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Table Of Contens

Chapter 1 ............................................................ 2

Company Background ............................ 2

Product chossing Background................. 3

Expetation ................................................. 3

Chapter 2 ........................................................... 4

Product Name ..................................... 4

Product Logo ..................................... 4

Product Jargon ..................................... 4

Product Competitor ..................................... 5

The strenght and weaknesses ................ 6

Price .......................................................... 6

Place .......................................................... 6

Promotion ............................................... 7

Chapter 3

Capital ............................................... 8

Cost Buget .............................................. 9

Profit Margins ................................... 9

Conclution ......................................................... 10

Chapter 1

Company Background/Company Profile

Company Name : PT. JSP

Activity Title : Product Shaver

Bussines Status : We will make & sale shaver to people

Founding Date : : 21 March 2015

The Andress : Makassar

Number Of : 9 People

The Product : Shaver

Email :

JSP is a company obsessed with shaving. How many whiskers or beard

on his face mean? Thirty thousand, according to a count of . How quickly
sideburns or beard he grew? One day grow fifteen per thousand inches, or five
and a half inches per year. According to Co., dry beard roughly similar to the
copper wires of the same thickness.

"We spend more time than you think in the study of hair growth on the
face-which is quite different from the growth of hair on the head. Because it is a
way to improve your product, "said Mr. Zeien, very clean shaven man, who
always keep a razor blade trial one full drawer in his office to try.

Product Choosing Background

According to the American business history, very few companies

dominate the industry for a long time. "JSP is a brand leader that we founded
this year" is not a little thing to set up this stock. In Indonesia for a wet razor
market has been quite a lot, JSP, we hope will be one of the major companies in
Indonesia are managed and concern, not only because it has worked well, but
also because it had once made the mistake of incredible-and back again.


JSP is antiseptic products used after shaving, use to kill bacteria and
germs that usually do not stick due to shave clean skin pores and make sure that
you are covered and to prolong the smoothness of your face, apply the JSP is a
very good idea. It also helps sterilize your skin and make it fragrant.

Chapter 2

Marketing Mix

A. Product

Product Name

We give the name of our product is JSP, J is the name of the inventor of
the first razor, J is the word of the super that can also be interpreted quickly and
accurately, whereas for P is the power of the shaver, so we can conclude that to
shave or cut feathers on the face JSP use more convenient and practical to use
and capable of under anywhere and anytime.

Product Logo

We chose this logo because we think people are more easy to understand
and read it so it does not complicate the customer, while for the color we chose
white and black color has a meaning of yin and yang means that balance, we
hope razor always give benefits to its users.

Product Jargon

"make yourself more attractive" I think this is the most suitable for our
slogan, because if we face clean, surely people would see us more menarin or
charming, and to have a clean face we will be more confident in carrying out the

Picture Our Product

Product Competitors

Competitor products are mostly from abroad that is taxed as well as the
high dollar exchange rate is a potential weakness of competitors, but from
emerging economies such as China, Vietnam and the like and we have
competitor from Indonesia (Local Product).

We hope from competitor, to be our product able to give best so that
society earn remain to chosen JSP as reliable product to using and able to defeat


`The strenght and the weaknessesof the product

weakness and sure product strength there. for the facet of our weakness
product lay in factor old age the wearer which is most used by people old age
adolescent, others most only used by clan adam, so that able to lessen the sale
product. while for the facet of our product excess very cheap for society so that
not cleanse the sack bag or fill the our product and purse also earn meeting
shop closest.

For that we expect the insuffiency from our product able to be non-
stoped to improve;repair and innovate our product for the shake of reaching of
cutomer satisfaction. while for the excess of its we have to cope to remain to as
our target to gratify the consumer used our product.


We provide cheaper price than competitors, cheap does not mean random
origin. Quality, comfort and customer satisfaction is our success that must be
maintained. Our products are sold at a price range of Rp. 8000 @pcs; price that
fits perfectly with the bag. much cheaper, for face really trial and error.

not merely good or cheap problem, but us remain to have to return to our
principle where satisfaction of customer our satisfaction, so that society more
able to recognize our product.


We sell this razor in several locations including a mini market and the
location where the place was a lot of hustle. while normally we sell in the form
of a bazaar every Friday at a mosque in meeting our targets. mostly in the
promotion of our products this razor is the man who bought it was to worship at

the mosque. Our reason for selling razor in place on the ground because there
are many consumers who buy our products and in our mini market selling
products as regulars so we in selling our products do not worry and do not
require a target of how that should be achieved.

