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DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-5491.2004.01241.

Vascular dysfunction and autonomic neuropathy in

Oxford, UK
21 article
Medicine Ltd.autonomic neuropathy in Type 2 diabetes C. Meyer et al.

Type 2 diabetes
C. Meyer, F. Milat, B. P. McGrath, J. Cameron, D. Kotsopoulos and H. J. Teede

Monash University Department of Medicine, Aims To test the hypothesis that arterial dysfunction in Type 2 diabetes is
Dandenong Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia related to autonomic neuropathy.
Accepted 8 October 2003 Methods Arterial function and autonomic neuropathy were assessed over two
consecutive days in 45 Type 2 diabetic and control subjects. Systemic arterial
compliance (SAC), arterial stiffness (pulse-wave velocity, PWV) and carotid
intima thickness (IMT) were assessed; these markers reflect early vascular disease
and predict clinical vascular events. Autonomic neuropathy was assessed using
heart rate variability with continuous ECG recording during various breathing
and postural manoeuvres and an overall autonomic score was generated. Fast-
ing metabolic parameters including glucose, insulin, HbA1c and lipid profile
were measured.
Results Autonomic neuropathy tests were all repeatable in diabetic subjects.
Compared with controls, diabetic subjects had arterial dysfunction with in-
creased PWV (P = 0.009), IMT (P < 0.001) and reduced SAC (P = 0.053). After
adjustment for age, central PWV correlated with fasting insulin (r 2 = 0.45,
P < 0.05) and autonomic score (r 2 = 0.44, P < 0.05), peripheral PWV correlated
with autonomic score (r 2 = 0.51, P < 0.005) and IMT correlated with fasting
insulin (r 2 = 0.5, P < 0.005). The presence of autonomic neuropathy correlated
with fasting insulin (P = 0.015), but not age, duration diabetes, lipids or blood
Conclusion Using repeatable measures of autonomic neuropathy and vascular
function in Type 2 diabetic subjects, we have demonstrated associations
between autonomic neuropathy, vascular dysfunction and hyperinsulinaemia.
This may help to explain the excess cardiovascular mortality seen in diabetic
subjects with autonomic neuropathy.
Diabet. Med. 21, 746751 (2004)
Keywords arterial stiffness, arterial compliance, autonomic function,
hyperinsulinemia, Type 2 diabetes mellitus

cardiovascular risk. Other factors common in diabetes, which

Introduction may also contribute to premature cardiovascular disease,
Patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus have increased cardio- include autonomic neuropathy [2 4], vascular dysfunction [5]
vascular morbidity and mortality [1]. Clustering of conven- and hyperinsulinaemia [6,7].
tional cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, obesity Autonomic neuropathy is a frequent complication in diabe-
and dyslipidaemia explains some, but not all, of this increased tes with a reported prevalence of 46% in diagnosed Type 2
diabetes for less than 5 years and up to 70% with > 20 years of
diabetes [2]. It is a predictor of increased cardiovascular mor-
Correspondence to: Dr Helena Teede, Department of Vascular Science and
Medicine, Dandenong Hospital, David St, Dandenong, Victoria, 3175, tality in diabetic subjects [2 4,8]. Although the pathophysio-
Australia. E-mail: logical mechanism of this increased mortality is unclear, it has

