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Writing Session 1

Write a Cover Letter/Job application

Job Application Letter/Cover Letter
A job application letter, also known as a cover letter, should be sent or
uploaded with your resume when applying for jobs.
While your resume offers a history of your work experience and an outline
of your skills and accomplishments, the job application letter you send to an
employer explains why you are qualified for the position and should be
selected for an interview
How to get started
Do some groundwork.
Consider what information you want to include (keeping in mind that space is limited).
Remember, this letter is making a case for your candidacy for the position. But you can do
better than just regurgitating your resume instead, highlight your most relevant skills,
experiences, and abilities.
You'll need to know what the employer wants. The biggest clues are within the job
advertisement, so spend some time decoding the job ad.
Match your qualifications with the employer's wants and needs. Make a list of your relevant
experience and skills. For instance, if the job ad calls for a strong leader, think of examples
of when you've successfully led a team.
Writing Guidelines for Job Application Letters

Contact information and date: If you are sending a hard copy of your
application letter, include your contact information, followed by the date.
Sending an email application letter? Skip these sections.
Salutation: This is your polite greeting. The most common salutation is
"Dear Mr./Ms." followed by the person's last name. Find out more about
appropriate cover letter salutations, including what to do if you don't know
the person's name, or are unsure of a contact's gender.
Body of email: Think of this section as being three distinct parts.
In the first paragraph: you'll want to mention the job you are applying for and where
you saw the job listing.
The next paragraph(s) are the most important part of your letter. Remember how you
gathered all that information about what employers were seeking, and how you could
meet their needs? This is where you'll share those relevant details on your experience
and accomplishments.
The third and last part of the body of the email will be your thank you to the
employer; you can also offer follow-up information.
Complimentary Close: Sign off your email with a polite close, such as
"Best" or "Sincerely," followed by your name.
Get a detailed breakdown of the job application letter format.
Subject: FirstName LastName - Web Content Manager Position
Dear Contact Person:
I'm writing to express my interest in the Web Content Manager position listed on
I have experience building large, consumer-focused health-based content sites. While much of
my experience has been in the business world, I understand the social value of the non-profit
sector and my business experience will be an asset to your organization.
My responsibilities included the development and management of the site's editorial voice and
style, the editorial calendar, and the daily content programming and production of the website.
I worked closely with healthcare professionals and medical editors to help them provide the best
possible information to a consumer audience of patients. In addition, I helped physicians learn to
utilize their medical content to write user-friendly, readily comprehensible text.
Experience has taught me how to build strong relationships with all departments at an organization.
I have the ability to work within a team as well as cross-team. I can work with web engineers to
resolve technical issues and implement technical enhancements, work with the development
department to implement design and functional enhancements, and monitor site statistics and
conduct search engine optimization.
Thank you for your consideration.
Signature (hard copy letter)

FirstName LastName
Example Resume
This resume example includes a profile section with an overview of the skills
the writer has that qualify them for the job. Be specific and include the
qualifications you have that are mentioned in the job posting. The person
reviewing your resume will be able to see at a glance that you have the
credentials they are seeking.
Elias Cortes
100 Ordway St.
Boston, MA 02215
Home 618-555-5518 Cell 580-555-0088
Driven guidance counselor with extensive experience teaching and advising high school students.
Fluent in Spanish; skilled at communicating and developing relationships with ESL students and their
families. Developing knowledge of American Sign Language. Excellent written and oral communication
Master of Science, Counseling, XYZ University, Boston, MA

Bachelor of Arts, ABC College, Saratoga Springs, NY

Related Experience
Guidance Counselor, Whitman Charter High School, Boston, MA
Sept. 2009 Present

Design and teach weekly course for high school seniors on college application process
Meet individually with students to discuss courses, grades, behavior, college applications, and
other issues and concerns
Maintain contact with parents and guardians of students to develop a network of support and
communication around each student
Implemented use of new data program in the counseling office to help counselors track student
Assistant College Counselor, Levine Academy, Boston, MA
Sept. 2007 July 2009
Met individually with high school seniors to discuss all aspects of the college application process
Taught summer courses on college application process to ESL students and their families
Organized college admission visits to the high school; moderated Q&A sessions and organized
student interviews
Example of Curriculum Vitae
A curriculum vitae, commonly referred to as CV, is a longer (two or more
pages), more detailed synopsis than a resume. Your CV should be clear,
concise, complete, and up-to-date with current employment.
CVs are commonly used in academia, research, and medicine. They are also
used for almost all job applications outside of the United States.
Curriculum Vitae Format Example
Your Contact Information
Cell Phone
Optional Personal Information
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Visa Status
Marital Status
Spouse's Name
Employment History
List in chronological order, include position details and
Work History
Academic Positions
Research and Training
Include dates, majors, and details of degrees, training and
High School
Graduate School
Post-Doctoral Training
Professional Qualifications
Certifications and Accreditations
Computer Skills
Professional Memberships
Write your own cover lesson, resume, and CV based on your competency!

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