every 4 hours Otherwise, treat medically as for non-obstructive ileus

If obstructive disease is suspected or diagnosed on

radiography, an exploratory laparotomy is indicated.
These patients are likely to be critically ill, so care must
be taken in the perioperative period. The anaesthesia
protocol described in Part 1 for gastrotomy procedures
is recommended. A routine laparotomy incision should
be made as described for a gastrotomy (see Part 1) and
the entire gastrointestinal tract should be explored. The
area of affected bowel should be exteriorised (Fig 4)
and the abdomen packed off adequately to prevent
contamination. An assistants fingers or atraumatic

Fig 3: Lateral abdominal radiograph of the same rabbit

as pictured in Fig 2, showing the gas-filled caecum.
The stomach is full of ingesta, and the small intestine
and colon are empty

as described below. Serial radiographs may be useful

in some cases to confirm a suspicion of obstruction.
In advanced cases of ileus, the stomach often contains
ingesta but the large and small intestines are gas-filled
(Figs 2, 3).

Treatment and prognosis

Aggressive medical management is required to prevent
further deterioration and death in rabbits with intes-
tinal stasis and ileus. The provision of rehydration, Fig 4: Exploratory laparotomy can be made a lot easier
by using a retractor. The large caecum is present just
analgesia, prokinetics and nutritional support with a
below the abdominal muscle layer, so care must be
high-fibre diet is vital in these cases, as described in taken on entering the abdomen to make sure the
Part 1 for gastric stasis and ileus. caecum is not lacerated

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forceps should be used to prevent ingesta contamin Embryonated P ambiguus ova are transmitted by the
ating the surgical field. Ideally, an incision should be faeco-oral route. Adult worms, which are 2 to 11 mm
made in a healthy portion of intestine, and the foreign long, inhabit the caecum and colon, and are often
body can then be milked into the incision. Milking seen when they are passed in fresh faeces. Graphid
a small intestinal foreign body into the caecum for ium stringosum, Trichostrongylus retortaeformis and
removal, where possible, may reduce the likelihood of Trichostrongylus calcaratus are nematodes found com-
mortality. For firmly attached obstructions, an inci- monly in wild rabbits in Europe, and domestic rabbits
sion should be made just next to the lesion. If the cause allowed to graze infected pasture may acquire these
of obstruction is a foreign body, it should be removed infections (Allan and others 1999).
or, in the case of a neoplasm, an enterectomy and histo Rabbits are the intermediate host for several tape-
pathology of the excised tissue should be considered. worms that affect dogs and foxes, including:
If no intestine is removed, the incision can be closed The larval stage of Taenia pisiformis (sometimes
with a simple interrupted suture pattern using syn- known as Cysticercus pisiformis);
thetic absorbable monofilament material (eg, poly The larval stage of Taenia serialis (sometimes called
dioxanone [PDS II; Ethicon]). If the incision was made Coenurus serialis);
in the caecum, a second layer of inverting sutures Echinococcus granulosus.
should be placed. It is important to use a small needle Transmission of these species is by the ingestion of
to prevent leakage of the caecal contents or tearing eggs shed in the faeces of carnivore hosts. The larvae
through this very thin-walled structure. Omentum migrate from the intestines to their predilection sites:
can be tacked around the incision site. The abdomen is the liver, lung, lymph nodes, intermuscular connective
then closed as described for gastrotomy (see Part 1). tissue and, occasionally, the orbit or brain.
Perioperative mortality can be high in rabbits with Rabbits are one of the primary hosts for Cittotaenia
intestinal obstructions, but with excellent periopera- variabilis. Oribatid mites may be the intermediate host
tive care a good outcome can be achieved. The progno- of this species.
sis is grave for rabbits with an obstructing neoplasm, Generally, P ambiguus is considered to be non-
and euthanasia should be considered in such cases. pathogenic, although rabbits with heavy infections
may show perianal pruritus. Cestode infections are
usually asymptomatic, but abdominal distension,
Parasitic enteritis lethargy and weight loss may be seen in cases of heavy
infection. Tserialis usually forms subcutaneous cysts,
Nematodes and cestodes which can be palpated as soft tissue swellings (Bethell
Passalurus ambiguus, the pinworm, is common in and Truszkowska 2010). The clinical signs will depend
domestic rabbits and widespread in wild rabbits. on the site and extent of the space-occupying lesion.

