Chapter Summary ..Captain Nobody

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~~ CHAPTER 1 Nobody Eats Breakfast Tonight's Big Game Is Newton Newman is reading the news about the Big Game. It is going to be held that night. His brother, Chris of Ferocious Ferrets, will be the star of the game. He led the Ferrets to a second Big Game victory the year before against their rival, the Chargers of Merrimac High. He is very proud of his brother and he wants to break the news to his parents. pages 4-5 + Newt has prepared breakfast for his Mom and Dad but they are so busy answering phone calls that they do not have the time to sit and eat. + Newt tries to tell them about what the news said al about Chris but they are too busy to listen. + He is sad that nobody has eaten his breakfast. + He wants to help his parents by preparing the breakfast but now they are too busy to eat. That \ makes him feel irritated and frustrated. pages 7,9 £@5 * Since his parents are still on the phone, Newt unleashes his frustration on Chris. * Ignoring his parents’ instruction to “let your brother sleep", he storms upstairs to his brother's room and shouts loudly "Hit the showers! * His brother startles and throws pillows at him. That is how he wakes his brother up just the way Chris' coaches order over the years. ad CHAPTER 2 Halloween Plans are made - sort of x in = When he gets to school the next morning, the school playground is packed with kids running around. He squeezes his way through the crowd. + Like they do every day, they look right through him. They just ignore him. They do not realise that he is the brother of a football star. * He sits down ona large boulder at the far end of the school yard and begins to draw in his Secret Superhero Sketchbook. ‘pages 11. Newt loves drawing comic characters. When he was small, Chris always read his comic books to him. He was hypnotised by the pictures of the superheroes with their awesome powers. ‘As soon as he could hold a pencil, he spent hours tracing the characters in his comics. When he got a little older, he began to invent his own superheroes such as Master Key and Paper Boy in his Secret Superhero Sketchbook. He keeps his sketches a secret from everyone except for his best friends JJ and Cecil. pages 12 JJ and Cecil are Newt's buddies. 5 JJ is the tallest girl in the fourth grade. \ She is a really smart and has large vocabulary and extensive knowledge of books. Cecil is shorter and skinnier than Newt. At school, other kids ignore them. Other kids always step on them in the hallways almost like they are not there. They are always shoved away from the water fountain. Often other kids slide their food off the table and squeeze them out of their seats. Nobody pays attention to th “pages 16 + One morning Newt, JJ and Cecil meet at school. & % * Cecil reminds them about Halloween that is on Sunday. * 1! is bored with Halloween and they do not have proper costumes to wear. They have always been forced to wear lend-me-down costumes and they refuse to wear the same costumes this year. Cecil comes up with the idea that Halloween is the right them for them to be noticed by everyone. They need to create their own Halloween costumes to represent their inner-other, like their personal heroes. pages 16 + Cecil excitedly talks about what they should be this Halloween. + He urges J and Newt to think of a superhero that they want to be. + They have only three days to make their costumes and they will surprise each other when they meet on Halloween night. pages 17-18 = CAPTAIN NOBODY * CHAPTER 3 I Search for Somebody I am not as * Newt is struggling to find who is his personal hero and what kind of costume he should wear for Halloween. * Despite being creative and imaginative when drawing superhero characters, he has no idea of what character he is going to be this Halloween. pages 23-24 ad CHAPTER 4 Football is Played and Mistakes Are Made + It is the night of the Big Game. * Reggie Ratner of Merrimac high is the number one defensive in the country. In the two previous years’ games, Reggie chased Chris all over the field, but he has never been able to bring Chris down. So, he swears that he will bring Chris down in the Big Game. “pages 28, In the Big Game, Chris is doing a fantastic job of keeping the Ferrets out in front until Merrimac kicks a goal and pulls ahead by two points. Chris has only 7 seconds to save his final game. Chris spins around and hands the ball to Darryl Peeps and he starts streaming down the field. Soon a Merrimac tackle lunges for Darryl and catches his ankie. Darryl quickly tosses the ball to Chris. At this moment, the stadium goes wild!! Suddenly, 2 Merrimac player dives right across Chris’ path. With a flying leap, Chris extends the ball crossed the goal line. TOUCHDOWNI!! The Ferrets of Fillmore High wins! Both teams bury Chris in a thunderous crash of shoulder