Quan v. Ty - Complaint

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Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Document #: 1 Filed: 08/03/17 Page 1 of 16 PageID #:1



Shanlian Quan and Kwan Joong Kim, )

Plaintiffs, )
) Case No. 1:17-cv-5683
v. )
Ty, Inc., Plainfield, IL, and H TY Warner )
at 280 CHESTNUT ST, WESTMONT, 60559, IL. )
Defendants. )


Plaintiffs Shanlian Quan and Kwan Joong Kim, by and through their attorney,

Sang Lee, for their Complaint against the Defendants Ty, Inc. and H TY WARNER

allege as follows:


1. This is an action against Ty, Inc. and other defendants for copyright
infringement and patent infringement under the law of the United States and of the

State of Illinois. By this action, Shanlian Quan and Kwan Joong Kim seek, inter alia,

declaratory relief, compensatory damages, punitive damages, exemplary damages,

restitution payment and attorney’s fees and costs.


2. Shanlian Quan (“Quan”) is and individual with a principal place of

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residence at Guang dong province Dong guan city Chashan town Lijiang Hua Yuan

8Dong 5A China.

3. Kwan Joong Kim (“Kim”) is and individual with a principal place of

residence at RM1 11/F JADE COMM HSE 559-561, AUSTIN W LKN HK.

4. Upon information and belief, Defendant Ty, Inc. (“Ty”) is an Illinois

corporation with its principal place of business at 280 CHESTNUT ST,

WESTMONT, 60559, IL.

5. Upon information and belief, Defendant H TY WARNER is an Illinois

resident with its principal place of residence at 280 CHESTNUT ST,

WESTMONT, 60559, IL.

6. Quan and Kim are collectively referred to as “Plaintiffs” and Ty and

Others henceforth are collectively referred to as “Defendants”.


7. This Court has original subject matter jurisdiction over this case for

copyright infringement under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a), and supplemental

jurisdiction over Plaintiffs’ claims arising under state law under 28 U.S.C. § 1367.

8. This Court also has original subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to the

patent laws of the United States, Title 35 of the United States Code. This Court has

exclusive subject matter jurisdiction over this case for patent infringement under 28

U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a), and supplemental jurisdiction over Plaintiffs’ claims

arising under state law under 28 U.S.C. § 1367.

9. Venue is proper in this District by virtue of 28 U.S.C. § 1391 (b) and

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(c) because the events giving rise to the claims have occurred and are occurring in

this District and because Defendants are subject to personal jurisdiction in this


10. An actual case or controversy has arisen between the parties.

11. Plaintiffs have been injured by Defendants’ conduct and have suffered

damages resulting therefrom.



12. Quan designs plush toys in China and Quan assigned the distribution
or sale rights of her plush toys to Kim and his company, Creatail HK Limited.

13. Defendants have visited Plaintiffs’ showrooms several times.

14. Kim and his company, Creatail HK Limited, have showed samples to

Defendants in person in the showroom, Kim and his company, Creatail HK Limited,

have sent pictures of the samples in emails to Defendants and Kim and his company,

Creatail HK Limited, have delivered sample plush toys to Defendants.

15. Kim and his company, Creatail HK Limited, received purchase orders from
Defendants in email and Kim with his associates and his contactors have manufactured and

delivered plush toys for sale to Defendants for sale in the U.S.A. until 2015.

16. Upon information and belief, Defendants are also marketers, distributors

and sellers of plush toys in the U.S. and in other countries.

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17. Defendants have paid for some of the outstanding invoices, but have

refused to pay for other outstanding invoices and asked for the cheaper prices.

18. After receiving request for cheaper plush toys from Ty, Quan has set up a

manufacturing factory in China in 2015.

19. Upon information and belief, Defendants cancelled the pending orders with

Kim in 2015 without any compensation and without any explanation for the reasons.

20. Defendants bought cheaper counterfeit items of Quan from other

manufacturers in China. Some counterfeit items have been seized by Chinese Port

Authorities for the infringement of the copyrights and the patent rights, but other

counterfeit items have been delivered to Defendants somehow.