746 2004 Diabetes UK. Diabetic Medicine, 21, 746751

Original article 747

been associated with fatal arrhythmias [9] and subclinical The heart-rate response to single deep breathing was taken as
coronary atherosclerosis [10]. the maximum minus the minimum rate during the breathing
Arterial dysfunction occurs early in atherosclerotic vascular cycle [2]. During six consecutive breaths (at a rate of six breaths/
disease. It has been demonstrated in subjects with Type 2 dia- minute), the result was taken as the mean difference in the
betes and insulin resistance, as shown by increased arterial maximum and minimum heart rate during the last three breath-
ing cycles [16]. Heart-rate responses to the Valsalva manoeuvre
stiffness [11] and endothelial dysfunction [12]. Recent pro-
were measured from the difference between the shortest R-R
spective studies have shown that pulse-wave velocity (PWV)
interval reflecting the tachycardia during the strain and the
predicts cardiovascular mortality in those with chronic renal longest R-R interval during the manoeuvre reflecting overshoot
failure [13] and in essential hypertension [14,15]. Despite the bradycardia during release [16]. The heart-rate response during
influence of insulin and the autonomic nervous system on the change from lying to standing was the difference between
vascular function, their relationships have not been studied the shortest R-R interval at or around the 15th beat and the
in Type 2 diabetes. longest R-R interval at or around the 30th beat after standing
In this cross-sectional study, non-invasive measures of [16]. The postural fall in blood pressure was taken as the differ-
arterial and autonomic function were examined in a group of ence between the systolic blood pressure lying and standing
patients with Type 2 diabetes to test the hypothesis that auto- [16]. The heart-rate response to deep breathing, the Valsalva
nomic neuropathy is a determinant of arterial dysfunction in manoeuvre and standing were used to reflect cardiac parasym-
pathetic integrity, while blood pressure response to standing
diabetes. We also examined the role of hyperinsulinaemia to
was used to reflect sympathetic function.
determine whether insulin and autonomic neuropathy have
The results of the tests for autonomic function were analysed
independent effects on arterial function. for repeatability as recommended by Bland and Altman [17].
Repeatability coefficients were calculated using the formula

Patients and methods RC = 2 ( Di2 / n)

Study design where Di is the absolute difference between the measurements

In this cross-sectional study, 45 participants with Type 2 dia- taken at visit 1 and visit 2 and n is the number of measurements.
betes mellitus, aged 4570 years, were recruited from community Tests of autonomic function were all repeatable over the
advertisements. Exclusion criteria included: those on insulin, 2 days of testing. The correlation coefficient for the single
smokers (last 10 years), prior stroke, ischaemic heart disease, breath test between the two visits was 0.76; the coefficient of
peripheral vascular disease and major co-existent illness. A variation was 10.1% and the repeatability coefficient was 3.54.
control group of 45 healthy subjects matched for age, sex and The corresponding values for the six breaths test were: 0.80,
body mass index (BMI) was recruited from the same suburban 8.6% and 3.38, for postural change; 0.78, 12.8% and 5.34,
population. Controls were normotensive, non-smokers and and for Valsalva 0.81, 6.4% and 5.32. Bland Altman plots
had no history of cardiovascular disease. They were not on showed no significant trends in the differences between meas-
any anti-hypertensive or lipid-lowering therapy which could urements for increasing values for any of the indices.
potentially alter arterial function. The Dandenong Hospital
Research Advisory and Ethics Committee approved the study Arterial parameters
and all participants gave written informed consent.
Participants were assessed by an endocrinologist (CM) with All arterial parameters were measured by an experienced
a baseline medical examination and history. In the diabetic research assistant (DK). Studies were performed after a 12-h
subjects, autonomic and vascular function tests were assessed fast in participants from the diabetic group and after at least an
over two consecutive days to determine the repeatability. The 8-h fast in the controls. During this period, caffeine-containing
results presented are an average of the values obtained. drinks were avoided. All studies were performed in a darkened,
quiet, air-conditioned clinical laboratory following 10 min rest
in the supine position.
Autonomic function tests

In the diabetic group, autonomic function tests were performed Total systemic arterial compliance
in the morning after a 12-h fast by the same two operators (FM
and CM) and were all analysed by one clinician (CM). The use Non-invasive determination of blood flow and pressure wave-
of alcohol was prohibited 24 h before the study and all medica- forms were applied to determine systemic arterial compliance
tions were withheld for 12 h prior to the study. Tests were (SAC) as previously described [18]. Aortic volumetric blood
preceded by a 5-min resting period, with patients in the supine flow was measured from a hand-held 3.5-MHz continuous
position. wave Doppler flow velocimeter (Multidoplex MD1, Huntleigh
The diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy was based on an Technology, Cardiff, UK) at the suprasternal notch. Simultane-
autonomic score generated from the results of heart-rate re- ous driving pressure was ascertained by applanation tonometry
sponse to single deep breathing, six consecutive breaths, Valsalva with a pressure transducer (Millar Mikro-tip, Millar Instru-
manoeuvre, heart-rate change from lying to standing and postural ments, Houston, TX, USA) over the carotid artery, with
blood pressure change [2]. pressures calibrated against Dinamap brachial artery pressures

