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Class : IX & X Subject : ICT Marks :30

I. Fill in the blanks. (10x1=10)

1. The if statement is _________ statement.
2. In a switch case the ___________ statement will be executed if a match is not found.
3. Variable name should not start with a ____________.
4. A directory can _______________ or files.
5. The CLS command _____________ the screen.
6. The execution of C program starts from___________ function.
7. ___________ translates a program from high-level language into machine language.
8. The program is complied by choosing ________ keys.
9. The _________ function is used to input data to the program.
10. _________ is a preprocessor command in a C program.

II. True or False (4x1=4)

1. C, COBOL, Pascal are high level languages.
2. A comment line starts with \* and ends with *\.
3. A variable is a storage area used to store values.
4. In a switch case statement, flow continues till a break statement.

III. Answer in one word. (4x1=4)

1. Define a Constant.
2. What is an operating system?
3. Write the Output for the following code?
main( )
int number=42;
printf(%d, number);
4. What is the use of if statement used in C language.

IV. Answer the following. (4x3=12)

1. Write the difference between scanf( ) and printf( ) function .
2. Write a C program to find whether a given number is even or odd.
3. Name the different types of Operators. Explain any one.
4. Write the different data types available is C language. Explain any one.

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