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by Fred Espenak, GSFC Planetary Systems Laboratory

Eclipses During 2009

Fred Espenak
To Be Published in Observer's Handbook 2009,
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
During the year 2009, two solar and four lunar eclipses occur as follows:

2009 Jan 26: Annular Solar Eclipse

2009 Feb 09: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
2009 Jul 07: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
2009 Jul 22: Total Solar Eclipse
2009 Aug 06: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
2009 Dec 31: Partial Lunar Eclipse

Predictions for the eclipses are summarized in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. World

maps show the regions of visibility for each eclipse. The lunar eclipse diagrams also
include the path of the Moon through Earth's shadows. Contact times for each principal
phase are tabulated along with the magnitudes and geocentric coordinates of the Sun and
Moon at greatest eclipse.

All times and dates used in this publication are in Universal Time or UT. This
astronomically derived time system is colloquially referred to as Greenwich Mean Time
or GMT. To learn more about UT and how to convert UT to your own local time, see
Time Zones and Universal Time.

Annular Solar Eclipse of January 26

The first solar eclipse of 2009 occurs at the Moon's ascending node in western
Capricornus. An annular eclipse will be visible from a wide track that traverses the Indian
Ocean and western Indonesia. A partial eclipse will be seen within the much larger path
of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes the southern third of Africa,
Madagascar, Australia except Tasmania, southeast India, Southeast Asia and Indonesia.
(Figure 1).

The annular path begins in the South Atlantic at 06:06 UT when the Moon's antumbral
shadow meets Earth and forms a 363 kilometre wide corridor. Traveling eastward, the
shadow quickly sweeps south of the African continent, missing it by approximately 900
kilometres. Slowly curving to the northeast the path crosses the southern Indian Ocean.
Greatest eclipse[1] takes place at 07:58:39 UT when the eclipse magnitude[2] will reach
0.9282. At this instant, the annular duration is 7 minutes 54 seconds, the path width is 280
kilometres and the Sun is 73 above the flat horizon formed by the open ocean. The
central track continues northeast where it finally encounters land in the form of the Cocos
Islands and onward to southern Sumatra and western Java (Figure 2). At 09:40 UT, the
central line duration is 6 minutes 18 seconds and the Sun's altitude at 25. In its final
minutes, the antumbral shadow cuts across central Borneo and clips the northwestern
edge of Celebes before ending just short of Mindanao, Philippines at 09:52 UT. During a
3 hour 46 minute trajectory across our planet, the Moon's antumbra travels approximately
14,500 kilometres and covers 0.9% of Earth's surface area. Path coordinates and central
line circumstances are presented in Table 1.
Partial phases of the eclipse are visible primarily from southern Africa, Australia,
Southeast Asia and Indonesia. Local circumstances for a number of cities are listed in
Table 2. All times are given in Universal Time. The Sun's altitude and azimuth, the
eclipse magnitude and obscuration[3] are all given at the instant of maximum eclipse.

This is the 50th eclipse of Saros 131. The family began with an unusually long series of
22 partial eclipses starting on 1125 Aug 01. The first central eclipse was total in the
Northern Hemisphere on 1522 Mar 27. It was followed by 5 more total eclipses before
the series produce 5 hybrid eclipses from 1630 to 1702. The first annular eclipse of Saros
131 occurred on 1720 Aug 04. The series will produce 29 more annular eclipses the last
of which is 2243 Jun 18. Saros 131 terminates on 2369 Sep 02 after a string of 7 partial
eclipses. Complete details for 70 eclipses in the series may be found at:

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of February 09

The first lunar eclipse of 2009 is one of four such events during the year. The first three
eclipses are penumbral while the last (on Dec. 31) is partial. The Feb 09 event is the
deepest penumbral eclipse of the year with a penumbral magnitude of 0.899. It will be
easily visible to the naked eye as a dusky shading in the northern half of the Moon. The
times of the major phases are listed below.

Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 12:38:46 UT

Greatest Eclipse: 14:38:15 UT
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 16:37:40 UT

Of course, the beginning and end of a penumbral eclipse are not visible to the eye. In fact,
no shading can be detected until about 2/3 of the Moon's disk is immersed in the
penumbra. This would put the period of eclipse visibility from approximately 14:00 to
15:20 UT. Keep in mind that this is only an estimate. Atmospheric conditions and the
observer's visual acuity are important factors to consider. An interesting exercise is to
note when penumbral shading is first and last seen.

Figure 3 shows the path of the Moon through the penumbra as well as a map of Earth
showing the regions of eclipse visibility. Eastern Canada and the USA will miss the
eclipse entirely since the eclipse begins after moonset. Observers in western Canada and
the USA will have the best views with moonset occurring sometime after mid-eclipse. To
catch the entire event, one must be in Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, or East Asia.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of July 07

July's penumbral eclipse is only of academic interest since the magnitude is just 0.156.
Although the Moon will be above the horizon from most of Canada (Figure 4), the
eclipse is so minor as to be completely invisible to the naked eye.

Total Solar Eclipse of July 22

To make up for the anemic lunar eclipse earlier in the month, a major total eclipse of the
Sun occurs two weeks later. The path of the Moon's umbral shadow extends across India,
China, a handful of Japanese islands and the South Pacific Ocean (Espenak and
Anderson, 2008). A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's
penumbral shadow, which includes most of eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific
Ocean (Figure 5).

The central path begins in India's Gulf of Khambhat at 00:53 UT. The Moon passes
through perigee several hours earlier, so the path of totality is unusually wide.

Racing inland, the shadow sweeps over the Indian cities of Surat, Indore, Bhopal,
Varanasi, and Pata as its central duration heads towards the 4-minute mark. Traveling
across Bhutan, the umbra clips Nepal, Bangladesh, and Burma (Myanmar), before
reaching China at 01:05 UT (Figure 6). The duration of totality surpasses 5 minutes in
Sichuan province where its capital city Chengdu lies within the track 85 km north of the
central line. The umbra works its way across the rest of southern China where the major
cities of Chongqing, Wuhan and Hangzhou stand in the eclipse path.

As the Moon's shadow reaches the coast, China's largest city Shanghai (pop. ~19 million)
experiences totality lasting 5 minutes at 01:39 UT. Around 70 km to the south, the central
line duration falls just 5 seconds short of the 6-minute mark. Across the East China Sea,
the umbra sweeps over Japan's Ryukyu Islands and Iwo Jima.

Greatest eclipse occurs in the South Pacific at 02:35:19 UT. At this instant, the axis of the
Moon's shadow passes closest to Earth's center. The maximum duration of totality is
6_minutes 39_seconds, the Sun's altitude is 86, and the path width is 258_km. The
remainder of the path makes no major landfall; it arcs southeast through the Pacific
hitting just a handful of small atolls in the Marshall Islands and Kiribati (Gilbert Islands).

The path of totality ends at 04:18 UT as the lunar shadow leaves Earth and returns to
space 3.4 hours after it started its trek across our planet's surface. The 15,200 km long
track covers 0.71% of Earth's surface. Path coordinates and central line circumstances are
presented in Table 3.

A partial eclipse is seen from a much larger area covering East Asia, Indonesia, and the
South Pacific. Local circumstances for a number of cities are listed in Table 4. All times
are given in Universal Time. The Sun's altitude and azimuth, the eclipse magnitude and
obscuration are all given at the instant of maximum eclipse.
This is the 37th eclipse of Saros 136. The series began on 1360 Jun 14 with the first of
eight partial eclipses. The first central eclipse was annular on 1504 Sep 08. It was
followed by 5 more annular eclipses before the series produced 6 hybrid eclipses from
1612 through 1703. The first total eclipse occurred on 1721 Jan 27. The central line
duration of this series rapidly increased and peaked at 7 minutes 8 seconds on 1955 Jun
20. Since then, the duration is slowly decreasing. Of particular note is the 6-minute total
eclipse passing through the central U. S. on 2045 Aug 12. The series will continue to
produce total eclipses until 2496 May 13. After that, the family winds down with a string
of 7 partial eclipses which ends on 2622 Jul 30. In all, Saros 136 produces 15 partial, 6
annular, 6 hybrid and 44 total eclipses. Complete details for the series can be found at:

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of August 06

A shallow penumbral eclipse occurs 15 days after the total solar eclipse. Since its
magnitude is only 0.402, it will not be visible to the naked eye. Details for the eclipse can
be found in Figure 7.