2004 Diabetes UK. Diabetic Medicine, 21, 746751

748 Vascular dysfunction and autonomic neuropathy in Type 2 diabetes C. Meyer et al.

(CRITIKON 1846 SX). Compliance over the total systemic sonographer. Measurements were automatically transferred and
arterial tree was calculated by the following formula according saved in a database (Quest for Windows, version 2.1). The results
to the method of Liu et al. [19]. are reported as mean common carotid IMT.

(1) SAC = Laboratory methods
R(Ps Pd )
Fasting blood samples were taken from all participants in both
R = MAP/Qmean = MAP/ [ r 2 Fmean] groups on the morning of the first study. Total cholesterol and
triglycerides were measured using enzymatic reagents (DADE
r = 0.25 BSA + 0.52 Diagnostics, Brisbane, Australia), HDL cholesterol was meas-
ured by homogeneous assay techniques (HDLC-Plus, DADE
Ad = area under the BP diastolic decay curve from end-systole Diagnostics) adapted to a DADE Dimension RXL chemistry
to end-diastole; Ps = end-systolic BP; Pd = end-diastolic BP analyser (DADE Diagnostics). LDL cholesterol was calcul-
(carotid); MAP is mean arterial pressure; R = total peripheral ated using the Friedewald equation [LDL-C = (TC-HDL-
resistance; Qmean is mean flow; Fmean is mean velocity; r is aortic C)-(triglycerides/2.2)], adapted to SI units. The insulin assay
radius and BSA is body surface area [20]. is the AxSYM assay based on the Microparticle Enzyme
Immunoassay (MEIA) technology. The sensitivity of the assay
is 1.0 U insulin /ml, the cross reactivity with Proinsulin is
Pulse-wave velocity
0.016% and there is no cross reactivity with C-peptide. Plasma
Pulse-wave velocity was determined from recorded pressure glucose was determined with the glucose oxidase method.
waveforms (applanation tonometry) over both the aorto-
femoral (central) and the femoro-dorsalis pedis (peripheral)
Statistical analysis
arterial segments [18]. Central pulse-wave velocity was meas-
ured by simultaneous applanation at the carotid and femoral Statistical calculations were performed using the SPSS Inc.
arteries with transit distance defined as the distance from statistical package, version 11 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
the manubrium to the femoral applanation point minus that Results are expressed as mean SE. Repeatability of measure-
from the manubrium to the carotid applanation point [21]. ments of autonomic function in the diabetic group were exam-
Peripheral pulse-wave velocity was derived over the femoral- ined by constructing Bland Altman plots and determining
dorsalis pedis arterial segment by simultaneous applanation repeatability coefficients for each variable [17]. The differences
tonometry at these points. Transit distance was the distance between groups were assessed by Students t-test. Stepwise re-
between applanation points. Pulse transit time was defined gression analyses were performed to examine the determinants
as the time between the foot of simultaneously recorded of vascular dysfunction and autonomic neuropathy. Signific-
pressure waves, occurring at the end of diastole, and the begin- ance was accepted at P < 0.05.
ning of systole, averaged over 10 cardiac cycles. Velocity was
derived from computer-generated pulse transit times and
measured distances between the two applanation sites, as pre- Results
viously described [18]. Pulse-wave velocity was calculated
based on the formula: In total, there were 45 Type 2 diabetic and 45 control subjects
Pulse wave velocity = D/t (m /s) where D = distance, t = time matched for age, sex and body mass index. In the diabetic
interval. group, the average duration of diabetes was 10.6 years, 34/45
were taking one or more anti-hypertensives (nine on a beta
blocker, 22 on an ACE inhibitor and/or angiotensin II antago-
Intima-media thickness (IMT)
nist, 11 on a calcium channel antagonist) and 15/45 were tak-
This parameter was derived from non-invasive ultrasound of ing lipid lowering medication. None of the control subjects
the common carotid arteries, using a high-resolution ultra- were on anti-hypertensive or lipid-lowering medication.
sound machine (Diasonics DRF-400, USA) with 7.5-MHz Table 1 gives a comparison of subject characteristics and
mechanical sector transducer (7.5-SPC). The IMT was defined mean values for clinical chemistry and blood pressure meas-
as the distance between the blood-intima and media-adventitia urements in all participants. Subjects with diabetes had elev-
boundaries on B-mode imaging [ 22]. The far wall of the right ated fasting glucose, total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides
common carotid artery, 1 cm proximal to the origin of the bulb, and reduced HDL compared with controls. The diabetic group
was selected, as it has been shown to be the most reproducible had higher systolic and diastolic pressures based on the average
[23]. Three B-mode images were recorded from different angles
of three readings taken whilst the subject was resting supine
then digitized and saved on computer via a customized com-
prior to vascular function testing (Table 1).
puter program (A House of Windows, C. Smith, Auckland,
New Zealand) as previously described [24]. Brachial blood
pressure recordings were recorded every 5-min throughout the Autonomic function tests
imaging period using a Dinamap device (CRITIKON, 1846 SX).
Image analysis was performed using a standardized measure- Autonomic function was tested in the 45 subjects with Type 2
ment protocol, using 30 data points per subject, by the same diabetes. The incidence of autonomic neuropathy in the study

