Test Initial VII

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Name:............................................. Date:..........................................................

Test Paper

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. The children _________________________ (play) football in the courtyard every weekend.

2. My friend __________________________ (work) in the office right now.
3. Listen! The baby ________________________ (cry).
4. They _______________________ (not read) a book at the moment.
5. John sometimes ____________________ (drive) to work.
6. Our parents _______________________ (not go) on holiday every summer.
7. You never ________________________ (drink) coffee.
8. We ____________________________ (swim) in the ocean now.
9. Many people ________________________ (visit) New York every year.
10. Mother ____________________________ (cook) dinner at the moment.

2. Fill in the text with the correct form of the verb to be (am, are, is) and have (has).

Hello my dear friend,

As I promised I will present myself in a few lines. I _____Sarah. I _____ 12 years old. I
____ Romanian and I live in Romania. I _____ a student and I _____ a lot of books to read,
especially in English. I______ a lot to study and a lot of homework after I get home. But let me
describe myself and my family a little bit.
I _____ not that tall but I _____slim. I _____ green eyes and black hair. I ____ a sister
and a brother. They _____ older than me, but they ______ nice to me and my friends. My sisters
name _____ Jane. She _____ 16. She ____ the prettiest eyes and hair. She ____ very friendly to
everybody. My brothers name ___ Jack. He ____ 18 years old. He ______blue eyes and dark
hair. He _____ a football player and he always plays football with my friends.

3. Answer the following questions: (15 points)
a. Whats your name? ____________________________________________________________
b. How old are you? _____________________________________________________________
c. Where do you live? ____________________________________________________________


4. Write the negative forms:
Example1.: I like dogs I dont like dogs
Example 2.: She lives here She doesnt live here.
a) They speak English - ______________________________________________________
b) She plays the piano. - ______________________________________________________
c) I help my friends. - ________________________________________________________
d) I watch TV - _____________________________________________________________
e) We eat chocolate - ________________________________________________________

5. Translate the following sentences:
a) My sister played tennis last week ___________________________________________
b) The children are learning a new song -_________________________________________
c) Our classroom is very clean - ________________________________________________
d) I will go to church tomorrow - _______________________________________________
e) Tim always drinks coffee in the morning -______________________________________


Anul scolar 2017-2018
Limba englez
Clasa a VII - a


Se puncteaz oricare alte formulri/ modaliti de rezolvare corect a cerinelor.
Nu se acord punctaje intermediare, altele dect cele precizate explicit prin barem.
Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota final se calculeaz prin mprirea punctajului total acordat
pentru test la 10.

1. 10 x 2p= 20 points
1) play; 2) is working; 3) is crying; 4) are reading; 5) are not reading; 6) do not go; 7) drink;
8) are swimming; 9) visit; 10) are cooking.

2. 20 x 1p=20 points
am, am, am, am, have, have, am, am, have got, have got, are, are, is, is, has got, is, is, is, has got

3. 5 x 3p=15 points
- points for correct grammar structures and connectors
- points for the use of appropriate vocabulary

4. 5 x 4p = 20 points:
dont speak, doesnt play, dont help, dont watch, dont eat.

5. 5 x 3p = 15 points:
a) Sora mea a jucat tenis saptamana trecuta.
b) Copiii invata un cantec nou.
c) Clasa noastra este foarte curata.
d) Voi merge la biserica maine.
e) Tim bea mereu cafea dimineata.

Test iniial Limba englez
Clasa a VII-a

Testul iniial (predictiv) are n vedere verificarea nivelului de pregatire al elevilor (se
anexeaza o copie a acestui test). Prin acest test s-au verificat concepte operationale precum: timp
verbal, formularea de raspunsuri in limba engleza.

Au fost totodata verificate cunostintele gramaticale ale elevilor prin cererea elevilor, la
anumite puncte, de a alege formele corecte ale verbelor n contexte diferite, prin indicarea
elevilor de a pune verbe la timpul Present Continuous/Present Simple sau de a redacta forma
negative a unui verb. Elevii au trebuit sa completeze un text cu ajutorul formelor corecte ale
verbelor to be si to have, exercitiu dat pentru a verifica daca acestia sunt capabili sa faca
diferenta, in primul rand intre aceste verbe, iar in al doilea rand daca fac acordul intre subiect si

Testul a vizat de asemenea si capacitatea de exprimare liber n scris a elevilor prin

cerina de a elabora propozitii pornind de la anumite ntrebri date. Testul a vizat si capacitatea
fiecarui elev de a traduce niste propozitii simple din limba engleza in limba romana.

Obiective operaionale

O1 - s ofere informaii despre sine despre activiti i evenimente;

O2 - s recunoasc noiunile/structurile gramaticale nvate i s le aplice corect;
O3 s utilizeze corect timpurile verbale nvate;
O4 s foloseasc corect formele verbale;
O5 - s redacteze un dialog.
Descriptori de performan :
1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
x Nu ofer Ofer foarte puine Ofer paial Ofer integral
informaii clare informaii clare despre informaii clare informaii clare
despre sine; sine; despre sine; despre sine;
x Nu recunoate Recunoate foarte Recunoate partial Recunoate integral
noiunile/structuril puin din din noiunile/structurile
e gramaticale noiunile/structurile noiunile/structurile gramaticale nvate;
nvate; gramaticale nvate; gramaticale nvate; Utilizeaz corect
Utilizeaz foarte puin Utilizeaz parial timpurile verbale
x Nu utilizeaz
corect verbele la corect nvate
corect timpurile
timpurile nvate; timpurile verbale Utilizeaz corect
verbale nvate ;
Recunoaste foarte nvate forma negative a
x Nu recunoa;te puin forma negative a Utilizeaz parial verbelor;
forma negative a verbelor; corect Reuete integral s
unui verb; Reuete foarte puin Formele nrgative; formulize enunuri
x Nu reuete s s formulize enunuri Reuete parial s logice
formulize enunuri logice formulize enunuri Redacteaza o
logice ; Redacteaz cateva logice scrisosare integral i

x Nu reuete s cuvinte/propoziii Redacteaz parial corect .
redacteze un dintr-un dialog. un dialog

Rezultate obinute:
NOTA 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
PROCENTE 22,8% 22,6% 22,6% 29%

Test iniial Clasa a V-a


1,2,3&4 5&6 7 &8 9 & 10
nr elevi 8 7 7 9
procentaj 25.80% 22.60% 22.60% 29%

Test iniial Clasa a V-a

9 & 10 1,2,3&4
29% 26%

7 &8

S-au observat lacune in folosirea timpurilor verbale, elevii nestiind cum sa le
formeze si cand sa le foloseasca.

S-a observat de asemenea ca unii elevii probleme la formularea

enunurilor/propozitiile n limba Engleza si la redactarea unor paragrafe.

n ceea ce priveste limba cele mai multe dificultati sau greseli intampinate sunt:

Vocabular destul de redus la unii copii

Nerecunoasterea unor cuvinte/sintagme din limba Engleza
Imposibilitatea exprimrii logice n limba englez
Necunoasterea folosirii unor reguli de conjugare a verbelor in limba Engleza ( de
exemplu folosirea auxiliarului TO BE in formarea Presentului continuu), sau
folosirea verbului auxiliar TO DO la formarea negativului la Present Simple.

Astfel, in urma rezultatelor partial nemultumitoare, se vor lua urmtoarele msuri:

Elaborarea unor tabele cu timpurile verbale

Elaborarea de texte spre imbunatatirea vocabularului
Elaborarea de exercitii pe diferite teme
Sporirea orelor in care elevii sa practice scrierea
Exersarea unor dialoguri si redactarea lor

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