Table 1: Drugs used in the treatment of intestinal disease in rabbits

Dose and route of administration Comments
Enrofloxacin 20 mg/kg every 24 hours, po or sc Administration via the sc route can cause
tissue damage. Licensed for rabbits
Marbofloxacin 4 mg/kg every 24 hours, po, sc or iv
Metronidazole 20 mg/kg every 12 hours, po
Trimethoprim-sulfadiazine 30 mg/kg every 12 hours, sc Can also be used to treat coccidiosis
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole* 30 mg/kg every 12 hours, po Can also be used to treat coccidiosis
(10-day course)
Amprolium 20 mg/kg every 24 hours, po Used to treat coccidiosis (5-day course)
Fenbendazole 10 to 20 mg/kg every 24 hours, po Used to treat Passalurus ambiguus, for which
the dose should be repeated after 14 days
Ivermectin 02 to 04 mg/kg, po or sc Not effective for P ambiguus. A single dose
can be used for other roundworms
Piperazine 200 mg/kg, po Repeat after 2 to 3 weeks
Praziquantel 5 to 10 mg/kg, po, sc or im Used to treat cestode infections, for which
the dose should be repeated after 10 days
Selamectin 6 mg/kg, topically Used to treat roundworm infections
Sulfadimethoxine 50 mg/kg once, po, then 25 mg/kg Used to treat coccidiosis (10- to 20-day
every 24 hours, po course)
Cholestyramine* 500 mg/kg every 12 hours, po Used to treat enterotoxaemia. Binds to
bacterial toxins
Loperamide hydrochloride* 01 mg/kg every 8 hours for 3 days, Can be useful in cases of dysbiosis
then every 24 hours for 2 days, po
im Intramuscularly, iv Intravenously, po orally, sc subcutaneously
*Not licensed for use in animals, so the prescribing cascade must be followed
For details of prokinetics, analgesics and fluid therapy, see Table 2 in Part 1

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P ambiguus ova can be observed on faecal flotation
or by examination of fresh faecal smears. A definitive
diagnosis of tapeworm infection can be made on exam-
ination of a tissue biopsy or fluid aspirated from cysts.

Treatment and prognosis

Anthelmintics that can be used to treat nematode
or cestode infections in rabbits are listed in Table 1.
T serialis cysts should ideally be surgically excised
or drained by aspiration. The prognosis for recovery
is good, unless the animal is severely affected by the
space-occupying lesion or shows severe liver pathol- A
ogy. Prevention of worm infections in rabbits can be
achieved by ensuring that they do not have access to
grass contaminated with carnivore faeces.