Partial Lunar Eclipse of December 31

The last eclipse of 2009 occurs on New Year's Eve. This minor partial lunar eclipse takes
place in Gemini, and is visible primarily from the Eastern Hemisphere (Figure 8).
Greatest eclipse takes place at 19:23 UT when the eclipse magnitude will reach 0.0763.

Solar Eclipse Figures

For each solar eclipse, an orthographic projection map of Earth shows the path of
penumbral (partial) and umbral (total) or antumbral (annular) eclipse. North is to the top
in all cases and the daylight terminator is plotted for the instant of greatest eclipse. An
asterisk (*) indicates the sub-solar point[4] on Earth.

The limits of the Moon's penumbral shadow delineate the region of visibility of the
partial solar eclipse. This irregular or saddle shaped region often covers more than half of
the daylight hemisphere of Earth and consists of several distinct zones or limits. At the
northern and/or southern boundaries lie the limits of the penumbra's path. Partial eclipses
have only one of these limits, as do central eclipses when the Moon's shadow axis falls no
closer than about 0.45 radii from Earth's centre. Great loops at the western and eastern
extremes of the penumbra's path identify the areas where the eclipse begins/ends at
sunrise and sunset, respectively. If the penumbra has both a northern and southern limit,
the rising and setting curves form two separate, closed loops. Otherwise, the curves are
connected in a distorted figure eight. Bisecting the 'eclipse begins/ends at sunrise and
sunset' loops is the curve of maximum eclipse at sunrise (western loop) and sunset
(eastern loop). The points P1 and P4 mark the coordinates where the penumbral shadow
first contacts (partial eclipse begins) and last contacts (partial eclipse ends) Earth's
surface. If the penumbral path has both a northern and southern limit, then points P2 and
P3 are also plotted. These correspond to the coordinates where the penumbral shadow
cone is internally tangent to Earth's disk.

A curve of maximum eclipse is the locus of all points where the eclipse is at maximum at
a given time. Curves of maximum eclipse are plotted at each half-hour Universal Time.
They generally run between the penumbral limits in the north/south direction, or from the
maximum eclipse at sunrise and sunset curves to one of the limits. If the eclipse is central
(i.e. total or annular), the curves of maximum eclipse run through the outlines of the
umbral shadow, which are plotted at ten-minute intervals. The curves of constant eclipse
magnitude delineate the locus of all points where the magnitude at maximum eclipse is
constant. These curves run exclusively between the curves of maximum eclipse at sunrise
and sunset. Furthermore, they are parallel to the northern/southern penumbral limits and
the umbral paths of central eclipses. In fact, the northern and southern limits of the
penumbra can be thought of as curves of constant magnitude of 0.0. The adjacent curves
are for magnitudes of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8. For total eclipses, the northern and southern
limits of the umbra are curves of constant magnitude of 1.0. Umbral path limits for
annular eclipses are curves of maximum eclipse magnitude.

Greatest eclipse is defined as the instant when the axis of the Moon's shadow passes
closest to Earth's centre. Although greatest eclipse differs slightly from the instants of
greatest magnitude and greatest duration (for total eclipses), the differences are
negligible. The point on Earth's surface intersected by the axis at greatest eclipse is
marked by an asterisk symbol. For partial eclipses, the shadow axis misses Earth entirely,
so the point of greatest eclipse lies on the day/night terminator and the Sun appears on the

Data pertinent to the eclipse appear with each map. At the top are listed the instant of
ecliptic conjunction of the Sun and Moon (i.e., New Moon) and the instant of greatest
eclipse, expressed in Terrestrial Dynamical Time and Universal Time. The eclipse
magnitude is defined as the fraction of the Sun's diameter obscured by the Moon at
greatest eclipse. For central eclipses (total or annular), the magnitude is replaced by the
geocentric ratio of diameters of the Moon and the Sun. Gamma is the minimum distance
of the Moon's shadow axis from Earth's centre in Earth radii at greatest eclipse. The Saros
series of the eclipse is listed, followed by the member position. The first member number
identifies the sequence position of the eclipse in the Saros, while the second is the total
number of eclipses in the series.