List the our sale place,

1. Indomaret

2. Alfamart

3. Alfamidi

4. Small Shop

5. Market

6. Bustle Place.

We chosen the the place because of us have counted the incoming

consumer every day so that we do not hesitate to include our product the in


Offers that we provide to the consumer that is by giving a bonus on the first
day of sales of our products, and sales so we give you a bonus when consumers
buy three free products the power of our products have three blades, able to
follow the shape of the face, not slippery grip, capable clean the bristles to clean
without our product is different from other products because it has a long handle
and a natural color so that consumers can know, we our products can be found in
various minimarket and supermarkets, as well as our online site at

Besides passing our officer we also promote it social media like:
facebook, twitter, path etc.. We hope by exploiting sophisticated of our
technology can sell our product by quickly, easy to and profit us.


Chapter 3
Financial Anaysis

A . Capital

List of the capital (Capital Sources)

Our initial capital worth Rp.18.000.000 joint manner, our nine members where
each friend donated funds worth Rp.2.000.000;

List Details

No. Name Donation

1 Kurnia Fadli 2.000.000
2 Sabir Rahman 2.000.000
3 Kasmir 2.000.000
4 Muh. Yusra wahab 2.000.000
5 Erza Hazan 2.000.000
6 Rosmita Bakry 2.000.000
7 Julianti 2.000.000
8 Rosdiana 2.000.000
9 Darul 2.000.000
Total 18.000.000

We hope with the our money merger, our company able to walk better as
according to desire [of] all member. So that we can continue the effort us and
remain to maintain our product in the middle of to the number of product which

Capital Addition

But our initial capital is not enough, so we apply for loans to banks worth
Rp.50.000.000 .with Rp.2.100.000 terms of payment in installments over 24 months.

Details for loans @Bank

No. Bank Loans

1 Mandiri 20.000.000
2 BCA 15.000.000
3 BRI 15.000.000
Total 50.000.000

Detail for instalment for @/month

No. Bank Loans Instalment for /month

1 Mandiri 20.000.000 833.333
2 BCA 15.000.000 625.000
3 BRI 15.000.000 625.000
Total 50.000.000 2.083.333

We hope with the money which we collect and loan which we ask from bank
able to return with the satisfying result. With the fund which there have [in] our
cash, we will remain to calculate in our bookkeeping.

Capital Expenditure

Our capital that is started from gasoline expense for the masing of masing of type
transportation used each; every member, we own the member there 9, from each;every
our member give the gasoline money equal to 150.000 to per people during one week,
then salary expense employees road; street area which performing promotion, for the
expense buying of substance Rp. 5.000; pcs and printing of logo Rp. 1.500 to each;
every logo.

Detail of Buget

No. Name Qty Buget Total

9 150.000
1 Member 1.350.000
500 1500
2 Sticekr Logo 750.000
4 300000
3 Mobilization. 1.200.000

Total (3.300.000)

With the expenditure of like this we will remain to note in bookkeeping of

expenditure keuanga, that us more able to control finance.

B. Cost Buget

Production Cost

Subtance Unite Price Price Total

Shaver 1000 2400 2.400.000

Logo 1000 1200 1.200.000

Total 3.600.000


1. We buy shaver at Kima 2 Makassar

2. We make sticker in Jl,. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km, 8 Makassar.

With the clarification of like this will facilitate the us in collecting note which
we have own from suplayer, our sehinnga is more can make its report

Oprerational Cost


Subtance Unite Price Price Total

Officer 4 1.500.000 6.000.000
Worker 2 1.300.000 2.600.000
Total 8.600.000

Totalize which we release the month;moon that is equal to Rp.

8.600.000, to total of officer work which we own.

Promotion Cost


Subtance Unite Price Price Total

Location 10 350.000 3.500.000
Furniture 4 200.000 800.000
Total 4.300.000

Profit Margin

We find account in month;moon of equal to Rp. 23.000.000; and the expense we

rerun and paying our officer.

No. Item Qty Buget Total

1 Buget to member 1 3.300.000 3.300.000

2 Production Cost 1 3.600.000 3.600.000

3 Operational Cost 1 8.600.000 8.600.000

4 Promotion Cost 1 4.300.000 4.300.000

5 Instalment to bank 1 2.083.333 2.083.333

Total 21.883.333


Rp. 23.000.000 - Rp. 21.883.333 = Rp. 1.116.667;


The above is true handing out which I have time to compile, what I take away
from various source. In this handing out there a lot of mistake which I [do] not know to
become the me very expecting criticism develop;build from dosen counsellor and all
this pembacamakalah. Hopefully in repairable handing out compilation hereinafter,
hopefully this handing out enough be of benefit to reading it.

I am but ordinary being of God creation which do not miss from mistake and
fault, therefore if in this handing out compilation a lot of there are mistake, presumably
forgivable writer.



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