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1 A 2.102g of methanol (CH3OH) was burned in a constant-volume bomb
calorimeter. Consequently, the temperature of the water was rose by
5.13C. Solve for the molar heat of combustion of methanol, if the heat
capacity of the bomb plus water was 11.8 kJ/C. Carbon has 12.01 amu,
hydrogen has 1.008 amu and oxygen has 16.00 amu.
A. 922.75 kJ/mol C. 60.534 kJ/mol
B. - 922.75 kJ/mol D. - 28.79 kJ/mol

2 When the same elements can form two different two compounds, the ratio
of masses of one of the elements in the two compounds is a small whole
number relative to a given mass of the other element. This is known as:
The law of constant The law of multiple
A. composition C. proportion
The law of conservation of The law of conservation of
B. mass D. energy

3 Given that the radius of the moon is 1,730 km and mass is 7.34 x 10^22
kg, determine the acceleration due to gravity on the moon.
A. 1.6 m/s^2 C. 3.6 m/s^2
B. 2.6 m/s^2 D. 0.6 m/s^2

4 What mechanical property of a material refers to the nominal stress at

fracture in a tension test at constant load and constant temperature?
A. Creep strength C. Compressive yield strength
B. Stress rapture strength D. Hardness

5 What is the effect to aluminum with copper as alloying element?

Increase strength up to about
A. 12% C. Improves machinability
Increases fluidity in
B. Reduces shrinkage D. casting

6 Which of the following is the molecular formula of peroxyacylnitrate

(PAN), one of the components of smog, and is a compound of C, H, N, O,
with percent composition by mass: 19.8% C, 2.5% H, 11.6% N. Given that
its molar mass is about 120 g. ( Atomic masses: C = 12.01g; H = 1.008g;
N = 14.01g; O = 16.00g).
A. C2H3NO2 C. C4H6N2O10
B. C2H5NO3 D. C2H3NO5

7 The moment of a force about a point P is equal to the sum of the

moments of its components about P
A. Cavalieris Theorem C. Varignons Theorem
B. Pascals Theorem D. Torricellis Theorem

8 If P 200, 000 must be available in 10 years by depositing equal amount
monthly for 6 years, what must each monthly deposit be to attain this
goal if nominal interest is 18%.
A. 625.4 C. 764.17
B. 910.6 D. 815.5

9 The explicit form of the laws of mechanics depend on this and is used
to reference the motions.
A. eulers law C. linear momentum of a body
B. linear momentum of particle D. inertial frame

10 An apparatus so treated such that it will not maintain a flame or will

not be injured readily when subjected to flame.
A. Flame Proof C. Burn Proof
B. Flame Retarding D. Anti Flame

11 The rolling resistance coefficient of ordinary car tires on concrete is

A. 0.0002 0.0010 C. 0.01 0.015
B. 0.1 0.2 D. 0.05 0.06

12 The work done by all forces except the gravitational force is always
equal to the one of the system
A. Total mechanical energy C. Total kinetic energy
B. Total potential energy D. Total momentum

13 It is a point where cable from TELCO and the in-building distribution

system are terminated
A. drop wire C. main terminals
B. terminal wire D. service box

14 Three blocks A, Band Care placed on a horizontal frictionless surface

and are connected by chords between A, Band C. determine the tension
between block B and C when a horizontal tensile force is applied at C
equal to 6.5 N. Masses of the blocks are A = 1.2 kg, B = 2.4 kg and C =
3.1 kg.
A. 3.50 N C. 3.89 N
B. 4.21 N D. 4.65 N

15 Solve for the volume occupied by 3.12 moles of nitric oxide (NO) which
exerts 5.43 atm of pressure at a temperature of 82C.
A. 16.75 L C. 15.76 L
B. 13.84 L D. 16.48 L

16 The equilibrant of the forces 10 N at 10 and 15 N at 100 is

A. 18 N at 246 C. 25 N at -114
B. 18 N at 66 D. 25 N at 66

17 In nuclear physics, a / an ______ is a particle of antimatter

corresponding to a given particle in every respect except that charge

and certain other discrete properties change sign.
A. Antiparticle C. Lepton
B. Hadron D. Muon

18 For outside plant telephone poles and manholes as well as customer

premises, the ground resistance must never exceed __________.
A. 25 ohms C. 43 ohms
B. 3 ohms D. 5 ohms

