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VOLUME 14 / NUMBER 4 / FALL 1985

. Go ye swift messengers to ...a nation trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!" Isa. 18:2

A Forgotten Corner : The Truth In South America

Last April, Bro. Carl Ha'gensick visited
the brethren in South America. The
following is an edited version o f his
report. - Ed.

South America appears to be a forgotten

corner of the harvest field. In both Argen
tina and Brazil there is an excellent nu
cleus of consecrated Truth brethren with
a good perception of the harvest message
and a desire to be active in its service.
The Truth reached both of these coun
tries in the I930s via Europe. Bro. Lazar
Lupsor and his wife brought the Truth to
Argentina from Roumania/Yugoslavia.
In Brazil it was through the immigration Present known statistics put the count other members of the family indicating
of Bro. Helmut Wieland from Germany, of consecrated in Argentina at something interest.
Bro. Stanislaw Klimaszewski from less than 20, with another 80 showing
Poland and a trip made to Poland by greater or lesser degrees of interest. In Argentina
Bro. Trusz of near Curitiba, Brazil. Brazil there are 11 consecrated that we Bro. Lazar Lupsor, now 80 years old,
These brethren have been active over know of, plus additional healthy interest brought the Truth to Argentina when he
the years in witnessing to the good news. from the outside. In Peru we only are immigrated there in the 1930s. Receiving
In Brazil several classes were started over aware of one consecrated brother, with the Truth in Roumania in 1922, Bio.
the years, but gradually died out. In See Argentina, page 8
Argentina, there has been a continuous
slow growth pattern that continues to the
present time. Centennial Promotion Proposed
Many brethren have taken note of the campaign to a specific week or month in
Greetings in the Lord fact that 1986 will be the 100th anniver 1986. This would increase the campaign's
sary of the original publication of Tlte overall effectiveness. Cooperating breth
With this issue we have completed 13 Divine Plan o f the Ages. The Nebraska ren would be encouraged to distribute the
years of publishing the Newsletter. It has Bible Students believe the centennial press release, place the ads, and arrange
been a grand privilege to serve the brethren affords a good opportunity for nation for inserts and direct mailings so all these
in this way. The cooperation and encour wide promotion of the Volume as a valu items appear during the specified time
agement we have received is an important able aid to all students of the Scriptures. period. Areas not covered by local eccle-
element in our continuing to sponsor this The brethren in Nebraska are develop sias could be covered by larger classes.
work. ing several items that could be used as The Winter issue of the Newsletter will
part of a promotional campaign and are carry samples of the promotional items
Advisory Committee offering to coordinate the nationwide being developed. At that time the Ne
In recent years, changing circumstan effort in cooperation with other ecclesias braska Bible Students will request that
ces within the Newsletters sponsoring and individuals who wish to participate. interested ecclesias and individuals con
ecclesia, have pointed up a need for coun The promotional items being prepared tact them.
sel from elders of other ecclesias. We include a press release, a newspaper/
implemented this a year ago by forming magazine ad, and a color flyer that could Special Magazine Edition
an Advisory Committee of elders. Its be used as a newspaper insert or be The Fort Worth Bible Students are mark
function is to help us determine what included in direct mail packets which ing the Divine Plans anniversary year
news is pertinent to our purpose from the promote various types of merchandise, with the reprinting and distribution of the
various groups of Bible Students and per household products, and literature/ magazine edition. A new cover for this
suasions among them. magazines. First Volume of Studies in the Scriptures
See Greetings page 2 Current plans include targeting the See Centennial page 15
Walter when they visit the Miami area. His home was always
Entered Into Rest open to all the brethren for fellowship, meetings and even con
ventions. His love, kindness and hospitality will be missed by
... We shall all be changed. a moment, in the twinkling o f many. Bro. Lankheim is survived by Sr. Carrie Newell and Sr.
an eve, at the last trum p... 1 Cor. 15:51,52
June DAlesandro, his sisters in the flesh. The service in Florida
was conducted by Bro. Leonard Wesol, and Bro. Andrew
Bro. Lloyd Bolton, an elder for many years in the Vancouver Jarmola officiated at the burial in Chicago.
B.C. ecclesia, finished his course on Sunday, Sept. 22, the victim
of a massive heart attack at age 63. He was to have served the Bro. John Lenz Detroit, Michigan. On June 28 pneumonia
Portland Area convention that weekend but instead entered into claimed the life of 90 year-old Bro. John who was consecrated to
rest and his works follow him. the Lord for 60 years of his life. Always a zealous witness for the
Bro. Lloyd was consecrated since 1955 and is said to have been Truth, his last ten years confined to a nursing home must have
very faithful in his service to the Lord and the ecclesia. He leaves been trying ones. He had lost his beloved wife, Sr. Sylvia four
his wife, Sr. Berna, 221-9151, #5 Road, Richmond, B.C. V7A teen years ago. Throughout his lonely ordeal, he was comforted
479; two daughters: Valerie and Gail; four granddaughters. by the love of his daughter Sr. Deanna Grecki who survives
At his funderal, two hundred friends, relatives and business him, and her husband Bro. Robert. His funeral service was
associates heard a message of Truth given by Bro. Wilf McNee, conducted by Bro. W alter Blicharz.
his fellow elder.
Sr. Grace Locks of Columbus, Ohio entered into rest on July
Sr. Louise Harp of Columbus, Ohio, entered into rest on July 25. She leaves a sister, Sr. Ann Schwartz, also of Columbus. Bro.
25 just 2 weeks short of her 81st birthday of cardiac arrest E. Penrose gave her funeral witness.
following a slight stroke. Sr. Harps father, Bro. A. P. Johnson,
was an elder in the original Columbus class. The Truth came into Sr. Catharine Widga, Detroit, Michigan died August 22 at 85
the family through his mother, who was a Quaker at the time. years. She was the wife of the late Bro. Joseph and had met with
Louise was reared in the sanctified atmosphere of a devout Truth the Polish class for over 50 years. She leaves a daughter, three
family and consecrated her life to the Lord as a teen-ager. When grandchildren and a great-grandson. Bro. Edmund Blicharz
the ecclesia departed from the Truth after Bro. Russells death, officiated.
Bro. Johnson and his family left and started the ecclesia known
today as the Columbus Bible Students. Surviving Sr. Louise are Following are the names of two deceased sisters in Christ. We
her two sons: Brothers William and David; two granddaughters. have no information about them other than the return of their
Bro. E. Penrose gave her funeral witness. Newsletters marked, Deceased. If brethren have any details of
their lives and deaths, and will send them to the New sletter, they
Brother Walter Lankeim of Hialeah, Florida finished his will be published in the Winter issue. Meanwhile, their deaths
consecrated course of more than fifty years, on September 3. He should be noted by the Household of Faith.
was 70 years of age. In intensive care for many weeks and in great
pain, by Gods grace, Bro. Walters trials are over. A brother Sr. Emily Scully, Shelton, Connecticut.
writes of him: if he could speak he would quote the words of St.
Paul, For me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Phil. 1:21 Sr. C. E. Pyne, Bellmore, New York.
Many will miss the fellowship around Gods word with