2004 Diabetes UK. Diabetic Medicine, 21, 746751

Original article 749

Table 1 Subject characteristics, blood pressure and lipid parameters Table 3 Age-adjusted inter-relationship of parameters

Diabetics Controls P value AN score Plasma insulin HbA1c Duration of DM2

n 45 45 PWV central 0.44* 0.45* NS NS

Men 22 22 PWV peripheral 0.51** NS NS NS
Women 23 23 Carotid IMT NS 0.50** NS NS
Age (years) 60.9 1.2 59.5 1.1 NS SAC NS NS NS NS
BMI (kg/m2) 28.9 0.7 27.2 0.84 NS
Fasting plasma glucose (mmol/ l) 7.98 0.3 5.03 0.2 < 0.001 Partial correlation coefficient values *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005.
Total cholesterol (mmol/ l) 6.04 0.2 4.78 0.1 < 0.001
Triglycerides (mmol/ l) 1.88 0.1 1.28 0.1 0.002
diabetic and control groups. Diabetes was associated with
HDL (mmol/ l) 1.19 0.05 1.59 0.06 0.005
LDL (mmol/ l) 3.88 0.2 2.84 0.1 0.005
significant arterial dysfunction with elevated central and
Systolic BP (mmHg) 135.3 2.2 125.1 1.8 0.001 peripheral pulse wave velocity (arterial stiffness) and reduced
Diastolic BP (mmHg) 88.5 1.4 75.2 1.1 0.005 SAC (arterial elasticity) compared with controls. Because of
the difference in resting blood pressure in the two groups,
pulse-wave velocity and SAC measurements were adjusted for
Table 2 Arterial function parameters adjusted for MAP mean arterial pressure. The differences between the groups
persisted for central and peripheral pulse-wave velocity, but
Diabetics Controls P value
not for SAC ( Table 2).
PWV central (m/s) 10.09 0.26 9.06 0.29 0.009 Diabetic subjects also had increased carotid IMT compared
PWV peripheral (m/s) 11.24 0.27 10.23 0.26 0.008 with controls, consistent with earlier atherosclerotic arterial
SAC (units/mmHg) 0.45 0.03 0.52 0.02 0.053 disease in diabetes.
Carotid IMT (mm) 0.88 0.02 0.68 0.02 < 0.001

