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Solar PV Power Project and Support from


India Plan 100GW Solar Power in Year 2022
Solar Power Now Changing Many Phases
Use with Genset
Use with Wind Power
Use with High Energy Storage(Battery)
Instalation on Ground/Cannel Mounted
Instalation on Roof (Building)
Instalation on Water (Floating)
Instaltion on Building(BIPV Building Integrated
Transparent Photovoltaic Solar Glass
Follow NBC2016 Follow IEC62305
Follow IEEE 80 Follow NFC 17-102
Let us work to gather to Achive India Solar
Target 100GW in Year 2022
JMV LPS LTD Expert Team is ready to take Challenges for Price down& Target set by
Solar Project instalations cost along with all Technical and Electrical Safety Require by
Industries from Design Supply Instalations and Warranty after Sales and also
undertake O&M for Supplied Products.
We are extending Services apart from Earthing and Protection added CCTV ,Street
Light LED, Fire and Safety Products and Weather Monitoring and Solar Panel Dry
Cleaning Systems Equipments will be very soon.
Our all approach towards Make in India Concept into Force and Economical Cost to our
Project Engineering Team if they Consolidated all this Maximum Support from us.

Saving ,Long Life, Maintenance Free and Strong Technical Recommended products by
SECI/MNRE/Interanatioanal Solar Association
Earthing and Protection

Joint all phase wire/ cable with the help of

crimping tools and lugs

Step 1
Separation Sheet

Fixed the separation sheet between all wires/


Gel / Silicon
Step 2
Close the filled Silicon enclosure from top and
bottom , complete installation is done.

Step 3
Features :
Provides cable with cable connections and jointing wires in switchboard / electric boxes Being a jelly it can be
easily fit into molds of any shape and size.
Helps in safeguarding electrical connections and also protects electrical connection joints from catching fire, sparking
and leakage current.
Eradicates all the possibilities of fire, electric shocks and sparks, etc. causes due to improper electrical connection
joints and safeguards structure, equipment and person.
Offers safety to your electrical joints from ageing, corrosion, moisture and also observes leakage current.
Advantages :
Highly reliable operation
Maintenance Free
Cost Effective
High repeat value
Shape retention
Copper Clad Steel & Exothermic Weld
Grid/Earth Mat Design
Copper Clad Steel Advantages
Advantages of Copper Clad Steel Over GI Flat Strip

Better Conductivity 21%-30% 8mm Dia. in Drumroll 500Mtrs. And Fault

Current 4KA as equivalent 32X3GI Flat Strip Max Size 6Mtr in Length
50MW Solar DC Field Considering 1.7MW Invertor and 330W Solar Panel Total
Table 5400.
Approx. DC Field Length may be in 40Km- 45KM
GI Flat Qty@ 6.00Mtr . may be Strip 7000 + 800 for Joints
7000 Joint for Extension without Joint Count for any Connection for Structure
,Corner ,String and Invertors(Approx. 4000).
CCS Qty. in Drum(500Mtrs) 800 Joints no Extra Conductor Require. Total Joint in
Case of CCS 4800 Extension ,T Type and X Type Joints Exothermic only.
Storage and Installation GI Flat

In case of GI Flat Chance for heavy Rusting due to moisture and Transportation in
Coil Form and Flat process at site before installation require high secure logistic
because of Theft Problem.
Very slow speed while installation so project take longer time and quality of
welding or nut bolt will problem in due course.
Depend of Soil Corrosive Nature life of GI Strip can not assure Span life as compare
to total Plant Life Consider 25Year Plus.
High Maintenance for testing of Joints and main reason of Failure and turnout
production Loss over period of Time.
Conductivity Max 6-8%
Landing Cost of DC Field GI Flat Installation for Earthing We consider From
ordering, Transportation at site and up to Installation.
Storage and Installation CCS
CCS is Soft Drawn Conductor offer 21%-30% Conductivity as per ASTM B227 Recommended in IEEE80
and IEEE837 for Exothermic Weld offer very High life of Systems as comparison to GI Flat Strip.
Exothermic Power mix of Copper Power and allow other metal to joint 100% Surface Contact achieve
through process and Resistance is less than 1.5% between two joints same or Different Metals with help
of mould Extension T and X Joint Possible with Less time as compare to Nut Bolting or Welding also
ensure all joints are perfect with life 25Year plus.
Can be place store in open secure environment and ease Transport and Counting and speedy process as
compare to GI Important
So if SITC Calculate with respect to GI Flat Vs. CCS Customer can install better product in same Cost of
GI Flat Installation also ensure safety higher due to fast discharging of surge and less maintenance for
Checking Joint or Loose Contact so there is saving less breakdown is power generation. May be 80%
high efficiency achieve in DC area.
Or Saving may be 6 -7% as compare to GI Flat Strip Installation if Consider Earthing and LA in our
Scope this saving can be 15-20%. Further Consideration to String Combiner/String Monitoring this
saving can be 25-30%.
Today best design is also one method of Saving which help 25Year to enjoy with less maintenance
Trunching & Laying for Soft Soil Rs.250.00 Mtr Hard Rock Rs.350.00Mtrs
CCS 8.00mm Dia Per Mtr Inculding all Joints Exothermic for DC Array (5000 Joints)
ESE Type LA(107 Mtrs Radius) and LA 17.20mm Dia CBREarthing (Dual) Qty 42 - 45 Sets
DC Max 300 -450 if resitivity is above 350Ohms Considering result 02- 05 Ohms
Electrical and Human Safety First.

Next Slide Latest Solar PV Power Plant Specification SECI/MNRE and International Project EPC
Solar Latest Specification by SECI Sept2017
UPS Power Supply for Equipments
Earthing Specifictaion
Lightning Protection Specificaton
Weather Monitoring
Weather Monitorng Count-2
Fire and Safety

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