pads and helmets. Chrisis right under the pile of herculean players. pages 31-33 3 CHAPTER 5 The Bad Dreams Begin Chris is unconscious after being hit and crushed by the players of both teams. Everybody watches in silence as Chris is taken to the hospital. pages 35-36 ( He's been working real hard. Maybe he's just 2 and his spinal cord is needsthe rest? When im? J fine. He'sjust.. out. J | canligee hime J \ — ~“] \ He's incoma, Newt. | His brain's healthy, dM Dad calls Newt that night. Newt is told that Chris is in a coma. However, Newt is not allowed to visit his brother. Dad and Mom will take turns to be at the hospital pages 37 ( \ The principal of Fillmore High School said that the Ferrets won't celebrate until your brother's there to celebrate — with them. \ All day, concerned friends and strangers call _up asking about Chris's condition. and Cecil drop by. They each bring a CD to cheer Newt up. ‘They tell Newt that the Victory Parade has been cancelled. The Principal of Fillmore High School says that the Ferrets will not celebrate until Chris is there to celebrate with them. They also tell him that Reggie Ratner from Merrimac is in trouble. Some Fillmore Ferrets have spray painted his car and slashed his. tires. They blame Reggie Ratner for knocking Chris out. page 41, CHAPTER 6 SIIt ERB Ue Greestorato roe ret By Newt is still clueless about the costume to wear and he i decides not to celebrate i Halloween that year. page 46 i + That afternoon, he sees his mom holding his brother's sweatshirt and weeping. He decides to cheer her up by dressing up in Chris's football jersey and proves that he is useful in such stressful situation. However, she rushes back to the hospital before Newt could show her. page 46 * That evening, Cecil and JJ come to his house. * Cecil disguises himself as Mozart whereas JJ dresses up as Splendida, a character from he. favourite book. * However, Newt is in his brother's old football jersey and he does not know who he is going to be that Halloween. * Newt tells JJ and Cecil that he does not feel like joining Halloween because he does not have a costume for himself. page 51 CHAPTER 7 Cecil and JJ help to transform Newt's outfit. They put him in a pair of red sweatpants tucked into Chris's old silver track shoes striped with lightning bolts. He is dressed ina purple baseball jersey with a puffy grey cape flying from his shoulders. Newt is not really happy with the outfit until JJ cuts two small holes on the sweatband that Newtis wearing on his forehead and change it into a mask. The mask has transformed him into someone he does not recognise... he feels protected and hidden. Now they are ready for Halloween! pages 56-57 CHAPTER 8 When they reach the first house, the owners of the house are rejoice when they look at Newt, Cecil and JJ. They correctly guess Cecil's and JJ's costumes. However, they are not sure what character Newt is in. The lady's husband notices the initials C.N. at the centre of Newt's mask and asks him what they stand for. Cecil and JJ declare that Newt is Commander Nuclear. However, Newt disagrees with the name. e He feels electric charge race from the top of his head down to his silver lightning-bolt tennis shoes as the answer pops into his brain. He pumps up his chest, tosses his cape, puts his fist on his waist and proudly announces" You can call me ... Captain Nobody!" “Say” s CHAPTER 9 ( I Practise My New Name After leaving the first house, they are really excited about Newt's idea of ‘Captain Nobody’. Their costumes continue to amaze everyone they meet and they are not ignored that night. Newt feels comfortable and confident with his new identity. Cecil and JJ are also aware of the changes in Newt's attitude. They said that he is so weird but ina supercool way and he sounded less like Newt, and more like Captain Nobody. pages 65-66 a When he gets home, his Mom has gone to bed. He is a little bit disappointed because he wants to show his Halloween costume to her. Her Mom leaves him a note apologising for forgetting Halloween. Just before he sleeps, he reassures himself that he is not supposed to be anybody, he is Captain Nobody. page 67 ad CHAPTER 10 I Made a Wild Wardrobe Choice * The next morning, he sees articles about Chris and the Big tackle and also about Fillmore High School troublemakers who emptied about fifty garbage cans on Reggie Ratner's lawn. page 69 + Newt is late for school. He looks for his school outfit. + Then he finds out that his Mom has washed all his clothes and forgotten to dry them. * So he has no choice but to go to school in Captain Nobody costume. page 71 * At school, his classmates make fun of him for wearing the outfit. * However, Cecil and JJ show support by giving him a thumbs-up and a smile. Newt's teacher, Mrs. Young And, | want you to know, young brings Newt to the Principal's man, Captain Nobody is always welcome in this