Autonomic neuropathy, plasma insulin and arterial structure

and function in diabetic subjects
population was 33/45 (73%) as defined by an overall auto-
nomic score of > 3 (maximum score 6) [2]. The average overall Autonomic neuropathy (total score), was correlated with
score in the study population was 4.1. The heart rate variabil- fasting insulin levels (P = 0.015), but not with age, duration
ity to Valsalva manoeuvre, deep breathing and standing which of diabetes, lipids, blood pressure or HbA1c.
largely reflect cardiac parasympathetic integrity, were ab- On stepwise linear regression modelling age, autonomic
normal in 33/45 subjects, while the blood-pressure response to score and insulin were all independently associated with central
standing, a reflection of sympathetic function, was abnormal pulse wave velocity ( Table 4) (sequential r = 0.64, r 2 = 0.41;
in only 1/45 subjects. This patient had an overall autonomic P = 0.025). Similar modelling with peripheral pulse-wave veloc-
score of 5, reflecting more severe autonomic neuropathy. ity identified that the autonomic score was the only predictive
Of the diabetic subjects, there were no significant differeces variable (r = 0.53, r 2 = 0.23; P < 0.001), while independent
between those with and without autonomic neuropathy in the predictive variables for IMT were age and insulin (sequential
number taking each medication ( Blockers P = 0.72, ACEI / r = 0.57, r 2 = 0.33; P = 0.001). None of the arterial indices
AGII antagonists P = 0.57, calcium channel blockers P = 0.57). correlated with duration of diabetes or HbA1c levels ( Table 3).

Arterial structure and function Discussion

Table 2 compares mean ( SEM) for SAC, central pulse-wave In the current study, we have demonstrated arterial dys-
velocity, peripheral pulse-wave velocity and carotid IMT in function in Type 2 diabetic subjects compared with controls

Table 4 Summary of stepwise linear regression for central PWV (dependent variable) with the following variables: age, autonomic score and insulin

Std. error Change statistics

Adjusted of the
Model R R square R square estimate R square change F change df1 df2 Sig. F change

1 0.41* 0.17 0.15 1.59 0.17 8.16 1 41 0.007

2 0.57 0.33 0.29 1.45 0.16 9.68 1 40 0.003
3 0.64 0.41 0.36 1.37 0.08 5.40 1 39 0.025

*Predictors: (Constant), AGE.

Predictors: (Constant), AGE, ANSCORE.
Predictors: (Constant), AGE, ANSCORE, INSULIN.