In the upper left and right corners are the geocentric coordinates of the Sun and the
Moon, respectively, at the instant of greatest eclipse. They are:
R.A. - Right Ascension
Dec. - Declination
S.D. - Apparent Semi-Diameter
H.P. - Horizontal Parallax

To the lower left are exterior/interior contact times of the Moon's penumbral shadow with
Earth, which are defined:

P1 - Instant of first exterior tangency of Penumbra with Earth's limb. (Partial Eclipse
P2 - Instant of first interior tangency of Penumbra with Earth's limb.
P3 - Instant of last interior tangency of Penumbra with Earth's limb.
P4 - Instant of last exterior tangency of Penumbra with Earth's limb. (Partial Eclipse

Not all eclipses have P2 and P3 penumbral contacts. They are only present in cases
where the penumbral shadow falls completely within Earth's disk. For central eclipses,
the lower right corner lists exterior/interior contact times of the Moon's umbral shadow
with Earth's limb which are defined as follows:

U1 - Instant of first exterior tangency of Umbra with Earth's limb. (Umbral

[Total/Annular] Eclipse Begins)
U2 - Instant of first interior tangency of Umbra with Earth's limb.
U3 - Instant of last interior tangency of Umbra with Earth's limb.
U4 - Instant of last exterior tangency of Umbra with Earth's limb. (Umbral
[Total/Annular] Eclipse Ends)

At bottom centre are the geographic coordinates of the position of greatest eclipse along
with the local circumstances at that location (i.e., Sun altitude, Sun azimuth, path width
and duration of totality/annularity). At bottom left is a list of parameters used in the
eclipse predictions, while bottom right gives the Moon's geocentric libration (optical +
physical) at greatest eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse Figures

Each lunar eclipse has two diagrams associated with it along with data pertinent to the
eclipse. The top figure shows the path of the Moon through Earth's penumbral and
umbral shadows. Above this figure are listed the instant of ecliptic conjunction of the
Moon with the point 180 from the Sun (i.e., Full Moon) and the instant of greatest
eclipse, expressed in Terrestrial Dynamical Time and Universal Time. The penumbral and
umbral magnitudes are defined as the fraction of the Moon's diameter immersed in the
two shadows at greatest eclipse. The radii of the penumbral and umbral shadows, P.
Radius and U. Radius, are also listed. Gamma is the minimum distance in Earth radii of
the Moon's centre from Earth's shadow axis at greatest eclipse, and Axis is the same
parameter expressed in degrees. The Saros series of the eclipse is listed, followed by a
pair of numbers. The first number identifies the sequence position of the eclipse in the
Saros; the second is the total number of eclipses in the series.

In the upper left and right corners are the geocentric coordinates of the Sun and the
Moon, respectively, at the instant of greatest eclipse. They are:

R.A. - Right Ascension

Dec. - Declination
S.D. - Apparent Semi-Diameter
H.P. - Horizontal Parallax

To the lower left are the semi, or half, durations of the penumbral, and partial (umbral)
eclipses. Below them are the extrapolated value of T (the difference between Terrestrial
Dynamical Time and Universal Time) and the Sun/Moon ephemerides used in the
predictions. To the lower right are the contact times of the Moon with Earth's penumbral
and umbral shadows, defined as follows:

P1 - Instant of first exterior tangency of Moon with Penumbra. (Penumbral Eclipse

U1 - Instant of first exterior tangency of Moon with Umbra. (Partial Umbral Eclipse
U2 - Instant of first interior tangency of Moon with Umbra. (Total Umbral Eclipse
U3 - Instant of last interior tangency of Moon with Umbra. (Total Umbral Eclipse Ends)
U4 - Instant of last exterior tangency of Moon with Umbra (Partial Umbral Eclipse Ends)
P4 - Instant of last exterior tangency of Moon with Penumbra. (Penumbral Eclipse Ends)

The bottom figure is a cylindrical equidistant projection map of Earth that shows the
regions of visibility for each stage of the eclipse. In particular, the moonrise/moonset
terminator is plotted for each contact and is labeled accordingly. An asterisk indicates the
point where the Moon is in the zenith at greatest eclipse. The region that is unshaded will
observe the entire eclipse, while the darkly shaded area will witness no eclipse. The
remaining lightly shaded areas will experience moonrise or moonset while the eclipse is
in progress. The shaded zones east of the asterisk will witness moonset before the eclipse
ends, and the shaded zones west will witness moonrise after the eclipse has begun.

