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What is a LAMDA Exam?

A LAMDA Exam is the speech and drama equivalent of a music grade. Like music grades,
LAMDA Exams culminate at Grade 8.

LAMDA Exams cover a range of disciplines:

Devising Drama
Speaking Verse and Prose
Reading for Performance
Using Spoken English
Speaking in Public
Musical Theatre

Exams can be taken at four levels:

Entry Level
Level 1 Grades 1, 2, 3
Level 2 Grades 4 and 5
Level 3 Grades 6, 7 and 8 (Bronze Medal, Silver Medal, Gold Medal)
There are also Introductory Examinations for young performers (58 years) who are
taking the first steps in memorising, reciting, and communicating.

Why take LAMDA Exams?

LAMDA Exams offer an ongoing measurement of progress in speech and drama. The
gradual progression through the LAMDA grades provides benchmarks for every stage of
a students development. It helps to support a steady improvement in self-confidence,
vocal and physical technique, and language awareness.

LAMDA Exams are well tailored to the abilities of students of different ages. For a six-
year-old, reciting an eight-line poem is an achievement to be celebrated, and for a
sixteen-year-old, delivering a Shakespeare soliloquy or giving a speech on a pressing
moral or ethical issue is equally praiseworthy. LAMDA Exams recognise these
achievements, provide a context within which they can be assessed, and reward them
with nationally recognised qualifications.

LAMDA examiners have no connection to Absolute Theatre. Parents and teachers can be
assured that a students ability as a performer and communicator is being objectively
and fairly assessed.
LAMDAs reasonable adjustment policy makes allowances for students with particular
education needs, as well as those with English as a second language. This policy enables
Absolute to promote its own practice of inclusiveness.

Who could take a LAMDA Exam?

All kinds of people could benefit from taking LAMDA Exams:
Anyone who loves drama and wants to do more
Drama students who want to polish their skills, improve stage technique, work with
interesting texts and prepare for auditions
Those who want to improve their spoken English and work on presentation skills
Students who could use drama as a way of gaining extra UCAS points

What happens in a LAMDA Exam?

A LAMDA Exam comprises two elements. First the candidate or candidates give a
performance, which an examiner watches. Then the candidate or candidates have a short
discussion with the examiner.

A performance might consist of acted monologues or scenes, a recital of poems and

prose pieces or presentations on chosen subjects.

The kind of pieces chosen for performance, the number and length of the pieces, and the
nature of the discussion depends on the grade being taken. Some pieces and subjects will
be prescribed by LAMDA, and others may be freely chosen by the candidate.

At one end of the scale, a young beginner taking an Introductory Exam recites a short
poem of around eight lines and then talks informally to the examiner about a favourite
toy. At the other end, a Grade 8 Acting student present three monologues or scenes, at
least one of which is classical, and then has a lengthy formal discussion with the
examiner about the technicalities of the acting process and acting theory.

How is a LAMDA Exam marked?

The maximum score in a LAMDA Exam is 100. 40 marks are awarded
forInterpretation, 40 for Technique and 20 for Knowledge.
The Interpretation mark reflects the candidates imaginative engagement with the
written word how well has he or she grasped and communicated
the surface message
the underlying emotional content?
The Technique mark reflects the candidates vocal and physical performance how
well does he or she use the voice and body to
engage the listener
give a sense of conviction and truthfulness?
The Knowledge mark reflects the candidates
theoretical understanding of language and/or performance
ability to share their ideas in discussion.
Overall marks are awarded as follows:

80+ Distinction What is LAMDA?

LAMDA (founded 1861) is the London Academy of Music and
6579 Merit
Dramatic Art. It is one of the oldest drama schools in the United
5064 Pass Kingdom and has a global reputation for excellence. You can find
out more about LAMDA
LAMDA began offering speech examinations to the public in the 1880s. These
examinations have been refined and developed over the years. They now form a
comprehensive system of performance evaluation.

LAMDAs mission is to improve standards in communication through the spoken word,

foster an appreciation of literature and support creative, intellectual and social


Founded in 1861, LAMDA is the oldest drama school in the UK.

LAMDA have developed an enviable reputation for delivering excellence in the

provision of Communication and Performance examinations in the UK and are
rapidly extending their reach internationally.

The process of preparing for and succeeding in a LAMDA examination essentially

helps learners, whatever their ages or aspirations, to develop a broad range of skills
that will serve them throughout life. Across the range, LAMDA examinations develop
a learners ability to:

read easily, fluently and with good understanding

expand vocabulary to improve powers of self-expression

improve confidence in speaking and listening

memorise and recall information

engage in constructive informal conversation

work both on his/her own and participate as a member of a team.

No matter what direction students may choose to follow in the future, LAMDA
examinations provide the opportunity to nurture their natural abilities.
These critical skills will enhance their self-confidence to engage and contribute fully,
whether at school, in further education, in work, or in the community: in other words,
to fulfil their potential.

All their examinations are rooted in encouraging participants to develop a love of

literature, poetry and drama and thus improve standards of communication through
the spoken word. Their syllabuses provide a wide range of opportunities to do so.

Ultimately, it is the sense of achievement for the student.

Succeeding in a LAMDA examination demonstrates not only that students have met
rigorous assessment criteria in a particular discipline, but also that they have grown
as individuals through participating in a worthwhile activity that is respected as a
global standard.

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