19 The length of time which the property may be operated at a profit

A. Life span C. Operating life
B. Economic life D. Profitable life

20 A rotary compressor receives 6m^3/ min of a gas(R=410J/ kgK, cp=1.03kJ

/kgK,k= 1.67) at 105 k/Paa, 27C and delivers it at 630kPaa: P = 0,
K= 0. Find the work if the process is isentropic?
A. 1664 kJ/min C. 1884 kJ/min
B. 1774 kJ/min D. 1994 kJ/min

21 Ten cu. ft of air at 300psia and 400F is cooled to 140F at constant

volume. What is the transferred heat?
A. -120Btu C. -320Btu
B. -220Btu D. -420Btu

22 If the properties of a body are the same in all directions, it is

A. Isodynamic C. Isogonic
B. Isotropic D. Isotopic

23 A device designed to protect apparatus from high transient voltage, by

diverting surge current to ground and capable of repeating this
function as specified.
A. Lightning ball C. Fuse
B. Lightning Arrester D. Lightning Protector

24 The minimum voltage value that is considered hazardous is


25 What is the maximum number of electrons that can fit into a p

A. 2 C. 6
B. 4 D. 8

26 How many degrees of rotational deformation would occur on an 8 m

cylindrical bar 8 mm in radius if it subjected to torque of 95 N-m?
A. 56.34 C. 92.32
B. 35.62 D. 43.53

27 In physics, if LF and LV are the latent heat of fusion and
vaporization, respectively, which of the following equations apply in
determining the amount of energy needed to freeze a liquid?
A. Q = -mif C. Q = mif
B. Q = -miv D. Q = miv

28 A rock of weight 10 N suspended by a string is lowered into water,

displacing water of weight 3 N. Determine the tension in the string.
A. 13 N C. 10 N
B. 7 N D. 3 N

29 Twenty grams of ice at 0C melts to water at 0C. How much does the
entropy of the 20g change in this process?
A. 30.5 J/K C. 21.3 J/K
B. 24.6 J/K D. 15.7 J/K

30 An object was dropped from a height of 50 m. At the same instant,

another object was fired vertically from the ground at an initial
velocity of 20 m/s. when will the two object be at same level?
A. 4.5 sec C. 2.5 sec
B. 5.5 sec D. 3.5 sec

31 What is the ratio of stress to strain in a material loaded within its

elastic range?
A. Poissons ratio C. Modulus of elasticity
B. Refractive index D. Percent elongation

32 When a person has the ability to give rewards to anybody who follows
orders or requests, it termed as:
A. Legitimate power C. Coercive power
B. Referent power D. Reward power

33 Defined as the ratio of the Youngs modulus to the specific weight

A. Specific Strength C. Specific Modulus
B. Specific Rigidity D. Specific Gravity

34 Interaction between the surface of two closely adjacent bodies which

causes them to cling together is known as
A. Friction C. Adhesion
B. Cohesion D. Viscosity

35 It is the primary force from which gravity, electromagnetic and

electrostatic force manifest.
A. E-Force C. K-Force
B. T-Force D. G-Force

36 A 500 g bullet was fired into a 10 kg block suspended at the end of a

one meter string. The bullet is embedded at the center of percussion of

the block. If the string subtended 60 with the vertical caused by the
impact, find the velocity of the bullet?
A. 211.94 m/s C. 201.72 m/s
B. 107.92 m/s D. 217.9 m/s

37 According to this law, The force between two charges varies directly
as the magnitude of each charge and inversely as the square of the
distance between them.
A. Law of Universal Gravitation C. Inverse Square Law
B. Newtons Law D. Coulombs Law

38 RA 9292 is a consolidation of House Bill No. __________ and Senate Bill

No. _______
A. 5224; 2683 C. 5734; 3109
B. 5447; 2458 D. 5533; 4552

39 In aerial entrance, the minimum clearance from ground level when

crossing the street must be ___________.
A. 4.4 m C. 5.5 m
B. 3.3 m D. 6.6 m

40 A lens has a convex surface of radius 17 cm and a concave surface of

radius 38 cm and is made of glass of refractive index 1.55. Calculate
the focal length of the lens and classify the type of lens whether
diverging or converging?
A. 55.93 cm converging lens C. 55.93 cm diverging lens
B. 57.45 cm diverging lens D. 57.45 cm converging lens

41 Calculate the number of molecules of oxygen gas present in 1.5 L of air

at STP. Assuming that air contains 31% O2, 67% N2 and 2% Ar, all by
A. 1.87 x 10^23 molecules C. 2.81 x 10^23 molecules
B. 4.18 x 10^24 molecules D. 1.25 x 10^22 molecules

