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Maxims Optima statute interpretarix est ipsum

statutum - The best interpreter of a

Dura lex sed lex - The law may be harsh, statute is the statute itself.
but that is the law
Optimus interpres rerum usus - The best
Falsa demonstration non nocet, cum de interpreter of the law is usage.
corpora constat - False description does
not preclude construction nor vitiate the Privilegia reciprint largan
meaning of the statute. interpretationem voluntate consonan
concedentis - Privileges are to be
In eo quod plus sit, simper inest et interpreted in accordance with the will
minus - The greater includes the lesse of him who grants them.

Interest reipublicae ut sit finis litium - Potior est in tempore, potior est in jure -
The interest of the State demands that He who is first in time is preferred in
there be an end to litigation. right.

Interpotare et concordare legibus est Quando aliquid prohibetur ex directo,

optimus interpotandi modus - prohibetur et per obliquum - What is
prohibited directly is prohibited
Legis interpretation legis vim obtinet - indirectly.
The authoritative interpretation of the
court of a statute acquires the force of Ratihabito mandato aquiparatur -
law by becoming a part thereof. Legislative ratification is equivalent to
a mandate.
Lex de future, judex de praterito - The
law provides for the future, the judge Surplusagium est supreme lex -
for the past
Stare decisis et non quieta movere -
Lex prospicit, non respicit - The law Follow past precedents and do not
looks forward, not backward. disturb what has been settled.

Maledicta est exposition quae Verba accipiena sunt secundum

corrumpit textum - It is dangerous subjectam materiam - A word is to be
construction which is against the text. understood in the context in which it is
Nova constitution futuris formam
imponere debet non praetaritis - A new Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura
statute should affect the future, not the subveniunt - The laws aid the vigilant,
past. not those who slumber on their rights.

Nullus crimen sine poena, nulla poena Verba legis non est recedendum - From
sine lege - There is no crime without a the words of the statute there should be
penalty, and there is no penalty without no departure.
a law.

Nullum tempus occurit regi There can

be no legal right as against the
authority that makes the law on which
the right depends.

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