21. Kim and his company, Creatail HK Limited, have requested for the

payment of the outstanding invoices for two years through email and by letter, but

Defendants have refused to settle the outstanding invoices with the excuse of the

seizures of the counterfeit items by Chinese Authorities.

22. Quan is the owner of copyrights for plush toys in China as in Exhibit C and

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Kim is the owner of the copyrights in the U.S. by the assignment from Quan, Kim’s

wife, as in Exhibit D and on information and belief, Defendants has had knowledge

and notice and their own infringement of Plaintiffs’ copyrights, since as early as in

August 2015 by virtue of the pending disputes and of the present Complaint.

23. Shanlian Quan is the owner of Patent # US D 780,854 S (The Patent) as in

Exhibit A and on information and belief, Defendants has had knowledge and notice

and their own infringement of Plaintiffs’ patent rights as in Exhibit B, since as early as

in August 2015 by virtue of the pending disputes and of the present Complaint.

24. Shanlian Quan assigned her copyrights in the U.S. to her husband, Kwan

Joong Kim as in Exhibit D and on information and belief, Defendants has had

knowledge and notice and their own infringement of Plaintiffs’ copyrights, since as

early as in August 2015 by virtue of the pending disputes and of the present Complaint.

25. Upon information and belief, Defendants have and are continuing to market

and sell or distribute the counterfeit plush toys of Quan under Ty brand name

worldwide for two years at least. Some, but not all, of the infringements are shown in

Exhibit E.

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Direct Copyright Infringement

26. Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference each and every averment contained

in paragraphs 1 through 25 inclusive.

27. Through their conduct averred herein, Defendants have infringed Plaintiffs’

copyrights in their works without authorization in violation of Sections §§ 106 et seq.

and Section 501 of the Copyright Act. 17 U.S.C. §§ 106 et seq., and 501 .

28. Each infringement by Defendants of Plaintiffs’ copyrighted works, some, but

not all, of the infringements are shown in Exhibit E, constitutes a separate and

distinct act of infringement.

29. Defendants’ acts of infringement were willful, in disregard of and with

indifference to the rights of Plaintiffs for two years at least.

30. As a direct and proximate result of the infringements by Defendants,

Plaintiffs are entitled to damages and Defendants’ profits in amounts to be

proven at trial which are not currently ascertainable.

31. Alternatively, Plaintiffs are entitled to the maximum statutory damages in the

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amount of $150,000 with respect to each work infringed, or for such other

amounts as may be proper under 17 U.S.C. § 504.

32. Plaintiffs further are entitled to recover their attorneys’ fees and full costs

pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 505.

33. As a direct and proximate result of the foregoing acts and conduct, Plaintiffs

have sustained and will continue to sustain substantial, immediate and

irreparable injury, for which there is no adequate remedy at law. Unless

enjoined and restrained by this Court, Defendants will continue to infringe

Plaintiffs’ rights in their copyrighted works. Plaintiffs are entitled to preliminary

and permanent injunctive relief.


Contributory Copyright Infringement

34. Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference each and every averment

contained in paragraphs 1 through 33, inclusive.

35. Defendants knowingly and systematically have materially contributed to,

intentionally induced, and/or caused its distributors to infringe Plaintiffs’ copyrights in

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their works, including by materially contributing to, intentionally inducing, and/or

causing unauthorized reproductions and distributions of plush toys without

authorization in violation of Sections 106 et seq. and Section 501 of the Copyright Act.

17 U.S.C. §§ 106 et seq., and 501. Notwithstanding such knowledge, Defendants have

failed to take simple measures, readily available to Defendants, that could prevent

further damage to Plaintiffs’ copyrighted works.

36. Each infringement by Defendants of Plaintiffs’ copyrighted works, some,

but not all, of the infringements are shown in Exhibit E, constitutes a separate and

distinct act of infringement.

37. Defendants’ acts of infringement were willful, in disregard of and with

indifference to the rights of Plaintiffs for two years at least.

38. As a direct and proximate result of the infringements by Defendants,

Plaintiffs are entitled to damages and Defendants’ profits in amounts to be proven at

trial which are not currently ascertainable.