42 RA 9292 was finally passed by the House of Representatives and the

Senate on
A. February 2, 2004 C. April 17,2004
B. March 2, 2007 D. March 5, 2005

43 Function of communication that deals when feelings are repressed in the

organization, employees are affected by anxiety, which, in turn,
affects performance.
A. Information Function C. Motivation Function
B. Emotive Function D. Control Function

44 For metric wire gage, the No. 2 wire is ________ in diameter.

A. 0.1mm C. 0.3mm
B. 0.2mm D. 0.4mm

45 It is a thermodynamic potential that measures the useful or process-
initiating work obtainable from an isothermal, isobaric thermodynamic
A. Du-Pont Potential C. Rabz-Eccles Energy
B. Gibbs free energy D. Claussius Energy

46 The element which has a mass of about 9 amu is Berylium (Be), atomic
number 4. What is the charge on the Be atom?
A. +4 C. -4
B. +8 D. Neutral

47 A 1-kg steam-water mixture at 1.0 MPa is contained in an inflexible

tank. Heat is added until the pressure rises to 3.5 MPa and the
temperature to 400. Determine the heat added.
A. 1378.7 kJ C. 1278.7 kJ
B. 1348.5 kJ D. 1246.5 kJ

48 The official seal/logo of the Board which is circular in shape,

consisting two concentric circles, with the outside circle measuring
__________ in diameter.
A. 28 mm C. 48 mm
B. 45 mm D. 32 mm

49 It is a particle that exhibits a strong nuclear force.

A. Lepton C. Hadron
B. Muon D. Pion

50 Shall include but not be limited to office buildings, hotels, motels,

hospitals, condominiums, stores, apartments, supermarkets, schools,
stadia, parking areas, memorial chapels/parks, watercraft and aircraft
used for business or profit, and any other building/s or area/s for
business purposes, where electronic or electronically-controlled
machinery or equipment are installed and/or are being used, sold,
maintained, assembled, manufactured or operated.
A. Industrial Plant C. Production Area
B. Commercial Establishment D. Power Plant

51 Results from abnormally high sound level, the physical effects of which
may vary from minor discomfort to serious injury
A. Electrical Shock C. Acoustic Shock
B. Super Sonic D. Sonic Boom

52 Tensile and compressive stress are caused by forces _________ to the

areas on which they act
A. perpendicular C. angled
B. parallel D. skew

53 The fluid pressure is the same in all directions. This is known as

A. Pascals Principle C. Ideal Fluid Principle

B. Bernoullis Theorem D. Archimedes Principle

54 What is ASTM test for shear strength is designated for plastics?

A. D732 C. D695
B. D790 D. D638

55 How many moles of chloroform (CHCl3) are there in 210.45 g of

chloroform? C = 12.01 amu, H = 1.008 amu and Cl = 35.45 amu.
A. 1.76 moles C. 4.34 moles
B. 2.12 moles D. 2.51 moles

56 In a certain department store, the monthly salary of a saleslady is

partly constant and partly varies as the value of her sales for the
month. When the value of her sales for the month is P10,000.00, her
salary for the month is P900.00. When her monthly sales go up to
P12,000.00, her monthly salary goes up to P1,000.00. What must be the
value of her sales so that her salary for the month will be P2,000.00?
A. 30000 C. 32000
B. 31000 D. 33000

57 Torricellis equation of motion is

A. Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2as C. Vf^2 = Vi^2 + at
B. Vf = Vi + at D. Vf = Vi + 2as

58 A simple beam, 8 m long is loaded with a concentrated load of 20 kN

applied at center and a uniform load of 10 kN/m occupying the whole
span. The maximum moment is:
A. 300 kN-m C. 160 kN-m
B. 120 kN-m D. 320 kN-m

59 In the official seal/logo of the Board, the outer and inner ring is
filled with
grey with boundaries in black white with boundaries in
A. color C. black color
orange with boundaries in navy yellow with boundaries in
B. color D. black color

60 A 1000 N block on a leveled surface is attached to 250 N block hanging

on the pulley. The pulley is 3 m away from the first block. If the
first block started at rest and moves towards the right. What is the
velocity of block B as it touches the ground? How far will the block A
travel along the horizontal surface if the coefficient of friction
between block A and the surface is 0.20? Assume pulley to be
A. 1.44 m C. 5.22 m
B. 2.55 m D. 3.25 m

61 During a polytropic process,10lb of an ideal gas, whose R=

and cp = 0.25Btu/lb.R, changes state from 20 psia and 40F to 120psia
and 340F. Determine n?

