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Read the text about PERRIER VITTEL and choose the correct tense from those given

PERRIER VITTEL is a subsidiary of the Nestl Group. It (1) (has/is having/will have) millions of
customers all over the world. It is the water division of the group and has many famous brands such as San
Pellegrino, Contrex, Panna and Aquarel. Sixty-seven production sites (2) (producing/produce/is going to
produce) billions of litres of bottled water regularly. The main research centre of the Nestl Group is in
Lausanne and there is a network of seventeen other centres on four continents employing 2,500 staff.
This research (3) (help/helps/is helping) produce safe and affordable water for everybody.

A recent new product is Nestl Pure Life. The company (4) (is bottling/bottles/bottled) this water locally
in developing countries such as Pakistan and Brazil.

Nestls interest in water (5) (begins/will begin/began) in 1969 with the acquisition of 30% of Vittel.
After the takeover of Perrier in 1992 the new company Perrier Vittel (6) (is going to
become/become/became) a major part of the Nestl Group. Today water sales
(7) (represent/would represent/represented) 8.8% of the groups turnover. The group is the international
market leader for bottled water with a 15% market share.

A new CEO, Frits van Dijk (8) (has taken/will take/took) over in 2000, and he aims to keep Perrier Vittel
at the front of the bottled water market in both sales and technology.

PERRIER VITTEL THAILAND: Established in 1993, the manufacturer of Minr, a leading natural mineral
water in Thailand. The company also (9) (had imported/imports/import) Perrier and Vittel, world class
natural mineral water from France. The company is a subsidiary of Perrier Vittel S.A., France, the world
leader in bottled water. The Group manages 61 production sites in 21 countries, and distributes 60 water
brands in 140 countries.

The Group's exclusive mission is to bottle water and (10) (distributed/has distributed/distribute) it under
various brands, with packaging suited to the uses and needs of consumers worldwide.

Perrier Vittel Water Institute: Founded on January 1, 1995. The Institute is located in the outstanding
surroundings of Vittel's Spa Park. The Institute aims at (11) (collect/collected/collecting) and increasing all
knowledge relating to water and particularly bottled water. It is a unique source of major scientific
information for the global bottled water industry. The Institute's research projects emphasize two main
directions: medicine and physiology, as well as spring area protection and water quality as a tool for
researchers worldwide.

The Institute (12) (will have/is having/has) an internet site:, to promote
constant communication and exchanges with people from around the world.

Perrier Vittel, Nestle Group - A long history.

Present on five continents, Perrier Vittel's objective is to strengthen its leadership position in all regions
of the world. The Group's mission is to serve consumers, to offer them each day, year-round, at all points
on the globe, brands of pure, natural, wholesome water of consistent quality.

With the information in the text, complete the following questions and answers. You will have to
add a few words.

13. How many customers/have/Perrier Vittel/all over the world?

14. It/have.

15. How many production sites/produce/billions /litres /bottled water?

16. 67 production sites/produce/ billions /litres /bottled water.

17. What/this research/help/produce?

18. It/help/produce.

19. Where/the company/bottle/this water?

20. It/bottle/it.

21. When/Nestls interest in water/begin?

22. It/begin.

23. When/the new company Perrier Vittel/become/major part/Nestl Group?

24. It/become/major part.

25. What percentage/water sales/represent/of the groups turnover?

26. They/represent.

27. When/Frits van Dijk/take over?

28. He/take over.

29. Where/the company/import/world class natural mineral water from?

30. It/import.

31. What/Perrier Vittels/objective?

32. Its objective/be/strengthen.


Complete this letter using the words underneath

Art de Table
191 av. Halvy, 69002 LYON CEDEX 02

Mr John Brown,
24 Crescent Street
24 July 2005
London SW4
ENGLAND 20th February, 2010

Dear Mr Brown,

When your last (33) . was unpacked we were (34) .. to

(35) that 8 coffee pots were damaged (36) . the fact
that the good quality (37) .. did not seem to have suffered (38)
transport and although the boxes were (39) .. fragile.

Some of the coffee pots are (40) .. dented or scratched as to be (41)

even at a reduced price.

It would (42) . that they were (43) .. before packing and

that our carrier (44) therefore be held responsible. We are
keeping the (45). for the (46) . of your insurer.

Yours (47) ,


Sales and (48) Manager

Use these words

unsaleable Marketing despite discover packing

inspection in shipment so damaged
surprised marked seem cannot sincerely


You are the Sales Manager of HAIR TODAY and you receive this letter.

23 Broad Street,
BN24 4GH
The Sales Manager,
TN34 1PH 24th February 2010

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please would you send me details of the travel hairdryers which were advertised in the April edition
of Hair Today magazine.

I am particularly interested in finding a hairdryer which can use either 120 or 230 volts.

Yours faithfully,

H. Damsel (Mrs)

Reply to Mme Damsel (50-60 words)

thanking her for her letter

add that you enclose the latest catalogue

explain/page 30 /details hair dryers 120 & 230 volts

thank her for being interested in your advertisement

thank her in advance for her order

Start and finish your letter correctly and be careful of the layout.
KEY (including an example of the type of letter required)
1. has
2. producing
3. helps
4. bottles
5. began
6. became
7. represent
8. took
9. imports
10. distribute
11. collecting
12. has
13. How many customers has Perrier Vittel all over the world?
14. It has millions
15. How many production sites produce billions of litres of bottled cater regularly?
16. Sixty seven production sites produce billions of litres of bottled water regularly.
17. What does this research help to produce?
18. It helps to produce safe and affordable water for everybody.
19. Where does the company bottle this water?
20. It bottles it locally
21. When did Nestls interest in water begin?
22. It began in 1969.
23. When did the new company Perrier Vittel become a major part of the Nestl group?
24. It became a major part in 1992
25. What percentage do water sales represent of the groups turnover?
26. They represent 8.8% of the groups turnover.
27. When did Frits van Dijk take over?
28. He took over in 2000.
29. Where does the company import world class natural mineral water from?
30. It imports from France.
31. What is Perrier Vittels objective?
32. Its objective is to strengthen its leadership position in all regions of the world.
33. shipment
34. surprised
35. discover
36. despite
37. packing
38. in
39. marked
40. so
41. unsaleable
42. seem
43. damaged
44. cannot
45. items
46. inspection
47. sincerely
48. Marketing
Hastings, Sussex TN34 1PH
01622 687 253 E-mail

Ms H Damsel,
23 Broad Street,
BN24 4GH Date

Dear Ms Damsel,

Thank you for your letter of the 24th April asking about details of our
travel hairdryers.

I am enclosing our latest catalogue with price list which I hope you will
find useful. You will find details of hairdryers which use either 120 or
230 volts on page 30.

Please dont hesitate to contact me if you need any further help and I
look forward to receiving you order.

Yours sincerely,

D Brown

D Brown
Sales Director

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