39. Alternatively, Plaintiffs are entitled to the maximum statutory damages in

the amount of $150,000 with respect to each work infringed, or for such other amounts

as may be proper under 17 U.S.C. § 504.

40. Plaintiffs further are entitled to recover their attorneys’ fees and full costs

pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 505.

41. As a direct and proximate result of the foregoing acts and conduct,

Plaintiffs have sustained and will continue to sustain substantial, immediate and

irreparable injury, for which there is no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined and

restrained by this Court, Defendants will continue to infringe Plaintiffs’ rights in their

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copyrighted works. Plaintiffs are entitled to preliminary and permanent injunctive



Vicarious Copyright Infringement

42. Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference each and every averment

contained in paragraphs 1 through 41, inclusive.

43. Defendants have the right and ability to supervise and/or control the

infringing conduct of their employees. Defendants knowingly and systematically have

materially contributed to, intentionally induced, and/or caused its employees to infringe

Plaintiffs’ copyrights in their works, including by materially contributing to,

intentionally inducing, and/or causing unauthorized reproductions and distributions of

plush toys without authorization in violation of Sections 106 et seq. and Section 501 of

the Copyright Act. 17 U.S.C. §§ 106 et seq., and 501. Notwithstanding such

knowledge, Defendants have failed to take simple measures, readily available to

Defendants, that could prevent further damage to Plaintiffs’ copyrighted works.

44. Each infringement by Defendants of Plaintiffs’ copyrighted works, some,

but not all, of the infringements are shown in Exhibit E, constitutes a separate and

distinct act of infringement.

45. Defendants’ acts of infringement were willful, in disregard of and with

indifference to the rights of Plaintiffs for two years at least.

46. As a direct and proximate result of the infringements by Defendants,

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Plaintiffs are entitled to damages and Defendants’ profits in amounts to be proven at

trial which are not currently ascertainable.

47. Alternatively, Plaintiffs are entitled to the maximum statutory damages in

the amount of $150,000 with respect to each work infringed, or for such other amounts

as may be proper under 17 U.S.C. § 504.

48. Plaintiffs further are entitled to recover their attorneys’ fees and full costs

pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 505.

49. As a direct and proximate result of the foregoing acts and conduct,

Plaintiffs have sustained and will continue to sustain substantial, immediate and

irreparable injury, for which there is no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined and

restrained by this Court, Defendants will continue to infringe Plaintiffs’ rights in their

copyrighted works. Plaintiffs are entitled to preliminary and permanent injunctive



Statutory and Common Law Misappropriation

50. Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference each and every averment

contained in paragraphs 1 through 49, inclusive.

51. Plaintiffs possess exclusive ownership interests in the Copyrighted works

under applicable statutory and common law as in Exhibit C and Exhibit D.

52. As a direct and proximate result of the infringements by Defendants, some,

but not all, of the infringements are shown in Exhibit E, Plaintiffs are entitled to

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recover all proceeds and other compensation received or to be received arising from the

infringements of Plaintiffs’ copyrighted works. Defendants’ proceeds and other

compensation in amounts to be proven at trial which are not currently ascertainable.

53. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ conduct in violation of

Plaintiffs’ exclusive ownership interests in the copyrighted works, Defendants have

been unjustly enriched and Plaintiffs have been damaged in an amount to be proven at

trial which damages and/or restitution and disgorgement is appropriate. Such damages

and/or restitution and disgorgement should include a declaration by this Court that

Defendants are constructive trustees for the benefit of Plaintiffs, and an order that

Defendants convey to Plaintiffs all the gross receipts received or toe be receive that are

attributable to the infringement of the copyrighted works.

54. Through its conduct, Defendants are guilty of oppression, fraud or malice;

Plaintiffs, in addition to their actual damages, are by reason thereof entitled to recover

exemplary and punitive damages against Defendants.

55. As a direct and proximate result of the foregoing acts and conduct, Plaintiffs

have sustained and will continue to sustain substantial, immediate and irreparable

injury, for which there is no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined and restrained by

this Court, Defendants will continue to infringe Plaintiffs’ rights in their copyrighted

works. Plaintiffs are entitled to preliminary and permanent injunctive relief.


