Genealogy of The Bell Family by John Valentine Hecker

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1897.] Genealogy of the Bell Family 153 GENEALOGY OF THE BELL FAMILY. By Jou VauesTine Hexen, Iv the latter part of October, 1640, a company of Wethersfield men purchased from the New Haven Colony a tract of land in Connecticut, binding themselves by an agreement to remove to the new plantation by the 16th of May, 1641, ‘The earliest records of this Plantation, which was at first called Rip- powam, but afterward Stamford, are still preserved in the town, Among the first entries it is stated “that in a full meeting of the company in- tending to come hither the same spring, every man was severally con- sidered of, and what quantity of land was meet for each man determined ‘of the man under consideration absenting himself while his case was in hhand, who when called in again was demanded of, if so much gave him content, and so satisfaction was by every one acknowledged, and they set down the number of acres to each in proportion followeth,”” In this distbtion of land inthe mew setlement, Fanci Bell re As his name does not appear on the Wethersfield records with the rams of the other pioneers who came in the spring of 1631 to Stamford, itis supposed by Huntington, in his “History of Stamford,” that "he was still quite young.” ‘This conclusion does not seem reasonable, since Francis Bell brought with him to Stamford his wife Rebecca, and’ Jona- than his son, bom September, 1641, was the fist white child born in the town, From thetown records, and also the family record in the “Old Bible,”” whet Is still preseived and lu the possessiow uf suime of his Jesvendauts, it appears that the children of Francis’ Bell by his wife Rebecca were 2. i. Jonathan’, born September, 1641. 3: iis Rebecea’,’born August, 1643. it . Gn the arrival of the founders of the new settlement at the place of their future residence, Francis Bell at once became prominent in the affairs of the town, At the first meeting held in 1641, he and Mathew Mitchell were chosen ‘to lay out house-lots, order the manner of assigning them, and rectify whatever is amiss.” October 27, 1641, he and Andrew Ward ‘were elected to represent the new settlement at ihe General Court, their title being “ Honorable members ftom Rippowam,”” while to them was intrusted the ordering of the affairs of the town. ‘Two years later he was chosen to form a military company in the town and commissioned Lieu tenant by the General Court, » In 1644 Lieut, Francis Bell was appointed delegate “to joumey to Boston, to find one Rev. John Bishop, and per- suade him to minister unto the people so that they might not be seat- tered.” In 1653, he was chosen Representative a second time to the General Court, which position he filled for eight consecutive years. After nearly half century of active and honorable service to the community, Lieut, Francis Bell died January 8, 1689, His Will, proved March 11, 1690, is on Record at Fairfield, C1., and on p. 116 of the ist Book of Records is an inventory of his estate, amounting to £317 128. Rebecca, wile of Francis, died May 7, 1688, 154 Genealogy of the Bell Family. Duly, 2, Jonathan’, son of Francis and Rebecca, was born at Stamford, Sep- temiber, 1641, Not only was he a worthy successor of his distinguished sice, but was fortunate enough to have been the first white child born in the’ town, For fourteen yeats he was Selectman of the town, and in 1670 was