Polido Notes Civ Rev Cases MPR

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CIV REV CASES: MATRIMONIAL PROPERTY RELATIONS [P]rior to the liquidation of the conjugal partnership, the interest of

each spouse in the conjugal assets is inchoate, a mere

Daddy QUIAO VS momy and children QUIAO expectancy, which constitutes neither a legal nor an equitable
estate, and does not ripen into title until it appears that there are
FACTS: assets in the community as a result of the liquidation and
Rita filed for legal separation, granted 2005 settlement. The interest of each spouse is limited to the net
Court: children shall remain under the custody of mommy; all remainder or "remanente liquido" (haber ganancial) resulting from
remaining properties divided among them equally subject t the the liquidation of the affairs of the partnership after its dissolution.
respective legitimes of the children and the payment of unpaid Thus, the right of the husband or wife to one-half of the conjugal
conjugal liabilities; NET PROFITS ARE FORFEITED IN FAVOR assets does not vest until the dissolution and liquidation of the
OF THE common children; daddy to reimburse the attys fees conjugal partnership, or after dissolution of the marriage, when it is
and litigation expenses. finally determined that, after settlement of conjugal obligations,
2006: writ of execution there are net assets left which can be divided between the
after partial execution; daddy filed for a motion for clarification of spouses or their respective heirs.
Applicable provisions: ART 129 (7) FC
SC DECISION (7) The net remainder of the conjugal partnership properties shall
constitute the profits, which shall be divided equally between
MPR: since married Jan 6, 1977= system of relative community or husband and wife, unless a different proportion or division was
conjugal partnership of gains.55 Article 119 of the Civil Code agreed upon in the marriage settlements or unless there has been
provides: a voluntary waiver or forfeiture of such share as provided in this
Art. 119. The future spouses may in the marriage settlements
agree upon absolute or relative community of property, or upon The net profits of the conjugal partnership of gains are all the
complete separation of property, or upon any other regime. In the fruits of the separate properties of the spouses and the
absence of marriage settlements, or when the same are void, the products of their labor and industry
system of relative community or conjugal partnership of gains as
established in this Code, shall govern the property relations ABSOLUTE COMMUNITY
between husband and wife. 1. the husband and the wife becomes joint owners of all the
properties of the marriage. Whatever property each
And under this property relation, "the husband and the wife place spouse brings into the marriage, and those acquired
in a common fund the fruits of their separate property and the during the marriage (except those excluded under Article
income from their work or industry." The husband and wife also 92 of the Family Code) form the common mass of the
own in common all the property of the conjugal partnership of couple's properties.
gains. 2. dissolved, that common mass is divided between the
spouses, or their respective heirs, equally or in the
At the time of dissolution of marriage: Family code proportion the parties have established, irrespective of
the value each one may have originally owned.
the same applies in the instant case and the applicable law in so 3. ART 102- upon dissolution, inventory is made (exclusive
far as the liquidation of the conjugal partnership assets and properties of each; debts and obligations paid, if
liabilities is concerned is Article 129 of the Family Code in relation insufficient-exclusive properties); Whatever is left of the
to Article 63(2) of the Family Code. The latter provision is separate properties will be delivered to each of them.
applicable because according to Article 256 of the Family Code 4. The net remainder of the absolute community is its net
"[t]his Code shall have retroactive effect insofar as it does not assets, which shall be divided between the husband and
prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with the wife; and for purposes of computing the net profits
the Civil Code or other law." subject to forfeiture, said profits shall be the increase in
value between the market value of the community
Was his vested right over half of the common properties of the property at the time of the celebration of the marriage
conjugal partnership violated when the trial court forfeited them in and the market value at the time of its dissolution
favor of his children pursuant to Articles 63(2) and 129 of the a. the "net profits" requires that we first find the
Family Code? market value of the properties at the time of the
community's dissolution. From the totality of the
NO. it is clear that while one may not be deprived of his "vested market value of all the properties, we subtract
right," he may lose the same if there is due process and such the debts and obligations of the absolute
deprivation is founded in law and jurisprudence. community and this result to the net assets or
net remainder of the properties of the absolute
Here, he was well aware of the prayer of the respondent; he never community, from which we deduct the market
questioned the decision of the RTC of what the NET PROFITS value of the properties at the time of marriage,
pursuant to Article 129(7) of the Family Code. Thus, the petitioner which then results to the net profits
cannot claim being deprived of his right to due process.
