New GL Migration Tips

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SAPtips4On Financials


April / May 2007 Volume V Issue 2

SAP ’s New General Ledger in ECC 6.0:


Document Splitting - Part I

By Anurag Barua, The Washington Post

Editor’s Note: There’s a lot to love Some Basic Facts about the In other words, if you are a new
about the new General Ledger found New G/L customer and installing mySAP
in mySAP® ERP 2005—most partic- 1. The new G/L was introduced for ERP 2005 and own a mySAP ERP
ularly, document splitting. Anurag the first time in the mySAP ERP license, there is no extra charge
Barua presents this new feature in a 2004 release (and ECC 5.0). A for using the new G/L. If you are
two-part series. In this first article, lot of the features that we will be upgrading to the new release from
he’ll give us the 411 on the new G/L discussing were available in this an earlier release, assuming you
and a quick peek at what document earlier release. There is no doubt have purchased a mySAP ERP
splitting is and what it can do for that the number scheme followed license, there is no extra charge for
you. Next time, the nitty-gritty on in these releases can get quite con- using the new G/L.
document splitting! fusing. The easiest way to remem-
ber is to follow this principle: when 3. The availability of the new G/L
someone refers to ECC 6.0, (s)he does not mean that the old (or
If your company is considering an is referring to the mySAP ERP “classic G/L” to use SAP terminol-
upgrade to mySAP ERP 2005 (and its 2005 release, and any reference ogy) G/L goes away. You can con-
core component, known as the Enter- to ECC 5.0 should be interpreted tinue using classic G/L. In fact, in
prise Core Component or ECC 6.0), as a reference to the mySAP ERP the IMG, you will see both options
you are likely to have already done a 2004 release. (the classic as well as new). They
thorough analysis of some of its most are provided within the Finan-
important features. And, if you have 2. There is no extra cost in imple- cial Accounting and Financial
upgraded to this latest release, you menting the new G/L when you Accounting (New) hierarchies.
may already be using some of these upgrade to mySAP ERP 2005 or Figure 1 illustrates this.
features. One such “key” feature is are installing it for the first time.
document splitting, which in simple
terms is the ability to split line items
in a document, based on selected
dimensions and a splitting procedure
that you configure in the IMG.

This is the first article in a two-


part series that discusses the docu-

ment splitting functionality in ECC
6.0. This issue, we will go into some
major concepts and new features in
the “new G/L” and introduce you to
the concept of document splitting.
The second part will delve deep into
the world of document splitting in
the New G/L.

Even though a lot of the function-

ality contained in the New G/L was
available in its immediate predeces-
sor, this series, including all exam-
ples and screenshots, will be based
on ECC 6.0 and the mySAP ERP Figure 1: Classic and New G/L Configuration Areas in the IMG
2005 release. SAPtips © 2007 Klee Associates, Inc.

SAPtips4On Financials

April / May 2007 Volume V Issue 2

4. Regardless of whether you are at the segment level. From a GAAP

using the classic or the new G/L, perspective, a segment is a com-
the user posting an account- pany within a company (i.e., it is
ing document will be practically a unit that generates its own rev-
unaware of what is happening in enue and incurs its own expenses).
the background. And therein lies The concept of document splitting
the truth about this new paradigm
There is a (which we will briefly look into in
– the majority of the changes occur Part I and go into details in Part II)
behind the scenes and are not the
standardized look- is closely associated with the use of
transparent to the user. There are a segments in financial reporting.
few new things the user will notice
and-feel to all
and/or will have to do when post- 2. Parallel Accounting – In the new
ing a document, but the impact is
the ledgers, which G/L, you can use any number of
almost entirely on the back-end. parallel ledgers with one of them
makes the process serving as the leading ledger. One
5. If you are upgrading from an ledger must be designated as the
older release of SAP R/3 to my
of entering data in leading ledger; this ledger is inte-
SAP ERP 2005, you should treat grated with all the subsidiary led-
the migration from classic to new
various ledgers a gers. This means that you can post
G/L (should you want to do so) to either just one ledger or two or
as a project in and of itself. SAP
convenient one. more, depending on the combina-
recommends a migration path for tion of ledgers that you’ve indi-
this and it includes the mandato- cated in the IMG. If you are going
ry purchase of migration services to be using parallel ledgers, these
from SAP. For more details, visit should be created as non-leading
the GL Migration Services area ledgers (also in the IMG). This is
in SAP’s Service Marketplace at displayed in Figure 2.
Let’s look at some key features in There is a standardized look-
 lease note that you need a valid
P more detail: and-feel to all the ledgers, which
Service Marketplace user ID to be makes the process of entering data
able to access this information. 1. Segment Reporting – US GAAP (among other functions) in various
(Generally Accepted Accounting ledgers a convenient one. Report-
Key Features of the New Principles) and IFRS (Internation- ing off of these ledgers is also uni-
G/L al Financial Reporting Standards) form. You can concurrently post in
The new G/L introduces a para- rules require companies to report real time to these parallel ledgers.
digm shift from the old, stodgy world

of the classic G/L approach. The

primary charter of the new G/L is
to provide a central framework for
keeping track of all business transac-
tions in an environment closely inte-
grated with all application areas in
SAP that generate postings relevant
to the G/L. In other words, the new
G/L serves as the central repository of
all business transactions. Moreover,
since the information that resides
here is real-time, any reports that
you run (regardless of whether it is
on an account level or totals) provide
you with not only a complete view,
but also the most current one.
Figure 2: Configuring Leading and Non-leading Ledgers in the New G/L SAPtips © 2007 Klee Associates, Inc.

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