school. office. Mrs. Young is very concern about Newt's state of mind because Newt wants to be called Captain Nobody. Mrs. Young concludes that Newt is having a hard time coping with his brother's condition At last, the Principal tells Newt that Captain Nobody is welcomed in the school pages 74-75 As long as you're Captain Nobody, and we're by your side, people can't ignore us.... ever, ever again! % Newt's schoolmates are fascinated with Captain Nobody. They are digging the whole Captain Nobody vibe. So, Cecil suggests Newt to continue to be Captain Nobody and JJ and he will be his sidekicks because people start to notice them ever since. He also suggests that they need to carry a walkie-talkie so that they can call Captain Nobody when they see something suspicious or when there is an emergency. pages 77-78 oi “a” 9 CHAPTER 11 Captain Nobody + Faces a Fear ; Wes As Newt is running home, he receives an urgent call from Cecil on his walkie-talkie. Newt meets Cecil and he finds Cecil is pulling a red wagon. They find a full dumpsters with a discarded bass drum on top of it. Cecil loves to have the drum and wants Newt to get it down from the top of the dumpster. Newt is afraid of height and he suggests Cecil to climb up the dumpster and get the drum himself. However, Cecil makes it clear that the job is meant for the fearless Captain Nobody Cecil's words ‘give a little kick’ in Newt's chest. Finally he decides to help Cecil. si page 82 * Captain Nobody climbs up the dumpster and gets the drum for Cecil. Then he passes the drum down to Cecil. * As Newt is climbing down, suddenly a hand comes out from the pile of cardboard boxes and grabs his ankle. He ‘screams like a cheerleader in a horror film’. page 84 = CHAPTER 12 Captain Nobody First Comes to the Rescue Cecil shouts at the old man who is holding Captain Nobody's ankle and the old man immediately releases his hand off. Captain Nobody recognises the old man as Mr. Clay, who used to be a locksmith. His mother had used his services when she was in trouble. page 86 Mr. Clay, did you go for a walk and get lost? My name is Captain a Nobody... and | am here to take you home. Mr. Clay has dementia. He is lost and is out of his medicine. Newt introduces himself as Captain Nobody and offers to walk him home. When they reach Mr. Clay's house, Mrs. Clay is standing at the front door. She is relieved when she sees her husband has come home. Mr. Clay explains to his wife that Captain Nobody has rescued him and walked him home. The boys are very pleased that they have helped the old man. pages 87-88, . Ww Chapters 13 -15 CHAPTER 13 Dad Meets Captain Nobody This Captain Nobody, what should Lknow about him? a Heel really super amazing in this, outfit. It's tke magic, Dad. * When Newt gets home, he is excited to see his Dad's car is in the driveway. + Heis not sure of how his Dad would react when he sees him in Captain Nobody outfit. In the kitchen, Dad meets Captain Nobody for the first time, + His Dad apologises to him for neglecting him. His Dad tells him that his teachers think that he is so upset about his brother's condition that he has “lost touch of the reality’. * Newt explains to his Dad that he is just fine and wearing the outfit has made him feel ‘super amazing’. * His Dad feels relieved to know that he is still being himself and the Captain Nobody outfit is just helping him to be confident of himself. page 91 * Dad takes a picture with Captain Nobody and sends it to Mom. * Mom finds it amusing and shows it to everyone at the hospital. + Dad tells him that he can visit Chris when the situation improves. page 93 Ollie ollie oxen STOP!!! + That night Newt dreams of the Big tackle again, but this time Captain Nobody saves Chris from being crushed. When he shouts "Ollie ollie oxen STOP!" all players freeze and Chris walks off the field safely. page9s <= CHAPTER 14 Certain Threats Are Made At school the next morning, nobody is making (“65 here's what | want youto fun of Mr. Nobody. do... want you to call off ‘At noon, when Newt, Cecil and JJ are at the your brother's friends and all playground, a football hit Newt on his head. It | those stupid football players comes from Ricky Ratner, Reggie's cousin. ‘who Keep hasslin’ my cousin, Ricky confronts Newt and wants him to tell because if you don't ...... everyone that it was not Reggie who had caused Chris to be unconscious. He threatens Newt and orders him to tell his brother's friends to stop harassing Reggie. Cecil and JJ quickly confront Ricky and his classmates, standing up for Newt. Later, the rest of the fourth-grade boys stand up for Newt, Cecil and J Before the crowd disperse, Ricky threatens Newt again. Cecil makes a point that Captain Nobody has made everyone in the fourth grade becomes more courageous. Captain Nobody, | need ‘your help!! This is an emergency, |am not kidding. Meet me Immediately in front of