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Das Rheingold, Scene 1

Nature The depths of the Rhine as undifferentiated

d1, m1a, c1 nature; Urelement

First stirring
under the
Rhine as a
premonition MP
d2, m1b, c2, w
of 3
s (developed
from d1)

The song of the

Rhinemaidens as tempters
Rhinemaiden back to immature
s innocence; Rheintchter (der MP
d26, m2, c3, ives from d1, the added sixth 3
w2 as in d24 hinting at the
Rhinemaidens as delight in
nature. Very close to d27)

Threat Alberich shakes his fist at the

w4 Rheintchter; Drohmotiv (close to d50)

Alberich's obsessive will as a

Alberich's will force of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, w hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (harm
30 onic version of the opening notes
of d13)

Rheingold! Rheingold! (re-

harmonises the added sixth
of d26; also occurs in the MP3
d31, m4, c6, w7
minor where it is very close
to d68)

Woe or grief, whether

accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone relates
Woe or grief
to d4; opposite of d38) MP3
d68, m5, c4, w3
See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt

2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-


d68a, c19 MP3

d68b MP3

Gold as worth The gold as true worth (derives directly from d1,
d44, m3, c5, w5 connected to d45; also occurs in minor)

d76, m7, c8, w9

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76a destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68, MP3
the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall to
the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)

d76b MP3

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63) MP3

d8b, c7 MP3

Das Rheingold, Scene 2

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63) MP3

d8b, c7 MP3

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority, but

also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related MP3
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Giant's strength
d58, m12, c11, w The Giants as
brute strength 3
(related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmoti
v) is Fafner as a
dragon (refers MP
m50 to d61a) 3

keeping of MP3
m15, w17

Freia's golden apples as

Freia as joy
joy, and immortality (major MP3
d7, m16, c16, w18
form of d4 and of d76)

Love as fulifllment
d90, c69, w73
Love as
fulfilment; Liebesgru
with d87, d88 and d89,
d90a, m10, c12 more distantly MP3
with d69 and d86; the
of d90a recalls d38,
d90b, m60 and d90c is a MP3
modification of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung)
is shared by Fricka and
d90c, m41, w55b MP3

d76, m7, c8, w9

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76a destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68, MP3
the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall to
the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)

d76b MP3

The growing
Dmmerun twilight; Dmmerung (th
g e first half comes
w19 from d7 and d4; the
second from d16)

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both passion

and compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes as d37)

d69a MP3

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

d20a MP3

Loge the god of fire as primal

energy; Waberlohe (related to the
extreme chomaticism
d20b of d16 combined with restless energy) MP3

d20c, c55 MP3

Feuerzauber Loge's fire-magic; Feuerzauber (close

w21 to the d20 family)

Destiny accepted Destiny accepted (related to d4 and d76; a

d79 complement of d73)

Gold as worth The gold as true worth (derives directly from d1,
d44, m3, c5, w5 connected to d45; also occurs in minor)

The song of the

Rhinemaidens as tempters
Rhinemaiden back to immature
s innocence; Rheintchter (der MP
d26, m2, c3, ives from d1, the added sixth 3
w2 as in d24 hinting at the
Rhinemaidens as delight in
nature. Very close to d27)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly represents MP3
d50, m17, c17, w22
the tapping of hammer on anvil)

Woe or grief, whether

accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone relates
Woe or grief
to d4; opposite of d38) MP3
d68, m5, c4, w3
See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt

2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-


d68a, c19 MP3

d68b MP3

Das Rheingold, Scene 3

the Tarnhelm as
Tarnhelm unconscious
d18, m18, c18, w fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (n
23 ote the final bare fifth;
related to d16 and to d68)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether

accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone relates
to d4; opposite of d38)
d68a, c19 See also Gt MP3
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-

d68b MP3

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63) MP3

d8b, c7 MP3

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

d20a MP3

Loge the god of fire as primal

energy; Waberlohe (related to the
extreme chomaticism
d20b of d16 combined with restless energy) MP3

d20c, c55 MP3

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly represents MP3
d50, m17, c17, w22
the tapping of hammer on anvil)

keeping of MP3
m15, w17

Purposeful brooding; Sinnen (derived from d8, related to d61a) MP3
d9, m19, c56, w25

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

The home of the

Nibelhiem Nibelungen; night, greed,
m20, c20, w26 resentment (related
to d57)

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both passion

and compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes as d37)

d69a MP3

d76, m7, c8, w9

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76a destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68, MP3
the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall to
the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)

d76b MP3

Fafner as inertia, as the

backward pull of the MP
d57, m21, c22, w
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (re 3
lated to d18 and m20)

Das Rheingold, Scene 4

Giant's strength
d58, m12, c11, w The Giants as
brute strength 3
(related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmoti
v) is Fafner as a
dragon (refers MP
m50 to d61a) 3

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

Freia's golden apples as

Freia as joy
joy, and immortality (major MP3
d7, m16, c16, w18
form of d4 and of d76)

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

d20a MP3

Loge the god of fire as primal

energy; Waberlohe (related to the
extreme chomaticism
d20b of d16 combined with restless energy) MP3

d20c, c55 MP3

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63) MP3

d8b, c7 MP3

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether

accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone relates
to d4; opposite of d38)
d68a, c19 See also Gt MP3
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-

d68b MP3

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly represents MP3
d50, m17, c17, w22
the tapping of hammer on anvil)

The home of the

Nibelhiem Nibelungen; night, greed,
m20, c20, w26 resentment (related
to d57)

the Tarnhelm as
Tarnhelm unconscious
d18, m18, c18, w fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (n
23 ote the final bare fifth;
related to d16 and to d68)

The song of the

Rhinemaidens as tempters
Rhinemaiden back to immature
s innocence; Rheintchter (der MP
d26, m2, c3, ives from d1, the added sixth 3
w2 as in d24 hinting at the
Rhinemaidens as delight in
nature. Very close to d27)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority, but

also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related MP3
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Destiny accepted Destiny accepted (related to d4 and d76; a

d79 complement of d73)

d76, m7, c8, w9

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76a destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68, MP3
the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall to
the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)

d76b MP3

Alberich's obsessive will as a

Alberich's will force of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, w hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (harm
30 onic version of the opening notes
of d13)

curse as
the Curse an
d13, m23, c23, w2 expressio
9 n of

of d8)

keeping of MP3
m15, w17

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both passion

and compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes as d37)

d69a MP3

Erda as the earth-mother

and ancestral wisdom MP3
d3, m24, c25, w31
(minor form of d2)

Nature The depths of the Rhine as undifferentiated

d1, m1a, c1 nature; Urelement

The downfall of the gods, back to

Downfall Mother
d4, m25, c26, w32 Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
of d3)

Love as
Love as fulifllment fulfilment; Liebesgru
(connected MP3
d90, c69, w73
with d87, d88 and d89,
more distantly
with d69 and d86; the
d90a, m10, c12 end MP3
of d90a recalls d38,
and d90c is a

modification of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung)
d90b, m60 is shared by Fricka and MP3

d90c, m41, w55b MP3

The thunder as masculine spirit;

Donner; Gewitterzauber (related MP3
d46, m26, c27, w33
to d44 and d45)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives directly

d45, m27, c29, w51 from d1; closely connected to d44)

Die Walkre, Act 1, Scene 1

The storm which opens Die

Walkre, as Wotan's resistance
the Storm
to destiny (derived from d73,
d74, c30, w36
with the rising quintuplet from
Alberich's d15)

The thunder as masculine spirit;

Donner; Gewitterzauber (related
d46, m26, c27, w33
to d44 and d45)

d35, m28, c31
Siegmund as hero schooled in
misfortune (related
to d70, d73 and d74)


Sieglinde as heroine
schooled in
Sieglinde misfortune (at bar 2;
d36, m29, c32, w3 fits well with d35;
7 resembles d8 inverte
d, or d1 followed
by d4)

The drink which

unites the
destinies of
Siegmund and
the Drink (development
d39 of d35 and d36;
a lovely passage,
but occurs twice
only so hardly
qualifies as a

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the third
Volsung as destiny
bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, and the
d77, m31, c34, w72b
semitone fall of d68 here cancelled by the third
note; foreshadows d88)

Die Walkre, Act 1, Scene 2

Hunding as
Hunding Siegmund's dark
d60, m32, c35, w41 shadow (related
to d58, d62 and d69)

d35, m28, c31
Siegmund as hero schooled in
misfortune (related
to d70, d73 and d74)


Sieglinde as heroine
schooled in
Sieglinde misfortune (at bar 2;
d36, m29, c32, w3 fits well with d35;
7 resembles d8 inverte
d, or d1 followed
by d4)

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the third
Volsung as destiny
bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, and the
d77, m31, c34, w72b
semitone fall of d68 here cancelled by the third
note; foreshadows d88)

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

Woe or grief, whether

Woe or grief accepted or
d68, m5, c4, w3 not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone relates
to d4; opposite of d38)
See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
d68a, c19 2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-


The tragic but

heroic destiny of
tragic Volsung the Volsung race
d66, m33, c36, w (minor version
40 of d44 linked
with d3, d42, d78 a
nd perhaps d76)

Grief as acceptance of
unavoidable suffering
Grief accepted
(semitones between bar 1 and
d81, c37
bar 3, and bar 5 and bar 6, are
reminiscent of d68)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Die Walkre, Act 1, Scene 3

Hunding as
Hunding Siegmund's dark
d60, m32, c35, w41 shadow (related
to d58, d62 and d69)

Nothung as the promised or longed-for

sword; Schwertwart (derived
d43, m27x, c40, w63
from d45; also refers to d42a)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

The tragic but

heroic destiny of
tragic Volsung the Volsung race
d66, m33, c36, w (minor version
40 of d44 linked
with d3, d42, d78 a
nd perhaps d76)