elected Representative to the General Court, in which legislative body he represented Stamford, with few interruptions, during a period of twenty-six years, In 1672 he was appointed Lieutenant of the Stam- ford Military Company, and in 1698 commissioned Captain by the Gen eral Court, directing him to take charge of the “‘ammonision of the town,” and ordering. that he should ‘find a suitable place for it in the Meeting House.” Captain Jonathan Bell was prominent in religious as well as civil and military affairs, as it appears from the church records that he was chosen “to treat with the Rev. John Davenport for his set tlement in the town as minister of the Gospel, to take charge of the Stamford Church.” Captain Jonathan died March +1, 1699. His Will, recorded at Fairfield, shows the value of his estate as £456, as follow: 69 aztes of land on Noroton Hill Howse, Dara, Tan Vard, ee Other lander. mf - 355 Captain Jonathan" marted, fist, Mercy, daughter of Jasper Crane of New Hevn! Gy Aupan tay s6ea sue? en Os" 5. i Jonathan’, born February 14, 1663-4. ii) Hannah, born August 22, 1665 ; married a Mr. Botts. Jil, Rebecca, boon December'6, 16675; died unmarried Septem- ber 24, 1680. Merey, wite of Capt, Jonathan, vas born in New Haven, March 1, 1645, and died at Stamford, October 26, 1671. Gap Jonathan’ maid, second, Suiann, daughter ofRex. Abraham Pierson of Branford, October 31, 1672 ; issue’: J, Abigail, born December 23, 1673 ; died Apri 1674. 6. ii Abraham’, born June 22, 1675. 7. fit: Merey’ born November §, 167°. 8 iv. John’, barn January 16, 1681. ‘¥, A-daughter, born and died August 3, 1683. Wi Jamest, bor December 11, 168s. 9. vik Susanna’, boen December 25, 1686, fo, vill: Mary, born September 29, 168, Susanna, wife of Capt, Jonathan, died January 4, 1706-7. Rebeceat, daughter of Francis and Rebeees, was born at Stamford, Kugust, 1643} died May 2, 1676. Married Jonathan, son of Wiliam ‘Taste jisue : {. Jonathan* Tuttle, born —. it) Simon" Tuttle, bom ‘i, William? Tate, born iw. Nathan’ Tutte, bom —. Rebecea’ Tuttle, bora Sepiember 10, 1664 ; married Isaac, ‘son of Samuel Dayton of Setauket, Long island. 44, Mare of Mary" daughter of Francis and Rebecca, was born at Stamford, May, 1646. Married Joshua Hoit of Samford, ——-; issue : 1897.) Genealogy of the Bet Family i i, May" Hoiy born December 22, 1664 li, Rebecea* Hoit, born September 21, 1667. ii, Joshua* Hoit, born October 4, 1678. is. Sorat Hit bor — 17,164 rmuel" Hoit, born July 3, 1678. Hunraht Hol, bor Sepicnber 1, 1681, Moses Hoit, born October 7, 1683 ; died Nov. 2, 1731. Abigail? Hoit, born August 20, 1685. 5. Jonathan’, son of Jonathan’ and Mercy, was born at Stamford, Febra- Ety'tg, 166374. Like his ancestor, be sto a imam. prominenl in the affairs'of the town, From 1689 to 1699 he acted as town clerk, In 1692 he was made Lieutenant of the Miltary Company, and from 1712 to 1719 was Representative ftom Stamford to the General Court at Hart- ford, being the third generation of the family who had successively held this honorable office, Lieutenant Jonathan married, frst, Grace Kitehel fiom New Jersey ; issue : 11. i Jonathan’, bom January 15, 1693m4 Grace, wife of Liew. Joiathan, died in February, 1695-4. Lieut Jonathan! mares, second, Debotth Feri Janvary 14, 1701 12, i. Francist, born December 12, 1762. 15) ik, Hannabe, born April 3, 1705 Th. ii; Rebecca, born March 10, 1707-8. 