Requests From Truth Seekers Grateful for Truth The Message was Powerful
Thank you for the copy of the Divine I watched your program for the first time
Plan Journal. Now I could use the book this morning on the Nashville Network
Rich in Heart
let on Spurious Passages in the KJB. I station. The program was of excellent
1 truly was inspired by your message this
do have a question or two but Im sure of quality and the message informative and
morning on TV. Please put me on your
the answer in time as I read of the Divine powerful. It was done in simplicity and
mailing list. 1 would be happy to help if 1
Plan. Thanks again for your help in find the chart was an invaluable aid in the
had some money; at this time 1 am poor;
ing the truth. MA understanding of the division of the Bible.
but a very rich heart and I am very
blessed. TX I'm extremely sorry I have never seen
Gets Much from Programs your program before as 1 feel I have
I read the Divine Plan Journal several missed many valuable lessons. FL
Greetings fro m page / times, and have a neighbor who is waiting
to read it. I get so much out of your The Soul that Sinneth ...
The Committees advice has already programs. I have been going to church Please send your book Divine Plan o f the
broadened our base of coverage, and its most of my 85 years but have never heard Ages. 1 am most anxious to receive it.
shared responsibility makes our task a the Bible explained so perfect as you do. Thanks for the message that man is a soul
more pleasant one.
K.Y confirmed by the Word of God and
We commend our readers for the ad
that there is no threat of eternal punish
m irable spirit in which they have
Reading it the Second Time ing for mankind. The soul that sinneth
received our decisions.
Thanks for the literature that you sent. I shall die ... TX
May the Lord prosper these efforts as
they accord with His will, and permit us looked up every scripture reference given
to continue to serve the interests of the in Our L o rd s Return. I am reading it the Radio and TV programs sponsored by:
Truth and our brethren. second time and it gets better. IL Fort W orth Bible Students.
A fflicted and Isolated B rethren
That the trial o f yourfaith, being much more precious than Sr. Harriet Fuerst (804 Conger N.E., Grand Rapids, MI
o f gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be 49505) has been long in the way. She writes: I surely appreciate
fo u n d unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing o f receiving the Bible Students Newsletter ... It is a source of
Jesus Christ. I Peter 1,7 comfort and joy to have opportunity to pray for our brethren
who are ill and otherwise afflicted, and to rejoice with those who
Bro. Tim & Sr. Anna Alexander (521 Larcomb, Columbus, have special experiences and news to relate. How privileged we
OH 43223) are bereaved by the death of their baby daughter, are to know Gods wonderful Plan of the Ages, a hope for all
Olivia, on Sept. 11. She was born prematurely but now sleeps in mankind!
Jesus awaiting the resurrection. Meanwhile, we pray that her
parents will be able to say with conviction: I will neither mur Sr. Bonnie Gaunt (510 Golf Ave., Jackson, MI 49203) has
mur nor repine at what the Lords providence may permit, for been undergoing a siege of pain for the past year and a half
faith can firmly trust Him, Come What May! because of an obstinate jawbone that refused to hinge properly.
Now, after complicated surgery in May, she is gradually regain
Bro. Walter Bednarz (c/o Irene Belostowski, 57 Hilltop ing the use of her jaw. In the Lords providence she was able to
Court, Clifton, NJ 07012) is one of the hundreds made homeless have the skilled hands of the best surgeon in her area applied to
by a raging fire that destroyed six city blocks recently in Passaic, her case. Her jaw is still very painful but she can now see light at
New Jersey. He escaped with only the clothes on his back. The the end of the tunnel. Bro. Ralph has been suffering a measure
fire, set by vandals, was a catastrophe of such magnitude it was
of affliction at the same time by observing his dear wifes misery,
on the national news two nights running. and he so helpless to relieve her.
Bro. Bednarz had been undergoing chemotherapy for cancer;
Sr. Bonnie is reported to be running well, learning acceptance
and this loss of his clothing, books and notes must be very of pain and more submission to the Lords will As so many
disruptive. Despite his loss and inconvenience he insists that he
others have testified, the experience has enlarged her compas
doesnt need anything some of his books have been replaced
sion for the poor suffering world, and increased her longing for
and is making his home with his sister Irene.
the kingdom. That kingdom will bring release from pain and
Bro. Walter consecrated his life to the Lord after the death of even death itself to all mankind.
his younger brother, the late Bro. Julius.
Sr. Bernice Gray (30 Eldorado, Toms River, NJ 08757) has
Sr. Katharine L. Boland (P.O. Box 133, Warwarsing, New
been enduring an ongoing test of faith in the physical sufferings
York 12489) is an isolated widow. She would like to correspond
of her husband Victor. In August his gangrenous leg was ampu
with others of the consecrated as she needs spiritual encourage
tated below the knee at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City. His
ment. She likes to discuss the meat of the Word ... the deep
problem began in early summer on a trip to Canada where he
things of God.
was stung by an insect while picking cherries. In time, the
infection spread throughout his body, and gangrene developed
Sr. Kathy Coleman (419 W. College St., Broken Arrow, OK
in his foot. In the hospital, the infection cleared up but the foot
74012-3836) A tragedy befell Sr. Kathys family on July 22 when
condition did not. He has been transferred to the Veterans
her unconsecrated sister and nephew were killed outright in an
hospital in Lyons, NJ, awaiting full healing, to be fitted with a
auto accident. Sr. Kathys two children, Kristie 11, and Alex 7,
prosthesis. The love of his family and the brethren has been a
were injured also. Meanwhile, news of this accident has been
great comfort to him. No doubt, Sr. Bernice herself, suffered
widely circulated among the brethren, but still has not reached
through every pang of her dear husbands ordeal. Victor is the
all the household of faith. So we record it for those who have not
father of Bro. Robert Gray of the New Brunswick ecclesia.
heard. Sr. Kathys daughter suffered a broken arm and leg and
must spend many more weeks in traction in the hospital. Her
Sr. Ola Harvey (806 Shelby Street, Indianapolis, IN 46203) is
brother Alex, less seriously injured, spent only a week in the bereaved by the loss of her son of 62 years who died July 1, a
hospital. victim of cancer. He had faith in a resurrection from the dead
Sr. Kathy has a rugged schedule: holding a job, maintaining a and looked for the new heavens and earth. Isaiah 66. His wife, a
home, and visiting her daughter daily at the hospital. We are Nazarene, engaged a minister of her faith for the funeral service
certain that she has the sympathy of every mother, but she needs which was painful to Sr. Harvey, her daughter and grandson
as well the prayers of all her brethren. Sr. Frieda and Bro. Walter Dearing.
All can sympathize with these dear ones in hearing our
Bro. Paul Cook (5454 Roche Drive, Columbus, OH 43229)
Fathers character blasphemed at the burial of their loved one.
and his wife, Sr. Marjorie have been enduring a long ongoing
trial. On August 9 Bro. Paul had lung surgery and recovery has
Bro. Henry and Sr. Anne Kwolek (3821 Richland, Livonia,
been exceedingly slow. An affliction to the flesh is equally severe
Mich. 48150) are mourning the loss of their beloved grand
for the New Creature. He must hold the flesh in submission while
daughter Robin, as are her parents, Joe and Carol (Kwolek)
maintaining a determination to trust and submit to the will of Oldenburg, who died July 27 of leukemia at 13 years of age. Over
God come what may! Keep up the good fight Bro. Paul, the 350 attended her funeral service teachers, classmates, hospital
Lord is supervising it for your good and His glory. staff and parents of children with the same affliction. All heard
the message of hope and promise given by Bro. Dan Kaziak.
Sr. Clara Dorr has a new address: St. Francis Convalescent Many brethren came also to give moral support to the mourners
Home, Room 24, 3121 Squolicum Parkway, Bellingham, WA in their time of grief and loss. Blessed are those who mourn for
98225. The class secretary writes: Sr. Dorr needed more care, they shall be comforted.
and though a move is difficult at age 95, she is taking it as from
the Lord and adjusting well. See Afflicted, page 4
Bro. William & Sr.Frances McKee (4920 Tulane Rd., Spring-
N ew B rethren in Christ field, OH 45503). Dearly Beloved in the Lord: Our hearts are
overflowing with love and appreciation for all the brethren who
I f a man love me he will keep my words and My Father will ministered unto us during our recent experience. Sr. Frances,
love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with Bro. Bill and Sr. Bonita and family want to thank you for the
him." John 14:23 numerous cards, telephone calls, and visits that we received.
Very dear to us are your prayers and words of comfort from the
Immersions in 1985 as follows: Scriptures. We have been strengthened in our faith by your
examples of faithfulness. The oneness of the body is such a
June 22 at Greensboro, North Carolina: blessed experience! May the Lord bless you all! Phil. 4:4
Bro. John Ashley, Akron Bible Students, is a cousin of Bro. Rick
Maselli of Akron, Ohio. Bro. William Molhoek (Friendship Village. Room 402A, 5790
Denlinger Road, Dayton, OH 45426-1838) After two broken
July 25 at Anderson, Indiana: hips (at different times) and many weeks of battling to recover
Sr. Shirley Mlodzeniec, Alexandria, Va., is the daughter of Bro. his strength, at last it has happened. Last week (Sept. 5) he was
Florian and Sr. Rosalie Palicki, Dearborn, Michigan. able to get out of bed and into his wheel chair unaided. He is
regaining weight, and anticipating the return to his apartment (in
August 25 at Chicago, Illinois: the same building) where he can enjoy his books, tapes and
Bro. Robert Baryla, Chicago ecclesia, is the son of Bro. Edward privacy. Bro. Bills appreciation of your messages and prayers is
and Sr. Stella; expressed in effervescent thanks and praise to God!
Sr. Sarah Owczarski, Milwaukee ecclesia, is the daughter of Bro.
Ray and the late Sr. Alice. Sr. Canzanetta Simmons (7042 Rio Linda Blvd, Rio Linda,
CA 95673-2121) is confined to a nursing home where she must
September 1 at Jackson, Michigan: suffer the ultimate indignity of being denied the use of her Bible
Bro. Peter Knapp, Northern Illinois ecclesia, is the son of Bro. and Volumes. She longs exceedingly to sit in once more on a
Joe and Sr. Pat; regular Bible study and asks the brethren to pray for her that
she will not forget the Truth. Fortunately, her daughter visits her
Sr. Rebecca Larson, Chicago ecclesia, is the daughter of Bro. faithfully and reads the brethrens messages to her.
Dan and Sr. Linda;
Bro. James and Sr. Roberta Watkins (6760 Chambersburg
Bro. Jeff Zendler, Southeast Michigan ecclesia, is the son of Bro. Road, Dayton, OH 45424) are rejoicing after the storm follow
Norman and Sr. Gloria. ing a severe test of faith. In late August their daughter Joyce, 16,
was in the hospital with swollen glands. The doctor said it could
be hepatitis but needed more tests. Later he said she had infec
Afflicted fro m page 3
tious mononucleosis, and the next day he told Sr. Roberta he
Sr. Ethel Scott (Christel Manor, 789 Stoneybrook Trail, Fair was baffled and it could be something worse. Earlier he said that
born, OH 45324-6021) lived most of her life in the Steubenville, glandular cancer was a possibility.
Ohio area, but has been in Fairborn (near Dayton) for the last 2'A Sr. Roberta went home under great stress and as she entered,
years. For several months now, the Dayton ecclesia has had a the phone was ringing. It was another hospital telling her to
testimony meeting once a month, at the nursing home. A small come at once as her son Donald, 17, had been in an accident. Not
private, beautifully appointed room is provided for such meet knowing her sons state, she called a friend to go and tell Bro.
ings, and is reserved monthly for Sr. Scotts meeting. She can James to come to the hospital. When the man saw Bro. James he
barely speak above a whisper but enjoys singing hymns and burst into tears, and couldnt confirm if Donald was living or
marking time with an active index finger. When something dead. At the hospital, Bro. James demanded to know, Is my son
delights her, she claps her hands. Sr. Scott does not retain a alive or dead? He learned he was critically injured.
remembrance regrettably, of these meetings but is always eager It was a multiple car accident in which Donald's car was
to attend another. Her daughter, Peggy Saunders, lives nearby totaled. A concussion and bruised heart were suspected, requir
and helps maintain her mothers morale by her faithful visits and ing 24 hours of monitoring. Also, he had cracked ribs and
loving care. lacerations. Their childrens plight remained uncertain for
Sr. Scotts favorite phrase is: The Lord is so good to me! another day or so while the Watkins struggled to hold onto their
anchor of faith.
Sr. Vera Leverett (Manchester House, 411 S. Manchester Then, out of the blue, Donald came home from the hospital,
Ave., Media, PA 19063) wishes to tell the brethren who have and Joyce soon followed. The doctor said whatever her problem,
been sending her such beautiful and strengthening letters and it was only temporary. Both are back in school. The Watkins are
cards, that they cannot know how much it means to her to rejoicing in the Lords overruling in both cases. Without it,
receive these messages of love and Scriptural references. Some Donald would have been killed impaled on the steering post.
ecclesias send her a letter each month, and some individuals also Praise God for His providences!
do the same. She said that many times these letters have come
just when she needed the encouragement most. Sr. Vera regrets Bro. Ray Zaboski and Wife, Sr. Joann (RD 2, Deitz Road,
that her eye condition will not permit her to respond to these. Ford City, PA 16226) have requested that prayers be continued
Please tell them their Christian love and references are deeply for Bro. Ray. He had surgery on August 7 to remove Baker cysts
appreciated, and I send my sincere Christian love! What a from behind both knees. When he left the hospital he was home
favored lot is ours! May 1 mention Bro. Russells unusual for just a few days, then his condition worsened. Back in the
(short) article headed: Habakkuks Prophecy, p. 622 (Reprints). hospital they found a serious clotting condition in both legs
The lajt two sentences impressed me much. Christian love to all. which has been under treatment with heparin. His condition
Hymn 64. See Afflicted page 14
one of your own? That struck me like a
A Truth Heritage Recalled bombshell. 1 told my wife I thought
Grand Rapids had a class.
Bro. Lester Hendrick has been in the So I looked up Bro. Shirley DeGroot
Jackson, Michigan class since early 1974. whom I knew through my Dad. He was
He is a deacon there. He is over 85 and working for his brother. Ed DeGroot
still works 3 days a week in Lansing a who was an elder in that class. Bro. Shir
35 mile round trip fro m his home in ley said, Sure, well welcome you with
Eaton Rapids. He makes drawings, signs open arms. Then, my father who was
and posters for the Fenner Arboretum about 82 and living in Texas, came for a
where he is employed. Bro. Hendrick visit. He was very pleased that 1was seek
continues to be zealous in witnessing fo r ing the Lord and asked if 1 had conse
the Truth and distributes literature at crated. I said no, as I thought you had to
every opportunity. His story begins with be baptized at the same time. Of course
his father. Ed. not, he said, baptism is a form of sur
rendering completely to your Redeemer,
MY father, Arthur, came into the Truth Christ Jesus. A year later, in 1957 they
in Bay City in a peculiar way about 1908 made me a deacon.
when he was about 34 years of age. He Then my wife, Marie took seriously ill
was studying to be a Methodist minister, with a so-called blood tumor of the brain.
but liked to read novels. One day, when A specialist from the University of Mich
he had nothing to read, he went to a igan who was at the Butterworth Hospi
neighbor across the street and asked if tal in Grand Rapids, tried a new method
they had any books he could read. Yes, of his and cured her. I thanked the Lord
Lesters father, Arthur; stepmother: Bessie
they said, we have a book we dont want, many times for it. The sisters of the
Lockerbie, 1910.
but you may understand and like it. At Grand Rapids class came to see her often,
home with the book, he looked it over They had built a beautiful theater there and as my wife said afterward, I never
and thought, My, this is something dif which seated l ,500 and this is where 1 saw knew such wonderful people. There must
ferent, and right away it appealed to him. Bro. Russell. In 1915 1also helped in the be something that makes them that way. I
It was the First Volume. He got the whole Photo-Drama which drew large crowds. know all of them are Bible Students, so
set, then forgot about studying for a Then Dad got a newjob in Flint, Mich, when I get home I am changing over. 1
minister. as a drapery designer, and became an want the Volumes. I said, You can read
While he was a Methodist, he took me elder in that class. In 1918 he was called mine. No, she said, I want a brand
to church one evening in the winter time. upon to speak to about 300 Rabbis hold new set for myself, and I want to go with
It was a small church with an old- ing a convention there. His subject was you Sundays. She did go to the Bible
fashioned round coal stove. In the minis The Zionist Movement, and after the studies studied hard consecrated
ters talk he pointed at the stove and talk everyone shook his hand and gave and was baptized, and very much in love
declared, You out there, eveyone of you him a Zionist button declaring him an with the Truth. We were married over 53
who dont repent look at that fire in honorary member. years when she died, and I was so pleased
the stove this is where you will be In 1918, where I lived in Flint, the Bible and thankful to the Lord for calling her.
going! So, as a boy it scared me, but I got Students suffered a lot of persecution. May the Lords blessing be upon you
to thinking, God cant be that mean! and The people threw yellow paint on houses, all.
from then on I didnt believe in fire and broke windows and jeered at them because
brimstone. they refused to enlist in the draft. My
A little later my father rented a large parents escaped most of this, but eventu
home in Bay City with several extra bed ally my father lost his job because of the
rooms and decided to rent out rooms to Truth. His work took him into homes to Statement of Purpose
colporteurs from the Watchtower Bible make drapery estimates, and many times The Bible Students Newsletter is sponsored
House. My mother had died at the early he witnessed to the customers. Flint had a by the Bible Students Ecclesia of Dayton,
age of 27 years and left three of us. Some large Catholic population and some of Ohio. It is published as a cooperative effort
time later two of the colporteurs them complained to my fathers firm of Bible Students who believe in the doc
trines presented in the Holy Scriptures as
young sisters from Ypsilanti rented about his preaching. He was warned revealed by our returned Lord through his
one of the rooms, in this way Dad got several times by the management and faithful and wise servant, the late Pastor
acquainted with the older sister, Bessie because he would not refrain, he was C harles Taze Russell, and prom ulgated
Lockerbie, and after a couple of months dismissed. through the Six Volumes of Studies in the
Scriptures, Tabernacle Shadows, and other of
they were married. She was a wonderful I was of the world but I did believe in
the Pastors writings.
stepmother and a very good Christian. the Truth. I was married and in business Its purpose is to disseminate news and
She and my father had 2 sons but she twice after I moved to Grand Rapids, and information, other than doctrinal matters, of
always treated us three the same. She had 4 children. The youngest son sang in interest am ong Bible Students as afore
never complained or spoke ill of anyone. the Presbyterian church choir and after mentioned.
Ecclesias and individual brethren are
As a young man I believed what 1learned graduation from high school he came to invited to submit authentic information for
of the Truth at home. us one Sunday and said: Mother, you publication. News items should be verified
Many large conventions were held in and Dad dont go to church or belong to before submitting, as the sponsors cannot
those days on Lake Erie and attended by one. Your dad doesnt believe in what assume responsibility for their accuracy.
10,000 or more brethren. It was about most of them teach, my wife replied.
1914 that Bro. Russell came to Bay City. Then he said, Why dont you look for