Article 102(4) of the Family Code applies in the instant case
Applicable provisions: ART 176 FC for purposes only of defining "net profit."

the petitioner's claim of a vested right has no basis considering CONJUGAL PARTNERSHIP OF GAINS
that even under Article 176 of the Civil Code, his share of the Article 142 of the Civil Code, "the husband and the wife place in
conjugal partnership profits may be forfeited if he is the guilty party common fund the fruits of their separate property and income from
in a legal separation case. Thus, after trial and after the petitioner their work or industry, and divide equally, upon the dissolution of
was given the chance to present his evidence, the petitioner's the marriage or of the partnership, the net gains or benefits
vested right claim may in fact be set aside under the Civil Code obtained indiscriminately by either spouse during the marriage."
since the trial court found him the guilty party.
Considering that the couple's marriage has been dissolved under
the Family Code, Article 129 of the same Code applies in the
liquidation of the couple's properties in the event that the conjugal spouse, may be enforced against the partnership assets after
partnership of gains is dissolved. the responsibilities enumerated in the preceding Article have
been covered, if the spouse who is bound should have no
Steps: exclusive property or if it should be insufficient; but at the time of
1. Inventory the liquidation of the partnership, such spouse shall be charged for
2. Ordinarily, the benefit received by a spouse from the what has been paid for the purpose above-mentioned.
conjugal partnership during the marriage is returned in
equal amount to the assets of the conjugal partnership Since Efren does not dispute the RTCs finding that Melecia
and if the community is enriched at the expense of the has no exclusive property of her own, the above applies. The
separate properties of either spouse, a restitution of the civil indemnity that the decision in the murder case imposed
value of such properties to their respective owners shall on her may be enforced against their conjugal assets after the
be made responsibilities enumerated in Article 121 of the Family Code
3. couple's conjugal partnership shall pay the debts of the have been covered.
conjugal partnership; while the debts and obligation of
each of the spouses shall be paid from their respective Contrary to Efrens contention, Article 121 above allows payment
separate properties. But if the conjugal partnership is not of the criminal indemnities imposed on his wife, Melecia, out of the
sufficient to pay all its debts and obligations, the spouses partnership assets even before these are liquidated. No prior
with their separate properties shall be solidarily liable. liquidation of those assets is required. This is not altogether unfair
4. Remains of their separate property shall be returned to since Article 122 states that "at the time of liquidation of the
them partnership, such [offending] spouse shall be charged for what has
been paid for the purposes above-mentioned."
Ilona HAPITAN VS Sps. LAGRADILLA (2016) (compare with
FACTS: servacio)
Husband and wife was accused of murder: guilty Wife FACTS:
They filed motion to quash writ for execution claiming that Esmeralda Hapitan issued 31 bounced checks to wife
the levied properties were conjugal assets and not lagradilla.
paraphernal assets of melencia Sps sued Sps Hapitan, Ilona and sps Terosa (1995) civil case
for sum of money with a prayer that a writ for preliminary
whether or not the CA erred in holding that the conjugal properties attachment be issued against the real property of Esmeralda
of spouses Efren and Melecia can be levied and executed upon for and Nolan, consisting of a house and lot, as security
the satisfaction of Melecias civil liability in the murder case. Sps hapitan promised to convey their house and lot to Sps
lagradilla; thru Ilona (SPA). Sps lagradilla alleged that the
SC DECISION: property was fraudulently sold to Sps Terosa, and that Nolan
and Esmeralda Hapitan were about to depart from the
MPR: CPG since they are married prior to the effectivity of the Philippines with the intent to defraud their creditors; thus, the
family code. They cannot insist that theyre MPR is AC since the prayer for the issuance of preliminary attachment of the house
Family Code itself provides in Article 76 that marriage settlements and lot.
cannot be modified except prior to marriage. Esmeralda admitted the debts, but alleged that it was due to
the failure of Nolan to send money.
