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Paper 3
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Paper 3
Question Details Score
Able to state all the three variables and all the three actions

Sample answer:

Name of variable Action to be taken

(i) Manipulated variable: (i) Method to manipulate
Concentration of acid variable:
Use different concentration
1. (a) of acid / dilute the acid 3+3
(ii) Responding variable: (ii) What to observe in the
pH value responding variable:
pH meter reading

(iii) Controlled variable: (iii) Method to maintain

Type of acid / Nitric acid constant variable:
Use same type of acid

Able to state any two variables and any two actions correctly. 2+2

Able to state any one variable and any one action correctly. 1+1

No response or wrong response 0

Able to state the relationship correctly between the manipulated

variable and the responding variable with direction.
(b) 3
Sample answer:
The higher the concentration of nitric acid, the lower the pH value.

Able to state the relationship between the manipulated variable

and the responding variable without direction.
Sample answer:
Concentration of acid affect the pH value.

Able to state the idea of hypothesis

Sample answer: 1
Acid have pH value
Question Details Score

No response or wrong response

Able to predict the concentration correctly with unit.

(c) Sample answer: 3

0.000001 moldm-3 / 1.0 X 10-6 mol dm-3

Able to predict the concentration correctly without unit.

Sample answer: 2
0.000001 / 1.0 X 10-6

Able to predict the concentration in range form.

Sample answer: 1
Lower than 0.000001

No response or wrong response

Able to show how to calculate the volume correctly and answer

with unit.

Sample answer:
(d) M1V1 = M2V2 3
(0.1) V1 = (0.001) (250)
V1 = 0.250 / 0.1
= 2.5 cm3

Able to give the volume correctly with unit.

Sample answer: 2
2.5 cm3

Able to give the volume correctly without unit.

Sample answer: 1

No response or wrong response
Question Details Score
Able to record all readings accurately to two decimal point with

Sample answer:

Initial burette Final burette

(e) 3
readings readings
First titration 1.20 cm3 25.30 cm3
Second titration 0.55 cm3 24.60 cm3
Third titration 3.00 cm3 27.20 cm3

Able to record all readings correctly.

# readings to one decimal point with unit
# readings to two decimal point without unit

Sample answer:

Initial burette Final burette

readings readings
First titration 1.2 cm3 25.3 cm3
Second titration 0.5 / 0.6 cm3 24.6 cm3
Third titration 3.0 cm3 27.2 cm3 2


Initial burette Final burette

readings readings
First titration 1.20 25.30
Second titration 0.55 24.60
Third titration 3.00 27.20

Able to record three to five readings correctly. 1

No response or wrong response
Question Details Score
Able to construct a table that contains:
1. Correct titles
2. Readings and unit

Sample answer:
(f) 3
Titration number 1 2 3
Final burette reading / cm3 25.30 24.60 27.20
Initial burette reading / cm3 1.20 0.55 3.00
Volume of nitric acid / cm3 24.10 24.05 24.20

Able to construct a less accurate table that contains the following:

1. Titles
2. Readings

Sample answer:

Titration number 1 2 3 2
Final burette reading 25.30 24.60 27.20
Initial burette reading 1.20 0.55 / 3.00
Volume of nitric acid 24.10 24.05 24.20

Able to construct a table with at least one title / reading.

Sample answer:
Final burette readings
Initial burette readings

No response or wrong response
Able to state the colour change accurately.

(g) Sample answer: 3

The colour of phenolphthalein change from pink to colourless.

Able to state the the colour change inaccurately.

Sample answer: 2
Change to colourless.
Question Details Score
Able to state an idea about the observation.

Sample answer: 1
The colour changes // pink

No response or wrong response

Able to give the operational definition accurately by stating the

following three information.
1. Volume of sulphuric acid added
2. Neutralize sodium hydroxide solution completely
3. Phenolphthalein change from pink to colourless
(h) 3
Sample answer:
Volume of sulphuric acid added to neutralize the sodium
hydroxide solution completely and the colour of phenolphthalein
change from pink to colourless.

Able to give the operational definition correctly by stating any

two of the information above.

Sample answer:
The end point of neutralization is the volume of sulphuric acid
added to neutralize the sodium hydroxide solution completely.