15. iv. James', born March 17, 1709-10. Deborah', born September, died October 3, 1713. forn September 30, 1717. Deborah wife of Liew Jonathan, ded July 4, 1724. Lieut. Jonathan’ married, thied, Mrs. Mary Brush, February, 1733-4, he beng atthe time seventy years of age 6, Abraham’, son of Jonathan’ and Susanna, was born Jone 22, 1675. This Abraham Bell was the thitd owner of the Bell family Bible, having received ffom his father Jonathan’, who had it from his father Francis ‘Abraham" has recorded in this Bible the births of is three children, and also written on the page with the family record the following lines: “ Abraham Bell, is hook, {Geaat em peace therln to look ‘That he may ran that Blessed ace ‘And Heaven may be his dwelling place.” April6, 1704. She died Abraham* married, fst, Hannah Hoi out issue, November 16, 1711. Abraham* married, second, Mary Lewis, March 1, 17243 Issue’: 16, Mary', bar December 7, 1714. Mary, second wife of Abraham’, died December 23, ried, third, Rebecca —, 1715 issue: Abraham’, born August 3, 1716 ; died September 5, 1718. ii, Susannat, born September 5, 1718, 17, iii, Abraham‘, bom Apsil 17, 1721. Abraham’ died July 6, 1754. 714. He mar. 1897] Gonesiogy of the Bell Family. 201 ‘The entire 118, is as follows “Tm the name of God, Amen. I Joseph Gorham of Stratford, in ye County of Fairfield and Colony of Cannectient,in New England, heing weak and indisposed and infirmed in body but perfect in mind and do ordain and constitute this my last will and testament, in manger and form flowing ““Imprimis. I give and bequeath my soul vo God, yt gave it me, and my body T recommend to ye earth, to be buried in decent christian it ye discretion of my executors (hereafter, named) nothing doubting but at ye general resurrection I shall receive ye same again by ye mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with in this life, I sive demise and dispose of ve sme in ye following manner T give to my dear and loving wife yt home I now liv with yt homelot belonging to ye same (or thereto) during iy sd wife's natural life, and after ms sd wife's decease to be equally divided be- tween. my sons, Joseph Gorham, John Gorham, Sant! Gorham, Hez= cekiah Gorham, abd Benjamin Gotham to they and their assigns forever, Lalo give to my sd wife [then recites several pieces of silver-plate, describing the marks thereon}. “Ttem. 1 give to my son George Gorham a silver two ard cup markt 1S “Item. I give to my daughter Mary Munson a silver porringer with no marks, and spoon markt I “Item. Tgive my son Joseph Gorham a silver porringer mark't IT and a spoon mark't 12S “item. 1 give my son John Gorham two spoons mark't I likewise constitute make and ordain my executors to this my last mperance my loving wife, and my good friend Gantt and T do absolutely revels, dlsshnut and cieclaim all wills, testaments, legacies and bequests whatsoever, ratifying and con- firming this and no other to be my last wil and testament. “Tn witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this aad day of Sept. 174 I, taken from the Probate Records, 1741-1748, page « (Signed) Josert Goritan. Temperance 20 May 1732, “ Proven by: BELL FAMILY GENEALOGY. By Jous Vauesrise Hcten, (Continued from Vol IIT passat Tae Recor) Mercy, daughter of Jonathan and Susanna, was born November s, ToqScat Samford sont, fist, ohn Hons, of Samor Jn05yy coe ‘Vonathan Holmes, born May 21, 1703. Was renamed John on account ofthe death of his thet, which occured July 6, 1703. 