What is more, under the conjugal partnership of gains established Nolan and Ilona alleged that the debts was incurred solely by
by Article 142 of the Civil Code, the husband and the wife place Esmeralda
only the fruits of their separate property and incomes from their Entered into amicable settlement, not knowing that there is
work or industry in the common fund. This means that they already a CA decision
continue under such property regime to enjoy rights of ownership
over their separate properties. Consequently, to automatically whether the Waiver and the Amicable Settlement by Husband can
change the marriage settlements of couples who got married modify the Decision of the CA
under the Civil Code into absolute community of property in 1988
when the Family Code took effect would be to impair their acquired SC DECISION
or vested rights to such separate properties. The presumption,
absent any evidence to the contrary, is that they were married Waiver is INVALID
under the regime of the conjugal partnership of gains. Article 119
of the Civil Code [I]t is the general rule that a person may waive any matter which
affects his property, and any alienable right or privilege of which he
Provisions of FC on CPG is applicable to marriages with CPG is the owner or which belongs to him or to which he is legally
under the Civil Code (Art 105 of the FC) entitled, whether secured by contract. WIFES WAIVER cannot
cover the issue of the validity of the sale of the property to the
whether or not the conjugal properties of Efren and Melecia may Spouses Terosa since the property is neither a right nor a benefit
be held to answer for the civil liabilities imposed on Melecia in the she is entitled to.
murder case
Amicable settlement is INVALID
Art. 122. The payment of personal debts contracted by the
husband or the wife before or during the marriage shall not be With the payment of P425,000.00, Jimmy and Warlily allegedly
charged to the conjugal properties partnership except insofar as released Nolan and Ilona, Esmeralda, and even the Spouses
they redounded to the benefit of the family. Terosa from their obligations. While compromise agreements are
generally favored and encouraged by the courts, it must be proved
Neither shall the fines and pecuniary indemnities imposed upon that they were voluntarily, freely, and intelligently entered into by
them be charged to the partnership. the parties, who had full knowledge of the judgment.46 The
allegations of Jimmy and Warlily cast doubt on whether they fully
However, the payment of personal debts contracted by either understood the terms of the Amicable Settlement when they
spouse before the marriage, that of fines and indemnities imposed signed it. They further argued that they did not fully comprehend
upon them, as well as the support of illegitimate children of either
the CA Decision in their favor. Thus, it may be reasonably inferred 124 of the Family Code makes this clear, stating that in the
that Jimmy and Warlily did not give consent to the Amicable absence of the other spouses consent, the transaction should be
Settlement with Nolan and Ilona. construed as a continuing offer on the part of the consenting
spouse and the third person, and may be perfected as a binding
Nolan cannot waive his and Esmeraldas rights over the contract upon the acceptance by the other spouse or upon
house and lot sold to the Spouses Terosa. authorization by the court before the offer is withdrawn by either or
both offerors.
Such disposal or waiver by Nolan is not allowed by law. Article 124
of the Family Code requires that any disposition or encumbrance 2) Might the petitioners be considered in good faith at the time of
of conjugal property must have the written consent of the other their purchase of the property?
spouse; otherwise, such disposition is void. Further, under Article
89 of the Family Code, no waiver of rights, interests, shares, and Due diligence required in verifying not only vendors title, but also
effects of the conjugal partnership of gains during the marriage can agents authority to sell the property
be made except in case of judicial separation of property.
In Bautista v. Silva, the Court erected a standard to determine the
Clearly, Esmeralda did not consent to Nolan disposing or waiving good faith of the buyers dealing with a seller who had title to and
their rights over the house and lot through the Amicable possession of the land but whose capacity to sell was
Settlement. In fact, she even objected to the Amicable Settlement, restricted, in that the consent of the other spouse was required
as evidenced by her pleadings filed before the courts. She further before the conveyance, declaring that in order to prove good faith
expressed disbelief that Nolan would want the CA to reverse its in such a situation, the buyers must show that they inquired not
decision when its ruling, saving Nolan and Esmeralda's conjugal only into the title of the seller but also into the sellers capacity
property, is favorable to him. to sell.