Statutory and Common Law Unfair Competition

56. Plaintiffs incorporate herein by reference each and every averment

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contained in paragraphs 1 through 55, inclusive.

57. The acts and conduct of Defendants constitute an appropriation and invasion

of the property rights of Plaintiffs in the copyrighted works, and constitute unfair

competition udder applicable statutory and common law.

58. As a direct and proximate result of the infringements by Defendants, some,

but not all, of the infringements are shown in Exhibit E, Plaintiffs are entitled to

recover all proceeds and other compensation received or to be received arising from the

infringements of Plaintiffs’ copyrighted works. Defendants’ proceeds and other

compensation in amounts to be proven at trial which are not currently ascertainable.

59. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ conduct in violation of

Plaintiffs’ exclusive ownership interests in the copyrighted works, Defendants have

been unjustly enriched and Plaintiffs have been damaged in an amount to be proven at

trial which damages and/or restitution and disgorgement is appropriate. Such damages

and/or restitution and disgorgement should include a declaration by this Court that

Defendants are a constructive trustee for the benefit of Plaintiffs, and an order that

Defendants convey to Plaintiffs all the gross receipts received or toe be receive that are

attributable to the infringement of the copyrighted works.

60. Through its conduct, Defendants are guilty of oppression, fraud or malice;

Plaintiffs, in addition to their actual damages, are by reason thereof entitled to recover

exemplary and punitive damages against Defendants.

61. As a direct and proximate result of the foregoing acts and conduct, Plaintiffs

have sustained and will continue to sustain substantial, immediate and irreparable

injury, for which there is no adequate remedy at law. Unless enjoined and restrained by

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this Court, Defendants will continue to infringe Plaintiffs’ rights in their copyrighted

works. Plaintiffs are entitled to preliminary and permanent injunctive relief.


Infringement of Plaintiff’s Patent

62. As its seventh ground for relief, Plaintiffs hereby allege infringement of

Plaintiffs’ Patent. Plaintiffs repeat and allege the allegations of paragraphs 1 through

61 above, as though fully set forth herein.

63. Plaintiff’s Patent in Exhibit A is valid and enforceable.

64. Defendants have infringed and continued to infringe at least claims of

Plaintiffs’ Patent in Exhibit A, either literally or under the Doctrine of Equivalents, by

producing and selling the counterfeit plush toys as in Exhibit B for two years at least.

65. On information and belief, Defendants has had knowledge and notice of

Plaintiffs’, as well as of its own infringement of Plaintiffs’ patent, since as early as in

August 2015 by virtue of the existing disputes and the present Complaint.

66. Plaintiffs have been and continued to be damaged by Defendants’

infringement of patent. On information and belief, a reasonably royalty for

infringement of the patent would be at least 10% of Defendants’ revenue resulting from

its infringing activities.

67. Defendants’ infringement of the Patent has been and continues to be willful.

68. Defendants’ infringement of the Patent renders this case exceptional within

the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 285.

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WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demand:

1. That defendants pay for all the profits in such amount as may be found;

alternatively, for maximum statutory damages in the amount of $150,000 with respect

to each copyrighted work infringed either directly or indirectly, or for such other

amounts as may be proper pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 504(c).

2. That defendants pay for all the profits and damages to compensate for

Defendants’ infringement of the Patent, such damages to be determined by this court at

trial and an accounting, if necessary, to compensate adequately Plaintiffs for the


3. That defendants pay for any and all unlawful proceeds.

4. That defendants pay for an accounting and the imposition of a constructive


5. That defendants pay punitive and exemplary damages, as authorized for

Plaintiffs’ state law claims, in as such amount as may be awarded at trial.

6. That defendants, their officers, agents, servants, employees, licensees,

attorneys, successors, related companies, parent companies, distributions, salespeople,

and assigns, and all those in active or participation with them, be forthwith

preliminarily and thereafter permanently enjoined and restrained from:

a. Selling or distributing the counterfeit plush toys or any other similar toys

or designation that are confusingly similar to Plaintiffs’ toys or gives rise to a

likelihood of confusion, mistake or deception with respect to Plaintiffs’ plush toys;

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b. Doing any other act or thing likely to induce the mistaken belief that

defendants or their services or business, are in any way approved by or affiliated,

connected or associated with Plaintiffs’ products; and

c. Unfairly competing with Plaintiffs in any manner whatsoever or causing

injury to the business reputation of Plaintiffs.