202 Genealogy of the Bell Family, [October, Mercy’, widow of Jobn Holmes, married, second, Thomas Mulford, June 15, 17125 issue i. Elisha Daniel Mulford. ii, Barnabas Malior ii, Thomas Melford Mercy! wife of Thomas bifrd, died May 17, 1737, nd is buried at East Hampton, Le & ohn', som of Jonathan? and Susanna, was born in Stamford, Janu- ay 16,1681. He was Seleciman of the town in 1713 ; Representa in 1719 and 1730, and was also appointed Captain ofthe Stamford Miltary Compan Capiain Jobo? marie, fs, Sarah Slason, February 22,1710; ieee: {7A soa, born and died December 19, 1715 ‘A daughter, Born and died Ocicber 18,1712, horn and died September 5, 47 sara, wie, died September 1, 17 Céptain John’ married, second, Hannah Whiting, of South Hampton, Ocicber 101714, ‘Captain John died October 2; November 16,1732. 9. Susanna’, daughter of Jonathan’ and Susanna, was born December 25, Wise,” Maried Abram ed of Samfor, Ap, 1706; we "Abraham Weed, born Apal 3, 1707. i, Ruth, AE ath bom Angus, 1709 Susanna died October 10, 1709, Abraham, husband of Susanna’ died December 26, 1711 10, Mary’, daughter of Jonathan* and Susanna, was born September 29, 1689." Mistied Ebeneder Weed, May 28,1713; lsve Mary Weed, born March 12, 1713. ii, Ebenezer Weed, bom November 15, 1716. AL Sar Weed, born Sepiember 15, 1/20, Abigail Weed, born November $1728 11, Jonathant, son of Lieutenant Jonatha’ and Grace, vas bor at Stanford, January 15, 1695. Hee was a prominent man in the town and iis jadgeéne vas taken ia’mang matters of imporance tothe wellse of the town. For nine years he vas Seleciman of Stamford; was Ensign of the Military Company, and in 1736 was appointed: School Commissioner forthe district eas of Noroton River, In 1742, when the Episcopalians, of, a8 they were called in the town records, professors of the Church of England,” petitioned Tora place to build a chareh-house,""the town ofciats refered the matter to Bnsg Jonathan, Bell, as chairman of a committe to investigate i in thei judgment a place might be granted to them without damage to the tov Ihe Secon this come tice 1s ofl tntereee ns phoeiog the felleg tovard other denominations than vere consideted the orthodox chureh in the community. Aflercarefil consideration of the matter, iis decided that plot of fand, 4g by 35 feet, a ledge of loose rock, bounded east and north byan almost impaseble swamp, might be granted tothe peiioners trthoat material damage tothe town, 90 soon ay the committee might be Ble'to lay tou. From the church records of the Middlesex Society, it appears that 1732. Hannah, his widow, died 1897-] Gonealegy of the Bell Fanily. 203 Ensign Bell was a leading spirit inthe chore, and also that he posesed Some msi aig.” ACA. meutng ofthe Society i was vied thal Enign Tonathan Weil shan Sng oe tone the pale in mes of puie eri and hat he may tne it the od new aya aie ea ‘Ensign Jona married Eunice, daughter of Thomas and Mary Olm- stead Retd, of Norvalky Ct, January 24, 1716; Bove 18. Jonathan’, bors Getober 23,174 il Bamice, bor October 9,178 1g, SH, KitchelP, born September 27,1721 20. ine Marys bom November 6, 1725 StS, Hanah, born Jemoary 34,1736 2, vi, Thadeae, bora March 3, 1728 B53 John, born July 41,9730, SE tie tora Apa 38255, 25, it: Bllabcthe born November 0, 1785 tare rm June 18) 738.2 26, si Anat boom Match 71740 sa, Francis son of Lieut, Jonajan®and Deborah, was born Decembe 12, iyon ‘he name of Bi wile was Hapnan by whom he had 2D x Deborah’, born April 28, 1734. i, John’, bor August 11, i. Francis, born March 13, 1737-8. "Hannah, born February 26, 1740° , Rebeces, born January 4, 1743-. 