Sieglinde as heroine
schooled in
Sieglinde misfortune (at bar 2;
d36, m29, c32, w3 fits well with d35;
7 resembles d8 inverte
d, or d1 followed
by d4)

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

Siegmund's song for the coming

of spring, as his experience of
Siegmund's love song fulfilment with Sieglinde
d86, c38 (related to d26, d7 and d37, but
has an aria-character somewhat
out of place in the Ring)

d76, m7, c8, w9

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76a destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68,
the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall
to the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)


Die Walkre, Act 2, Scene 1

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both passion

and compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes
as d37)


the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

The Valkyries as primal

energy in
action; Walkrenruf (related
d22, m35, c42, w45a
to d20c and to the inversion
of d20b)



Hunding as
Hunding Siegmund's dark
d60, m32, c35, w41 shadow (related
to d58, d62 and d69)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63)

d8b, c7

Promises The keeping

m15, w17 of promises

Wotan's will
Wotan frustrated
frustrated; Unmuth (incorporates d68,
d70, m36, c44, w46
close to d73, the complement of d79)

curse as
the Curse expressio
d13, m23, c23, w2 n of
9 destiny
of d8)

Die Walkre, Act 2, Scene 2

Wotan's will
Wotan frustrated
frustrated; Unmuth (incorporates d68,
d70, m36, c44, w46
close to d73, the complement of d79)

curse as
the Curse expressio
d13, m23, c23, w2 n of
9 destiny
of d8)

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether

accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone relates
to d4; opposite of d38)
d68a, c19 See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-


Rheingold! Rheingold! (re-

harmonises the added sixth
of d26; also occurs in the
d31, m4, c6, w7
minor where it is very close
to d68)

the Ring
d8, m6, w8
The Ring as underlying purpose
(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
of d13 and d63)


d8b, c7

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

Erda as the earth-mother

and ancestral wisdom
d3, m24, c25, w31
(minor form of d2)

The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

Giant's strength
The Giants as
d58, m12, c11, w
brute strength
(related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmoti
v) is Fafner as a
dragon (refers
to d61a)

Promises The keeping

m15, w17 of promises

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Nothung as the promised or longed-for

sword; Schwertwart (derived
d43, m27x, c40, w63
from d45; also refers to d42a)

d35, m28, c31
Siegmund as hero schooled in
misfortune (related
to d70, d73 and d74)


Alberich's obsessive will as a

Alberich's will force of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, w hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (har
30 monic version of the opening
notes of d13)

The downfall of the gods, back to

Downfall Mother
d4, m25, c26, w32 Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
of d3)

The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the third
Volsung as destiny
bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, and the
d77, m31, c34, w72b
semitone fall of d68 here cancelled by the third
note; foreshadows d88)

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both passion

and compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes
as d37)


Die Walkre, Act 2, Scene 3

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both passion

and compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes
as d37)


The tragic but

heroic destiny of
tragic Volsung the Volsung race
d66, m33, c36, w (minor version
40 of d44 linked
with d3, d42, d78 a
nd perhaps d76)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Hunding as
Hunding Siegmund's dark
d60, m32, c35, w41 shadow (related
to d58, d62 and d69)

Erda as the earth-mother

and ancestral wisdom
d3, m24, c25, w31
(minor form of d2)

Die Walkre, Act 2, Scene 4

Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension of d68,
d84, m38, w50
refers to the last two bars of d70)

Relinquishment (reminiscent
Relinquishment of d76 inverting the opening
d83, m37, c47 notes; close to d82; the last two
bars are d84)

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both passion

and compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes
as d37)


the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund

and Sieglinde
(derived from d69)

d37a, c33 MP3

The sword as true manhood (derives

Sword as manhood
directly from d1; closely connected MP3
d45, m27, c29, w51
to d44)

The downfall of the gods, back to

Downfall Mother
d4, m25, c26, w32 Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
of d3)

Die Walkre, Act 2, Scene 5

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund

and Sieglinde
(derived from d69)

d37a, c33

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both passion

and compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes
as d37)


Hunding as
Hunding Siegmund's dark
d60, m32, c35, w41 shadow (related
to d58, d62 and d69)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether

accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone relates
to d4; opposite of d38)
d68a, c19 See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-


The tragic but

heroic destiny of
tragic Volsung the Volsung race
d66, m33, c36, w (minor version
40 of d44 linked
with d3, d42, d78 a
nd perhaps d76)

Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension of d68,
d84, m38, w50
refers to the last two bars of d70)

Erda as the earth-mother

and ancestral wisdom
d3, m24, c25, w31
(minor form of d2)

Wotan's will
Wotan frustrated
frustrated; Unmuth (incorporates d68,
d70, m36, c44, w46
close to d73, the complement of d79)

Die Walkre, Act 3, Scene 1

The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

d22, m35, c42, w45a

The Valkyries as primal

d22a energy in
action; Walkrenruf (related
to d20c and to the inversion
of d20b)


Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

Erda as the earth-mother

and ancestral wisdom
d3, m24, c25, w31
(minor form of d2)

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether

accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone relates
to d4; opposite of d38)
d68a, c19 See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-


the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63)

d8b, c7

Fafner as inertia, as the

backward pull of the
d57, m21, c22,
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (re
lated to d18 and m20)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Love as fulifllment
d90, c69, w73 Love as
fulfilment; Liebesgru
with d87, d88 and d89,
d90a, m10, c12 more distantly
with d69 and d86; the
of d90a recalls d38,
d90b, m60 and d90c is a
modification of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung)
is shared by Fricka and
d90c, m41, w55b Brnnhilde

Transformation (related to d88)
Wolzogen calls d91a Liebeserlsung

d91a, m40, c50

Die Walkre, Act 3, Scene 2

Wotan's will
Wotan frustrated
frustrated; Unmuth (incorporates d68,
d70, m36, c44, w46
close to d73, the complement of d79)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Relinquishment (reminiscent
Relinquishment of d76 inverting the opening
d83, m37, c47 notes; close to d82; the last two
bars are d84)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether

accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone relates
to d4; opposite of d38)
d68a, c19 See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-


Erda as the earth-mother

and ancestral wisdom
d3, m24, c25, w31
(minor form of d2)

The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

Die Walkre, Act 3, Scene 3

Love as fulifllment
d90, c69, w73 Love as
fulfilment; Liebesgru
with d87, d88 and d89,
d90a, m10, c12 more distantly
with d69 and d86; the
of d90a recalls d38,
d90b, m60 and d90c is a
modification of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung)
is shared by Fricka and
d90c, m41, w55b Brnnhilde

Wotan's will
Wotan frustrated
frustrated; Unmuth (incorporates d68,
d70, m36, c44, w46
close to d73, the complement of d79)

Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension of d68,
d84, m38, w50
refers to the last two bars of d70)

unavoidable Destiny The inevitability of destiny (variant of d84; connected

d85 to d79 and thence to d73 and d4)

The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Relinquishment (reminiscent
Relinquishment of d76 inverting the opening
d83, m37, c47 notes; close to d82; the last two
bars are d84)

The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the third
Volsung as destiny
bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, and the
d77, m31, c34, w72b
semitone fall of d68 here cancelled by the third
note; foreshadows d88)

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

The downfall of the gods, back to Mother

Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
d4, m25, c26, w32
of d3)

Alberich's curse as an
the Curse
expression of destiny (an
d13, m23, c23, w29
inversion of d8)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Magic sleep as regression to the

unconscious (note the progressions
Magic sleep
to the mediant; the falling
d16, m42, c53
semitones relate to d68 and hence
to d4)

Brnnhilde sinking into the innocent sleep from

Innocent sleep
which she will awake into womanhood (same as the
d30, m43, c52, w56
opening of d26 and d27)

ambivalent Loge
d21, m14, c21 Loge as the
ambivalence of primal
energy; flattery,
trickery (further
aspects of d20, and
also related to d15 but
d21a more dynamic)

Wotan's grief at parting from

Wotan's grief Brnnhilde (reminiscent
d82, c54, w57 of d66, d76 and d81; related
to d17)

d76, m7, c8, w9

Renunciation, often amounting to acceptance of

destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68, the
rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall to the
tonic are distinctive; close to d78)


Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

Loge the god of fire as primal
energy; Waberlohe (related to the
extreme chomaticism
of d16 combined with restless

d20c, c55

Siegfried, Act 1, Scene 1

Brooding Purposeful brooding; Sinnen (derived from d8, related

d9, m19, c56, w25 to d61a)

The home of the

Nibelhiem Nibelungen; night, greed,
m20, c20, w26 resentment (related
to d57)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Alberich's curse as an
the Curse
expression of destiny (an
d13, m23, c23, w29
inversion of d8)

obstinate Mime
Mime as obsessive persistence (variant of d50)

Nothung as the promised or longed-for

sword; Schwertwart (derived
d43, m27x, c40, w63
from d45; also refers to d42a)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3
Woe or grief, whether accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the falling semitone
relates to d4; opposite of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter
"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"
d68a, c19


the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63)

d8b, c7

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Fafner as inertia, as the

backward pull of the
d57, m21, c22,
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (re
lated to d18 and m20)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

Loge the god of fire as primal
energy; Waberlohe (related to the
extreme chomaticism
d20b of d16 combined with restless

d20c, c55

Siegfried's youthful
Siegfried's strength
strength; Lebenslust (heroic counterpart
d53, m45, c65, w58a
of d58, reminiscent of d46 and d52)

Giant's strength
The Giants as
d58, m12, c11, w
brute strength
(related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmoti
v) is Fafner as a
dragon (refers
to d61a)

Bliss, and the longing for

bliss (related to d6; the
chromatic rise is the
d38, c39
of d37 and d68)

d38a, m46


the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

Forest Bird
d27, m51c, c68, w67
The song of
the forest-bird,
as initiator out
of immature
d27a, m51a (very close
to d26)