7. That defendants deliver for destruction all advertisements, brochures,

current inventory of products, and related materials that utilize Plaintiffs’ plush toys or

approximations or simulations thereof, and remove the same from any and all retail

stores worldwide and websites in their possession or control.

8. That an accounting is granted against defendants, and Plaintiffs be awarded

monetary relief in an amount to be fixed by the Court in its discretion as just, including:

a. All profits received by defendants from sales and revenues of any kind

made as a result of their unlawful actions;

b. All damages sustained by Plaintiffs as a result of defendant’s acts of

infringement and unfair competition; and

c. An order awarding Plaintiffs compensatory, consequential, punitive,

exemplary and other damages, including pre- and post-judgment interest, suffered as a

result of defendants’ violations of Illinois laws and Common laws.

9. That defendants file with the Court and serve upon Plaintiffs within thirty

(30) days after issuance of an injunction, a report in writing and under oath setting forth

in detail the manner and form in which defendants have complied with the injunction.

10. That because of the exceptional nature of this case, resulting from

defendant’s deliberate and willful infringement, this Court award Plaintiffs its

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reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements.

11. That Plaintiffs shall have such other and further relief as this Court may

deem just.

Dated: Chicago, IL

August 3rd, 2017


Shanlian Quan and Kwan Joong Kim

By: Their Attorney

Sang Lee
Law Offices of Sang Lee
505 E Golf Road Suite F
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
(847)-357-1358 Phone
(847)-357-1359 Fax
Illinois ARDC: 6300322
Cook County #: 49332

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Exhibit BCase:
- Infringement of#: 1-2
1:17-cv-05683 Document Plaintiffs' Patent
Filed: 08/03/17 Page 1 of 1 PageID #:27
Exhibit C -Document
Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Plaintiffs' #:
1-3 Filed:Registration Status
08/03/17 Page 1 ofin3 China
PageID #:28
TY ITEM# Name Application# App. Date Owner Picture Copyright # Ty Order Date Sample to Ty Date

Reg#-2015-F- 2014-08-27 /2015-8-

36164 White Seal 201530340730.1 2015-08-27 Shanlian Quan 7/21/2014 9/24/2014
00231946 20

42107 Sitting Lion 201530325757.3 2015-08-27 Shanlian Quan 7/7/2014 9/24/2014 8/22/2014

42105/42106 Sitting Tiger 201530325894.7 2015-08-27 Shanlian Quan 7/7/2014 9/24/2014 8/22/2014

42108/42109 Sitting Bear 201530325812.9 2015-08-27 Shanlian Quan 7/19/2014 9/24/2014 8/22/2014