2004 Diabetes UK. Diabetic Medicine, 21, 746751

750 Vascular dysfunction and autonomic neuropathy in Type 2 diabetes C. Meyer et al.

matched for age, sex and body mass index. Both central and arterial stiffness and autonomic neuropathy [33], whilst
peripheral pulse-wave velocity were significantly and inde- others have demonstrated a link between autonomic neuropathy
pendently correlated with the presence of autonomic neuro- and hyperinsulinaemia [34,35]. This, however, is the first
pathy in those with diabetes, in addition we found a significant, study which has demonstrated an association between all of
independent association between central pulse-wave velocity these three factors in Type 2 diabetes.
and hyperinsulinaemia. Our results suggest that autonomic neuropathy is an import-
Carotid IMT is an established marker for early atheroscle- ant determinant of arterial dysfunction in Type 2 diabetes.
rotic disease [22]. IMT was significantly increased in the Moreover hyperinsulinaemia and autonomic function have
diabetic population compared with controls and was inde- independent, direct effects which appear to be occurring in
pendently associated with age and fasting hyperinsulinaemia. parallel, on the vasculature.
This is consistent with other studies which have demonstrated The role of hyperinsulinaemia as an independent predictor
that IMT is positively correlated with fasting C-peptide and of increased arterial stiffness and atherosclerosis has been
insulin levels [25] and with insulin resistance [26,27]. These established in both diabetic and non-diabetic populations
findings support the hypothesis that hyperinsulinaemia per se [25,31]. In addition, autonomic dysfunction has also been
may contribute to accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetes in- independently associated with aortic stiffness in a Type 1 dia-
dependently of other cardiovascular risk factors. betic population [33]. Whilst hyperinsulinaemia is thought to
Central pulse-wave velocity, reflecting central elastic influence vascular stiffness and atherosclerosis through direct
arterial stiffness, is predictive of cardiovascular mortality in trophic effects [36], stimulation of vascular smooth muscle cell
chronic renal failure [13] and essential hypertension [14,15]. growth [37] and by altering lipid metabolism within the vessel
In a cohort of patients with chronic renal failure followed wall [36], the mechanism by which autonomic dysfunction
for a mean of 60 months, an increase in central pulse-wave may lead to increased arterial stiffness is less clear.
velocity of 1 m/s was associated with a 39% increase in The autonomic nervous system is known to have an impor-
mortality [28]. Arterial stiffness has been correlated with tant role in the generation of the circadian blood pressure and
metabolic parameters of glycaemic control and hyper- heart-rate pattern [38,39]. In conditions that affect autonomic
insulinaemia in both diabetic [29,30] and non-diabetic nerve function, such as pure autonomic failure [39] or diabetic
subjects [31,32]. neuropathy [40], the circadian variation of blood pressure has
In this study, we have shown a greater central pulse-wave been shown to be blunted or reversed, leading to an overall
velocity and after correction for blood pressure and a trend increase in the 24-h blood pressure load. As blood pressure
towards a lower SAC in diabetic compared with control sub- load increases, the distending pressure within elastic central
jects. Calculation of central pulse-wave velocity as described arteries rises leading to a greater portion of the load bearing
(with subtraction of the manubrium-carotid distance [21]) function shifting from the elastic fibres of the aortic wall to less
effectively precludes the most elastic proximal aortic segment distensible collagen fibres [41]. In healthy arteries, the elastic
from the measured central pulse-wave velocity. Differential vessels distend with increased intraluminal pressure serving a
effects between the most proximal and more distal thoraco- buffering function (compliance). As these fibres are lost, so
abdominal aorta related to increasing smooth muscle content too is this compliance function, resulting in increased vessel
likely explain the discrepancies seen in the degree of difference stiffness. Elevated heart rate has also been associated with
between SAC and pulse-wave velocity in our groups. increased arterial stiffness in elderly normotensive and hyper-
Peripheral pulse-wave velocity reflects arterial stiffness in tensive subjects [32,42]. Potentially, a loss of nocturnal dip in
smaller, more muscular arteries. Patients with diabetes were heart rate as occurs in autonomic neuropathy, might lead to
found to have an increase in peripheral pulse-wave velocity accelerated fatigue of elastic stretch fibres and thus increased
compared with normal subjects matched for age, sex and body arterial stiffness, by either increasing the number of stretch
mass index. This difference persisted after adjustment for cycles or by not allowing sufficient relaxation time for large
mean blood pressure. As with the increase in central pulse arteries between ventricular contractions [32].
wave velocity, this may be representative of an increased Our novel finding of the association between autonomic
burden of atherosclerotic disease in the diabetic subjects. neuropathy, hyperinsulinaemia and vascular dysfunction
However, peripheral pulse-wave velocity did not correlate with may help to explain the excess cardiovascular mortality seen
other traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as age, lipids in those Type 2 diabetic subjects with autonomic neuropathy.
or hyperinsulinaemia, and a more likely possibility is that We hypothesize that both hyperinsulinaemia and autonomic
peripheral pulse-wave velocity is influenced by autonomic neuropathy have pathogenic roles in the development of
dysfunction in diabetes, as supported by the relationship with cardiovascular disease. The results of our study indicate that
the autonomic score. they may be occurring as parallel, independent processes,
In the current study, we demonstrated a novel relationship however, further studies are required to characterize these
between markers of arterial dysfunction, hyperinsulinaemia relationships, in particular the state of sympathetic activation
and autonomic neuropathy in a Type 2 diabetic population. in Type 2 diabetes, which may be an important prognostic
Previous studies have identified an association between indicator.

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Original article 751

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