Rabbits become infected with Cryptosporidium parvum
when they ingest sporulated oocysts. These are shed in Fig 5: (a) Perineal faecal
wild or domestic rabbit or rodent faeces, but may also staining in a rabbit with
be transmitted in water, fomites or contaminated feed. acute-onset diarrhoea.
(b) Postmortem examination
The prepatent period is three to 21 days. Adult rabbits
of the rabbit revealed a fluid-
tend to be subclinically infected and show no clinical and gas-filled colon. Large
signs unless they are immunocompromised. Infected numbers of coccidial oocysts
B were found on cytology
neonatal or young rabbits may show lethargy, poor
body condition, poor coat quality, decreased appetite,
dehydration, weight loss and pasty, unformed faeces or The clinical signs include weight loss, mild to
diarrhoea lasting for three to five days. severe intermittent or continuous haemorrhagic diar-
rhoea, dehydration and, occasionally, intestinal intus-
Diagnosis susception. Death is usually associated with secondary
The diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis requires finding bacterial enteritis and dehydration (Fig 5).
the oocysts on faecal examination (see Part 1).
Treatment and prognosis Coccidiosis is presumptively diagnosed by finding
Currently, there are no treatments known to be reli- oocysts on faecal flotation. Even repeated faecal exam-
able for cryptosporidiosis in rabbits. The prognosis for ination may reveal only small numbers of oocysts, but
recovery is guarded to good, depending on the sever- it is important to remember that the amount of oocysts
ity of infection and the degree of villous blunting in does not correlate directly with their clinical signifi-
the intestine. Young rabbits with severe stunting may cance (ie, the presence of even a few oocysts can cause
never attain their anticipated body size. significant clinical disease). A definitive diagnosis
requires histopathological examination of the ileum
Intestinal coccidiosis and/or jejunum, where coccidia may be identified
Many different species of Eimeria have been identi- within parasitised epithelial cells. These cells often
fied in rabbits. Eimeria perforans, Eimeria media die, which may lead to ulceration and a mixed poly-
and Eimeria magna are widespread in breeding col- morphonuclear and mononuclear exudate.
onies of domestic rabbits, while E perforans is the
most common species in wild rabbits. Transmission Treatment and prognosis
is via ingestion of sporulated oocysts. The prepatent Treatments for coccidiosis are listed in Table 1. In mild
period for Eimeria species ranges from two to 10 days, cases, the prognosis is good and the rabbit may develop
and, at a temperature of 20C, sporulation requires lifelong immunity.
22 hours for E perforans and 70 hours for Eimeria
Intestinal coccidiosis is most often a subclinical Bacterial enteritis
disease in immunocompetent adult rabbits. The fac-
tors predisposing to clinical disease are: Clostridiosis and dysbiosis
Coinfection with other enteropathogens; The bacteria Clostridium spiroforme, Clostridium dif
Immunosuppression or a naive immune system; ficile and Clostridium perfringens are associated with
The dose of infection present; enteritis and enterotoxaemia in rabbits. Tyzzers dis-
The species of Eimeria involved. E perforans affects ease is caused by Clostridium piliforme. Clostridium
the small intestine and, although it is associated species are widespread pathogenic bacteria but also
with only slight pathogenicity, is the predominant inhabit the gastrointestinal tract of adult rabbits as part
species. E magna and Eimeria irresidua are the of the normal intestinal flora, along with Bacteroides,
most pathogenic intestinal Eimeria species found Enterococcus, Staphylococcus and Enterobacter spe-
in rabbits, and also affect the small intestine. cies and Escherichia coli.

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Disease in adult rabbits may develop as a result of Colibacillosis

dysbiosis. The predisposing factors involved in caecal The presentation of colibacillosis in rabbits is variable
dysbiosis include: and depends on the particular strain of E coli, as well
A sudden change in diet altering the caecal pH and as on the presence of concurrent infectious agents.
motility; The rabbit enteropathogenic E coli (rabbit EPEC or
Stress, causing immunosuppression and decreased RDEC-1) strain is the most common cause of bacterial
gastrointestinal tract motility; enteritis in this species. Transmission is by the faeco-
Administration of antibiotics, causing suppression of oral route. Neonatal rabbits aged one to 14 days, or
Box 2: PLACE the normal microbial flora. The PLACE mnemonic young animals between two and four months, that are
mnemonic for (see Box 2) can be used to remember which antibiot- stressed by weaning, transport or overcrowding, are
antibiotics to ics to avoid in rabbits, as they can be associated with most likely to be clinically affected. The clinical signs
avoid in rabbits fatal enterotoxaemia, especially if given orally. include acute weight loss and diarrhoea, intussuscep-
Bacteria such as Bacteroides species normally exert tion and rectal prolapse. Mortality ranges between 50
P: Penicillins
L: Lincosamides an inhibitory effect on potentially pathogenic bacteria and 100 per cent.
A: Aminoglycosides including Clostridium species and coliforms. Salmonella species, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
C: Cephalosporins Disease in neonatal rabbits and weanlings may be Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Lawsonia intra
E: Erythromycin associated with a high gastric pH of 5 to 65, which cellularis can also cause acute or chronic entero-
allows clostridial proliferation and an underdeveloped colitis in rabbits. Neonates and weanlings are most
population of normal gastrointestinal microbial flora. severely affected, and the morbidity and mortal-
In young rabbits aged one to two months, diversifica- ity can vary. Transmission is by the faeco-oral route
tion of the antibody repertoire has been shown to rely or via contaminated feed or water. It is impor-
on interactions between the gut-associated lymphoid tant to be aware that such infections have zoonotic
tissue and specific members of the normal gastrointes- potential.
tinal microflora. Tyzzers disease has been associated
with the stress of overcrowding, unsanitary conditions Diagnosis
and concurrent disease. Colibacillosis can be diagnosed presumptively by iso-
Rabbits with dysbiosis may show: lating E coli in the faeces of affected animals, although
Anorexia; dysbiosis often causes the proliferation of non-
Depression; pathogenic E coli. A definitive diagnosis is based on
Dehydration; histopathological identification of E coli attachment
Hypothermia; to enterocytes.
Intermittent or continuous diarrhoea with haemato In cases where Salmonella species, P aeruginosa,
chezia and mucus. Ypseudotuberculosis or L intracellularis are suspected,
In acute cases, enterotoxic shock and death can the diagnostic laboratory must be informed, as spe-
occur within 24 to 48 hours. Chronic cases are occa- cific enrichment and selection procedures are recom
sionally seen, and are characterised by intermittent mended for faecal bacterial culture and sensitivity
diarrhoea and weight loss. testing of these organisms.