Sullivan's Jewelry Store on Duncan street. The most horrible thing has happened, and, oh, my god =» Nooo!! After school, JJ frantically calls Newt on his walkie-talkie telling him that she needs his help She wants Captain Nobody to meet her at Sullivan Jewelry Store immediately. However, the signal suddenly cuts off. Captain Nobody has no choice but to sprint off toward Sullivan's Jewelry Store. pages 102-103 = CHAPTER 15 Bad Spelling Leads to Something Worse > - « f ASK ABOUT OUR 24 CARROT When Newt arrives at the Sullivan's, JJ is standing with her face buried in her hands. She points to the signboards at the Sullivan's windows. The words ‘karat’ and ‘necklace’ are wrongly spelt, as ‘carrot! and 'neckless'. The errors really upset her. JJ insists Captain Nobody to talk to the owner because when she talked to them before, they just ignored her. page 105 € . Breathe one word about this, =f | will hunt you down and | will hurt you!! e Captain Nobody steps into the store. He can see Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan at the far end with a badly dressed customer. As Newt points out the faulty grammar and spelling errors, he notices the couple's eyes darting between him, the merchandise and the customer. Newt suddenly realises that the customer is holding a gun and is pointing it at the couple. Mr. Sullivan reaches for a pen to write down Newt's suggestions for the signage and he manages to press the hidden alarm under the desktop. When the alarm goes off, the customer sweeps a handful of jewelry and tries to escape. However, he runs straight into Captain Nobody. The diamonds and watches scatter all over the place. The robber grabs Newt and threatens him not to report the incident to the police or something bad will happen to him. After being warned, Newt and JJ run away from the scene. aaNet pages 109-110 . wy Chapters 16-17 CHAPTE I Don't Appear on the Five O'clock News ——. ten Mom.) yn a How's Chris? k. al // — We'sheen looking sort of hy grey there for afew days, \ but today... bingo! the doctors are so pleased: all nine of them. Matter of fact, there's a specialist coming / allthe way from Minnesotal_// ‘ a Neer 4 * Newt arrives home late after the robbery. + His Mom greets him as Captain Nobody and tells him that Chris condition has improved. However, Newt senses something is wrong because "The more upset Mom gets, the faster she talks, and she was chittering away like 2 windup toy". page 112 _7. When the man first said he had a gun, | 4 am afraid | just froze in my shoes. We'd Probably still be standin’ here like two big dumb rocks if it weren't for the litte guy who wandered in. We think he's a \ “Leprechauns”. + The five o'clock news reports on the robbery at Sullivan's Jewelry Store. They said that a ‘midget! interrupted the crime in progress and had saved the couple. Because of his size, the surveillance cameras did not capture his image. The Sullivans think that they were saved by a ‘leprechaun’. Newt reminds JJ not to tell anyone about what really happened at the store because he is afraid the robber will hunt him and his family. page 114 pages 118-119 + Thenext morning, Newt is relieved after hearing the news about the arrest of the robber. + He notices a discarded news page in the bin that says Chris will be okay unless his condition ‘persists for more than six days. So far, Chris has been in coma for five days. + Now he realises that Dad and Mom have been keeping him away from the hospital to protect him. + He feels foolish for whining about wanting to really, really scared of losing his big brother. + Now he is determined to make the situation becomes better and now he needs the protection of Captain Nobody more than ever. Chris. He feels, ad CHAPTER 17 I Cheat Death (I bet you know my brother... Chris Newman. He's on the [ ‘team... | want my brother back. Darryl Peeps and Colby Bryn from Fillmore High visit Fillmore Junior School. They bring their mascot, Ferocious the Ferret, as a token of thanks for their support for Chris Newman. A lucky student will get a chance to babysit the animal. The student will then earn the title ‘Friend of Ferocious’. ‘They agree that Newt deserves to keep the ferret. However, he is unhappy of the idea because he plans to visit is brother after school pages 123-124 pages 128-129 + As Newt, Cecil and JJ are walking home, Ricky Ratner and his gang confront Newt again. This time, Ricky is angrier because his cousin, Reggie, is still being hassled by Chris's friends. * When Ricky sees the Ferocious the Ferret in the cage, he signals his gang to yank the cage out of Newt's arms. The cage door opens and Ferocious jumps out and gets away. page 131 * The trio chase the animal off until they reach the highW The ferret runs right into the traffic. * Captain Nobody dodges the incoming traffic to get Ferocious back. He waves frantically to stop the traffic. Ferocious