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plan too short-a maths lesson

requires more elaboration
Apart from section 1, content
description does not match outcome
More detail is needed for the tasks-
e.g.: what are the worksheets and
about? What page of the maths
Lilac Mathematics Lesson books? Are exercises relatable to
common use of fractions and
Use of tangible model (Pizza Slice)
to enhance understanding

Similar lesson plan structure
Lesson Type defined
Commonality between both Outcomes clearly defined
Lessons Content (Main Body) broken into
No Introduction
No activation of students prior


Identification of key student groups

(ESL for Writing lesson, and students
with different intellectual capacity for
Mathematics lesson)
Very weak evaluation- evaluation
and closure are grouped in one line

Writing Lesson Section 1-Multiple focus questions listed
Reading a book is a good warm up to activate the
childrens imagination
Level 3 question (Costas Levels) also stimulates

Filling out info on book in terms of author and title
is not helpful for the outcome of this lesson- Focus is

on characters and setting

Section2-Multiple focus questions listed
Level 2 and Level 3 questions are evident
Level 3 questions helpful in f reeze frame exercise

Section3-Very good exercise to build on vocabulary

Sections4 and 5-Exercises encompass learning in
previous sections and encourage collaborative
learning, and expression-feeling safe.

Venn Diagram- Comparison between lesson Maths (pp218-219)and Writing (pp219-220) lessons from core text.

Denotes a positive point

Denotes a negative point

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