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MEDRANO, Crystal Joan D.

MD 1-B


Patch Adams is a movie about Hunter Patch Adams and his journey to becoming a
doctor. He was a as a suicidal man, but was later changed after discovering that his approach in
helping out his fellow patients, specifically using humor, is more effective that the doctors
soulless method. He, then, enrolled to medical school and, despite having students and doctors
against it, used medical knowledge and humor which heals the patients physically and

The most important lesson I learned from this movie is that doctors should treat patients
as people. Doctors tend to cure the illness and often neglect the emotional needs of patients.
They are not cases they are people not only with diseases, but also with emotions. Being a
doctor doesnt give them the license to act mighty and high to people they believe to be beneath
them. As a doctor, one should be remain true to this professions purpose to heal people.
Healing does not only encompass the physical aspect, but also on the spiritual and emotional
aspects. It doesnt make the doctors any less if compassion and empathy is given to their

Patch Adams is an inspiration to doctors and aspiring doctors like us. He exemplifies a
doctor who serves people with empathy and compassion.

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