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During FY 2016-17 the CSR programs and activities undertaken at Group level are described

In January 2016, Torrent Power Limited and Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited jointly initiated a
Child Centric Health Care Program - REACH - Reach EAch CHild under the aegis of Tornascent
Care Institute. The program encompasses three major activities - (a) SHAISHAV for grass root
intervention, (b) JATAN for greenfield action and (c) MUSKAN for other allied initiatives. The
focus during current year was mainly on SHAISHAV:

- Identification of villages with underserved population around the four regions where Torrent
Group has its manufaturing facilities i.e. Indrad, Nadiad, Surat and Dahej.

- Conducting 157 paediatric camps covering 219 villages and 36,142 children to obtain the base
line health status of children in the age group of 6 months to 6 years, identify and treat anaemia
and malnutrition and provide speciality treatment to those identified with other ailments like
cardiac, neurological and respiratory disorders.

Periodic assessments and follow up actions for all such cases under the supervision of qualified
Paediatricians. The intial results were encouraging with 66% children cured of their anemic
condition and around 52% of children pulled out of severe malnourishment. Around 405
children were provided specialised treatment for cardiac, neurological, respiratory, etc. disorder.

During later part of the year, the following activities under Greenfield Action - JATAN were

a) Procurement of Mobile vans for all the four locations providing mobile OPDs and reaching out
to the villages covered under SHAISHAV.

b) Starting of two fully equiped Paediatric Centres at Sugen (near Surat) and Pakhajan (near
Dahej) to provide free high quality primary medical treatment to the nearby villages.

- Shiksha Setu - During FY 2016-17, through UNM Foundation, Phase II of the Program was
initiated in 13 schools, located in Sugen, Chhatral, Chhapi, Memadpur and Ahmedabad locations
covering about 4300 students and 150 teachers and with following components:

i) sLate - technology based teaching tool provided through Smartboards and Tablets

ii) sLearn - skill based adaptive learning tool for students provided on Tablets

iii) sLQuiz - technology based learning assessment tool

iv) Continuous teachers support trainings for subject related topics, soft skills and leadership
skills Further, following activities were conducted under the programme in FY 2016-17:

a) Provision of ~ 1,250 Tablets and 20 Smartboards in 13 programme schools.

b) Training to the students and teachers on the new educational tools.

c) Step by step improvisation in the tools based on the feedbacks received from the teachers and
students from different schools.

d) Community meetings involving more than 1500 parents to seek their support.

The Annual Report on CSR Activities is given as Annexure C to this Report which indicates that
the Company has spent Rs.27.55 crores in this regard.

Other CSR initiatives undertaken by the Company during FY 2016-17 include:

a) Conducted various programs among the students at Middle School at Bhud, Baddi through
employee volunteers for their development and advancement.

b) The Company had also made donations to various organizations involved in education,
healthcare, promotion of social welfare, culture, social economic development, etc.

3. SAIL:

During 2016-17, SAIL mainly focused on sustainance of core on-going CSR activities
which were primarily in the areas of education of children in CSR run schools, mid- day meals in
government schools through Akshay Patra Foundation, scholarships for children, educational
schemes for tribal/backward children adopted for providing comprehensive facilities, operation
of Primary Health Centres for under privileged people, organisation of medical camps and
operation of mobile medical units, skill development and women empowerment programmes
and assistance to differently abled people. All the above activities were in accordance with
provisions specified in Schedule-VII of the Companies Act, 2013 and Companies (CSR Policy)
Rules, 2014.

In addition, in the area of environment conservation, more than 1 lakh trees have been
planted at Bhilai under Hariyar Chhattisgarh Yojana and a Bio Diversity Park has been developed
at Durgapur.

The major CSR activities undertaken by SAIL during 2016-17 have been elaborated in the
prescribed format at Annexure-A

4. SUN TV:
The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board had approved a CSR policy with

primary focus on health care, women empowerment, environmental sustainability, contributing to

rural development projects and promotion of Arts and Culture. Besides these focus areas, the

Company shall also undertake any other CSR activities listed in Schedule VII of the Companies

Act, 2013. The CSR Policy of the Company can be viewed on

Total amount spent during the year: Rs. 23.55 Crore

Amount unspent: Rs. 7.88 Crore.

Projects and Activities:

1. Promoting Education and Medical aid for poor: Rs.8.42 Crore

2. Promotion of Arts and Culture: Rs.7.25 Crore

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