A. 1.234 C. 1.456
B. 1.345 D. 1.356

62 A legal wrong, committed through fault or negligence, on a person or

property, independent of contract
A. Contracts C. Quasi-delicts
B. Obligation D. Condition

63 Yellow brass contains approximately how many percent of zinc?

A. 0.2 C. 0.3
B. 0.5 D. 0.4

64 Which of the following statements is correct concerning the passage of

white light into a glass prism?
All the colors of white
The violet color travels light travels the same
A. faster than the red color C. speed
The violet color travels Greater the wavelength,
B. slower than the red color D. slower the speed of color

65 It is a method of applying mechanics that assumes all objects are

A. Discrete Mechanics C. Continuum Mechanics
B. Finite Element Method D. Contact Mechanics

66 Defined as the process of identifying and choosing alternative courses

of action in a manner appropriate to the demands of the situation
A. Decision Making C. Initiative
B. Engineering Management D. Problem solving

67 Determine the pressure exerted by hydrogen bromide (HBr) gas having a

density of 2.978 g/L at a temperature of 46C. Hydrogen and bromine has
atomic masses of 1.008g and 79.9 g, respectively.
A. 73 mm Hg C. 733 mm Hg
B. 106 mm Hg D. 0.964 mm Hg

68 When a material is stretched in one direction and the other direction

tends to contract, the Poissons ratio is
A. Positive C. Zero
B. Negative D. Cannot be determined

69 On a day when the partial pressure of water vapor remains constant,

what happens as the temperature rises?
the relative humidity the relative humidity
A. increases C. decreases
the relative humidity the air would eventually
B. decreases D. become saturated

70 The speed at which a liquid escapes from a vessel through an orifice

A. Archimedes Principle C. Torricellis Theorem
B. Evangelistas Law D. Bernoullis Equation

71 When a body is resistant to heat, it is called

A. Thermoscopic C. Thermoduric
B. Thermotropic D. Thermoplastic

72 A red light passes an empty space. What is the momentum of a single

photon of red light whose frequency is 400 x 10^12 HZ?
A. 8.8 x 10^-28 kg m/s C. 5.4 x 10^-28 kg m/s
B. 7.6 x 10^-28 kg m/s D. 6.5 x 10^-28 kg m/s

73 It is the stock that has prior to dividends. It usually does not bring
voting right to the owners and the dividend is fixed and cannot be
higher than the specified amount
A. Common stock C. Pretend stock
B. Voting stock D. Non par value stock

74 A light bulb is used to light a bunker 10 ft below. A chair sits on the

floor of the bunker 3 feet from a spot directly below the bulb. What is
the illumination on the floor around the chair if the luminous
intensity is 150 candles?
A. 2.38 footcandles C. 3.87 footcandles
B. 2.43 footcandles D. 1.38 footcandles

75 A stone will be dropped from a bridge where a small boat is

approaching. The bridge is 15 m high and the boat has a constant
velocity of 10 kph. How far from the bridge must the stone be dropped
to ensure hitting the boat?
A. 7.85 C. 4.86
B. 6.15 D. 8.07

76 Jojo bought a second-hand Betamax VCR and then sold it to Rudy at a

profit of 40%. Rudy then sold the VCR to Noel at a profit of 20%. If
Noel paid P2,856 more than it costs Jojo, how much did Jojo pay for the
A. 4100 C. 4000
B. 3900 D. 4200

77 In the Seal of Professional Electronics Engineer, the lower portion of

the annular space bear
name of the person holding
the Professional
Electronics Engineer
A. license number C. license

78 It states that the elongation is proportional to the force

A. Pascals Law C. Youngs Theorem
B. Hookes Law D. Farrells Law
79 When a force is represented by a vector, the straight line collinear
with the vector is called the
A. line of apsides C. line of vector
B. line of reaction D. line of action

80 The members of the board shall hold office for a term of __________
years from date of appointment or until their successors shall have
been appointed and qualified and may be re-appointed once for another
A. 7 C. 5
B. 10 D. 3

81 Two perpendicular vectors are given in terms of their components by U =

Uxi 4j + 6k and V = 3i + 2j 3k. Determine the component Ux
A. 5.67 C. 7.67
B. 6.67 D. 8.67

82 At any point along a streamline in an ideal fluid in steady flow, the

sum of the pressure, the potential energy per unit volume and the
kinetic energy per unit volume have the same value. The concept is
known as
A. Bernoullis Energy Principles C. Pascals theorem
B. Fluid theorem D. Hydraulic theorem

83 During a stress-strain test, the unit deformation at a stress of 35 MPa

was observed to be 167 x 10^-6 m/m and at a stress of 140 MPa it was
667 x 10^-6 m/m. If the proportional limit was 200 MPa, what is the
modulus of elasticity? What is the strain corresponding to stress of 80
E = 210,000 MPa; = 381 x 10- E = 211,000 MPa; = 318 x
A. 4 m/m C. 10-4 m/m
E = 200,000 MPa; = 318 x 10- E = 210,000 MPa; = 381 x
B. 6 m/m D. 10-6 m/m