The end point of neutralization is the volume of sulphuric acid

added and the phenolphthalein colour change from pink to

Able to give the operational definition correctly by stating any

one of the information above.

Sample answer:
volume of sulphuric acid added.
sodium hydroxide solution being neutralize completely.

phenolphthalein change from pink to colourless.

No response or wrong response
Question Details Score

Able to give all two explanations correctly.

Sample answers:
1. Sulphuric acid is diprotic acid, nitric acid is monoprotic
(i) 3
2. The volume of sulphuric acid is half the volume of nitric
acid to produce the same concentration of hydrogen ions.

Able to give any one correct explanations.


Able to give incomplete explanation.

Sample answer: 1
Sulphuric acid is diprotic acid / nitric acid is monoprotic acid

No response or wrong response
Able to classify all the three acids correctly.

Sample answer:

(j) Monoprotic acid Diprotic acid

Nitric acid Sulphuric acid 3
Hydrochloric acid

Able to classify any two acids correctly.

Sample answer:

Monoprotic acid Diprotic acid 2

Nitric acid Sulphuric acid
Hydrochloric acid
Question Details Score
Able to classify any one acid correctly.

Sample answer:

Monoprotic acid Diprotic acid 1

Hydrochloric acid Nitric acid
Sulphuric acid

No response or wrong response

Question Rubric Score

2(a) Able to state the statement of the problem correctly 3
Sample answer
How does temperature effect the rate of reaction between
sulphuric acid and sodium thiosulphate solution ?
Able to state the statement of the problem less accurately 2
Sample answer
How does temperature effect the reaction between sulphuric
acid and sodium thiosulphate solution ? // To investigate the
effect of temperature on the rate of reaction between
sulphuric acid and sodium thiosulphate solution
Able to give an idea of the statement of the problem 1
Sample answer
Temperature effect the rate of reaction
No response or wrong response 0

Question Rubric Score

2(b) Able to state the three variables correctly 3
Sample answer
Manipulated variable
Temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution
Responding variable
Time taken for the mark X to disappear from sight// rate of
Constant variable
Volume and concentration of sulphuric acid/ sodium
thiosulphate solution// volume of conical flask.
Able to state any two variables correctly 2
Able to state any one variable correctly 1
No response or wrong response 0
Question Rubric Score
2(c) Able to state the relationship correctly between the 3
manipulated variable and the responding variable with
Sample answer
The higher the temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution
the higher the rate of reaction/time taken for the mark X to
disappear from sight
Able to state the relationship between the manipulated 2
variable and the responding variable with direction
Sample answer
The higher the temperature the higher the rate of reaction
Able to state the idea of hypothesis 1
Sample answer
Different temperature different rate of reaction
No response or wrong response 0

Question Rubric Score

2(d) Able to give complete list of substances and apparatus 3
Sample answer
Sodium thiosulphate solution [0.1 - 0.5] mol dm-3 , sulphuric
acid [0.2 1.0] mol dm-3
Conical flask [150 250] cm3, measuring cylinder,
thermometer, Bunsen burner, filter paper/white paper, tripod
stand, wire gauze, stopwatch
Able to give a list of substances and apparatus but less 2
Sample answer
Sodium thiosulphate solution, sulphuric acid
Conical flask, thermometer, stopwatch
Able to give at least one substance and at least one apparatus 1
No response or wrong response 0
Question Rubric Score
2(e) Able to list all the steps correctly 3
Sample answer
1. 50 cm3 of sodium thiosulphate solution is poured into
a conical flask.

2. The temperature of the solution is recorded.

3. The conical flask is placed on top of a piece of white

paper with a mark X at the centre.

4. 5 cm3 of sulphuric acid is added into the conical flask

and the stopwatch is started immediately.

5. Swirl the conical flask and record the time taken for
the mark X to disappear from sight.

6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 by heating the sodium thiosulphate

solution at different temperatures.

Able to list down steps 1, 4, 5 and 6 2

Able to list steps 1, 4 and 5 1
No response or wrong response 0

Question Rubric Score

2(f) Able to tabulate the data with the following aspects 2
1. Correct titles

2. List of three temperature

Sample answer
Temperature /oC Time / s
Able to construct table with at least one title incomplete list of 1
Sample answer
Temperature Time

No response or wrong response or empty table 0

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