Diagnosis Treatment and prognosis

A presumptive diagnosis of dysbiosis can be made Affected animals should be treated with broad-
based on a history of recent antibiotic administration, spectrum antibiotics while the results of bacterial
a change of diet or stress. culture and sensitivity testing are pending. Early,
aggressive fluid and supportive therapy, including the
Treatment and prognosis administration of loperamide hydrochloride, is essen-
Aggressive fluid and supportive therapy are essential in tial to increase the chances of a successful outcome.
rabbits with dysbiosis, which are likely to be in a criti- The prognosis is guarded to poor but will depend on
cal condition. Cholestyramine has been shown to bind the strain of bacteria involved, the immunocompe-
to bacterial toxins, including clostridial cytotoxin and tence of the patient and the presence of synergistic
endotoxin, in humans. Loperamide hydrochloride and copathogens, such as rotavirus.
a high-fibre diet can improve the recovery.
The role of probiotics in these cases is still
being studied, but transfaunation by administering Viral enteritis
fresh caecot rophs from
healthy rabbits can Viral enteritis is primarily seen in young weanling
Box 3: Transfaunation provide the appropriate rabbits. Coronavirus has been reported to affect ani-
microflora to help re- mals 21 to 70 days of age, and rotavirus is most com-
Place an Elizabethan collar on a donor rabbit overnight establish caecal homeo mon in rabbits aged 30 to 80 days. These pathogens
to prevent coprophagy
stasis (see Box 3). The are transmitted by the airborne and faeco-oral routes.
Collect the caecotrophs produced by the donor and
place them directly into the diastema of the mouth of prognosis for recovery Viral infection causes villous atrophy with lympho
the sick rabbit of mild cases, which cytic inflammation, particularly in the ileum, and
If the rabbit refuses them, mix the fresh caecotrophs can be treated with intestinal distension.
with a small amount of water and administer the dietary adjustments, Maternal antibody to rotavirus can provide some
suspension orally by syringe can be good, but severe protection in young rabbits, resulting in subclini-
Administer a small number of caecotrophs (five to 10)
cases have a poor cal shedding of virus for about three days. Soft to
every three hours
prognosis. diarrhoeic faeces are often the main clinical sign

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of rotavirus infection. Coinfection with rotavirus a high-fibre and low-carbohydrate diet can help to
and E coli has been shown to result in an increased prevent mucoid enteropathy from developing.
mortality of 50 to 80 per cent due to diarrhoeal disease
(Thouless and others 1996). Coronavirus infections
are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Dysautonomia and caecal impaction