84 The mass moment of inertia of a solid sphere about its diameter is

A. 1/5 mr^2 C. 3/5 mr^2
B. 2/5 mr^2 D. 4/5 mr^2

85 Assuming there is no change in volume, determine the molarity of the

acid solution if a 3.12-L sample of hydrogen chloride gas at 2.57 atm
and 27.5oC, which is completely dissolved in a 700 mL of water to form
hydrochloric acid solution.
A. 0.644 M C. 0.464 M
B. 0.000464 M D. 0.0464 M

86 Any process extracting the metal in a fused state is called

A. Calcination C. Smelting
B. Roasting D. Froth flotation process

10 | P a g e
87 Steam with a specific volume of 0.09596 m/kg undergoes a constant
pressure process at 1.70 MPa until the specific volume becomes 0.13796
m/kg. What are (a) the final temperature, (b) u, (c) W, (d)s, and
(e) Q?
265.4C, 430.7kJ/kg, 304.2C, -803.2 kJ/kg, -
71.4kJ/kg, 89.15 kJ/kg, -2.7505
A. 1.0327kJ/(kg)(K),502.1 kJ/kg C. kJ/(kg)(K), -987.4 kJ/kg
279.4C, 439.7kJ/kg,
204.2C, -703.2 kJ/kg, -84.15 79.4kJ/kg,
kJ/kg, -1.7505 kJ/(kg)(K), - 3.0327kJ/(kg)(K),602.1
B. 787.4 kJ/kg D. kJ/kg

88 A gas is enclosed in a cylinder with a weighted piston as the top

boundary. The gas is heated and expands from a volume of 0.04 m^3 to
0.10 m^3 at a constant pressure of 200 kPa. Find the work done on the
A. 4 kJ C. 12 kJ
B. 8 kJ D. 16 kJ

89 Two plates are being pulled at opposite directions with a load of 20

kN. If the plates are secured by two bolts 75 mm in diameter, what is
the shearing stress applied to each bolt?
A. 4.23 Mpa C. 2.26 MPa
B. 3.21 MPa D. 1.28 MPa

90 A body fired from the ground at an inclination of 30 with the

horizontal, attained a maximum height of 500m.The body stayed in air
for how many seconds?
A. 20.2 sec C. 15.4 sec
B. 30.5 sec D. 25.4 sec

91 Find the constant of 81 hp in a 3 inches cold rolled line shafting

which transmitted 210 RMP
A. 900 C. 800
B. 600 D. 500

92 The difference between the present value and the worth of money at some
time in the future is called
A. Market value C. Discount
B. Net value D. Interest

93 What is the percent composition by mass of oxygen (O) element in

sulfuric acid (H2SO4)? H = 1.008 amu, S = 32.07 amu, S = 32.07 amu and
O = 16.00 amu.
A. 62.25 C. 64.45
B. 63.34 D. 65.25

94 A 50 mm. diameter solid circular shaft was stressed by 40 MPa when

transmitting power at 1200 rpm. If G = 100GPa, what horsepower is
A. 156.5 hp C. 136.55hp
11 | P a g e
B. 165.36 hp D. 155.6hp

95 This is a written document that states the quantity of output a company

must produce in broad terms and by product family
A. Marketing Plan C. Production Plan
B. Financial Plan D. Short-range plans

96 A steam calorimeter receives steam from a pipe at 0.1 MPa and 20SH.
For a pipe steam pressure of 2 MPa, what is the quality of the steam?
A. 0.9556 C. 0.952
B. 0.701 D. 0.851

97 Refers to the process of determining the major goals of the

organization and the policies and strategies for obtaining and using
resources to achieve those goals.
A. Operational Planning C. Strategic planning
B. Intermediate Planning D. Secondary Planning

98 At the boiling point of liquid, the vapor pressure

is equal to external pressure is less than the
A. on the surface of the liquid C. atmospheric pressure
is greater than the
B. atmospheric pressure D. can have any value

99 In order to use a substance to make a thermometer the substance must

_________ with a temperature change
A. expand C. change
B. contract D. increase

100 The process of sending and/or receiving information, data, signals

and/or messages between two (2) or more points by radio, cable, optical
wave guides or other devices and wired or wireless medium.
Information and Communications
A. Technology C. Telecommunications
B. Communications D. Information Technology

12 | P a g e

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