The tragic but

heroic destiny of
tragic Volsung the Volsung race
d66, m33, c36, w (minor version
40 of d44 linked
with d3, d42, d78 a
nd perhaps d76)

First stirring
under the
Rhine as a
d2, m1b, c2, w
s (developed
from d1)

The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the third
Volsung as destiny
bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, and the
d77, m31, c34, w72b
semitone fall of d68 here cancelled by the third
note; foreshadows d88)

Sieglinde as heroine
schooled in
Sieglinde misfortune (at bar 2;
d36, m29, c32, w3 fits well with d35;
7 resembles d8 inverte
d, or d1 followed
by d4)

Siegfried's freedo
d56, c63, w59
Siegfried's heroic freedom from
entanglements; Wanderlied (brig
hter relatives of d52, linked
with d70 and d73; see
d56a also d72, d26 and d27)

Wotan the
Wanderer, wise and
in touch with the
unconscious (note
the Wanderer
the progressions to
d17, m47, c64, w60a
the mediant; related
to d16 by the falling
semitones; compare
also d82)

Siegfried, Act 1, Scene 2

The home of the

Nibelhiem Nibelungen; night, greed,
m20, c20, w26 resentment (related
to d57)

Wotan the Wanderer, wise

and in touch with the
the Wanderer unconscious (note the
d17, m47, c64, w60a progressions to the mediant;
related to d16 by the falling
semitones; compare also d82)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Purposeful brooding; Sinnen (derived from d8, related to d61a)
d9, m19, c56, w25

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63)

d8b, c7

Woe or grief,
whether accepted
Woe or grief or
d68, m5, c4, w3 not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone
relates to d4;

opposite of d38)
See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
d68a, c19 "Siegfried!
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho!


Giant's strength The Giants as

d58, m12, c11, w1 brute strength
5 (related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmotiv
) is Fafner as a
m50 dragon (refers
to d61a)

Fafner as inertia, as the

backward pull of the
d57, m21, c22,
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (r
elated to d18 and m20)

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

First stirring
under the
Rhine as a
d2, m1b, c2, w
s (developed
from d1)

Further comments on the

more Downfa
downfall of the old
order; Gtternoth (develo
d5, m56, c45,
pments of d3 and d4,
with d70)


Mime's creeping and fawning; Kriechmotiv
m48, w62

The tragic but

heroic destiny of
tragic Volsung the Volsung race
d66, m33, c36, w (minor version
40 of d44 linked
with d3, d42, d78 a
nd perhaps d76)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20


Loge the god of fire as primal

energy; Waberlohe (related to
the extreme chomaticism
d20b of d16 combined with restless

d20c, c55

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Siegfried's youthful
Siegfried's strength
strength; Lebenslust (heroic counterpart
d53, m45, c65, w58a
of d58, reminiscent of d46 and d52)

Siegfried, Act 1, Scene 3

Fafner as inertia, as the

backward pull of the
d57, m21, c22,
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (re
lated to d18 and m20)

ambivalent Loge
d21, m14, c21
Loge as the ambivalence
of primal energy;
flattery, trickery (further
aspects of d20, and also
related to d15 but more

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

Loge the god of fire as primal

energy; Waberlohe (related to the
extreme chomaticism
d20a of d16 combined with restless


d20c, c55

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Siegfried's youthful
Siegfried's strength
strength; Lebenslust (heroic counterpart
d53, m45, c65, w58a
of d58, reminiscent of d46 and d52)

Wotan the
Wanderer, wise and
in touch with the
unconscious (note
the Wanderer
the progressions to
d17, m47, c64, w60a
the mediant; related
to d16 by the falling
semitones; compare
also d82)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Purposeful brooding; Sinnen (derived from d8, related to d61a)
d9, m19, c56, w25

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

Bliss, and the longing for

bliss (related to d6; the
chromatic rise is the
d38, c39
of d37 and d68)

d38a, m46


The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the third
Volsung as destiny
bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, and the
d77, m31, c34, w72b
semitone fall of d68 here cancelled by the third
note; foreshadows d88)

Brnnhilde sinking into the innocent sleep from

Innocent sleep
which she will awake into womanhood (same as the
d30, m43, c52, w56
opening of d26 and d27)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Mime's creeping and fawning; Kriechmotiv
m48, w62

the Ring
d8, m6, w8
The Ring as underlying purpose
(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
of d13 and d63)


d8b, c7 MP3

Forging Forging (related

c65 to d53 and d54)

Nothung as the promised or

Nothung longed-for
d43, m27x, c40, w63 sword; Schwertwart (derived
from d45; also refers to d42a)

Siegfried's heroic forging as

his youthful impetuosity
Siegfried as smith
(heroic counterpart of d50, MP3
d52, m49, c66
distantly related to d58, the
bass refers to d73)

The home of the

Nibelhiem Nibelungen; night,
m20, c20, w26 greed, resentment
(related to d57)

Magic sleep as
regression to
(note the
Magic sleep progressions to
d16, m42, c53 the mediant;
the falling
to d68 and
hence to d4)

Siegfried, Act 2, Vorspiel

The Giants as
Giant's strength
brute strength MP
d58, m12, c11, w
(related to d18) 3
m50 (Wurmmot

iv) is Fafner as a
dragon (refers MP
m50 to d61a) 3

Fafner as inertia, as the

backward pull of the MP
d57, m21, c22,
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (r 3
elated to d18 and m20)

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63) MP3

d8b, c7 MP3

curse as
the Curse expressio
d13, m23, c23, w2 n of
9 destiny
of d8)

Alberich's obsessive will as a

Alberich's will force of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (har
w30 monic version of the opening
notes of d13)

Woe or grief, whether accepted or

not; Frohnmotif (the falling
Woe or grief
semitone relates to d4; opposite MP3
d68, m5, c4, w3
of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter

"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt

2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"

d68a, c19 MP3

d68b MP3

Siegfried, Act 2, Scene 1

Giant's strength
The Giants as MP
d58, m12, c11, w
brute strength 3
(related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmot
iv) is Fafner as a
dragon (refers MP
to d61a) 3

Fafner as inertia, as the

backward pull of the MP
d57, m21, c22,
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (r 3
elated to d18 and m20)

Erda as the earth-

Erda mother and ancestral
d3, m24, c25, w31 wisdom (minor form
of d2)

curse as
the Curse expressio
d13, m23, c23, w2 n of
9 destiny
of d8)

Alberich's obsessive will as a

Alberich's will force of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (har
w30 monic version of the opening
notes of d13)

Valhalla as
achievement, and as
Valhalla Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a
stable diatonic version
of d8)

Wotan the
Wanderer, wise
and in touch
with the
(note the
the Wanderer progressions to
d17, m47, c64, w60a the mediant;
to d16 by the
also d82)

Wotan's will
Wotan frustrated
frustrated; Unmuth (incorporates d6 MP
d70, m36, c44, w4
8, close to d73, the complement 3
of d79)

The spear as Wotan's wilful

authority, but also his
Wotan's spear entanglements and
d73, m9, c10, w11 inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Promises keeping
m15, w17 of

The Ring as underlying purpose

the Ring (chromatic modification of d4 and returning
d8, m6, w8 upwards; related to d7, and the basis
of d13 and d63)

d8a MP3

d8b, c7 MP3

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief,
whether accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone
relates to d4;
opposite of d38)
d68a, c19 MP3
See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho!

d68b MP3

The sword as true manhood (derives

Sword as manhood
directly from d1; closely connected MP3
d45, m27, c29, w51
to d44)

First stirring
under the
Rhine as a
Rhine premonition
d2, m1b, c2, w1 of
from d1)

Wotan's grief at
parting from
Wotan's grief Brnnhilde
d82, c54, w57 (reminiscent
of d66, d76 and d81;
related to d17)

Siegfried, Act 2, Scene 2

Siegfried's heroic forging as

his youthful impetuosity
Siegfried as smith
(heroic counterpart of d50, MP3
d52, m49, c66
distantly related to d58, the
bass refers to d73)

Siegfried's youthful
Siegfried's strength strength; Lebenslust (heroic
d53, m45, c65, w58a counterpart of d58, reminiscent
of d46 and d52)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22 represents the tapping of hammer on

Brnnhilde sinking into the innocent sleep from

Innocent sleep
which she will awake into womanhood (same as MP3
d30, m43, c52, w56
the opening of d26 and d27)

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

d20a MP3
Loge the god of fire as primal
energy; Waberlohe (related to
the extreme chomaticism
d20b of d16 combined with restless MP3

d20c, c55 MP3

The Giants as
Giant's strength
brute strength MP3
d58, m12, c11, w15
(related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmotiv)
is Fafner as a
m50 dragon (refers MP3
to d61a)

The tragic but heroic

destiny of the
tragic Volsung Volsung race (minor
d66, m33, c36, w40 version of d44 linked
with d3, d42, d78 and
perhaps d76)

Fafner as inertia, as the

backward pull of the MP
d57, m21, c22,
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (r 3
elated to d18 and m20)

Nothung as the promised or

Nothung longed-for
d43, m27x, c40, w63 sword; Schwertwart (derived
from d45; also refers to d42a)

The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the
Volsung as destiny
third bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, MP3
d77, m31, c34, w72b
and the semitone fall of d68 here cancelled
by the third note; foreshadows d88)

d38, c39

Bliss, and the

longing for bliss
(related to d6; the
chromatic rise is the
of d37 and d68)
d38a, m46 MP3

d38b MP3

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund

and Sieglinde
(derived from d69)

d37a, c33 MP3

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both

passion and
compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes
as d37)

d69a MP3

Forest Bird
d27, m51c, c68, w67
The song of the forest-
bird, as initiator out of
immature innocence
(very close to d26)

d27a, m51a MP3

m51b MP3

The sword as true manhood (derives

Sword as manhood
directly from d1; closely connected MP3
d45, m27, c29, w51
to d44)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his