Diagnosis Dysautonomia in rabbits is an idiopathic condition

Rotavirus infection can be diagnosed on virus isola- that causes a loss of function of the autonomic nerv-
tion, the detection of specific antibodies or histo ous system. The condition is associated with signs of
pathology. A definitive diagnosis of coronavirus can gastrointestinal stasis and autonomic nerve deficits.
be made on histopathology or isolation of virus in the Clinical signs include:
faeces. However, both rotavirus and coronavirus can Dry mucous membranes and conjunctiva;
be found in clinically normal adult rabbits. Dilated pupils;
Treatment and prognosis Urine retention and overflow incontinence;
Supportive treatment of rotavirus infection is usually A dilated, firm, impacted colon;
successful, except in cases of simultaneous coinfection Proprioceptive deficits;
with another enteropathogen, which carries a guarded Loss of anal tone.
prognosis. Coronavirus enteritis has a guarded to Accumulation of food in the mouth, dysphagia and
poor prognosis. evidence of lower respiratory disease due to aspira-
tion pneumonia, secondary to dysphagia and mega
oesophagus, may also be seen. As in other species, such
Mucoid enteropathy as hares and horses, dysautonomia in rabbits is associ-
ated with high mortality.
Mucoid enteropathy (also called rabbit epizootic
enteropathy) is an idiopathic condition that results Diagnosis
in goblet cell hyperplasia and excessive mucus pro- Dysautonomia can be diagnosed presumptively based
duction within the intestinal tract. The condition is on the clinical signs. Radiography of the thorax and
mainly seen in young rabbits aged from four to 14 abdomen may reveal evidence of aspiration pneu-
weeks, although there have been reports of cases in monia, megaoesophagus, an impacted colon and
older animals. It may occur concurrently with other a large bladder. The absence of tear production can
enteropathies. Lesions of mucoid enteropathy have be demonstrated using a Schirmer tear test; the aver-
been found in association with caecal hyperacid- age tear production in healthy rabbits is 5 24 mm/
ity due to abnormal volatile fatty-acid production minute (Abrams and others 1990). A definitive diag-
or absorption, dysbiosis, a fibre-deficient diet and nosis requires postmortem histology and electron
dysautonomia. microscopy.
The clinical signs that have been reported in cases
of mucoid enteropathy include: Treatment and prognosis
Anorexia; Rabbits with dysautonomia should receive support-
Depression; ive treatment, including fluid therapy, force-feeding,
Abdominal pain and distension; lubricating the eyes, the use of enemas and emptying
Weight loss; the bladder. The prognosis in rabbits is poor, although
Dehydration; some animals of other species have spontaneously
Hypothermia; recovered.
Diarrhoea initially, progressing to mucus excre-
tion; or
Constipation and palpation of a firm, dough-like, Intestinal neoplasia
large caecum.
Acute mortality can occur within one to three days, Anorectal papillomas are well-differentiated benign
reaching rates of 30 to 80 per cent. In chronic disease, tumours and are not related to viral papillomas of
mortality may occur within seven to nine days. the skin and oral cavity. They are small, friable,
fungating masses that originate from the rectal
Diagnosis squamous columnar epithelium at the anorectal
A presumptive diagnosis of mucoid enteropathy can junction. The clinical signs include constipation, dis-
be made on the history and clinical signs, although the comfort, haemorrhage from the anus and, in severe
condition can mimic other enteropathies. Radiography cases, rectal prolapse; some affected rabbits may be
may reveal evidence of caecal impaction and, in more asymptomatic.
advanced cases, evidence of gastric and intestinal Neoplastic infiltrations, including lymphomas,
stasis. A definitive diagnosis is made on postmortem adenocarcinomas, leiomyosarcomas and metastatic
findings of copious intestinal mucus and goblet cell haemangiosarcomas, have been reported as spontane-
hyperplasia. ous neoplasms of the intestinal tract in several breeds
of rabbit. Metastasis of uterine adenocarcinomas across
Treatment and prognosis the peritoneal cavity has also been reported. Some
Non-specific supportive treatment is recommended rabbits may show no clinical signs until the disease
for affected animals, but the prognosis is poor. Feeding is advanced and sudden death occurs. Clinical signs

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that may be seen in animals with intestinal tumours Summary