Harvest N ew s
"And he that reapelh receiveth wages, and gatherelh fruit unto Ufe eternal.. John 4:36

Light Shines CalamitiesWhy Permitted

in Waterbury Recently Newsweek reported famines sweep the bondage of sin and death required the sacrifice of
continent of Africa, killing hundreds of thousands his Son as a ransom price. John 3:16; Tim. 2:4-6. It
The brethren at Waterbury, Conn, use of people and endangering millions more. is nearly two thousand years ago that Jesus died to
editorial ads frequently in their witness Newsweek also reported "poison gas leak in India redeem the world from death, but suffering and
work, and choose a time when something kills 2,500 and maims up to 100,000 in the worst death still continue.
industrial accident in history. What is God doing In Acts 3:18-21 the Apostle Peter speaks of two
tragic has happened in the world. This ad about all the chaos and suffering that is in the world sets of prophecies. The one dealing with the suffer
on calamities was inserted when news of today? Millions of the human race are hungry and ing of Messiah at his first advent as a sacrifice for sin
the African famine was fresh, and at the ill-clad. Calamities maim and kill humans, war and the other dealing with the glory of Messiah as
time of the worlds greatest industrial takes its toll in suffering and death. More than a the great deliverer who will abolish suffering and
hundred thousand people are dying every twenty- death in his kingdom at his second advent.
accident, in India, which caused over There is a wise and loving purpose in the permis
four hours from so-called natural causes.
2,500 deaths. The Bible reveals that suffering and death first sion of evil. Suffering and death will not be allowed
entered the world because of the disobedience of to continue forever. The Bible assures us of a time
our first parents in the garden of Eden. Rom. 5:12, when there shall be no more death, neither sorrow
18, 19. nor sighing ... for the former things are passed
Gods plan for the rescue of mankind from the away." Rev. 21:4