weaves in and out of traffic followed by Captain Nobody. All four lanes of traffic grind to-ahalty pages 132-133 + As soon as the traffic stops, a small aeroplane carrying passengers flying so low that its wheels are nearly touching the roofs of the stopped cars. The plane makes an emergency landing on the highway! Everyone at the scene cannot believe their eyes. + The Ferocious sits on Captain Nobody's ankle, gazing at the plane ahead. Newt scoops the ferret up safely and runs away from the scene. . Ww Chapters 18-19 CHAPTER 18 I Learn an . Uncomfortable Truth Asmall passenger plane >) developed crippling engine trouble in the sky. As the pilot desperately searched for unpopulated place to land, he spotted a stretch of freeway unexpectedly, miraculously cleared of cars! I couldn't believe my eyes! The way the lanes just opened up... * The trio return Ferocious to his cage and rush back to Newt's house. + The five o'clock news headline: ‘Breaking news! Airplane Tragedy Averted|" + Witnesses mention what Captain Nobody has done in stopping the busy traffic. They wonder whether he is a mental patient or a villain or a hero. page 135, fi Some little bozo was out there, waving his arms and dancing around like he was trying to bring on the rain. You wouldn't believe the tribal costume he had on! He seemed to be chasing something, but from my car, | could not see what it was. Ijust assumed he was an escaped mental patient. \ ! My Mom and Dad are sick with worry, and what am | doing? Wearing a Helloween costume and pretending | can save the world, When I can't even. | can't even save my own brother + Cecil and JJ insist they should go back to the highway and explain about the whole situation. + Newt feels that he wants to give up being captain Nobody but his friends remind him about how he has saved lives. * Newt is not convinced. He takes off his mask and complains that he cannot even save his brother's life. page 137 That night Newt has another dream . He dreams about the highway incident and the Big Tackle. At the end of the dream, he learns that it is Darryl Peeps who had clashed his helmet against his brother and put Chris in a coma... not Reggie Ratner!!! page 140 = CHAPTER 19 Reggie Ratner Decides to End It All A The next morning, Newt is having breakfast with his Mom. He surprises his Mom when he mentions that he knows about Chris only has 6 days to wake up. He says that he will visit Chris after school that day. Although he vows not to wear the costume again, he stuffs the outfit into his backpack and heads for school. Just touching them makes him feel less upset about Chris and more powerful somehow. When he reaches school, he feels vulnerable without Captain Nobody costume. He feels lonely and ignored again. page 144 ‘, Reggie Ratner has grown increasingly depressed as students and fans of Fillmore (/ High School have repeatedly harassed him and his family. A, / At lunch break, there is news on the television reporting that the depressed Reggie Ratner has climbed tothe roof of the Appleton water tower, the tallest building in town to commit suicide. Newt is in dilemma as he knows that he is the only one who knows the truth about the Big Tackle incident and someone has to tell Reggie!! Pages 146-148 Chapters 20-21 CHAPTER 20 I Climb Up to the Sky Newt decides that only he can persuade Reggie not to commit suicide. He changes into the superhero outfit and heads to the tower with his sidekicks. Thinking about climbing the tower makes Newt petrified. However, after Cecil mentions that Newt had no problem climbing up the Dumpster before, Newt has to accept the fact that he is capable of doing it. They find a rickety ladder running up the water tower to the roof. Some of the rungs have snapped. JJ hoists Captain Nobody onto the first rung while Cecil distracts a nearby policeman. + He braves himself to reach the next rung, and the next and the next. A few of the rotting rungs are broken and the unbroken ones creak when he grabs them. + He can hear the drone of the helicopter circling the tower. * Suddenly a wallop of wind slams him against the ladder. As he hugs the ladder, his mask hooked on a nail and it is ripped from his face. page 155 I know you didn't knock out my brother. saw everything, Chris was hit by Darryl Peeps's helmet. You weren't anywhere close Thank you. That's what | have been trying to tell people all week! Especially your brother's teammates. + He is considering to descent down as now he has no mask and he is not Captain Nobody anymore. He is not sure whether Newt Newman can save Reggie or not. However, when he thinks about the desperate Reggie on top of the tower, he pulls himself over the edge of the roof. + He slowly slithers the rooftop un his belly until he sees Reggie. Newt tells Reggie that he knows Reggie did not hit Chris; it was Darryl Peep's helmet that hit Chris, 00. page 