Shadow Diameters and Lunar Eclipses

To compensate for Earth's atmosphere when calculating the circumstances for lunar
eclipses, Chauvenet [1891] introduced an empirical enlargement of 1/50 to the diameters
of the umbral and penumbral shadows. This rule has been employed by many of the
national institutes in their official eclipse predictions (including the author's work at
NASA). However, Danjon [1951] pointed out a flaw in this method because it applies the
same relative correction to the umbra and penumbra instead of using the same absolute
correction. From eclipse observations, Danjon proposed to enlarge Earth's diameter by
1/85 to compensate for the atmosphere. The umbral and penumbral shadow diameters are
then calculated based on this modified geometry. The French almanac "Connaissance des
Temps" has used the Danjon rule in its eclipse predictions since 1951. The resulting
umbral and penumbral eclipse magnitudes are smaller by approximately 0.005 and 0.026,
respectively, as compared to predictions using the traditional 1/50 rule.

Beginning with Eclipses During 2007, we use the Danjon rule in calculating lunar eclipse
circumstances and magnitudes.

Eclipse Altitudes and Azimuths

The altitude a and azimuth A of the Sun or Moon during an eclipse depend on the time
and the observer's geographic coordinates. They are calculated as follows:

h = 15 (GST + UT - ) +
a = arcsin [sin sin + cos cos h cos ]
A = arctan [-(cos sin h)/(sin cos - cos cos h sin )]


h = hour angle of Sun or Moon

a = altitude
A = azimuth
GST = Greenwich Sidereal Time at 0:00 UT
UT = Universal Time
= right ascension of Sun or Moon
= declination of Sun or Moon
= observer's longitude (east +, west -)
= observer's latitude (north +, south -)

During the eclipses of 2009, the values for GST and the geocentric Right Ascension and
Declination of the Sun or the Moon (at greatest eclipse) are as follows:

Eclipse Date GST

Annular Solar 2009 Jan 26 8.383 20.592 -18.649
Penumbral Lunar 2009 Feb 09 9.321 9.528 13.527
Penumbral Lunar 2009 Jul 07 19.033 19.136 -23.861
Total Solar 2009 Jul 22 19.999 8.107 20.267
Penumbral Lunar 2009 Aug 06 20.979 21.046 -15.576
Partial Lunar 2009 Dec 31 6.690 6.756 24.020

Two web based tools that can also be used to calculate the local circumstances for all
solar and lunar eclipses visible from any location. They are the Javascript Solar Eclipse
Explorer and the Javascript Lunar Eclipse Explorer. The URLs for these tools are:

Eclipses During 2010

In 2010, there are two solar and two lunar eclipses:

2010 Jan 15: Annular Solar Eclipse

2010 Jun 26: Partial Lunar Eclipse
2010 Jul 11: Total Solar Eclipse
2010 Dec 21: Total Lunar Eclipse

A full report on eclipses during 2010 will be published in Observer's Handbook 2010.

NASA Solar Eclipse Bulletins

Special bulletins containing detailed predictions and meteorological data for future solar
eclipses of interest are prepared by Fred Espenak and Jay Anderson and are published
through NASAs Publication series. The bulletins are provided as a public service to both
the professional and lay communities, including educators and the media. A list of
currently available bulletins and an order form can be found at:

The most recent bulletin of the series covers the total solar eclipse of 2008 August 01
which is visible from northern Canada, Russia, Mongolia and China. Single copies of the
eclipse bulletins are available at no cost by sending a 9 x 12-in. self-addressed envelope
stamped with postage for 11 oz. (310 g). Please print the eclipse year on the envelopes
lower left corner. Use stamps only, since cash and cheques cannot be accepted. Requests
from outside the United States and Canada may include 10 international postal coupons.
Mail requests to: Fred Espenak, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 693,
Greenbelt MD 20771, USA.