Michigan State Fair British Witness A Frist True Gospel Heard

The Southeast Michigan Bible Students For This Cause was seen by 310 public For This Cause will be shown for the
had their customary booth for eleven on July 26 at Anderson College, the new first time ever in Great Britian on Oct. 26.
days (Aug. 23-Sept 2) at the State Fair in site of the Indiana-Ohio convention. The The British premiere showing will be in
Detroit. Most of the brethren served at audience maintained a keen interest York, England, the home city of Sr. Aud
the booth which was staffed 12 hours throughout the showing. In their eager rey Johnston. Sr. Johnston became very
each day. Some from the Metro Detroit ness to obtain the literature offered, the enthusiastic about the program after see
class also assisted in this witness effort. people cleared a well-stocked table of its ing it in the U.S. last year, and encour
In keeping with their usual custom, the contents as they filed out. All the brethren aged the English brethren to show it to
focus was placed on getting the Divine rejoiced that so many in a community the public. May the Lord bless their
Plan into the hands of as many as possi dominated by the Church of God were efforts!
ble; then to obtain names, addresses and able to hear the glad tidings the true
phone numbers for the follow-up work. Gospel.
This work is a year-round effort of the
Southeast Michigan ecclesia.
In addition to the 7,000 tracts passed Truth Broadcast in France
out, 488 First Volumes were sold; also, 15
sets of Scripture Studies, and hundreds of The brethren in France recently began azine is being published in France, entitled
assorted volumes and booklets. This year, broadcasting their own radio program the Messenger o f the Gospel. This now
cassette tapes of public lectures were for the first time. The program is pro makes two magazines available to the
duplicated and the ecclesias address and duced entirely by the French brethren French brethren. The Journal o f Zion
phone number added. Thirty-eight tapes and is broadcast on four or more radio has been published for many years. Both
were sold. stations. The brethren are presently con publications are devoted primarily to
tacting more stations to increase coverage. reprinting articles by Pastor Russell.
In addition, a new Bible Student mag-

Enthusiasm in Italy
A university professor in Parma, Italy is
reported to be very enthusiastic about
the Truth. The man is a former Catholic
from Great Britian who studied with the
Jehovahs Witnesses. After getting unsat
isfactory answers from them about Pas
tor Russell, he started doing his own
research. He wrote the Dawn, got a set of
Volumes, then wrote the Chicago Repub
lishing Committee, who corresponded
with him. A brother visited him in May
and discovered that the man had not only
read through the six Volumes, but is now
reading through the Reprints.
O u r B rethren Speak
M y tongue shall speak o f thy righteousness and praise all the day long."

Testimonies given at Vancouver. B.C.. May 18: was a Baptist minister and as a result he has had a lot of thinking
to do doctrine-wise. Its interesting to see the progress they both
Childs Life Saved have made in studying and reading the Volumes at 90 years of
Sr. Christina Wasiatych, Vancouver ecclesia. I want to express age. We can see the spirit of the Lord at work, especially in some
our great thankfulness to our heavenly Father. Lately, we went of the more difficult doctrines on the Second Presence and
through a very difficult experience with our baby. It is hard to chronology. Also, how he is turned around as far as hell is
put into words what we feel. When I was taken to the operating concerned. He didnt believe too much in that originally, but the
room, the doctors didn't have hope that Jonathan was still alive, fact that everyone will have an opportunity is wonderful.
but the Lord saved him. So we thank the heavenly Father and Last week Sr. Nora had a 90th birthday party for Bro.
want to serve Him as well as we can. We wish that the little one Herbert and there were a fair number of members from his
will grow, and we will try to teach him how good the Lord is and former congregation in the White Rock Baptist church. They
how much love is given. Thank you brethren for all your had left that church to come and meet with us, yet both are
prayers. respected in that church group. This experience has been a great
spiritual uplift in our class.
We Need One Another Desperately
Sr. Edith Chandler, Portland Area ecclesia. I am thankful to the Testimonies given at Chicago, Illinois, May 25-27:
Lord for His providences of the past year. The trials are just
exactly what we need. 1 appreciate the path He led me and Truth is Overwhelming
helped me through the last and hardest trial of my life. I thank Bro. John Hasty, Camdenton, Missouri. The Truth is just an
also the dear brethren who stood by me during this. I realize that overwhelming thing for someone to come out of the world the
we are in the last days of the church and we need one another way I did. 1think the brethren that were raised in the Truth dont
desperately. I learned so well how important testimony meetings have anything to compare it with, because they have always had
are, and to get to know one anothers trials and victories in the it. We can compare it with that terrible world we had so long.
Lord. The Lord not only gave us the Pastor to give us the A young man at work 1 have been witnessing to really he
chronology and all the beautiful harvest message of Truth, but started out witnessing to me had been studying with the
also He gave us what we needed for developing our characters. Witnesses and he began to ask me questions. I was trying to
We certainly need doctrine but character too, and everything we work and 1 was afraid he was going to get us both fired. So now
can to draw closer to the Lord and make our sacrifice more its turned around the other way and I am following after him. I
acceptable to God. gave him a First Volume printed in the 80s by the Watchtower
and hope he will read it. Thats the most contact we have had
Wants to be Faithful to the Truth since we put on For This Cause. 1 have high hopes that the
Bro. Leonard Kavanaugh, Vancouver ecclesia. I love to meet young man will enjoy the First Volume because he didnt take to
with the Lords people. I dont know what 1would do if I did not the two tracts I gave him previously. 1 would ask your prayers on
have a knowledge of the Divine Plan o f the Ages, the way the my behalf that I might be able to do the Lords will better than I
world is today. I realize if you are a friend of the world you are an have in the past. We want to thank all the brethren that have sent
enemy of God. The worldly spirit is the spirit of selfishness, and us letters of encouragement they have been wonderful. Please
the Lords people are the best. Their friendship stands. Im so pray for us Rachel and 1 are alone in Missouri.
glad I got the Truth and I want to be faithful to it in this evil day.
Truth Work on a Decline
Alerted to Coming Trials Sr. Ludmila Grudzien, Melbourne, Australia. I bring love and
Bro. Richard Stewart, Seattle, Wash, ecclesia. I havent testi greetings from the Melbourne class as well as my parents. Its
fied at conventions for sometime. The reason 1 am reflecting on been a special blessing to find myself in this country for such a
that today is that I have learned from experience that where I fail long while meeting with so many brethren, and the small
to react properly to my opportunities in the Truth, it is because I things I see in conversations with the different ones.
fail to appreciate the ground-work the Lord has laid in terms of I ask that you remember the brethren in Australia in your
lessons, so that when the test came I could be successful in it. prayers. They are all very elderly. The Truth work is on a down
In contemplating the year ahead, the Lord might have some swing over there and I see what difference there is between this
very practical tests for us in Christian living and following in the country and mine. If any of you are thinking of going to Austra
footsteps of our Master, even though the time seems to linger lia the friends would really appreciate visits. They need your
and some seem not to appreciate the doctrine we have held and prayers as I do also.
loved over the years. We may find more trials along this line this
year, and perhaps, the Lord is attempting to prepare us, so I want In Grief Truth Remembered
to be alert to that. Sr. Margaret Ferlejewski, Metro Detroit class. We received a
letter from Ray and Susan Charlton in Australia, and they asked
Uplift Through New Interest us to convey their love to the brethren at the Chicago Memorial
Bro. Albert Szab, Langley, B.C. ecclesia. 1 want to share with convention, and the news of Nanas death: Sr. Mary Henrietta
the brethren one of the rich experiences we have had in the last 8 Charlton. She would have been 89 June 4. Many may remember
months. The Brittons started meeting with us regularly last that she and her daughter Audrey traveled in this country a few
September. It is good to see the spirit of the Lord in their lives. years ago. She had a stroke and was in poor condition, and they
Bro. Herbert and Sr. Nora came in contact with the Truth when were happy for her release.
wintering in Phoenix two years ago through a newspaper ad. He See Brethren page 10
Photos: (Top L to R) L. Greamer; Miriam, Avel and Herlinda Lupsor; Stanislaw and Rozalia Klima-
szewski. (Below) Gasper Grasso and Family. (Bottom) M. Ramirez with brethren at study (2nd from L).
Argentina from page /
Miguel Ramirez of Barzitagui is ex Brazil
Lupsor desired to learn more than was
tremely active, and has assembled a group One of the most active brethren over the
available in his native language only
of about 60 meeting with him. They have years in Brazil is Bro. Stanislaw Klimas-
Volumes 1, 5 and 6 being translated into
a mid-week meeting of about 15, and zewski, 80, of the small village of Viadu-
Roumanian. Therefore, he purchased
Saturday evening meetings of the larger tos, near Erechim. Since migrating to
English-language records and taught him
number. He is a product of the witnessing Brazil in the 20s, he has actively adver
self English to study the other Volumes.
of Bro. Lupsor who views him as a spirit tised the Truth in Polish language Roman
Although now very sick with arterio
ual son. The truths that are contained in Catholic publications. Some classes have
sclerosis, the fruitage of his labors is evi
the Spanish First Volume, he has absorbed been started, but they have all faded out,
dent, not only in his family, but in the fact
well. But, lacking other Volumes, he has as the brethren died. Presently he only
that almost all others in Argentina have
not been exposed to the Truth on the meets with his wife, daughter and two
heard the Truth through his witness.
Presence or annual celebration of the married sons. Bro. Klimaszewski, though
Bro. Lazar Lupsor, his sons Avel, 54,
Memorial. He has a high appreciation for poor in this worlds goods, is rich in faith,
and Milo, 59, and Milos wife Maruja are
the works of Pastor Russell. On the
consecrated and have an excellent know
whole, we were well impressed with him
ledge of the Truth. Other family members
and many in his group. They meet in their
are deeply interested, including grand
own church building, and their title
children and in-laws. Bro. Milo can read
included the word Evangelical, which
Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Rou
usually in Latin countries denotes a branch
manian. Bro. Avels daughter Miriam
of Lutheranism. Bro. Miguels back
has a good command of English, and is
ground, however, is Adventist.
translating Volume 5 into Spanish. The
The Grasso family are relatives of the
Lupsors who live in Monte Grande, are
late Bro. Leo and Sr. Sarah Ruggirello of
interested in following up any new inter
Chicago. This large family (mostly with a
est that may develop in either Argentina
Witness background, though some from
or nearby Uruguay through radio or
Pentecostals and Catholic) has been
greatly influenced by the two visits of
Ramon Cassani of Villa Elisa is a
Bro. and Sr. Ruggirello and display an
former Jehovahs Witness elder, but is
active interest in the Truth. They are
now well-grounded in Present Truth, and
removed geographically from the other
has a willingness to be involved in Truth
brethren, but one of their number. Gas-
activity. His father Nicholas is also very
par, is now meeting weekly with the Lup
involved in the T ruth. They have
sor family. An ecclesia could eventually well nourished by an active correspon
assembled a small ecclesia of about seven,
be established within this family unit in dence with Polish brethren in Poland and
which meets every Saturday evening.
the San Martin area. the U.S. He took a quantity of the new
We also had contact with a friend of Portuguese volumes to use in his witness
the Ruggirellos from Sicily, Maria Alqui- activities.
lina, who is now studying with a Jehov Lisel Greamer is a sister from Ger
ahs Witness, but is more inclined to many, age 71, who received the Truth
believe as we do. However, it is too far for from a set of Volumes given to her by Sr.
her to travel from her home in Wilde to Eva Dortmund Hensel of Germany when
any of the meetings. Contact will be Eva was only a teen-ager. Sr. Greamer
maintained through correspondence. Bro. read these perhaps 10 years ago, and has
Avel Lupsor was with us during this visit been fed with weekly letters ever since by
(which occurred while a lady from the Sr. Eva, and now by monthly letters from
Witnesses was there teaching Maria) and both Sr. Eva and the Peter Keetmans.
made a good impression on Maria with Her faith and vision are strong. Though
his defense of the Truth. her knowledge of Portuguese is limited.