42110 Sitting Panda 201530325811.4 2015-08-27 Shanlian Quan 7/9/2014 9/24/2014 8/22/2014

42111 Sitting Monkey 201530325779.X 2015-08-27 Shanlian Quan 7/4/2014 9/24/2014 8/22/2014

Reg#-2015-F- Reg. #-2015-F-

42121 Penguin 201530328158.7 2015-08-28 Shanlian Quan Cancelled order 6/23/2015
00208070 00208070

42123 Sitting Gorilla 201530328311.6 2015-08-28 Shanlian Quan 3/25/2015 Cancelled order 6/23/2015

42128 Sittal Koala 201530328618.6 2015-08-28 Shanlian Quan 3/25/2015 Cancelled order 6/23/2015

42129 Sitting Siamese Cat 201530328469.3 2015-08-28 Shanlian Quan 3/27/2014 Cancelled order 6/23/2015

42130 Sitting Cat 201530328156.8 2015-08-28 Shanlian Quan 1/10/2015 Cancelled order 6/23/2015

42131 Sitting Dog 201530328238.2 2015-08-28 Shanlian Quan 3/25/2015 Cancelled order 6/23/2015

42132 Grey Seal 201530328562.4 2015-08-28 Shanlian Quan 5/22/2015 Cancelled order 6/23/2015

42117 Sitting Racoon 201530336420.2 2015-09-02 Shanlian Quan 7/21/2014 Cancelled order 8/22/2014

42119 Sitting Elephant 201530336386.9 2015-09-02 Shanlian Quan 7/9/2014 Cancelled order 8/22/2014

42120 Sitting Cheetah 201530336572.2 2015-09-02 Shanlian Quan 7/4/2014 Cancelled order 8/22/2014

NA Sitting Husky Shanlian Quan -2016-F- 2014 No order 8/22/2014

NA Sitting Beagle Shanlian Quan -2016-F- 2015 No order 2015-02-10(Email)
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Exhibit C - Plaintiffs' Copyright Registration Status in China
NA Sitting Fox Shanlian Quan -2016-F- 2014 No order 8/22/2014

NA Sitting Tiger Shanlian Quan Did not apply 2015 No order 2015

NA Black Cat Shanlian Quan -2016-F- 2015 No order 2015-2-10(Email)

NA Sitting Pug 201530419153.5' Shanlian Quan 00267865
2015 No order 2015-2-10(Email)

NA Mountain dog Shanlian Quan 2015 No order 6/23/2015

NA Fabric Shanlian Quan 2014 No order 6/13/2015

NA Mandrill Monkey 201530326036.4 8/27/2015 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

NA Boston Terrier 201530325805.9 8/27/2015 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

NA Brown Spaniel 201530325742.7 8/27/2015 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

NA Shepherd 201530419461.8 10/27/2015 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

NA Lemur 201530419010.4 10/27/2015 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

NA Rabbit 201530419194.4 10/27/2015 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

NA Labrador Shanlian Quan 00267864
2015 No order

NA Rottweiler Shanlian Quan 00267863
2015 No order NA

NA Bull Terrier Shanlian Quan 00267860
2015 No order NA

NA Squirrel 201530336570.3 9/2/2015 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

NA Parrot 201530325778.5 8/27/2015 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

NA Mobile Cat 201530140327.4 2015.5.13 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

Exhibit C -Document
Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Plaintiffs' #:
1-3 Filed:Registration Status
08/03/17 Page 3 ofin3 China
PageID #:30
NA Mobile Rabbit 201530140731.1 2015.5.13 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

NA Mobile Bear 201530140642.7 2015.5.13 Shanlian Quan 2015 No order NA

Sparkle Pet - Polar Reg#-2013-F-

NA 201230542094.7 2012.11.9 Kwan Joong Kim 2012 No order NA
Bear 2370829

NA Sparkle Pet - Tiger 201230460457.2 2012.9.25 Kwan Joong Kim
2012 No order NA

NA Sparkle Pet - Cat 20120460443.0 2012.9.25 Kwan Joong Kim
2012 No order NA

Sparkle Pet - Reg#-2013-F-

NA 201230460468.0 2012.9.25 Kwan Joong Kim 2012 No order NA
Cheetah 2337440

Sparkle Pet - Reg#-2013-F-

NA 201230460444.5 2012.9.25 Kwan Joong Kim 2012 No order NA
Elephant 2339138

NA Sparkle Pet - Lamb 201230460447.9 2012.9.25 Kwan Joong Kim
2012 No order NA

NA Sparkle Pet - Lion 201230460461.9 2012.9.25 Kwan Joong Kim
2012 No order NA

Sparkle Pet - Reg#-2013-F-

NA 201230460472.7 2012.9.25 Kwan Joong Kim 2012 No order NA
Monkey 2339334

Sparkle Pet - Reg#-2013-F-

NA 201230460451.5 2012.9.25 Kwan Joong Kim 2012 No order NA
Panda 2336779

Sparkle Pet - Reg#-2013-F-

NA 201230460465.7 2012.9.25 Kwan Joong Kim 2012 No order NA
Rabbit 2340032

Sparkle Pet - Reg#-2013-F-

NA 201230542088.1 2012.11.9 Kwan Joong Kim 2012 No order NA
Raccoon 2370939
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US Copyright Office Reg. # Owner Registration Date Picture Title