Sps. AGGABAO VS Dionisio and Elena PARULAN (2010) Thus, the buyers of conjugal property must observe two kinds of
bersamin requisite diligence, namely:
(a) the diligence in verifying the validity of the title covering the
FACTS: property; and
Property owned by then Sps Parulans. (b) the diligence in inquiring into the authority of the transacting
1991: elena showed SPA by her Husband authorizing her to spouse to sell conjugal property in behalf of the other spouse.
sell the property.
Petitioners verified the title with RD; they discovered multiple FLORES VS Edna LINDO (2011)
annotations, since it is a conjugal property
March 18, 1991, the petitioners delivered the final amount FACTS:
of P700,000.00 to Ma. Elena, who executed a deed of absolute On 31 October 1995, Edna Lindo (Edna) obtained a loan from
sale in their favor. However, Ma. Elena did not turn over the Arturo Flores (petitioner) amounting to P400,000 payable on 1
owners duplicate copy of TCT No. 63376, claiming that said December 1995 with 3% compounded monthly interest and 3%
copy was in the possession of a relative who was then in surcharge in case of late payment. To secure the loan, Edna
Hongkong executed a Deed of Real Estate Mortgage[4] (the Deed) covering a
TCT was issued to petitioners property in the name of Edna and her husband Enrico (Enrico)
Petitioners met wit atty Jeremy parulan who is in possession of Lindo, Jr. (collectively, respondents). Edna also signed a
the TCT and SPA from dionisio; he demanded 800k for the Promissory Note[5] and the Deed for herself and for Enrico as his
TCT; patitioners refused saying they already paid to Elena attorney-in-fact.
Dionisio sued them, declaration of the nullity of the deed of
absolute sale executed by Ma. Elena, and the cancellation of Edna issued three checks as partial payments for the loan. All
the title issued to the petitioners by virtue thereof. checks were dishonored for insufficiency of funds, prompting
petitioner to file a Complaint for Foreclosure of Mortgage with
RTC: forged SPA, they are not buyers in good faith
Damages against respondents.
CA: affirmed RTC; Art 124 FC applied
RTC: Deed was executed by Edna without the consent and
1) Which between Article 173 of the Civil Code and Article 124 of
authority of Enrico, (deed was Oct 1995, SPA by the husband was
the Family Code should apply to the sale of the conjugal property
Nov 1995)
executed without the consent of Dionisio?
the sale was made on March 18, 1991, or after August 3, 1988, the
rticle 124 of the Family Code of which applies to conjugal
effectivity of the Family Code. The proper law to apply is,
partnership property, is a reproduction of Article 96 of the Family
therefore, Article 124 of the Family Code, for it is settled that any
Code which applies to community property.
alienation or encumbrance of conjugal property made during
the effectivity of the Family Code is governed by Article 124 of
Both Article 96 and Article 127 of the Family Code provide that the
the Family Code.
powers do not include disposition or encumbrance without the
-In the event that one spouse is incapacitated or otherwise unable
written consent of the other spouse. Any disposition or
to participate in the administration of the conjugal properties, the
encumbrance without the written consent shall be void. However,
other spouse may assume sole powers of administration. These
both provisions also state that "the transaction shall be construed
powers do not include disposition or encumbrance without
as a continuing offer on the part of the consenting spouse and the
authority of the court or the written consent of the other spouse. In
third person, and may be perfected as a binding contract upon the
the absence of such authority or consent, the disposition or
acceptance by the other spouse x x x before the offer is withdrawn
encumbrance shall be void.
by either or both offerors."
the void sale was a continuing offer from the petitioners and Ma.
In this case, the Promissory Note and the Deed of Real Estate
Elena that Dionisio had the option of accepting or rejecting before
Mortgage were executed on 31 October 1995. The Special Power
the offer was withdrawn by either or both Ma. Elena and the
of Attorney was executed on 4 November 1995. The execution of
petitioners. The last sentence of the second paragraph of Article
the SPA is the acceptance by the other spouse that perfected
the continuing offer as a binding contract between the parties, The TCT of the subject property states that its sole owner is the
making the Deed of Real Estate Mortgage a valid contract. seller Rogelio himself who was therein also described as "single".