Photos: (Top L to R) H. and E. Wieland; Anna Yarmiscki and daughter Lucia Fonsaca. (Bottom L to R)
R. Cassani; The Fonsacas. All photosM. Hagensick

she is active in advertising the Truth in they are in contact with Bro. Erich Will. beliefs. He planned on taking the new
German language publications in Brazil Bro. Fonsaca has not been to see them Portuguese volumes to the members of
and in talking to people on the beach in since they do not share the Portuguese this Lutheran church. He is quite well-
her resort community of Balneario Cam- language for com m unication. The known in the whole area, for he is an
boriou. She places about 200 booklets a Weilands remain very clear in the Truth, artist of exceptional quality and his paint
year in this manner. They own a condo with active correspondence with other ings are in demand.
minium, in addition to their home, which German-speaking brethren in the U.S. Bro. Bertoldo Fonsaca, his wife Lucia
they rent out to vacationers. She plans to Bro. Erich Will first heard the Truth as and son Eliseu, along with his father and
use Portuguese volumes as sort of com a young lad of 14 in 1919. He and his two sisters form a small group in Curit
plimentary Gideon volumes for these mother only had the opportunity to iba, a city of 1,300,000 in Parana state.
guests. attend two meetings and purchase all of Bro. Bertoldo has attended a U.S. Gen
Bro. Helmut & Sr. Elena Wieland are the Volumes before his father, an atheist, eral convention and the first Interna
of German origin, and speak only Ger removed the family to Brazil in 1921. tional convention. He is fluent in Span
man. These brethren moved to Brazil in There they lost contact with all brethren ish, Portuguese and Polish, and did the
the 30s in response to the offer of free until the fall of 1984, when he wrote an translation for the Portuguese First
land. They first heard the Truth about 10 article for a German language paper Volume. We found him strong in the
years before in a public talk of J.F. which Bro. Weiland saw. Bro. Fonsaca faith and active in its service. Everyone
Rutherford. Feeling they were alone, had been to see him about two weeks tradesperson, neighbor or relative
they had no associations with brethren before us and he is thrilled to be back in who came to the door was quickly given a
until Sr. Greamer received the Truth and contact with the friends. During the years chart talk and introduced to the First
began advertising in a German language of his isolation, he tried to attend Volume. He is very committed to work
publication. They responded and she is Jehovahs Witness meetings, but had to on translations of the remaining volumes,
the only one of the brethren they have stop after three months. They informed and work on the Second Volume is well
ever met, except for two visits of Ameri him that there were no more Bible Stu under way. Because this is not available in
can brethren. Since this contact, they dents, and he felt as though he were the Spanish, it will need to be translated in
have also been receiving regular letters last member of the body of Christ on the United States with Bertoldo doing the
from Sr. Hensel and the Keetmans and, earth. Later he tried the Lutheran church correcting, the reverse of the procedure
through these, have come to appreciate where a liberal pastor allowed him to used on Volume One.
the Second Presence. They have become stay, despite his beliefs, for several years. There are three classes who believe the
active'in witnessing themselves, finding a Eventually he even became head of the door is closed in the Curitiba area started
Bro. Galitzky through their efforts. This Sunday school, until a new pastor was by Bro. Trusz. They maintain a high
brother passed away early this year. Now installed who evicted him because of his respect for Pastor Russell. Some of the
brethren who used to meet with these
classes may soon form an ecclesia, meet
ing with Bro. Bertoldo. In addition, some
neighbors of Bertoldo are extremely
interested and may join the New Curitiba

The Olcese family is a well-to-do Peru
vian family with a Jehovahs Witness
background. Aldo, the oldest son, began
separating from the Witnesses in 1968,
and visited a number of brethren in the
U.S. at that time. He is now 36 years old,
speaks good English, has a knowledge of
See Peru page 15
Brethren fro m page 7 Another experience has been a blessing. A young brother
Some years ago we were put in contact with a lady who was who has been in the Minneapolis area a year and a half, had a
having difficulty with the trinity. The church she attended very interesting story to tell. As a Jehovahs Witness in Czecho
insisted that she must understand this before being baptized. But slovakia, he said that most of those he knew did not embrace all
she could not. So we had a lot of discussion and she could see our the teachings that came out. It was a similar story to what Bro.
point of view. She may embrace many points of Truth but Bologa said. He wanted to leave the country because he did not
because of her family situation she stayed in the church they want to go into the army there. They dont recognize C.O.s so he
attended but remained in contact with us. This week she defected and wound up in Minnesota. He picked up a Dawn in
phoned to say her oldest son had been killed in an auto accident. a library and got the Volumes and is studying them. He has
1realized she still appreciated the Truth she had learned from the learned English fairly well in a year and a half. He is very
literature we sent her that she feels her son is asleep in the enthusiastic and hoping some day to be able to take the Volumes
tomb, and that she has hope of seeing him again. back to Czechoslovakia. I dont know if they have ever been
The reason 1 mention this is that even if we dont see some printed in that language, but I find it thrilling to see how the
coming out and embracing the Truth, apparently we were able to Lord is able to reach down here and there, and pick somebody
give some comfort as she wanted to share her thoughts and out when He wants something done. 1 ask your prayers that I
confirm scriptures. She is sharing these with her family to com will be faithful in the opportunities that come my way.
fort them even though the church she attends sees differently. I
appreciate this because it is a way of keeping contact with those I Thought I was Overcoming ..
outside the brethren and sharing our blessings of Truth now and Sr. Becky Gray, New Brunswick ecclesia. 1 want to share two
also in the future. things 1 learned lately, first, in sacrificing for the brethren, I
should do what they consider needful, and not what 1want to do
I Am Grateful for That for them. There is this dear jewel of a sister in our class who has a
Sr. Nancy Mahachek, Northwest Indiana class. I want to testify lot of temporal needs. Sr. Karen Buchheit and 1 were all
to the Lords goodness in my life. He has helped me to appreciate enthused about going over to her house to help her clean and get
His Plan and that He will always be with us to help, no matter herself organized. She is failing and its hard for her to get out to
what, as long as we have faith in Him. He arranged for me to the meetings. We wanted to go in and start cleaning but she
have a sister, one who has helped me by giving advice and would not let us. She did want us to come anyway. So we went
encouragement. I have grown, not only through this sister, but through the 9th chapter of the Third Volume, Thy God Reign-
also through all the friends in the class. They are very loving and eth. It was such a joy for us to see this sister reveling in the
upbuilding, and I appreciate the energy 1 receive after attending prospect of the kingdom being set up. She wasnt complaining
meetings with them. about her aches and pains which are more than any of us have.
I have been praying for two things 1) that 1 may have more Her new creature was so transparent, it was very refreshing ...
time to study, and 2) for opportunities to witness to the public. I and a lesson to me that I must serve the brethren according to
have been working on that and 1am grateful for the study time I their needs, and not according to my ideas.
have. 1was always shy about telling people I am a Bible Student, Another lesson I learned: A new sister has been coming to
and trying to explain a little about the Truth. I have had a couple our house for Reprint studies for many months. One article she
opportunities with worldly people who are giving an ear, so I am picked out was on Self-examination and Love. In it the question
very grateful for that. was asked, do we practice taciturnity? 1 never even heard the
1 want to explain that I have been around the Ledwinka word. So we looked it up and found this was one of my sins 1
family for many years Barbara and I have been friends 26 never had realized. In case some don't know what it means, it is a
years. When I sat at their table I was asked to say prayers along rebellious silence. I thought all along 1 was being victorious on
with the other kids. I did remember those Truths I learned there, certain occasions where instead of snapping back 1would retreat
and I am grateful for having had this contact. into purposeful silence. I am very thankful to the Lord because 1
Hearing the brethrens testimonies, 1 think. Look at the have been struggling to make progress on the race course of love
hardship these have, and yet they have a zeal for the Lord, and I and wondering where I am on that course. It was a rude shaking
am grateful for that! to realize that here what I thought was overcoming was not
overcoming at all.
Persecution Didnt Stop Them
Sr. Alpha Koterba, Paterson, New Jersey class. I had an experi Testimonies given at New Brunswick, New Jersey, July 4-7:
ence that reminded me of the privileges we enjoy in this country.
A sister from India is now living in the New York area with her Thankful for Guardian Angel
natural sister. She was in New Jersey for a week and I picked her Bro. Ed Pakowski, Groton, Conn, ecclesia. The Lord has
up for a Sisters study. I appreciated getting a birds eye view of permitted some experiences to come to our class. Sr. Eva Coop
what the women have to endure in India. She mentioned that ers son went lobstering with a friend. The boat hit a buoy and
when they have a baptismal service, its done publicly at a lake, sank. Only the friends body was found. We all sympathize with
and everybody in the town knows it. From that point there is a sister in her time of trouble. About a month ago, there was a
tremendous amount of persecution, not only toward the parents, tornado in northeast Connecticut and my wife and I were on the
but the children also. She said that as a family, many of the wives edge of it. Our car shook and I had to hold on to the wheel firmly.
of the brethren do not embrace the Truth because they fear this 1 couldnt pray but in my heart I know the Lord heard me. I
persecution. When her husband got the Truth in 1965 the whole thank God that His guardian angel is with us wherever we go.
family would go out trading to church doors like they did in Bro.
Russells day. They were persecuted but it didnt stop them. In Quietness is Strength
What an opportunity we have! We can do this freely, we can go Sr. Ruth Maillard, Pinellas Park, Florida. In my work the
anywhere we want and nobody stops us, but not many take the Lord is showing me the need of quiet rest that in quietness and
opportunity. Perhaps, we need a little persecution to help us confidence would be my strength. I think one of the elements of
appreciate what we have. S e e Brethren p a g e 12
Serving the Brethren
Indian Brethren Rejoice
The project to send our Indian brethren
copies of Pastor Russells writings is
nearly complete. Various English-speak
ing Indian brethren and 14 ecclesias
received a total of 42 sets of deluxe edi
tion Volumes, 5 sets of Tower Reprints,
and copies of the Pastors other writings.
Sample tracts and booklets were also
There are still a few things for the
Indian Literature Project to do. The
Committee plans to print some booklets
in two different Indian languages, and
will also send the Indian ecclesias various
Bible helps. Orders for booklets will have
to be continually filled by the committee.
According to those working on the pro
ject, many brethren generously responded
to the call to send spiritual food to India.
One committee member said that for
some of the Indian brethren, the deluxe
Volumes will not only be their greatest
spiritual treasure, but their greatest and
most costly material possession as well.
The stronger deluxe binding will hold up
better in the Indian climate than other
editions would.
Bro. Joseph, an elder in Coimbatore
wrote a letter on June 4 thanking the
See Indian page 15 Photos (L to R) Top: Bro. D. Daniel & wife (seated) with friends at
home-meeting place, Bangalore; Bottom: Bro. Alexander (seated)
& class in his home-meeting place, Mangalore.

