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Piagetian Periods of Concept


Done by: Marya Faisal

Instructor: Basel Badran
The meaning of Constructivism
A method of learning which is to
build up from old information, and
adding newer information to it.
Stage 1: Sensorimotor (from birth - age 2)

Children can:
learn basic skills by using their sensory motor
Children developed
object permanence.
object recognition.
representational though.
Stage 2: Preoperational (2 7 years)

Children can:
Use spoken language and say understandable
Use symbolic behavior.
Understand symbolic functions.
Understand abstract symbols.

Concentration is believing that objects change

in amount when they change in arrangement.

Conservation is knowing that changing in form

doesnt mean changing in amount.
Stage 3: Concrete Operations (7-11 years)

Most children are:

Becoming conservers, so they can:
- recognise that the quantity of something is
the same even though its container or the
shape of it has changed.
- mentally go back to its original form.
mathematical knowledge.
Stage 4: Operations (11- through adulthood)

Children can:
ability to use scientific methods
- solve a problem by applying logic
imagining solutions before trying them

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