Siegfried's horn
free spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived MP3
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny MP3
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Alberich's curse as an
the Curse
expression of destiny MP3
d13, m23, c23, w29
(an inversion of d8)

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63) MP3

d8b, c7 MP3

Alberich's obsessive will as a

Alberich's will force of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (har
w30 monic version of the opening
notes of d13)

Siegfried, Act 2, Scene 3

the Tarnhelm as
Tarnhelm unconscious
d18, m18, c18, fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (
w23 note the final bare fifth;
related to d16 and to d68)

Brooding Purposeful brooding; Sinnen (derived from d8, related

d9, m19, c56, w25 to d61a)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22 represents the tapping of hammer on

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether accepted or

not; Frohnmotif (the falling
d68a, c19 semitone relates to d4; opposite MP3
of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter
"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"

d68b MP3

the Ring
d8, m6, w8
The Ring as underlying purpose
(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
of d13 and d63)

d8a MP3

d8b, c7 MP3

Rheingold! Rheingold! (re-

Rheingold! harmonises the added sixth
d31, m4, c6, w7 of d26; also occurs in the minor
where it is very close to d68)

The gold as true worth (derives directly

Gold as worth
from d1, connected to d45; also occurs in MP3
d44, m3, c5, w5

Forest Bird
d27, m51c, c68, w67

The song of the

forest-bird, as
initiator out of
d27a, m51a innocence (very MP3
close to d26)

m51b MP3

The spear as Wotan's wilful

authority, but also his
Wotan's spear entanglements and
d73, m9, c10, w11 inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the
Volsung as destiny
third bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, MP3
d77, m31, c34, w72b
and the semitone fall of d68 here cancelled
by the third note; foreshadows d88)

Mime's creeping and fawning; Kriechmotiv MP3
m48, w62

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

d20a MP3
Loge the god of fire as primal
energy; Waberlohe (related to
the extreme chomaticism
d20b of d16 combined with restless MP3

d20c, c55 MP3

The sword as true manhood (derives

Sword as manhood
directly from d1; closely connected MP3
d45, m27, c29, w51
to d44)

curse as
the Curse expressio
d13, m23, c23, w2 n of
9 destiny
of d8)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his

Siegfried's horn
free spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived MP3
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Giant's strength
The Giants as MP
d58, m12, c11, w
brute strength 3
(related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmot
iv) is Fafner as a
dragon (refers MP
to d61a) 3

Fafner as inertia, as the

backward pull of the MP
d57, m21, c22,
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (r 3
elated to d18 and m20)

d38, c39

Bliss, and the

longing for bliss
d38a, m46 (related to d6; the MP3
chromatic rise is the
of d37 and d68)

d38b MP3

Liebeslust Love's
w69 delight; Liebeslust

Loge as the
of primal
ambivalent Loge
energy; MP3
d21, m14, c21

of d20, and
also related
d21a to d15 but MP3

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny MP3
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Brnnhilde sinking into the innocent sleep from

Innocent sleep
which she will awake into womanhood (same as MP3
d30, m43, c52, w56
the opening of d26 and d27)

Siegfried, Act 3, Scene 1

Erda as the earth-

Erda mother and ancestral
d3, m24, c25, w31 wisdom (minor form
of d2)

Wotan's will
Wotan frustrated
frustrated; Unmuth (incorporates d6 MP
d70, m36, c44, w4
8, close to d73, the complement 3
of d79)

The spear as Wotan's wilful

authority, but also his
Wotan's spear entanglements and
d73, m9, c10, w11 inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

First stirring
under the
Rhine as a
premonition MP
d2, m1b, c2, w
of 3
s (developed
from d1)

The downfall of the gods, back to

Downfall Mother
d4, m25, c26, w32 Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
of d3)

Wotan the Wanderer,

wise and in touch with
the unconscious (note
the Wanderer the progressions to the
d17, m47, c64, w60a mediant; related
to d16 by the falling
semitones; compare
also d82)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief,
whether accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone
relates to d4;
d68a, c19 opposite of d38) MP3
See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho!

d68b MP3

Magic sleep as
regression to
(note the
Magic sleep progressions to
d16, m42, c53 the mediant;
the falling
to d68 and
hence to d4)

Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension MP3
d84, m38, w50
of d68, refers to the last two bars of d70)

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund

and Sieglinde
(derived from d69)

d37a, c33 MP3

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63) MP3

d8b, c7 MP3

Valhalla as
achievement, and as
Valhalla Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a
stable diatonic version
of d8)

Brnnhilde sinking into the innocent sleep from

Innocent sleep
which she will awake into womanhood (same as MP3
d30, m43, c52, w56
the opening of d26 and d27)

Love as fulifllment
Love as MP3
d90, c69, w73
fulfilment; Liebesgru
with d87, d88 and d89,
d90a, m10, c12 more distantly MP3
with d69 and d86; the
of d90a recalls d38,
d90b, m60 and d90c is a MP3
modification of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung)
is shared by Fricka and
d90c, m41, w55b Brnnhilde MP3

The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The MP3
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

of d76 inverting the MP3
d83, m37, c47
opening notes; close to d82;
the last two bars are d84)

Hagen as Siegfried's dark

shadow, and the Gibichung
Hagen race generally in this negative
d61, w80 aspect (dark counterpart
a of d42, in the same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61arelat
es to d9)

d61a, m6 MP
1 3

Siegfried's lo
ve Siegfried's tender love for Brnnhilde, and hers M
d89, m52, c7 for P3
3, w70 him; Welterbschaft (evokes d32, d34, d65, d80,
d87, d87a, d63 and d2)
m59, c79, w m59 (Heldenliebe) is a wider, happier, version M
79 of bars 3 and 4 P3

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny MP3
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Siegfried, Act 3, Scene 2

Forest Bird
d27, m51c, c68, w67 The song
of the
bird, as
out of
d27a, m51a immature MP3
(very close
to d26)

m51b MP3

The sword as true manhood (derives

Sword as manhood
directly from d1; closely connected MP3
d45, m27, c29, w51
to d44)

The Giants as
Giant's strength
brute strength MP
d58, m12, c11, w
(related to d18) 3
m50 (Wurmmot

iv) is Fafner as a
dragon (refers MP
m50 to d61a) 3

Siegfried's horn call expressing his

Siegfried's horn
free spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived MP3
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the
Volsung as destiny
third bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, MP3
d77, m31, c34, w72b
and the semitone fall of d68 here cancelled
by the third note; foreshadows d88)

Siegfried's youthful
Siegfried's strength strength; Lebenslust (heroic
d53, m45, c65, w58a counterpart of d58, reminiscent
of d46 and d52)

Wotan the
Wanderer, wise
and in touch
with the
(note the
the Wanderer progressions to
d17, m47, c64, w60a the mediant;
to d16 by the
also d82)

Valhalla as
achievement, and as
Valhalla Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a
stable diatonic version
of d8)

Wotan's will
Wotan frustrated
frustrated; Unmuth (incorporates d6 MP
d70, m36, c44, w4
8, close to d73, the complement 3
of d79)

The love of Siegmund

the Twin's love
and Sieglinde MP3
d37, m30, w38
(derived from d69)

d37a, c33 MP3

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3
Woe or grief,
whether accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone
relates to d4;
opposite of d38)
d68a, c19 MP3
See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho!

d68b MP3

The spear as Wotan's wilful

authority, but also his
Wotan's spear entanglements and
d73, m9, c10, w11 inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny MP3
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Loge the god of fire as primal

energy; Waberlohe (related to
Loge as fire
the extreme chomaticism MP3
d20, m13, c15, w20
of d16 combined with restless

d20a MP3

d20b MP3

d20c, c55 MP3

The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The MP3
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

Loge as the
ambivalent Loge
of primal MP3
d21, m14, c21
of d20, and
also related
d21a to d15 but MP3

Magic sleep as
regression to
(note the
Magic sleep progressions to
d16, m42, c53 the mediant;
the falling
to d68 and
hence to d4)

Rheingold! Rheingold!
(re-harmonises the
Rheingold! added sixth of d26; also
d31, m4, c6, w7 occurs in the minor
where it is very close
to d68)

Brnnhilde sinking into the innocent sleep from

Innocent sleep
which she will awake into womanhood (same as MP3
d30, m43, c52, w56
the opening of d26 and d27)

Erda as the earth-

Erda mother and ancestral
d3, m24, c25, w31 wisdom (minor form
of d2)

The downfall of the gods, back to

Downfall Mother
d4, m25, c26, w32 Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
of d3)

Siegfried, Act 3, Scene 3

Brnnhilde sinking into the innocent sleep from

Innocent sleep
which she will awake into womanhood (same as the
d30, m43, c52, w56
opening of d26 and d27)

Bliss, and the longing for

bliss (related to d6; the
chromatic rise is the
d38, c39
of d37 and d68)

d38a, m46


Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension of d68,
d84, m38, w50
refers to the last two bars of d70)

Rheingold! Rheingold! (re-

harmonises the added sixth
of d26; also occurs in the
d31, m4, c6, w7
minor where it is very close
to d68)

Forest Bird The song

d27, m51c, c68, w67 of the
bird, as
out of
d27a, m51a innocence
to d26)

Love as
Love as fulifllment
fulfilment; Liebesgru
d90, c69, w73

with d87, d88 and d89,

d90a, m10, c12 more distantly
with d69 and d86; the
of d90a recalls d38,
d90b, m60 and d90c is a
modification of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung)
is shared by Fricka and
d90c, m41, w55b

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both passion

and compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes
as d37)


The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

Wotan's grief at parting from

Wotan's grief Brnnhilde (reminiscent
d82, c54, w57 of d66, d76 and d81; related
to d17)