Therefore, the overwhelming major service and we respect their sincerity.

C.O. R e s o lu tio n ity of Bible Students are conscientiously It is moved that we, the Bible Students
opposed to both combatant service in the Convention assembled in Anderson,
Armed Forces. Instead, we are willing to Indiana, July 23-28 declare the above
Adopted at the Indiana-Ohio Ecclesias
perform civilian service that is consistent statement is a proper expression of our
11th Regional Convention, July 23-28,
with our convictions in lieu of military conscientious convictions.
Unanimously approved July 27. 1985.
However, some Bible Students can
We in convention assembled in Ander
conscientiously perform non-combatant
son, Indiana, as representatives of var
ious Bible Student congregations of the
United States, take this opportunity to Brother Moves to Serve
state clearly our position regarding par
ticipation in war. In the 1984 Fall Newsletter, Bro. Bill and the Divine Plan at the local fair in Stur
Our convictions are the same today as Sr. Ruth Bender of Forestville, Wis. were geon Bay, Wis.
they were at the inception of the Bible listed as isolated with an appeal to any It now seems the Master has answered
Student Fellowship over one hundred brethren who could come to study with the Benders request. Plans are underway
years ago. them or serve them spiritually. Bro. for me to move to northeastern Wiscon
We believe that we as Christians must Kenneth Glaze of Lancaster, Pa. saw the sin. Sr. Bender has found an apartment
not engage in war. This conviction is announcement and wrote them. for me about a mile and a half from their
based upon our belief that we are children On August 19 he wrote to the Newslet home ... Bro. Glaze departed Pennsyl
of God, whose laws forbid our participa ter as follows: After seeking the Masters vania for Algoma, Wisconsin on Sep
tion in war in any form. We recognize the will, I wrote the Benders a few days after tember 4 to begin a new stage in his Chris
right of every Christian to his or her con receiving the Newsletter. Additional cor tian experience one of service and
scientious convictions, but to us of the respondence led me to believe 1 should fellowship with the Benders and their lit
Bible students fellowship, participation in visit their ecclesia. By mutual agreement tle ecclesia. May the grace of our Lord
war is forbidden by our understanding of a trip was planned for the week of August Jesus Christ be with them!
the Bible. 5, when the class had arranged to present
Brethren from page 10 like the Bible Students were never active there, and here we have
a brother who for sixty years has been faithful to the Truth. The
any trial (one of Satans tactics) is that he creates a situation of brethren are there, its just a matter of finding them, getting
unrest where it is very difficult to absorb strength and nourish together, and encouraging them. 1 am constantly amazed at the
ment from our studies, or to find benefits of prayer. The scripture Lords patience with me. He has always helped me and showed
came to me that if we are wearied in the small experiences, what me the way. It is only a matter of grasping His hand and being led
will it be in the swelling of Jordan? Our attitude in accepting by Him. For a long time I have been thick-headed and tried to do
these experiences is the best possible preparation for the trials of my own thing. But I have learned the hard way that you cant do
the future. We must not live in an ivory tower isolating ourselves what you want but need to look more for His leadings. I hope to
from the world; rather, we should go forth with a one-handed be more sympathetic to the brethren and follow the Lord more
blessing. Everytime 1 give out a tract, I feel I am giving out a closely.
voucher that 1 will be able to redeem by helping that person in
the kingdom. The Lord Kept Them from Harm
Sr. Bernice Swann, Wilmington, Delaware. I am happy to have
Volume Study on the Telephone my family with me my mother, sister, nieces. I listened to
Sr. Karole Doran, Louisville, Kentucky. My biggest blessing is yesterdays testimonies and one brother said that the blessings
being in a room with a sister in the spirit who used to be in our and miracles come and we are not even aware of them that
Louisville class and who is now isolated in Vermont. One thing they happen so suddenly. I want to give special thanks to the
we have been doing these past two years is studying the Third Lord because He saved my sister and husband in a car and kept
Volume by telephone. We have prepared outlines and we study a them from harm. It is little things like this that the Lord takes
chapter at a time, reading the chapter as a unit and having care of when we are least aware of it. I pray that He will show me
questions on it. Sr. Vanessa and I do that several questions at the way I shall choose. He has been working with me, giving me
a time a couple times a month and for us it is preferable to information I did not know was in the Scriptures. Our family
tapes. If you know brethren who are isolated, you might con here is joined together, black and white, and all the other ethnic
sider bringing some of the Lords blessings to them by phone. groups. He is bringing us all together to tell us thats the way His
I dont like confronting people where there is a difference of family will be.
opinion and so, in the Lords providence, He has moved my job
so that I am working with a person I can get along with the least. Cast Not Away Your Confidence...
I thought the Lord would remove the situation but He removed Sr. Mary Norby, Pinellas Park, Florida. It is so good to be here
the buffer. The hardest thing for me to handle was the day a child rejoicing and thankful I could come and enjoy the blessings. I
that I love very much came in, and she called him a name in front think of Bro. Norby and how he loved conventions. Last night
of me. I was devastated and didnt know what to do. I ask an the singing reminded me of how he loved to sing. Then, I was
interest in your prayers that the Lord would give me wisdom. I reminded of those who always loved to testify Sr. Lundquist,
really like this person and feel sorry for her. I think she is just one Bro. Malik, Sr., Bro. Comer with his poetry, Bro. Dinwoodie
of the poor groaning creation. The scripture that means a lot to and his beautiful prayers, and Bro. Kolliman with his exhorta
me in this experience is Psalms 86:11,12. tions to faithfulness in service. I would like to exhort the
brethren to cast not away your confidence which hath great
Honesty in Little Things recompense of reward. I am thankful we can look forward in
Bro. Tom Gilbert, Omaha, Nebraska. After returning from due time when all in the earth will be saying, Great and marve
youth camp, we had a study on Am 1a Conscientious Objector? lous are thy works, Lord God Almighty, just and true are thy
and later had a series of case studies with scenarios of young words, O King of saints.
people presented in various events in their lives. These emphas
ized that being a C.O. is more than just knowing that you dont Testimonies given at Golden, Colorado, July 19-21:
want to kill or participate in war. To validate your claim as a
religious C.O. you must live a life which reflects that. In one of Inmates Hear the Truth
these scenarios, there was a story about three boys in school, one Bro. Ralph Gaunt, Jackson, Michigan ecclesia. In the past year
a Jehovahs Witness, the other a son of a Bible Student, and one 1 have had two big blessings. They are both somewhat related.
a Quaker. Two of the boys went to the pop machine, put in 50 Following my military service in the 1940s 1 was hospitalized
cents and two Cokes came out. We debated what to do. Later in and in a bad way for about a year. Recently the Lord has given
the day, I put in 30 cents for a carton of milk and got two. It took me a ministry with emotionally disturbed people. I have been
me until Friday to find the canteen man to return the 30 cents for able to witness the Truth to a young woman (7 months pregnant)
the second carton. I appreciated this from the Lord that we had who wanted to commit suicide and her husband asked me to
been reminded of even the little opportunities when we must come and talk to his wife. I can still remember when I first saw
have integrity and show honesty and Christian principles. her, she had the eyes of death, but by Gods grace I got through to
her and she could appreciate the fact of Gods goodness on her
Lord is Opening Doors in South America behalf. 1 was glad for that privilege.
Bro. John Ruggirello, North Brookfield class. I have had many In another case, I was instrumental in saving a man from
experiences as a result of my father's death in April. The support suicide. I found out later that he wanted to confess his crime ... I
of the brethren has gotten us through it. 1 suppose that is suggested that he throw himself on the mercy of the court when
something that has always been there but you never know about he came to trial. He did that and got a 3 to 15 years sentence.
it until something happens. Regardless of the personal differ From prison he wrote and asked if I would come to the prison
ences the brethren have, they are there to help and especially my and witness. I was privileged to go into that major correctional
mother, because she has had the hardest part of all. insitution and I met people there I would never have chosen to
It seems like the Lord is opening up a lot of doors in South witness to. For about six months I went on a weekly basis. It was
America with my fathers family. This is very encouraging a beautiful privilege and one of the highlights of my Christian
because I have always wondered about S. A. and Africa. It seems See Brethren p a g e 14
William A. Baker, Pilgrim
The eleventh chapter of the book of in Truth circles as The Little Giant.
Hebrews points out to us the example of Brother Baker was very active in the
many of Gods holy saints who lived and work of the Photo-Drama of Creation
died in the pre-Christian era. They are a and frequently was a companion of Bro.
reminder of those who make up the per Russell. He was active in the pilgrim serv
sonnel of whom the Bible says, the world ice. His personal assurance of the fulfil
was not worthy (Hebrews 11:38) yet ment of all of Gods purposes qualified
whose example of faith is inspiring to all him as an excellent public speaker, and he
of us who read the records. was so used on the Pacific coast until the
It follows, likewise, that we who live in close of his life.
the Gospel Age have records of faithful He often used the word Heritage and
saints who walked in the footsteps of encouraged the brethren to consider and
their Leader and Master and counted not assess the value of the harvest message.
their lives dear unto themselves. Many of Within the context of the word, he would
these have lived in the twentieth century! frequently be heard to question the
We would be remiss if we failed to brethren, Have you read the Volumes
mention one William A. Baker, a resi lately? Indeed, an excellent question to
dent of Portland, Oregon, born in the raise even for us at the present time!
year 1879, joined his Master in 1961. As we consider many faithful brethren
Brother Baker was employed with the in the Truth movement of this century,
This story is one o f 20 about deceased well-known firm of Myers Frank at the may each of us likewise take our place in
brothers and sisters who were strong in managerial level. His Christian principles the sands of time and do them respect
the Truth and led exemplary lives, reflect were put to excellent use on a daily basis. and honor by copying their example in
ing their faith and zeal. Brother Bakers introduction to Truth our lives, remembering that it will yet be
These histories were written by various circles commenced shortly after the turn said of all the Christian faithful that This
brethren fo r the Youth Camp program in of the century. His zeal and faithful sup one and that man was born in her, and
June, to acquaint the young people with port of Truth earned him the respect of that the Lord loveth the gates of Zion
some o f the beloved saints o f the past. all, and he was a noble example of a man more than the dwellings of Jacob." (Psalm
We will include others o f these in of God! 87) To us who still remain be thou an
future issues as space permits. Brother Baker, like Zaccheus, was of example of the believer in word, in con
Ed. little stature in the physical sense, but versation (conduct), in love, in spirit, in
his steadfastness of Truth, doctrines, zeal, faith, in purity. I Timothy 4:12.
service, and godliness earned him a name

