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Reflection Paper

Fiddler on the Roof is a 1971 American musical comedy-drama film produced and
directed by Norman Jewison. It is an adaptation of the 1964 Broadway musical of the same
name. The film centers on Tevye, the father of five daughters, and his attempts to maintain his
Jewish religious and cultural traditions as outside influences encroach upon the family's lives.
The film portrays an enriching description of the Orthodox Jewish lifestyle in any moments and

I was a little confused on the title of the film for I dont know what to expect or to
watch. The beginning of the film was fantastic and great and it didnt disappoint me until the
end. I jumped into conclusions and expectations about the film but it gave me a new
perspective in the end.

After watching this wonderful movie, there are things that came up in my mind and
tried to reflect and manifest into it. There are many lessons and facts that I got while watching
and understanding the movie.

Tradition is very important to a family especially if your family belongs to a group or

community. Traditions are the ways of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been
used by people in a particular group or in the case, a family. It is an old way of thinking of what
they know or the things that are thought to them throughout years and generations. In the
movie, Tevye respects the traditions of their family and the Jewish culture for it keeps their
family values and as a sign of respect to their culture and for them to show as a part of Jewish
community. Tevye ensures that they have a healthy and centralized relationship among the
members of the family.

Although sometimes, things change, improvements are made and I think theres no
problem with that at all. Ive seen in some scenes that other traditions were not followed by
the people. For example, the marital traditions of the Jewish culture. The daughters of Tevye
did not follow the marital traditions of their culture.
Traditions may be a mainstream for us now living in the current century but for me,
traditions stabilize you and forms you as a true person with moral and understanding.

As Tevye said, the world is changing so he must go on with it. People may grow and
change but traditions are always there to remember and guide you in your future. As Tevye
said, Without it [traditions], our life would be as shaky as the fiddler in the roof. Theres
nothing wrong in growing, but always remember where you started and where we came from
and how we can take the knowledge, wisdom and experiences transmitted to us from
generations afar to live a life more beautiful - and more meaningful.

Our parents know the best for us and they want our lives and future to be perfect and
well-shaped. Parents involvement makes us feel support from them, being disciplined in all
aspects, having confidence towards ourselves and feeling motivated.

Parents should have a special bond with their child and should build a strong
relationship. Just like Tevye and Golde, they supported their daughters no matter what. They
wanted their children to become happy and they gave it by giving their full support at the wants
of their children. They prioritized happiness over anything.

Maybe our parents have different unique styles on how to show their support to us as
their child, but still they have this one goal, and that is to make us happy regardless of the
things that interferes it.

Tevya learned that love is more important than tradition. He realized that you cant
control love. Love cannot be forced between two people. He learned that once two people fall
in love, nothing can stop them from being together. The heart wants what the heart wants. He
learned to trust his first two daughters. He knew that traditions are the ways that things should
be done but sometimes, you also have to ignore those traditions since every one of us change
and for the sake of something. It was hard for him to accept it at first but he definitely decided
to understand the choices of his daughters.

It was also tough for him to balance the traditions and the realities of their lives. His
daughter said that the world was changing, but Tevye said that some things must stay the same
in the world. He wanted to stay in his own world and raise his daughters the way that he
wanted them to grow up, which was as Jews and in Jewish tradition but the world would not let
him for the world changes.

Fight for freedom and equality is also shown for the daughters of Tevye fought for what
they want and what makes them happy.

Also, the film shows how the Jewish people have a strong relationship and faith with
God for they show a consistent devotion to God by praying reverently and performing a
worship service together as a community. They keep their devotion and connection with God
stable and strong.

The idea of Orthodox Judaism is shown in the movie for they follow the old traditions of
the Judaism culture. They follow all the rules and regulations cited by the Jewish community;
for example, observing the Sabbath Day strict and accordingly the Orthodox law like prepare
everything necessary by sundown so that they will not be required to work or even cook the
next day and the mother lights the candles and the elders of the family begin the prayer. But
somehow it became Conservative Judaism wherein they still follow their old traditions but not
as strict as it is in Orthodox Judaism for in Conservative Judaism, they try to balance their old
traditions at the same time their new perspective and opinions in their tradition and the
realities of lives.

Indeed, the film Fiddler on the Roof gave me a great introduction and background on
Judaism. The film certainly gave me conclusions but came up with a concrete perception in the
end. The film strengthened my knowledge more about Judaism and its different traditions,
cultures and beliefs. The film is undoubtedly superb and great and there are life lessons that
surely you can use in your everyday living as a believer and a human being.

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