Sieglinde as heroine
schooled in
Sieglinde misfortune (at bar 2;
d36, m29, c32, w37 fits well with d35;
resembles d8 inverted,
or d1 followed by d4)

Woe or grief, whether

accepted or
Woe or grief not; Frohnmotif (the falling
d68, m5, c4, w3 semitone relates to d4;
opposite of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter

"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt

2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"

d68a, c19


The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the third
Volsung as destiny
bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, and the
d77, m31, c34, w72b
semitone fall of d68 here cancelled by the third
note; foreshadows d88)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

Devotion, especially Siegfried's

Devotion to Brnnhilde, as part of the
d80 binding power of destiny
(variant of d79)

Sunlight, standing for returning

Sunlight consciousness; Weltbegrung (the
d25, same mediant progession
w72 as d24 but from Emin to Cmaj, a
bright tonality)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Truly innocent
Innocent delight
delight; Liebesentzckung (related
d34, m54, c74, w74
to d33 and d26)

Siegfried's love
d89, m52, c73, w7
Siegfried's tender love for Brnnhilde,
and hers For him; Welterbschaft (evokes d32,
d34, d65, d80, d87, d87a, d63 and d2)m59 (Heldenlie
m59, c79, w79 be) is a wider, happier, version of bars 3 and 4

Relinquishment (reminiscent
Relinquishment of d76 inverting the opening
d83, m37, c47 notes; close to d82; the last two
bars are d84)

Wotan's will
Wotan frustrated
frustrated; Unmuth (incorporates d68,
d70, m36, c44, w46
close to d73, the complement of d79)

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

Alberich's curse
the Curse as an expression
d13, m23, c23, w29 of destiny (an
inversion of d8)

Brnnhilde's love Brnnhilde's holy

d87, c70, w75 love; Friedensmelodie (triumphant
counterpart of d40, reminiscent
of d6; appear in Siegfried Idyll)
calls d87a the Weltenhortmotiv
d87a, c71

Fafner as inertia, as the backward

pull of the
d57, m21, c22, w2
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (relat
ed to d18 and m20)

d22, m35, c42, w45a

The Valkyries as primal

d22a energy in
action; Walkrenruf (related
to d20c and to the inversion
of d20b)


Siegfried's infectious
Siegfried's boldness impetuosity in
d55, c72, w77 love; Liebesentschlu (brighter
development of d53)

Gtterdmmerung, Act 2, Scene 2

Hagen's dawn The dawn of Hagen's day

d49 (directly related to d1 and d2)

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

Loge the god of fire as primal

energy; Waberlohe (related to the
d20a extreme chomaticism
of d16 combined with restless


Gutrune as foredoomed
heroine (reminiscent
d40, m65, c84, w80d
of d37 and d37arespectively)

d42, m64 Honorable intentions, the appearance of
good faith; the seeming to keep
promises, the longing for normality
(related to d40, d41 and d61)

the Tarnhelm as unconscious

fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (not
d18, m18, c18, w2
e the final bare fifth; related
to d16 and to d68)

Gunther's illusory
heroism (related
Gunter as hero to d63 and d66;
d67, m62, c80, w68 reminiscent
of d18because of the
bare fifths)

the magic potion as unconscious

Magic potion
repression; Zaubertrug (a further
d19, m63, w81
concentration of d18)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark

d61, w80 shadow, and the Gibichung race
a generally in this negative aspect
(dark counterpart of d42, in the
same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relat
es to d9)
d61a, m6

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Blood-brotherhood The false honour of the

m66, c82 blood-brotherhood oath

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Gtterdmmerung, Vorspiel, Vorspiel

Darkness, standing for

Darkness unconsciousness (note the mediant
d24, m53 progession from Ebmin to Cbmaj, a
dark tonality; always followed by d2)

Erda Erda as the earth-mother and ancestral

d3, m24, c25, w31 wisdom (minor form of d2)

First stirring under the Rhine as

a premonition of consciousness
d2, m1b, c2, w1
(developed from d1)

Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension of d68,
d84, m38, w50
refers to the last two bars of d70)

the Norn's rope The Norn's rope of destiny (derived

d10, m55 from d2ainfluenced by d8)

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

Loge the god of fire as primal

energy; Waberlohe (related to
the extreme chomaticism
d20a of d16 combined with restless


d20c, c55

Relinquishment (reminiscent
of d76 inverting the opening notes;
d83, m37, c47
close to d82; the last two bars are d84)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority, but

Wotan's spear also his entanglements and
d73, m9, c10, w11 inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies within d90c)

more Downfall
d5, m56, c45, w4
Further comments on the
downfall of the old
order; Gtternoth (developmen
ts of d3 and d4, with d70)

Valhalla as achievement, and as Wotan's

genuinely creative thoughts (a stable
d63, m8, c9, w10
diatonic version of d8)

Magic sleep as regression to the

Magic sleep unconscious (note the progressions to
d16, m42, c53 the mediant; the falling semitones
relate to d68 and hence to d4)

The Ring as underlying purpose

the Ring (chromatic modification of d4 and returning
d8, m6, w8 upwards; related to d7, and the basis
of d13 and d63)


d8b, c7

The downfall of the gods, back to Mother

Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
d4, m25, c26, w32
of d3)

Rheingold! Rheingold! (re-harmonises

the added sixth of d26; also occurs in
d31, m4, c6, w7
the minor where it is very close to d68)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether accepted or

not; Frohnmotif (the falling
d68a, c19 semitone relates to d4; opposite
of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter
"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"


Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Alberich's curse as an
the Curse
expression of destiny
d13, m23, c23, w29
(an inversion of d8)

Fafner as inertia, as the backward

pull of the
d57, m21, c22, w2
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (relate
d to d18 and m20)

Siegfried's heroic deeds as the

Siegfried's deeds
ever-reborn spirit of youth (a
d65, m57, c77, w64
stronger version of d48)

Siegfried's love
d89, m52, c73, w Siegfried's tender love for Brnnhilde, and hers for
70 him; Welterbschaft (evokes d32, d34, d65, d80, d87, d87a, d63
and d2)
m59, c79, w79 m59 (Heldenliebe) is a wider, happier, version of bars 3 and 4

The Valkyries as the masculine element in

Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The Ride of the
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Valkyries, a variant of d46)

Brnnhilde as loving woman (a transformation

Brnnhilde as woman of d77; related to d76, shares C-G-Bb with bar 3
d88, m58, c78, w78 of d86, the falling minor seventh on the beat is the
bright counterpart of bar 2 of d61)

The love of Siegmund and

the Twin's love
Sieglinde (derived
d37, m30, w38
from d69)

d37a, c33

Love as fulifllment
d90, c69, w73
Love as fulfilment; Liebesgru
with d87, d88 and d89, more
d90a, m10, c12
distantly with d69 and d86; the
end of d90a recalls d38,
and d90c is a modification
d90b, m60 of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung) is
shared by Fricka and
d90c, m41, w55b

Siegfried's infectious impetuosity

Siegfried's boldness
in love; Liebesentschlu (brighter
d55, c72, w77
development of d53)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark shadow, and

d61, w80a the Gibichung race generally in this
negative aspect (dark counterpart
of d42, in the same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relates
to d9)
d61a, m61

Gtterdmmerung, Act 1, Scene 1

Gunther's illusory
heroism (related
Gunter as hero to d63 and d66;
d67, m62, c80, w68 reminiscent
of d18because of the
bare fifths)

The Valkyries as the masculine element

Walkren as animus
in women; Walkrenritt (The Ride of
d47, m34, c49, w45b
the Valkyries, a variant of d46)

Forest Bird
d27, m51c, c68, w67

The song of the forest-bird, as initiator

out of immature innocence (very close
d27a, m51a to d26)


Hagen as Siegfried's dark shadow,

Hagen and the Gibichung race generally
d61, w80a in this negative aspect (dark
counterpart of d42, in the same
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relates
to d9)
d61a, m61

The tragic but heroic

destiny of the
tragic Volsung Volsung race (minor
d66, m33, c36, w40 version of d44 linked
with d3, d42, d78 and
perhaps d76)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

The Giants as
Giant's strength
d58, m12, c11, w15 brute strength
(related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmotiv)
is Fafner as a
m50 dragon (refers
to d61a)

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76, m7, c8, w9
destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68,

the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall

to the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)


The gold as true worth (derives directly

Gold as worth
from d1, connected to d45; also occurs in
d44, m3, c5, w5

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether accepted or

not; Frohnmotif (the falling semitone
d68a, c19 relates to d4; opposite of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter "Siegfried!
Siegfried!" and Gt 2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho!


Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

the Tarnhelm as unconscious

fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (not
d18, m18, c18, w2
e the final bare fifth; related
to d16 and to d68)

the magic potion as unconscious

Magic potion
repression; Zaubertrug (a further
d19, m63, w81
concentration of d18)

Gtterdmmerung, Act 1, Scene 2

curse as
the Curse expressio
d13, m23, c23, w2 n of
9 destiny
of d8)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark

d61, w80a shadow, and the Gibichung race
generally in this negative aspect
(dark counterpart of d42, in the
same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relates
to d9)
d61a, m61

The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

Brnnhilde as loving woman (a

transformation of d77; related to d76,
Brnnhilde as woman
shares C-G-Bb with bar 3 of d86, the falling
d88, m58, c78, w78
minor seventh on the beat is the bright
counterpart of bar 2 of d61)

Siegfried's tender love for

Siegfried's love
Brnnhilde, and hers for
d89, m52, c73, w70
him; Welterbschaft (evokes d32,
d34, d65, d80, d87, d87a, d63and d2)
m59 (Heldenliebe) is a wider,
m59, c79, w79
version of bars 3 and 4

d42, m64 Honorable intentions, the appearance of
good faith; the seeming to keep
promises, the longing for normality
(related to d40, d41 and d61)

The tragic but heroic

destiny of the
tragic Volsung Volsung race (minor
d66, m33, c36, w40 version of d44 linked
with d3, d42, d78 and
perhaps d76)

Truly innocent
Innocent delight
delight; Liebesentzckung (related
d34, m54, c74, w74
to d33 and d26)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

The home of the

Nibelhiem Nibelungen; night, greed,
m20, c20, w26 resentment (related
to d57)

Rheingold! Rheingold! (re-

harmonises the added sixth
of d26; also occurs in the
d31, m4, c6, w7
minor where it is very close
to d68)

Fafner as inertia, as the

Fafner backward pull of the
d57, m21, c22, w28 unconscious; Schlangenwurm
(related to d18 and m20)

the Tarnhelm as unconscious

fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (not
d18, m18, c18, w2
e the final bare fifth; related
to d16 and to d68)

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63)

d8b, c7

Gutrune as
Gutrune heroine
d40, m65, c84, w80d (reminiscent
of d37 and d37a

Love as
Love as fulifllment
fulfilment; Liebesgru
d90, c69, w73

with d87, d88 and d89,

d90a, m10, c12 more distantly
with d69 and d86; the
of d90a recalls d38,
d90b, m60 and d90c is a
modification of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung)
is shared by Fricka and
d90c, m41, w55b Brnnhilde

the magic potion as unconscious

Magic potion
repression; Zaubertrug (a further
d19, m63, w81
concentration of d18)

ambivalent Loge
d21, m14, c21
Loge as the ambivalence of
primal energy; flattery,
trickery (further aspects
of d20, and also related
to d15 but more dynamic)

Forest Bird
d27, m51c, c68, w67

The song of the forest-bird,

as initiator out of immature
innocence (very close
d27a, m51a
to d26)


Loge the god of fire as primal

energy; Waberlohe (related to
Loge as fire
the extreme chomaticism
d20, m13, c15, w20
of d16 combined with restless



d20c, c55

Blood-brotherhood The false honour of the

m66, c82 blood-brotherhood oath

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Attonement as a force of
destiny; Shnerrecht (related
d11, m67, c83, w82
to d8)

Nothung as the promised or longed-for

sword; Schwertwart (derived
d43, m27x, c40, w63
from d45; also refers to d42a)

Freia's golden apples as

Freia as joy joy, and immortality
d7, m16, c16, w18 (major form of d4 and
of d76)

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76, m7, c8, w9
destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68,

the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall

to the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)


The Gibichung brother and sister as foredoomed

the Gibichung
pair; Hagen uses it as the first half of his wedding-
d41, m65, c85, w85
call; Hochzeitruf (variant of d40; also refers to d7)

Alberich's obsessive will as a

Alberich's will force of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, w hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (har
30 monic version of the opening
notes of d13)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether

accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone
relates to d4;
d68a, c19 opposite of d38)
See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho!


The gold as true worth (derives directly

Gold as worth
from d1, connected to d45; also occurs in
d44, m3, c5, w5

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

Gtterdmmerung, Act 1, Scene 3

the magic potion as unconscious

Magic potion
repression; Zaubertrug (a further
d19, m63, w81
concentration of d18)

The Valkyries as the masculine

Walkren as animus
element in women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a variant of d46)

d22, m35, c42, w45a

The Valkyries as primal

d22a energy in
action; Walkrenruf (related
to d20c and to the inversion
of d20b)


Relinquishment (reminiscent
Relinquishment of d76 inverting the opening
d83, m37, c47 notes; close to d82; the last two
bars are d84)

Love as fulifllment
d90, c69, w73 Love as
fulfilment; Liebesgru
with d87, d88 and d89,
d90a, m10, c12 more distantly
with d69 and d86; the
of d90a recalls d38,
d90b, m60 and d90c is a
modification of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung)
is shared by Fricka and
d90c, m41, w55b Brnnhilde

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

Loge the god of fire as primal
energy; Waberlohe (related to the
extreme chomaticism
of d16 combined with restless

d20c, c55

Wotan's will
Wotan frustrated
frustrated; Unmuth (incorporates d68,
d70, m36, c44, w46
close to d73, the complement of d79)

Restless plotting Restless plotting or distress; Rachebund (connected

d75, m68, w87 with d70 and d68, and thence to d4)

Erda as the earth-mother

and ancestral wisdom
d3, m24, c25, w31
(minor form of d2)

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

more Downfall
d5, m56, c45, w
Further comments on the
downfall of the old
order; Gtternoth (developm
ents of d3 and d4, with d70)

Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension of d68,
d84, m38, w50
refers to the last two bars of d70)

Freia's golden apples as

Freia as joy joy, and immortality
d7, m16, c16, w18 (major form of d4 and
of d76)

Woe or grief, whether accepted or

not; Frohnmotif (the falling
semitone relates to d4; opposite
Woe or grief
of d38)
d68, m5, c4, w3
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter
"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"

d68a, c19


Rheingold! Rheingold! (re-

harmonises the added sixth
of d26; also occurs in the
d31, m4, c6, w7
minor where it is very close
to d68)

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63)

d8b, c7

d76, m7, c8, w9
Renunciation, often amounting to
acceptance of
destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68,
the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall
to the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)


Alberich's curse as an
the Curse
expression of destiny
d13, m23, c23, w29
(an inversion of d8)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

Siegfried's love Siegfried's tender love for Brnnhilde,

d89, m52, c73, w70 and
hers for
him; Welterbschaft (evokes d32, d34,
d65, d80, d87, d87a, d63and d2)
m59, c79, w79
m59 (Heldenliebe) is a wider, happier,
version of bars 3 and 4

Brnnhilde as loving woman (a

transformation of d77; related
Brnnhilde as woman to d76, shares C-G-Bb with bar 3
d88, m58, c78, w78 of d86, the falling minor seventh on
the beat is the bright counterpart of
bar 2 of d61)

ambivalent Loge
d21, m14, c21
Loge as the ambivalence
of primal energy; flattery,
trickery (further aspects
of d20, and also related
to d15 but more dynamic)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark

d61, w80 shadow, and the Gibichung race
a generally in this negative aspect
(dark counterpart of d42, in the
same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relat
es to d9)
d61a, m6

the Tarnhelm as unconscious

fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (not
d18, m18, c18, w2
e the final bare fifth; related
to d16 and to d68)

Gunther's illusory heroism

Gunter as hero (related to d63 and d66;
d67, m62, c80, w68 reminiscent of d18because of
the bare fifths)

Alberich's obsessive will as a force

Alberich's will of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, w3 hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (harmo
0 nic version of the opening notes
of d13)

Nothung as the promised or longed-for

sword; Schwertwart (derived
d43, m27x, c40, w63
from d45; also refers to d42a)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Blood-brotherhood The false honour of the

m66, c82 blood-brotherhood oath

d42, m64 Honorable intentions, the appearance of
good faith; the seeming to keep
promises, the longing for normality
(related to d40, d41 and d61)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Gtterdmmerung, Act 2, Vorspiel

Alberich's obsessive will as a force

Alberich's will of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, w3 hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (harmo
0 nic version of the opening notes
of d13)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark

d61, w80a shadow, and the Gibichung race
generally in this negative aspect
(dark counterpart of d42, in the
same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relates
to d9)
d61a, m61

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether accepted or

not; Frohnmotif (the falling
d68a, c19 semitone relates to d4; opposite
of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter
"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"


the Ring
d8, m6, w8
The Ring as underlying purpose
(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
of d13 and d63)


d8b, c7

Gtterdmmerung, Act 2, Scene 1

Alberich's obsessive will as a

Alberich's will force of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, w hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (har
30 monic version of the opening
notes of d13)

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63)

d8b, c7

d76, m7, c8, w9

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76a destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68,
the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall
to the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)


Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Alberich/Hagen, the dark

Alberich and counterpart of
Hagen Wotan/Siegfried;
m69, c88, w83 murder; Mordwerk (reminiscent
of d37 and d69)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

strength The Giants as
d58, m12, c11, brute strength
w15 (related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmotiv)
is Fafner as a
m50 dragon (refers
to d61a)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark

d61, w80a shadow, and the Gibichung race
generally in this negative aspect
(dark counterpart of d42, in the
same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relates
to d9)
d61a, m61

The tragic but heroic

destiny of the
tragic Volsung
Volsung race (minor
d66, m33, c36,
version of d44 linked
with d3, d42, d78 and
perhaps d76)

The song of the Rhinemaidens

Rhinemaidensd26, m2, c3 as tempters back to immature
, innocence; Rheintchter (deriv
w2 es from d1, the added sixth as
in d24 hinting at the

Rhinemaidens as delight in
nature. Very close to d27)

Valhalla as achievement, and as

Wotan's genuinely creative
d63, m8, c9,
thoughts (a stable diatonic
version of d8)

the Curse Alberich's curse as an

d13, m23, c23, expression of destiny (an
w29 inversion of d8)

the Tarnhelm as unconscious

fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (note
d18, m18, c18,
the final bare fifth; related
to d16 and to d68)

Gtterdmmerung, Act 2, Scene 2

Hagen's dawn The dawn of Hagen's day

d49 (directly related to d1 and d2)

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

Loge the god of fire as primal

energy; Waberlohe (related to the
extreme chomaticism
d20a of d16 combined with restless


d20c, c55

Gutrune as foredoomed
heroine (reminiscent
d40, m65, c84, w80
of d37 and d37arespectivel

Honorable intentions, the
d42, m64
appearance of good faith; the
seeming to keep promises, the
longing for normality (related
d42a to d40, d41 and d61)

the Tarnhelm as unconscious

fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (not
d18, m18, c18, w2
e the final bare fifth; related
to d16 and to d68)