Polish Chorus on Tape New Class in England Editors New Address

Hymns sung in Polish by a 50-voice cho Brethren report that an ecclesia has Glenn & Rochelle Pryor
rus of Polish young people are available recently formed in New Castle Upon 181 Broadway, Apt. 3
on tape. The 60 minute cassette tape is $4. Tyne, England. It seems a group of Norwich, CT 06360
postpaid from: International Convention, former Jehovahs Witnesses got sets of (203) 889-5991
1425 Lachman Lane, Pacific Palisades, Studies in the Scriptures, and started
CA 90272. advertising. In time, they found other
former Jehovahs Witnesses and two old-
time Bible Students. The new class of
about 14 might be the largest ecclesia in Large Screen Offer
England that believes in the Lords The Chicago Bible Students have a movie
Second Presence. screen in good condition which they are
offering to any ecclesia or individual who
can make good use of it.
The screen is made to be permanently
Secretary hung from a wall or supporting rafter. It
Cleveland Bible Students weighs about 80 pounds. The overall
Alex Brzostek, Secy width is 100 inches. The screen size is
17820 East Park Dr. approximately 8 feet wide by 10 feet long
Cleveland, OH 44119 when fully extended.
(216) 486-3467 Anyone interested in this item may
contact in writing: Robert Whittaker, 1
South 311 Myrtle Ave., Villa Park, 1L
Brethren fro m page 12 A Weakness Recognized
Sr. Eldina Kinion. Fort Collins, Colo, ecclesia. 1 received such a
experience. People would come with worn Bibles and 1 would
blessing a few months ago I am still meditating on it and would
quote scriptures to them and they would quote scriptures back to
like to share it. God has been dealing with me in regards to my
me. There were about 35 people from every conceivable level of
weakness ... When 1 was about 18 it began to give me some
crime. After that first meeting in the prison I felt like I could fly
trouble but I did not recognize it as a weakness at that time. Then
right over the prison walls. All 1 had was the Truth, but that was when 1 matured and came into the Truth I was already unequally
all that I needed! yoked, so I learned a lot of wonderful lessons. Recently the Lord
These are the counterbalancing blessings the Lord has given showed me the blessing of being unequally yoked that it was
for the tragedy in my family of the past year. (Bro. Ralph to develop the weakness in my character. There is a certain
testified about this the following day.) element in trial that comes in contact with weakness of character
I have a beautiful sister 10 years older than 1 who mothered that has taken me 27 years to understand and to receive the
me as a child, taking me to conventions and introducing me to blessing from this experience.
the Truth about 50 years ago. She was consecrated at 14. Then When the Lord gives you the understanding of what it is He is
she married in the Lord and 1 was best man at her wedding when trying to teach you, it throws an entirely different light on your
I was 15. Her husband died last November and my sister died trial. I was grateful for the Fathers wisdom in giving me such a
inside also. I was called upon to take charge of funeral arrange wonderful opportunity to see and understand it, 1 could only
ments because my sister was sick and had to be placed in a praise Him for His love. He knows exactly what we need. He
nursing home. She has had a complete personality change. All knows how to guide it and shape the experience so that it can
these years she has been such a loving zealous person regarding bring the blessing, not only to yourself but to all those involved
the Truth, serving the brethren, and her marriage was happy in with it. I have found that in the overcoming of your weaknesses it
the Lord. I guess the most comforting thing 1 can take from it is is necessary to be placed in a condition that doesnt change. It
that possibly she has already made her calling sure. Its a hard makes me think of the permission of evil. God has appointed a
thing to see someone you love deteriorate mentally. I have the joy certain time period for the permission of evil and the church is
and peace of the Lord in my heart and try to say these things to going to benefit richly from this. When He takes it away, others
my sister but she refuses to listen thats hard. She doesn't want will be blessed.
to see the brethren anymore. I need your prayers and I ask
prayers for my sister according to the Lords will. Brought Love from Brethren in Israel
Sr. Virginia Sowers, Tempe, Arizona. 1 would be remiss if I
I was at ease .. didnt bring you the love of your brethren in Israel. Arden and
Sr. Marjorie Crosby, Lakewood, Colo, ecclesia. In Job 16:12 he Darlene Bausch who live in a Christian kibbutz asked to be
says, I was at ease but he shattered me. I had been planning a remembered. They came and had dinner with us one night in
short vacation which I thought was needed and from every angle Haifa. Stuart and Jean Livermore who live south of Tel Aviv
1 thought it was in good taste, and it would end up at the Fort we spent an afternoon with them want you to know that the
Worth convention. 1 had been living quite at ease ... In a way, I Truth is as bright and shining to them as it ever was. They asked
might have been aware of it but it did not shake me and I did not that I bring their love. For my own personal experience, the
mend my ways. It was kind of an easy feeling, as Job puts it. So Lord has given me many things. 1 can identify so much with the
we started on our little vacation, but 1wound up doing nothing I things that have been said how He overrules in ways that you
had planned, and ended up in the hospital (in a small town) marvel at after it happened. You realize that He has many things
where 1 knew no one. I never got to the Fort Worth convention in mind for you to experience and if you stick with it and try to
and I thought, How could this happen to me! I had it all planned learn what He is teaching you, the blessing will be yours in the
out so beautifully. Lying there feeling sorry for myself I thought. end.
Who made all these plans in the first place? I had slipped into
such an easy way of enjoying all the benefits and really wasnt
making a great deal of progress. When I realized 1 was only 80
miles from the convention and wasnt allowed to go, it gave me a Afflicted fr o m p a g e 4
second thought, a caution that I could be so near, and yet so far. presently is improved though still critical. He says he feels better
It was a blessed experience. and others say his appearance is returning to normal. He is now
able to walk though painful with the aid of crutches. More
Testing Brings Awareness important, the Zaboskis said, is the spiritual growth both have
Sr. Donna Lawrence, North Lynn, Colorado. 1 have had one gained through this trying experience which has drawn them
extremely hard trial for about 8 years. I was getting discouraged. closer to the Lord and increased their faith. They appreciate the
It was through this trial that I have found out that the problem prayers already offered and the many kind expressions of love
was me. I have learned that the Lord deals with us like we deal and concern from the brethren.
with our children. He says, if we will take responsibility He will
give us provings, and if we dont follow His instruction. He has Sisters Lorraine Zuk & Dorothea Tenut of the Chicago eccle
to discipline us. I am getting to the point where I am beginning to sia are saddened by the death of their father, J oseph Borowski on
learn this from a different viewpoint and it seems that this trial is Sept. 15 at 92. Their brother Ted assumed his care in his declin
starting to dissipate. From this, I am also developing an under ing years.
standing of other people. 1 am really glad I have brethren, and 1 Joseph and his wife, the late Sr. Sophie, attended the Polish
would like to form closer relationships with them because we can class meetings for many years after first hearing the Truth from a
help each other. 1 am grateful I came into the Truth, and to my Polish brother who delivered bread to their home.
heavenly Father and His Word. Bro. Edmund Jezuits funeral witness was a comforting mes
sage for Josephs 5 children, 8 grandchildren, 10 great-grand
children and many relatives and friends. Bro. Jeffry Zuk is one of
his grandsons.
December 28,29 Chicago, Illinois. Chicago Bible Students New
C onventions Years Annual. Location: Not confirmed. Three speakers. Secre
tary: Bruno Hack, 3820 W. 116th PI, Garden Homes, 1L. (312)
In the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Ps. 22:22 388-0321