VA 2-002-973 Kwan Joong Kim 9/17/2016 Sitting Rabbit

VA 2-002-972 Kwan Joong Kim 4/12/2016 Sitting Tiger

VA 2-002-974 Kwan Joong Kim 4/11/2016 Sitting Bear

VA 2-001-585 Kwan Joong Kim 4/11/2016 Sitting Gorilla

VA 2-001-582 Kwan Joong Kim 4/12/2016 Sitting Cat

VA 2-001-584 Kwan Joong Kim 4/12/2016 White Seal

VA 2-000-969 Kwan Joong Kim 4/12/2016 Sitting Raccoon

VA 2-000-970 Kwan Joong Kim 4/11/2016 Sitting Monkey

VA 2-002-235 Kwan Joong Kim 4/11/2016 Sitting Lion

VA 2-002-241 Kwan Joong Kim 4/11/2016 Sitting Panda

VA 2-002-239 Kwan Joong Kim 4/11/2016 Sitting Elephant

VA 2-002-229 Kwan Joong Kim 4/11/2016 Sitting Cheetah

VA 2-002-237 Kwan Joong Kim 4/12/2016 Sitting Koala

VA 2-002-231 Kwan Joong Kim 4/12/2016 Grey Seal

VA 2-002-225 Kwan Joong Kim 4/12/2016 Sitting Siamese Cat

VA 2-002-222 Kwan Joong Kim 4/12/2016 Penguin

* Publication and Completion Dates are the same as Those Dates in the Registered Copyrights in China
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VA 2-025-721 Kwan Joong Kim 10/15/2016 Mobile Pets

VA 2-025-720 Kwan Joong Kim 10/15/2016 Fire Man

VA 2-025-719 Kwan Joong Kim 10/15/2016 Pirate

VA 2-025-719 Kwan Joong Kim 10/15/2016 Nurse Panda

VA 2-025-716 Kwan Joong Kim 10/15/2016 Cowboy Monkey

VA 2-025-715 Kwan Joong Kim 10/15/2016 Girly Cat

VA 2-025-714 Kwan Joong Kim 10/15/2016 Baseball Lion

VA 2-025-715 Kwan Joong Kim 10/15/2016 Magician Tiger

VA 2-025-712 Kwan Joong Kim 10/15/2016 School Rabbit

VA 2-024-633 Kwan Joong Kim 10/15/2016 Police Raccoon

VA 2-042-208 Kwan Joong Kim 8/22/2016 Sitting Pug

VA 2-042-209 Kwan Joong Kim 8/22/2016 Mountain Dog

VA 2-042-210 Kwan Joong Kim 8/22/2016 Sitting Fox

VA 2-041-574 Kwan Joong Kim 8/22/2016 Black Cat

VA 2-041-578 Kwan Joong Kim 8/22/2016 Beagle Dog

VA 2-041-576 Kwan Joong Kim 8/22/2016 Husky Dog

VA 2-035-592 Kwan Joong Kim 6/24/2016 Sitting Spaniel

* Publication and Completion Dates are the same as Those Dates in the Registered Copyrights in China
Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Document #: 1-5 Filed: 08/03/17 Page 1 of 1 PageID #:33

Exhibit E - Infringement of Grey Seal

Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Document #: 1-6 Filed: 08/03/17 Page 1 of 1 PageID #:34

Exhibit E - Infringement of Husky Dog

Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Document #: 1-7 Filed: 08/03/17 Page 1 of 1 PageID #:35

Exhibit E - Infringement of Penguin

Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Document #: 1-8 Filed: 08/03/17 Page 1 of 1 PageID #:36

Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Koala

Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Document #: 1-9 Filed: 08/03/17 Page 1 of 1 PageID #:37

Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Bear

Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Document #: 1-10 Filed: 08/03/17 Page 1 of 1 PageID #:38

Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Cat

Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Document #: 1-11 Filed: 08/03/17 Page 1 of 2 PageID #:39

Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Cheetah

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Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Elephant

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Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Gorilla

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Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Lion

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Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Monkey

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Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Panda

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Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Raccoon

Case: 1:17-cv-05683 Document #: 1-18 Filed: 08/03/17 Page 1 of 1 PageID #:47

Exhibit E - Infringement of Sitting Siamese Cat

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