Gunther's illusory
heroism (related
Gunter as hero to d63 and d66;
d67, m62, c80, w68 reminiscent
of d18because of the
bare fifths)

the magic potion as unconscious

Magic potion
repression; Zaubertrug (a further
d19, m63, w81
concentration of d18)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark

d61, w80a shadow, and the Gibichung race
generally in this negative aspect
(dark counterpart of d42, in the
same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relates
to d9)
d61a, m61

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Blood-brotherhood The false honour of the

m66, c82 blood-brotherhood oath

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Gtterdmmerung, Act 2, Scene 3

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether accepted or

not; Frohnmotif (the falling
d68a, c19 semitone relates to d4; opposite
of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter
"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"


The Gibichung brother and sister as foredoomed

the Gibichung
pair; Hagen uses it as the first half of his wedding-
d41, m65, c85, w85
call; Hochzeitruf (variant of d40; also refers to d7)

Gunther's illusory heroism

Gunter as hero (related to d63 and d66;
d67, m62, c80, w68 reminiscent of d18because
of the bare fifths)

The downfall of the gods, back to Mother

Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
d4, m25, c26, w32
of d3)

The Vassals as the strong

Hagen's vassals
world of men (inversion
d54, m70, c86
of d53)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark

d61, w80a shadow, and the Gibichung race
generally in this negative aspect
(dark counterpart of d42, in the
same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relates
to d9)
d61a, m61

Gtterdmmerung, Act 2, Scene 4

The Valkyries as the masculine

Walkren as animus element in
d47, m34, c49, w45b women; Walkrenritt (The Ride
of the Valkyries, a variant of d46)

Restless plotting Restless plotting or distress; Rachebund (connected

d75, m68, w87 with d70 and d68, and thence to d4)

Blood-brotherhood The false honour of the

m66, c82 blood-brotherhood oath

the Tarnhelm as unconscious

fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (not
d18, m18, c18, w2
e the final bare fifth; related
to d16 and to d68)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark

d61, w80a shadow, and the Gibichung race
generally in this negative aspect
(dark counterpart of d42, in the
same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relates
to d9)
d61a, m61

Gutrune as foredoomed
heroine (reminiscent
d40, m65, c84, w80d
of d37 and d37arespectively)

Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension of d68,
d84, m38, w50
refers to the last two bars of d70)

Brnnhilde as loving woman (a

transformation of d77; related
Brnnhilde as woman to d76, shares C-G-Bb with bar 3
d88, m58, c78, w78 of d86, the falling minor seventh on
the beat is the bright counterpart of
bar 2 of d61)

The Ring as underlying purpose

the Ring (chromatic modification of d4 and returning
d8, m6, w8 upwards; related to d7, and the basis
of d13 and d63)


d8b, c7

Alberich's curse
the Curse as an expression
d13, m23, c23, w29 of destiny (an
inversion of d8)

Alberich's obsessive will as a force

Alberich's will of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, w3 hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (harmo
0 nic version of the opening notes
of d13)

the magic potion as unconscious

Magic potion
repression; Zaubertrug (a further
d19, m63, w81
concentration of d18)

Gold as worth The gold as true worth (derives directly from d1,
d44, m3, c5, w5 connected to d45; also occurs in minor)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3 Woe or grief, whether accepted or
not; Frohnmotif (the falling semitone
relates to d4; opposite of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter
"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"
d68a, c19


Fafner as inertia, as the backward

pull of the
d57, m21, c22, w2
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (relat
ed to d18 and m20)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

The Vassals as the strong

Hagen's vassals
world of men (inversion
d54, m70, c86
of d53)

The downfall of the gods, back to

Downfall Mother
d4, m25, c26, w32 Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
of d3)

Nothung as the promised or longed-for

sword; Schwertwart (derived
d43, m27x, c40, w63
from d45; also refers to d42a)

The spear as Wotan's wilful

authority, but also his
Wotan's spear entanglements and
d73, m9, c10, w11 inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Siegfried's love Siegfried's tender love for

d89, m52, c73, w7 Brnnhilde,
0 and hers for
him; Welterbschaft (evokes d32, d3
m59, c79, w79 d65, d80, d87, d87a, d63and d2)
m59 (Heldenliebe) is a wider,
happier, version of bars 3 and 4

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

Loge the god of fire as primal
energy; Waberlohe (related to the
extreme chomaticism
d20b of d16 combined with restless

d20c, c55

Attonement as a force of
destiny; Shnerrecht (related
d11, m67, c83, w82
to d8)

The genuine though contradictory

Oaths oaths of Siegfried and
m71, c87, w86 Brnnhilde; Schwurmotiv (refers
to d42a)

Alberich/Hagen, the dark

counterpart of
Alberich and Hagen
m69, c88, w83
murder; Mordwerk (reminiscent
of d37 and d69)

the Twin's love

d37, m30, w38

The love of Siegmund and

Sieglinde (derived
from d69)

d37a, c33

The Gibichung brother and sister as foredoomed

the Gibichung
pair; Hagen uses it as the first half of his wedding-
d41, m65, c85, w85
call; Hochzeitruf (variant of d40; also refers to d7)

d76, m7, c8, w9

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76a destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68,
the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall
to the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)


Gtterdmmerung, Act 2, Scene 5

Restless plotting Restless plotting or distress; Rachebund (connected

d75, m68, w87 with d70 and d68, and thence to d4)

Alberich/Hagen, the dark

Alberich and Hage counterpart of
n Wotan/Siegfried;
m69, c88, w83 murder; Mordwerk (reminiscen
t of d37 and d69)

Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension of d68,
d84, m38, w50
refers to the last two bars of d70)

Siegfried's love Siegfried's tender love for

d89, m52, c73, w7 Brnnhilde, and hers for
0 him; Welterbschaft (evokes d32,
d34, d65, d80, d87, d87a, d63and d2
m59, c79, w79 m59 (Heldenliebe) is a wider,
happier, version of bars 3 and 4

Blood-brotherhood The false honour of the

m66, c82 blood-brotherhood oath

The genuine though contradictory

Oaths oaths of Siegfried and
m71, c87, w86 Brnnhilde; Schwurmotiv (refers
to d42a)

the magic potion as unconscious

Magic potion
repression; Zaubertrug (a further
d19, m63, w81
concentration of d18)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Alberich's obsessive will as a force

Alberich's will of destiny, the Nibelung's
d15, m22, c24, w3 hatred; Vernichtungsarbeit (harmo
0 nic version of the opening notes
of d13)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Attonement as a force of
destiny; Shnerrecht (related
d11, m67, c83, w82
to d8)

d76, m7, c8, w9

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76a destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68,
the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall
to the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)


Woe or grief, whether accepted or

not; Frohnmotif (the falling semitone
Woe or grief relates to d4; opposite of d38)
d68, m5, c4, w3 See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter
"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"

d68a, c19


Brnnhilde as loving woman (a

transformation of d77; related to d76,
Brnnhilde as woman
shares C-G-Bb with bar 3 of d86, the
d88, m58, c78, w78
falling minor seventh on the beat is
the bright counterpart of bar 2 of d61)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark

d61, w80 shadow, and the Gibichung race
a generally in this negative aspect
(dark counterpart of d42, in the
same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relat
es to d9)
d61a, m6

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63)

d8b, c7

The Gibichung brother and sister as foredoomed

the Gibichung
pair; Hagen uses it as the first half of his wedding-
d41, m65, c85, w85
call; Hochzeitruf (variant of d40; also refers to d7)

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

Gtterdmmerung, Act 3, Vorspiel

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether accepted or

not; Frohnmotif (the falling semitone
d68a, c19
relates to d4; opposite of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter
"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"


The Gibichung brother and sister as foredoomed

the Gibichung
pair; Hagen uses it as the first half of his wedding-
d41, m65, c85, w85
call; Hochzeitruf (variant of d40; also refers to d7)

First stirring under the

Rhine Rhine as a premonition
d2, m1b, c2, w1 of consciousness
(developed from d1)

The song of the Rhinemaidens

as tempters back to immature
innocence; Rheintchter (derives
from d1, the added sixth as
d26, m2, c3, w2
in d24 hinting at the
Rhinemaidens as delight in
nature. Very close to d27)

Gold as worth The gold as true worth (derives directly from d1,
d44, m3, c5, w5 connected to d45; also occurs in minor)

Gtterdmmerung, Act 3, Scene 1

The Rhinemaidens
more Rhinemaidens in
d32, m72, c89b, w89 Gtterdmmerung
(extension of d31)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63)

d8b, c7

d76, m7, c8, w9

Renunciation, often amounting to

acceptance of
d76a destiny; Entsagungsmotiv (related to d68,
the rising minor-sixth and subsequent fall
to the tonic are distinctive; close to d78)


Fafner as inertia, as the backward pull

of the
d57, m21,
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (related
c22, w28
to d18 and m20)

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether accepted or

d68a, c19 not; Frohnmotif (the falling semitone
relates to d4; opposite of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter "Siegfried!
Siegfried!" and Gt 2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho!


The gold as true worth (derives directly

Gold as worth
from d1, connected to d45; also occurs in
d44, m3, c5, w5

Alberich's curse as
the Curse an expression of
d13, m23, c23, w29 destiny (an
inversion of d8)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

First stirring under the

Rhine as a
premonition of
d2, m1b, c2, w1
(developed from d1)

The downfall of the gods, back to

Downfall Mother
d4, m25, c26, w32 Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
of d3)

d35, m28, c31
Siegmund as hero schooled in
misfortune (related
to d70, d73 and d74)


The Norn's rope of

the Norn's rope destiny (derived
d10, m55 from d2ainfluenced
by d8)

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Giant's strength The Giants as

d58, m12, c11, w1 brute strength
5 (related to d18)
m50 (Wurmmotiv
) is Fafner as a
m50 dragon (refers
to d61a)

Valhalla as achievement, and as

Wotan's genuinely creative thoughts
d63, m8, c9, w10
(a stable diatonic version of d8)

The Gibichung brother and sister as foredoomed

the Gibichung
pair; Hagen uses it as the first half of his wedding-
d41, m65, c85, w85
call; Hochzeitruf (variant of d40; also refers to d7)

Gtterdmmerung, Act 3, Scene 2

Woe or grief
d68, m5, c4, w3

Woe or grief, whether accepted or

d68a, c19 not; Frohnmotif (the falling semitone
relates to d4; opposite of d38)
See also Gt 3/1 Rheintchter
"Siegfried! Siegfried!" and Gt
2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-ho!"


Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark shadow,

d61, w80a and the Gibichung race generally
in this negative aspect (dark
counterpart of d42, in the same
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relates
to d9)
d61a, m61

The Rhinemaidens
more Rhinemaidens in
d32, m72, c89b, w89 Gtterdmmerung
(extension of d31)

Restless plotting Restless plotting or distress; Rachebund (connected

d75, m68, w87 with d70 and d68, and thence to d4)

Forest Bird
d27, m51c, c68, w67
The song of
the forest-bird,
as initiator out
of immature
d27a, m51a (very close
to d26)


The Gibichung brother and sister as foredoomed

the Gibichung
pair; Hagen uses it as the first half of his wedding-
d41, m65, c85, w85
call; Hochzeitruf (variant of d40; also refers to d7)

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

Loge the god of fire as primal
energy; Waberlohe (related to the
extreme chomaticism
d20b of d16 combined with restless

d20c, c55

the Tarnhelm as unconscious

fantasy; Tarnhelmzauber (not
d18, m18, c18, w2
e the final bare fifth; related
to d16 and to d68)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

Fafner as inertia, as the backward

pull of the
d57, m21, c22, w2
unconscious; Schlangenwurm (relat
ed to d18 and m20)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

Purposeful brooding; Sinnen (derived from d8, related to d61a)
d9, m19, c56, w25

The Volsung race as instruments of destiny

(related to the end of d70 and of d35, the third
Volsung as destiny
bar of d66, the minor-sixth leap of d76, and the
d77, m31, c34, w72b
semitone fall of d68 here cancelled by the third
note; foreshadows d88)

the magic potion as unconscious

Magic potion
repression; Zaubertrug (a further
d19, m63, w81
concentration of d18)

Siegfried's love Siegfried's tender love for

d89, m52, c73, w7 Brnnhilde,
0 and hers for
him; Welterbschaft (evokes d32, d34
m59, c79, w79 d65, d80, d87, d87a, d63and d2)
m59 (Heldenliebe) is a wider,
happier, version of bars 3 and 4

Brnnhilde as loving woman (a

transformation of d77; related
Brnnhilde as woman to d76, shares C-G-Bb with bar 3
d88, m58, c78, w78 of d86, the falling minor seventh on
the beat is the bright counterpart of
bar 2 of d61)

ambivalent Loge
d21, m14, c21
Loge as the ambivalence of
primal energy; flattery,
trickery (further aspects
of d20, and also related
to d15 but more dynamic)

d69, m11, c14, w14

Agitation, including both passion

and compassion; Flucht (extension
of d66, uses the same notes
as d37)


Magic sleep as regression

to the unconscious (note
Magic sleep the progressions to the
d16, m42, c53 mediant; the falling
semitones relate
to d68 and hence to d4)

Alberich's curse
the Curse as an expression
d13, m23, c23, w29 of destiny (an
inversion of d8)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension of d68,
d84, m38, w50
refers to the last two bars of d70)

Darkness, standing for

unconsciousness (note
Darkness the mediant progession
d24, m53 from Ebmin to Cbmaj, a
dark tonality; always
followed by d2)

Love as fulifllment
d90, c69, w73 Love as
fulfilment; Liebesgru
with d87, d88 and d89,
d90a, m10, c12 more distantly
with d69 and d86; the
of d90a recalls d38,
d90b, m60 and d90c is a
modification of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung)
is shared by Fricka and
d90c, m41, w55b Brnnhilde

Truly innocent
Innocent delight
delight; Liebesentzckung (related
d34, m54, c74, w74
to d33 and d26)

Sieglinde as heroine
schooled in
Sieglinde misfortune (at bar 2;
d36, m29, c32, w3 fits well with d35;
7 resembles d8 inverte
d, or d1 followed
by d4)

The love of Siegmund and

the Twin's love
Sieglinde (derived
d37, m30, w38
from d69)

d37a, c33

The darkness of death itself

(Siegfried's funeral march, related
d62, c90
to d58 and d60)

Siegfried's heroic deeds as

Siegfried's deeds the ever-reborn spirit of
d65, m57, c77, w64 youth (a stronger version
of d48)

Gtterdmmerung, Act 3, Scene 3

Gutrune as foredoomed
heroine (reminiscent
d40, m65, c84, w80d
of d37 and d37arespectively)

Siegfried's horn call expressing his free

Siegfried's horn
spirit; Waldknabenruf (derived
d48, m44, c58, w54a
from d46 and d63; the source of d65)

Woe or grief, whether

Woe or grief accepted or
d68, m5, c4, w3 not; Frohnmotif (the
falling semitone relates
to d4; opposite of d38)
See also Gt
3/1 Rheintchter
Siegfried!" and Gt
d68a, c19 2/3 Hagen "Hoi-ho! Hoi-


The Valkyries as the

masculine element in
Walkren as animus
women; Walkrenritt (The
d47, m34, c49, w45b
Ride of the Valkyries, a
variant of d46)

Rheingold! Rheingold! (re-

harmonises the added sixth
of d26; also occurs in the
d31, m4, c6, w7
minor where it is very close
to d68)

Destiny as the power to which all must in the end

powerful Destiny
surrender (the last two bars of d83; an extension of d68,
d84, m38, w50
refers to the last two bars of d70)

Restless plotting Restless plotting or distress; Rachebund (connected

d75, m68, w87 with d70 and d68, and thence to d4)

Attonement as a force of
destiny; Shnerrecht (related
d11, m67, c83, w82
to d8)

The downfall of the gods, back to

Downfall Mother
d4, m25, c26, w32 Nature; Gtterdmmerung (inversion
of d3)

Hagen Hagen as Siegfried's dark

d61, w80a shadow, and the Gibichung race
generally in this negative aspect
(dark counterpart of d42, in the
same family
as d40, d41 and d42; d61a relates
to d9)
d61a, m61

Alberich/Hagen, the dark

counterpart of
Alberich and Hagen
m69, c88, w83
murder; Mordwerk (reminiscent
of d37 and d69)

The genuine though contradictory

Oaths oaths of Siegfried and
m71, c87, w86 Brnnhilde; Schwurmotiv (refers
to d42a)

the Ring
d8, m6, w8

The Ring as underlying purpose

(chromatic modification of d4 and returning
upwards; related to d7, and the basis
d8a of d13 and d63)

d8b, c7

Alberich's curse
the Curse as an expression
d13, m23, c23, w29 of destiny (an
inversion of d8)

Mime as smith, and forging

Mime as smith
generally; Schmiedemotiv (directly
d50, m17, c17, w22
represents the tapping of hammer on anvil)

Sword as manhood The sword as true manhood (derives

d45, m27, c29, w51 directly from d1; closely connected to d44)

First stirring under

the Rhine as a
Rhine premonition of
d2, m1b, c2, w1 consciousness
from d1)

Relinquishment (reminiscent
Relinquishment of d76 inverting the opening
d83, m37, c47 notes; close to d82; the last two
bars are d84)

Siegfried's love Siegfried's tender love for

d89, m52, c73, w Brnnhilde, and hers for
70 him; Welterbschaft (evokes
d32, d34, d65, d80, d87, d87a, d63an
d d2)
m59, c79, w79 m59 (Heldenliebe) is a wider, happier,
version of bars 3 and 4

the magic potion as unconscious

Magic potion
repression; Zaubertrug (a further
d19, m63, w81
concentration of d18)

more Downfall
d5, m56, c45, w
Further comments on the
downfall of the old
order; Gtternoth (developm
ents of d3 and d4, with d70)

ambivalent Loge
d21, m14, c21
Loge as the ambivalence
of primal energy; flattery,
trickery (further aspects
of d20, and also related
to d15 but more dynamic)

Siegfried's heroism as
Siegfried's heroism
acceptance of his destiny
d78, m39, c48, w53
(related to d13 and d76)

Love as fulifllment
d90, c69, w73 Love as
fulfilment; Liebesgru
with d87, d88 and d89,
d90a, m10, c12 more distantly
with d69 and d86; the
of d90a recalls d38,
d90b, m60 and d90c is a
modification of d73)
d90a (Liebesfesselung)
is shared by Fricka and
d90c, m41, w55b Brnnhilde

Nothung as the promised or longed-for

sword; Schwertwart (derived
d43, m27x, c40, w63
from d45; also refers to d42a)

Valhalla as achievement,
Valhalla and as Wotan's genuinely
d63, m8, c9, w10 creative thoughts (a stable
diatonic version of d8)

(from d31 and,
d33, m73, c89a, w88
inverted, Loge
trickster d21a)

The gold as true worth (derives directly

Gold as worth
from d1, connected to d45; also occurs in
d44, m3, c5, w5

The spear as Wotan's wilful authority,

but also his entanglements and
Wotan's spear
inhibitions; Vertragsmotiv (related
d73, m9, c10, w11
to d70, d79, d59 and m56; lies
within d90c)

Loge as fire
d20, m13, c15, w20

Loge the god of fire as primal
energy; Waberlohe (related to
the extreme chomaticism
d20b of d16 combined with restless

d20c, c55

d91 Transformation (related to d88)
calls d91a Liebeserlsung
d91a, m40, c50

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