29, vi Noah’, born November 19, 1748. 13. Hannah', daughter of Lieut. Jona." and’ Deborah, was born Apr + Fasgn Jonuan Pell nayiod Force, dnaghay af Thomas Reed of Norms His wahOM Wasa’ may have mariad Jat Boone Pave ot ean 2e End any ccoun offer martage: She ws thereat of Ande Belt the pond itera ny ie, tnd he tide dno moved sexy fom Samford ite sae me the nvormtion so he gendsther® boter and ten whch T have fcaby te recon ut Fond no tae of Many Eunice Reed the nd mother of Matha ty ar the deugter sf "Thomaa Reed of ‘Thomas Red arted Mary Omen, May pa; ute i, Mary, born May 2, 1695. ame A Bane, born Feorany 56, 166-7, maria Ensign Jon. Bel BE Fs te Nl Be Joon bien Noga ja00r ~: Himba born Geshe SE nm born July 6 908 ics Feb i Temperant, Son Gear #5, 1505 061707 Mary Uimtead, wie of Thomas eed, was daughter of Lieut. John Olmstead, who mated lary Benedict, November 17, Toyo ie [oh Elsabet, Mary, who marsied Thomas Reed. Daniel ane, Richard Sab. Eunice Rebecca Deborsi. Mary Benedict was born st Southold, L. 1, "She was the daughter of Thomas Beno Sr of Massrebusetis Day, N. E,” Hie was born in England, 1647, and te 1 Mary Bridgum, then tomoved to Southold, L. 1, where thelr children were born. —Jso. W. Huns - 204 Genealogy of the Bell Family. (October, 30) 1705-6 ; married, February 23, 1726-7, Samuel Buxton of Stam Tord ; issue? i, Deborah Buxton, born May 30, 1729. Samuel Buxton, born November 27, 1731 fii, Hannah Ruston, born November 1, 1737. iv. Elizabeth Buxton, born April 27, 1740. v, John Buxton, bom October 1, 1742. 14. Rebecca’, daughter of Jona.’ and Deborah, was born March 10, 07-8; martied, November 27, 1729, John ‘Holmes of Stamford; i, Mercy Holmes, born January 9, 1730. ii John Holmes, bom July 24,1732. jeborah Holmes, born August 29, 1736. Rebecca Holmes, born Januaty 29, 1738-9. Martha Holmes, born April 26, 1741. 15, James‘, son of Lieut. Jona." and Deborah, was born March 17, 1709-10, in Stamford. In 1747 he was on the School Committee of the town. He married Sarah —, and had issue : James, born August 7, 1734. Isaac, born September 20, 1736, jacob, born December 36, 1738 tiv. Sarah, born June 20, 1741. fx, Mary, born November 6, 174: Jesse, born March 6, 1745-6. Abigail, born November 2, 1748. j. Pradence, born January 28, 1730-1 Jared, born March 3, 1755. 16, Mary’, daughter of Abraham” and Mary, was born December 7, 1714; matried, June 3, 1736, Gabriel Smith of Stamford ; issue : ‘Mary Smith, born April 16, 1737. Abigail Smith, bom March 1, 1739. |) Elizabeth Susi, bo Jamuasy 07, 1745 /; Abrabam Smith, born August 43, 5745. Charity Smith, born July 4, 1747. Sarah Smith, born July 4, 1750. Lewis Smith, born November 2, viii, Martha Smith, born August 50, ig, Abvaanm’, son of Abraham and Rebeca, as bom April 17, 1721 He was the fourth owner of the Bell Bible, in which his birth is recorded, He was twice married : first, a daughter of Francis and Abigail Webb Holly of Stamford, who died without issue ; second, Marcy, daughter of Isaac and Susanna Finch Bishop of Stamford ; issue: i. Abraham, 34. ii, Mercy ji, Susanna. 35. iv. isaac, Marey, second wife of Abraham‘, was horn in Stamford, May 14, 1726. 18, Jonathan’, son of Ensign Jonathan‘ and Eunice, was born October 22, i717 ; married Lydia Hait, February 9, 1748, at Stamford ; issue : 1 Lydia, born Novermer 2, 1750. Milisent, born November 24, 1 Jonathan, born April 24, 1735. iv, Ebenezer, bor June 23, 1737. 