Diarrhoea; Appropriate investigation of the clinical signs of intes-
Gastrointestinal ileus or obstruction; tinal disease in rabbits, and specific treatment of the
Anorexia; underlying cause, is vital to achieving an optimum out-
Ascites; come in these animals, which, as with all prey species,
Emaciation; will actively hide signs of disease.
Pallor; References
Cutaneous nodules (in cases of lymphoma); ABRAMS, K. L., BROOKS, D. E., FUNK, R. S. & THERAN, P.
(1990) Evaluation of the Schirmer tear test in clinically normal
Peripheral lymphadenopathy.
rabbits. American Journal of Veterinary Research 51,
Enlarged abdominal lymph nodes causing com- 1912-1913
pression of the intestines may also be seen in rabbits ALLAN, J. C., CRAIG, P. S., SHERINGTON, J., ROGAN,
with lymphomas. M.T., STOREY, D. M., HEATH, S. & IBALL, K. (1999)
Helminth parasites of the wild rabbit Orycytolagus cuniculus
Diagnosis and treatment near Malham Tarn, Yorkshire, UK. Journal of Helminthology
73, 289-294
Anorectal papillomas are usually presumptively diag-
BETHELL, F. & TRUSZKOWSKA, A. (2010) Taenia serialis
nosed based on the clinical features, but excisional
in a domestic rabbit. Veterinary Record 166, 282
biopsy and histopathology are required for a definitive HARCOURT-BROWN, F. M. (2007) Gastric dilation and
diagnosis. Surgical excision of anorectal papillomas is intestinal obstruction in 76 rabbits. Veterinary Record 161,
curative, provided all of the abnormal tissue is removed. 409-414
In asymptomatic cases, spontaneous regression can LORD, B. (2012) Gastrointestinal disease in rabbits
occur. The prognosis for a full recovery is good. 1. Gastric diseases. In Practice 34, 90-96
Infiltrative neoplasias may require more exten-
(1996) The effect of combined rotavirus and Escherichia coli
sive diagnostic investigation. Lymphocytosis may be infections in rabbits. Laboratory Animal Science 46, 381-385
seen on routine haematology and, in such cases, lym-
phoma should be suspected. Thoracic and abdominal Further reading
radiographs may reveal a primary tumour or metasta- DAVIES, R. R. (2006) Digestive system disorders.
sis. Barium enemas may aid the diagnosis of a space- In BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Medicine and Surgery, 2nd edn.
occupying lesion in the colon. Ultrasonography can be Eds A. Meredith and P. Flecknell. BSAVA Publications.
pp 74-84
used to demonstrate the normal layering and thick-
OMALLEY, B. (2005) Rabbits. In Clinical Anatomy and
ness of the intestines, provided there is not too much
Physiology of Exotic Species. Elsevier Saunders. pp 173-195
gas in the intestines causing shadowing. Prominent SILVERMANN, S. & TELL, L. A. (2005) Radiology of
mesenteric lymph nodes and regional abnormalities, Rodents, Rabbits, and Ferrets: an Atlas. Elsevier Saunders.
and small peritoneal effusions, suggesting infiltrative pp 159-230
disease, may also be found on ultrasonography. Biopsy
and histopathology is required for a definitive diag-
nosis. Biopsies may be obtained endoscopically from
the distal colon. Laparotomy or laparoscopy will be Self-assessment test:
required to obtain biopsies from the small intestine, Intestinal diseases in rabbits
caecum or proximal colon (Fig 6).
1. Which nematode that is considered to be
Cases of infiltrative neoplasia could be treated by non-pathogenic is commonly seen in rabbits?
chemotherapy, extrapolating the protocols used in 2. What are the common species of intestinal
cats and dogs. As with gastric neoplasias (see Part 1), coccidia in domestic rabbits?
the prognosis will depend on the stage of the disease 3. What are the common predisposing factors
when it is diagnosed and the response to treatment. involved in caecal dysbiosis?
4. List the antibiotics that should be avoided
in rabbits, as they can be associated with fatal
enterotoxaemia, especially if given orally.
5. List the types of neoplasia that have been seen
D in the intestines of rabbits.

metastatic haemangiosarcomas
adenocarcinomas, leiomyosarcomas and
5. Anorectal papillomas, lymphomas,
cephalosporins and erythromycin
4. Penicillins, lincosamides, aminoglycosides,
suppression of the normal microbial flora
motility, or antibiotic administration causing
immunosuppression and decreased gastrointestinal
gastrointestinal motility, stress causing
3. A sudden diet change altering pH and
Eimeria magna
Fig 6: Image of the abdomen of a rabbit taken using
2. Eimeria perforans, Eimeria media and
a laparoscopic camera, showing the duodenum (D), 1. Passalurus ambiguus
pancreas (P) and caecum (C)

162 In Practice March 2012 | Volume 34 | 156162

Downloaded from on June 29, 2012 - Published by

Gastrointestinal disease in rabbits 2.

Intestinal diseases
Brigitte Lord

In Practice 2012 34: 156-162

doi: 10.1136/inp.e973

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