158 ———-/{ | got up here with my p: and rope. And | was all set to You're not uphere | lower myself over the edge, to jump, are you? fe and then this happened!! * He is about to tell Reggie not to jump when he notices cans of spray paint in Reggie's pockets. Reggie's plan is not to jump but to spray- paint a sign in support of Merrimac on the tower. * Actually, before Reggie could carry out his plan, his foot broke through the rotten roof and got stuck. * Newt helps Reggie to untie his shoelace so that he can free his foot. mo Then, they decide to get off the tower. Because the rickety ladder cannot support both of them, Newt tells Reggie to wait as he climbs down first. As he descending, the ladder begins to shake. To his surprise, Reggie begins to descent. Reggie foot snaps a rung and pieces of wood fall on Newt. Newt loses balance and falls, CHAPTER 21 I Finish Falling * Newt drops fast and he screams in horror. + He lands on a huge inflated rubber mattress... he is saved. * Suddenly when he looks up, he is horrified to see Reggie is falling down straight to his landing spot. + He feels bolt of pain on his right leg and he passes out. pages 167-168 ww, Chapters 22-24 CHAPTER 22 I Finally Get to the Hospital Newt does not realise that he in is the hospital until his Mom explains that he suffers from a broken ankle and ribs. His leg is in a plaster cast. Fram his bed, he sees Cecil and JJ on. the television responding to the | media on behalf of Captain Nobody. His parents tell him that all TV stations sent their crews and helicopters there when Captain Nobody climbed onto the roof of the Appleton Water Tower. They tried to drive there but the traffic jam was really bad and they just managed to arrive there when Newt fell. page 171 (~ Hey, Reggie. Did you meet my parents? Oh Mom... Dad, just so you know, Reggie didn't knock out Chris. | was there. | saw it. It was Darryl Peeps. Don't blame Reggie for what happened to Chris, okay? Darryl Peeps?? * Suddenly Reggie Ratner shows up with a lot of reporters. + Newt tells his parents that it was actually Darryl Peeps who knocked Chris out during the Big Game. * Reggie is grateful to him for telling the truth. page 174 Newt is wheeled to Chris's room. Chris is still hooked up to all wires and [J machines. He looks so pale and small. HIT THE Newt feels useless as he cannot help SHOWERSIL his brother to wake up. He wishes to tell his brother about Captain Nobody. He is so frustrated and upset. He recalls the morning before the Big Game when he made a nice breakfast and nobody touched it and Chris slept through it. Being annoyed, he stormed upstairs and yelled at Chris. "HITTHE SHOWERS!!" When nurses rush in, he realises that he has actually shouted those words out aloud! Suddenly, a pillow hit his head. From Chris's bed comes a hoarse groan, "lam up. lam up." : pages 180-181 ~— CHAPTER 23 I Wake Up in the News (- Itold the mayor that parades») should be led by heroes, and | told him that there's only one real hero _ in Appleton today. So, what do you ee say, Newt? Can [ride in your a, \ parade? + Chris wakes up from his come. Everyone is happy, crying and laughing. Newt wakes up in the morning and finds himself in his bedroom. Cecil and J) are in the house. They tell him about the media coverage that they got after the water tower incident. Chris is attending a local television morning show. Chris shocks everyone who is watching by announcing that the victory parade should be led by a real hero, Captain Nobody, instead of the winner of the Big Game. When Chris arrives home, they laugh heartily. They high-five each other and at that moment, all the hurting stops. page 188.189 CHAPTER 24 A Little Old Lady Makes Me Laugh + The victory parade is held two days later. It is a special one because for the first time, the Fillmore High Schoo! band is joined by Merrimac's marching band. + Newt, Cecil, J and Ferocious the Ferret ride in an convertible followed by Chris and his teammates induding Darryl. + On stage, Chris receives the championship trophy for his team. JJ gets a pair of diamond earrings from the Sullivans while Cecil is given a set of drums and a year of lessons by the pilot and passengers. + The mayor presents Newt a special golden key (made by Mr. Clay], the Key to the City from the citizens.of.Appleton for saving many lives. Chris Newman? Who? lam Newt Newton's older brother. y Hmmm. didn't know Newt Newman had an older brother. ae After the celebration, Newt returns home to a normal routine. + Newt is now as popular as his brother, Chris. Chris tells Newt about an incident during the parade. A little old lady from outside town claims that she did not know that Newton Newman has an older brother. * That has made them laugh heartily. They high-five each other and go to bed content. isin wy ~ The End Thank you

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