30. 1897.) Genealogy of the Bell Fanily, 205 v. Sarah, born December 28, 1759. si Eunice, born Apel 5, 1763, 1g, Kitchel’, son of Ensign Joni. and Eunice was born September 27, 1721; married, November 36, 1753, Sarah Whiting of Stamford, Ct, ahd removed t6 Comvall, New York, 20. Mary', daughter of Ensign Jonathan‘ and Eunice, was born at Stam- ford, November 16, 1725; mared Peter Smith of New Canaan, Conn, He graduated at Yale College in 1793 ; marvie, October 2, 1792, Mary, daughter of Rev. Cotton Mather Smith, of Shaton j was ordained pastor of the First Congeegational Church of Samford, Jane 13, 1793; issue i Daniel Smith, born August 5, 176). a1, Hannab', daughter of Ensign Jonathan’ and Eunice, was born January 24, {726,; maid, May 9, 1750, Abraham Reed of Norell, 22. ‘Thaddeus’, son of Ensign Jonathan and Eunice, vas born March 31, 1738, at Stamford, Conn, He lived on Ox Ridge, in the outskins of S (rad dered is time co frmings At he beak ot ofthe Reve lstionary War he was appeinted, July, 1773, on a" Commitice of Safe for the town of Stamford, and Gvo years later, December 1, 1777. 0M a “committe to care for the families whose husbands had gone into the Continental service.” He married, December 14, 1733, in Stamford, Mary, daughter of Carey and Martha (Holly), Leeds ; iste: 38. i. Thaddeus’, bom March 18, 1759, fi! Mary, born January 28, 1756) married William Weed of Darien, Conn. 39. ilk, James*, Born October 25, 1763. 40. iv. John," bor Jane 28, 1766. 41. ve Cares’, born Febroaty 15, 177: 23, Jobn’, son of Ensign Jonathan® and Eunice, was born in Stamford, Joly 11, 1730; married Sirah, daughter of Robert and Martha Pelion, ‘of Samford issue john Bethia, ii, Richard, 42. si, Kitchell Sarah 24, Bethia’, daughter of Ensign Jona. and Eunice, was born April 28, 1733 at Stamford, and died Septcmber 21, 1782. She matted, June 5, 1759, Ebenezer Crissy; isue is Bethia Ces, born January 4, 1 Abigail Ces, bom September a) Ebenezer Cassy, born March iv, Hannah Crissy, born March 2 born November 17 ef esc Jom nl et at Sami avid, July #3, 4782, Nathan Warlog. 36, Anna’, Sa of Ensign Jona." sid’ Eun, born is Stamford March 7, 17401 miaced Some Buhop November 6, 1766 ise ‘SimiaelDishop, born August 32, 1757 Ketchel Bishop, born Ange ese Bishop, born August 14,1 ins Anna Bishop, born October 2 206 Genealogy of the Bell Family [October, 27. Deborah’, daughter of Francis’, and Hannah, was born Apsil 28, "750s ariel Jou oye, Jy Apa, 7595 Jesse Hoyt born February 16, 1751. Hezekiah Hoy, born May 19) 1763 iis Atel Hoyt boin March 3s, 76 ‘: Hesekial Hops, born December 35,1772. 28, John’, son of Francis! and Hannah, wat born August 11, 1735; inaried Sirah Canada, December 18, Jet ora November 2, itchel, bora October 26, ii, Saab, born November 3,1 Richard, born January 28,1783, 25. Noah’ aon of Francs ind Hannab, bora November 19, 1748; mar- fd Prudence Seofeld, March 3 ‘Ezekiel, bora Match 13, 1778. Noah, Born September 5,17 Pradénce, bot November 5/4977 Rebeccs, Lown Junuary 4, 17840 Jared, botn Apr 26,1783. vis John, born August 0, 178 Sscab, born May 28, 1788. Mary’ bom Febroary 21,1791 Francis, bom September 15, 1793. 