The Associated Bible Students of Phoenix, Arizona announce

October 25-27 Chicopee, Massachusetts. New England Bible that their usual Thanksgiving convention will not be held this
Students Fifth Annual (new location). Quality Inn & Confer year (1985).
ence Center, 1-291 & MA Turnpike at Exit 6. Secretary: Mrs.
Richard Suraci, 171 Johnson Road, Hamden, C T 06518. (203) 1986
248-3793 January 19 Lebanon, Connecticut. Lebanon Bible Students;
Tentative location: Lebanon Elementary School, Rt 207. Four
October 2527 Connellsville, Pennsylvania. Change of location: speakers. For information: George Duhaime, Elder, R R 1, Box
Best Western Conley Motel, New Stanton (same location as 2 192, Randall Road, Lebanon, CT 06249.
years ago). Make reservations through the class for special rates
($12 - Room, 2 dbl beds). Contact: Wesley Cramer, RD1, Box International Convention
326C, Monongahela. PA 15063. (412)258-2585. Four speakers, August 2-8 Willengen, Germany (new site), 100 miles north of
opens Fri. eve. 7, Study on Reign of Christ; public discourse Sat. Frankfort. Contact: International Convention, 1425 Lachman
6:30; ends Sun. 4 p.m. Lane, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272.

Peru fro m page 9 Centennial from page I dents Newsletter... the two copies of that
is now not with me; one [is] at Erode
Greek and Hebrew, and is thoroughly is being designed to highlight its first
Ecclesia ... Another copy is at Trichy
consecrated. He is also a deep student of century.
[Triuchi] When I showed it, they wanted
the Bible and Pastor Russells writings. At Fort Worth, the brethren are offer
it. I gave them just like that. Bro. George
Aldo is willing to make contacts with ing a volume mailing service to all who
[of] Coonoor had some copies of the
radio stations in Peru, which, as a suc wish to participate. Ecclesias or individu
N ew sletter from whom also I took
cessful businessman, he is well qualified als would supply typewritten pressure
3 copies and gave one to Podanur
to do. The family received a major set sensitive labels in zip code order. The
back when the former military regime First Volume magazine will be mailed to
Concerning the Memorial, Bro. Joseph
confiscated without reimbursement all of all names received at a cost of $60 for
writes: the wonderful Memorial season
the 16 superm arkets in the family each 200 names, including postage.
... was a very blessing here in India. I
business. For brethren who may wish to distrib
went to Erode, a place between Coimba
ute the First Volume from door to door,
tore and Trichy. A bout 20 brethren
Advertising Prospects the rate for a bulk shipment (including
attended and partook. In Coimbatore,
A four-inch advertisement was placed in freight or postage) is: 10 for $5; 50- $15;
nearly 50 partook. The gathering was
the largest circulation Argentinian news 100-$27; 1000-$250.
nearly 75 ..
paper, Clarin. Over 350 responses have Advance orders will enable the Fort
He then described the annual three-
been received. An ad agency is putting Worth ecclesia to determine the size of
day April convention in Bangalore: a
together a package of radio time and the printing they are about to undertake.
very great blessing it was about 400
print advertising. A prompt response is urged, and if possi
brethren and sisters participated. Six
ble pre-payment with the order. Write or
brothers and sisters consecrated them
Translation Needs call: Fort Worth Bible Students, P.O. Box
selves in the service of the Lord ...
The most desperate need is for Volumes 2 4085, F ort W orth TX 76106. Phone
For the two hour public talk, Bro.
through 6 and Tabernacle Shadows in (817) 237-9379.
Joseph spoke on Second Volume Scrip
both Spanish and Portuguese. Miriam
ture Studies with much elaborations of
Lupsor has begun the 5th Volume in
Elijah and Elisha group ... On the third
Spanish, and work on Volume 2, in both Indian fro m page 11 day many brethren actually wept on part
Spanish and Portuguese, has begun in
brethren and telling of various activities ing sweet sorrow. I myself could not
the U.S.
in India. He writes that the books were contain while praying at that time.
Any brethren who have a thorough
knowledge of either Spanish or Portu more than blessing for all of us. We
guese, or know of others who have such cannot repay such kindness. We thank
knowledge, are encouraged to contact Sr. wholeheartedly for the excellent service
Marge Hagensick to assist in the transla ... kindly convey my Christian love to ... He causeth the vapors to ascend from
tion work that lies ahead. Bible Students of Canada and all the the ends o f the earth; he maketh
USA Ecclesias ... all our 14 branches lightnings fo r the rain. He brings the
[ecclesias] have written to me to thank winds out o f his treasures. Psa. 135:7
you for your noble gesture. They will also
write to you ...
A tailor-made cross is preparing you Bro. Joseph said the brethren, re
fo r a custom-made crown. joiced over the photo [in the] Bible Stu


P. O. B OX 33 / C E N T E R V I L L E , O H I O 4 5 4 5 9 - 0 0 3 3 S BS--B# THE #. j v j j y |l r
MONONA fA 5 2 1 5 0
Address Correction
Return Postage Guaranteed

In This Issue

15 See Connellsville 13 Polish Chorus on Tape

6 Italian Prof. Sees Light 13 Large Screen Offered
11 India Rejoices 13 Editors New Address
Deadline to submit news for WINTER
issue is December 1.

To Us The Scriptures Clearly Teach__

. . . that the Church is the Temple of the Living God peculiarly "his ransom for all, and will be the true light which llghteth every man that
workmanship ; that its construction has been in progress throughout the cometh into the world, In due time. Heb. 2:9; John 1:9:1 Tim. 2:5, 6.
Gospel Age ever since Christ became the worlds Redeemer and the . . . that the Hope of the Church is that she may be like her Lord, "see him
Chief Corner Stone of this Temple, through which, when finished, Gods as he is," be partakers of the Divine Nature, and share his glory as his
blessing shall come to all people and they find access to him. 1 Cor. joint-heir. 1 John 3:2; John 17:24; Rom. 8:17; 2 Pet. 1:4.
3:16, 17; Eph. 2:20-22; Gen. 28:14; Gal. 3:29 . .. that the Present Mission of the Church is the perfecting of the saints
. . . that Meantime the Chiseling, the shaping, and polishing of conse for the future work of service; to develop in herself every grace; to be
crated believers In Christs atonement for sin, progresses; and when the Gods witness to the world; and to prepare to be kings and priests In the
last of these living stones," elect and precious, shall have been made next Age. Eph. 4:12; Matt. 24:14; Rev. 1:6; 20:6.
ready, the Great Master Workman will bring all together in the First Resur . . . that the Hope for the World lies in the blessings of knowledge and
rection; and the Temple shall be filled with his glory, and be the meeting opportunity to be brought to all by Christs Millennial Kingdom the
place between God and men throughout the Millennium. Rev. 15:58. restitution of all that was lost in Adam, to all the willing and obedient, at
. . . that the Basis of Hope for the Church and the world lies in the fact the hands of their Redeemer and his glorified Church when all the
that Jesus Christ by the grace of God, tasted death for every man, a willfully wicked will be destroyed. Acts 3:19-23; Isa. 35.

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