The NASA eclipse bulletins are also available over the Internet, including out-of-print
bulletins. Using a Web browser, they can be read or downloaded through the NASA
Eclipse Web Page at:
Eclipse Web Sites
The URL of the NASA Eclipse Web Site is:

The site features predictions and maps for all solar and lunar eclipses well into the 21st
century, with special emphasis on upcoming eclipses. Special pages are devoted to the
total solar eclipses of 2008, 2009 and 2010 that feature detailed maps, tables, graphs, and
meteorological data. A world atlas of solar eclipses provides maps of all central eclipse
paths from 2000 BCE to 3000 CE. The entire Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses
[Espenak and Meeus, 2006] can be downloaded in PDF format and all maps are also
available online as individual GIF images. Additional catalogues list every solar and
lunar eclipse over a 5000-year period.

A special web site is available for the 2009 total solar eclipse. It contains detailed maps,
tables and meteorological data' The URL is:

Detailed information on solar and lunar eclipse photography and tips on eclipse observing
and eye safety may be found at:

Special thanks to National Space Club summer intern Wesley Ripley for converting the
MS Word manuscript to html for this web page (July 2008).

All eclipse predictions were generated on a Macintosh G4 PowerPC computer using

algorithms developed from the Explanatory Supplement [1974] with additional
algorithms from Meeus, Grosjean, and Vanderleen [1966]. The solar coordinates used in
the eclipse predictions are based on VSOP87 [P. Bretagnon and G. Francou, 1988]. The
lunar coordinates are based on ELP-2000/82 [M. Chapront-Touz and J. Chapront, 1983].
For lunar eclipses, the diameter of the umbral and penumbral shadows were calculated
using Danjon's rule of enlarging Earth's radius by 1/85 to compensate for the opacity of
the terrestrial atmosphere; corrections for the effects of oblateness have also been

All calculations, diagrams, tables, and opinions presented in this paper are those of the
author, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy.
[1] The instant of greatest eclipse occurs when the distance between the Moon's shadow
axis and Earth's geocentre reaches a minimum.

[2] Eclipse magnitude is defined as the fraction of the Sun's diameter occulted by the

[3] Eclipse obscuration is defined as the fraction of the Sun's area occulted by the Moon.

[4] The sub-solar point is the geographic location where the Sun appears directly
overhead (zenith).

Bretagnon P., Francou G., "Planetary Theories in rectangular and spherical variables:
VSOP87 solution", Astron. and Astrophys., vol. 202, no. 309 (1988).

Chapront-Touz, M and Chapront, J., "The Lunar Ephemeris ELP 2000," Astron. and
Astrophys., vol. 124, no. 1, pp 50-62 (1983).

Chauvenet, W., Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy, Vol.1, 1891 (Dover
edition 1961).

Danjon, A., "Les clipses de Lune par la pnombre en 1951," L'Astronomie, 65, 51-53
(Feb. 1951).

Espenak, F., Fifty Year Canon of Solar Eclipses: 1986-2035, Sky Publishing Corp.,
Cambridge, MA, 1988

Espenak, F., Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses: 1986-2035, Sky Publishing Corp.,
Cambridge, MA, 1989.

Espenak, F., and Anderson, J., Total Solar Eclipse of 2009 July 22, NASA TP-2008-
214169, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 2008.

Espenak, F., and Meeus, J., Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -2000 to +3000
(2000 BCE to 3000 CE), NASA TP-2006-214141, Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, MD, 2006.
Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris and the American Ephemeris
and Nautical Almanac, Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office, London, 1974.

Littmann, M., Espenak, F., & Willcox, K., Totality-Eclipses of the Sun, 3rd Ed., Oxford
University Press, New York, 2008.

Meeus, J., Grosjean, C.C., & Vanderleen, W., Canon of Solar Eclipses, Pergamon Press,
New York, 1966.

Meeus, J. & Mucke, H., Canon of Lunar Eclipses: -2002 to +2526, Astronomisches
Buro, Wien, 1979.

Solar Eclipses
Lunar Eclipses

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Last Updated: 2006 Jul 17

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