30. Isa, son of James and Sarah, born Sepiember 20, 17365 mand, is, Jem 17555 ite yi Catee, born July 10, 1: Hannah, boin December 10, Jemima, vis, died Febroary 23, Sepiember ta, 17615 issue Teniy, born November Trane, born Febrony 16, ¥ ik, James, born Api, 1762, iv, Cate, born Febroary 1, %. Thomas, born March g,¢7 Surah, daughter of James" and'Surah, bor June 20, 1741. Married sezet Tow, Febraaty 3, 1775, of Samford, 32, fest’, son of James and Sarah, bor March 6, 1745-463 marted, Cont Gum Nome tty, who eden 772 He tm 20, Many Sobel Janay 54773; fue: Tak William’, bora May ii, David, born November 18,17 Jesse," | bora March 27, Gomfor, born March 36, ‘Sarah, bom November 23° sf Dares, bom Febraaey 28 vil, Mary, born September 4, 1777 Jesse! (52) as 2 captain in the Kevolationary War in 1778, and reported pilus service from March 25,1779, January, 1780, and asks indemaiyy agvinst Toss from deprected carrenes. On February 25, Stamford voted that Captain Jesse Dell and. Lieut, Nathaniel Hot he command of company for te defence ofthe town. 1897.] Martin Van Buren ana the Van Buren Family 207 33. Pradence’, daughter of. James" and Sarah, was bom January 28, 1750-13 macried John Davenport of Stamford, June 4, 17721 ise: John Davenport, born October 27, 1773- ii, Theodora Davenport, born September 27, 1779. Ji, William Davenport, bomn March 25, 1781 ix: Sally Davenpory, bam March 5, 1783 ‘. James Davenport, bora February #1787. vi, Julia: Ann Davenport bora November 30, 1794. 4h. Moxey", daughter of Abraham" and Marey, was born in Stamford, Gonn., 1772, and died unmarried, 1842, having ‘resided in the town dur ing her life. She was the fifth owner ofthe Bell Bible, and ig ceferred to bby Rev, IW. Alvord in his historical addres, delivered at Stamford on the occasion of the two hundredth anniversary of the town, He says 7 “*{ hold in my hand a relic most interesting of the period we commem- corte, -Itig'an ancient Bible, and was the propery of Liewt, Francis Tell, one of the first seters of this place, and now belongs to Miss Mercy Bell, one of his descendants. Tr contains the record of the birth of the fis white child in Stamford, Jonathan, son of Francis Bell, in Septem- ber, 1641, ‘The book uci ie mach older than Sew England, and fvvin facts connected with its history, we hazard nothing in saying that it came with the Pilgrim Fashers and perhaps landed with them from the /4)- {liver ‘spon the Rock 31 Plymouth.” ‘Hinman, in the Fimst Connecticut Setter." on page 214, says: “Some of the descendants of Francis Bll havea Bible which was brought to New England in the Mayjoncer." ‘Mercy Bell at her death bequeathed this * Honored Volum brother, Isaac Bell (3). 435. Tstac’ was son of Abriham' and Marcy, and married at Stamford, 141, Anne Dibble, July s, Sor. She died August 27, 1802, leaving no issue, "Isaac mariied 2d, March 28, 1815, Charity ‘Knapp, widow of ‘Abel Knapp, of Stamford, She yas born June 14,1777, and was the Gaughter of John and Charity (Smith) Judson of Stamford, “Chatty Smith, hes mather, was the daughter of Gabriel Smith and Nary Bell (16), and was bora at Stamford, July 4,1747. Isaac’ was the sixth owner of the Bell Bible, His children by Second wife wer i, Abraham, born January 16, 1814 ; died soon after. 44. 3h Abraham’, born January 22, 1816 Johin Tsae, bom March 25, 1819. to her MARTIN VAN BUREN, WITH A SKETCH OF THE VAN BUREN FAMILY IN AMERICA, By Fraxk J. Coskuse {Cone fom Vol. NAVIIE, p15 of Tae Recoro.) Marx? Corssuisse (son of Cornelis Maessen) was the ancestor of President Martin Van Buren. He deposed in 1660 that he was born in Houten in the Province of Utrecht, and was probably not more than two years of age when his parents came to this country, He was presumably

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