Test 12 Mains Self Study 2016 Mission 2016

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Test 12: Mains Self Study 2016 (Mission 2016)


INSIGHTS 18/02/2016

Test 12: Mains Self Study 2016 (Mission 2016)



17 February 2015

Click on the below questions and answer each within the word limit specified before each question.

1) Was the NonAligned Movement (NAM) a challenge to the dominance of the two superpowers during the Cold
War? How far was NAM successful in attaining economic development and political independence during the Cold
War era? Examine. (200 Words)

NCERT Class XII, Contemporary World Politics Chapter 1

2) The Cold War produced an arms race as well as arms control. What were the reasons for both these
developments and the important treaties signed during this period? Discuss. (200 Words)

NCERT Class XII, Contemporary World Politics Chapter 1

3) What were the major causes and consequences of the disintegration of the Soviet Union? How did its
disintegration affect countries like India? Examine. (200 Words)

NCERT Class XII, Contemporary World Politics Chapter 2

4) What was Shock Therapy? Was this the best way to make a transition from communism to capitalism? Critically
comment. (200 Words)

NCERT Class XII, Contemporary World Politics Chapter 2

5) Discuss three ways in which US dominance since the Cold War is different from its position as a superpower
during the Cold War. (200 Words)

NCERT Class XII, Contemporary World Politics Chapter 3

6) Write a short note on the role and the limitations of SAARC as a forum for facilitating economic cooperation
among the South Asian countries. (200 Words)

NCERT Class XII, Contemporary World Politics Chapter 5

7) Reforming the UN means restructuring of the Security Council. Do you agree with this statement? Give
arguments for or against this position. (200 Words)

NCERT Class XII, Contemporary World Politics Chapter 6

8) Nuclear weapons as deterrence or defence have limited usage against contemporary security threats to states.
Explain the statement. (200 Words)

NCERT, Class XII, Contemporary World Politics Chapter 7

9) The most serious challenge before the states is pursuing economic development without causing further damage
to the global environment. How could we achieve this? Explain with a few examples. (200 Words)

NCERT, Class XII, Contemporary World Politics Chapter 8

10) How did the American Civil War affect the lives of ryots in India? Examine. (200 Words)

NCERT, Class XII, Themes in Indian History, Theme Ten

11) What were the concerns that influenced town planning in the nineteenth century? Are some of these concerns
still relevant today? Examine. (200 Words)

NCERT, Class XII, Themes in Indian History, Theme Twelve

12) In what way did Mahatma Gandhi transform the nature of the national movement? How different would have
been the achievement of Indian independence without Mahatma Gandhi? Discuss. (200 Words)

NCERT, Class XII, Themes in Indian History, Theme Thirteen

13) What were Mahatma Gandhis arguments against Partition? How did the Congress come to change its views on
Partition? Examine. (200 Words)

NCERT, Class XII, Themes in Indian History, Theme Fourteen

14) Which were the four events in the life of the Buddha which have been depicted in different forms of Buddhist
art? What did these events symbolise? (200 Words)

NCERT, Class XI, Introduction to Indian Art, Chapter 2

15) Abstraction, unadorned drawing, non-representational colour, superimposition: all the values of modern art had
their primal scene in the caves. With reference to prehistoric rock paintings found in India, discuss the statement.
(200 Words)

NCERT, Class XI, Introduction to Indian Art, Chapter 1

The Guardian



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