But the circumstances surrounding the sale shouldhave warned
PRINCIPLE OF UNJUST ENRICHMENT the buyer. (his civil status as seller was not stated in the Deed of
Absolute Sale - further creating a cloud on the claim of petitioner
The principle of unjust enrichment requires two conditions: that she is an innocent purchaser for value.) neighbor sila! Hello??!
(1) that a person is benefited without a valid basis or justification,
and (2) that such benefit is derived at the expense of another. However, the nullity of the sale made by Rogelio is not
premised on proof of respondent's financial contribution in
The main objective of the principle against unjust enrichment is to the purchase of the subject property. Actual contribution is
prevent one from enriching himself at the expense of another not relevant in determining whether a piece of property is
without just cause or consideration. The principle is applicable in community property for the law itself defines what constitutes
this case considering that Edna admitted obtaining a loan community property.
from petitioners, and the same has not been fully paid without
just cause. The Deed was declared void erroneously at the Article 91 of the Family Code
instance of Edna, first when she raised it as a defense before the Art. 91. Unless otherwise provided in this Chapter or in the
RTC, Branch 33 and second, when she filed an action for marriage settlements, the community property shall consist of all
declaratory relief before the RTC, Branch 93. Petitioner could not the property owned by the spouses at the time of the celebration of
be expected to ask the RTC, Branch 33 for an alternative remedy, the marriage or acquired thereafter.
as what the Court of Appeals ruled that he should have done,
because the RTC, Branch 33 already stated that it had no The only exceptions from the above rule are:
jurisdiction over any personal action that petitioner might have (1) those excluded from the absolute community by the Family
against Edna. Code; and (2) those excluded by the marriage settlement.

Considering the circumstances of this case, the principle against Under the first exception are properties enumerated in Article 92 of
unjust enrichment, being a substantive law, should prevail over the the Family Code, which states:
procedural rule on multiplicity of suits. The Court of Appeals, in the Art. 92. The following shall be excluded from the community
assailed decision, found that Edna admitted the loan, except that property:
she claimed it only amounted to P340,000. Edna should not be
allowed to unjustly enrich herself because of the erroneous (1) Property acquired during the marriage by gratuitous title
decisions of the two trial courts when she questioned the by either spouse, and the fruits as well as the income thereof, if
validity of the Deed. Moreover, Edna still has an opportunity to any, unless it is expressly provided by the donor, testator or
submit her defenses before the RTC, Branch 42 on her claim as to grantor that they shall form part of the community property;
the amount of her indebtedness.
(2) Property for personal and exclusive use of either spouse;
Josefina NOBLEZA VS Shirley NUEGA (2015) however, jewelry shall form part of the community property;

FACTS: (3) Property acquired before the marriage by either spouse

Shirely 1988 while engaged with Rogelio, She sent the who has legitimate descendants by a former marriage, and the
latter money while working in Israel to purchase a fruits as well as the income, if any, of such property.
residential lot . Rogelio was also working then as a
seaman. Since the subject property does not fall under any of the
1989 upon her arrival, she claimed to have settled the exclusions provided in Article 92, it therefore forms part of the
balance thru SSS financing. absolute community property of Shirley and Rogelio. Regardless of
1990 got married. Lived in the property; Rogelio brought their respective contribution to its acquisition before their marriage,
another woman in the family home while Shirley was in and despite the fact that only Rogelio's name appears in the TCT
Israel as owner, the property is owned jointly by the spouses Shirley and
1992 filed for LS and Liquidation of property, Rogelio.
neighbor intended to buy the prop, Shirley advised of the
existence of the cases, cautioned them in buying the prop HEIRS OF PATRICIO GO VS SERVACIO (2011) Bersamin
Dec 1992 rogelio sold the prop for 380k
RTC: granted LS and enjoined from selling the prop FACTS:
(1994) 1976 Gaviola sold 2 lands to Protacio Go jr. 23 yrs later
Filed: recission of sale- RTC: part of Shirley considered (1999), the latter executed an affidavit that it was his
rescinded father not he who purchased the land.
CA: affirmed: ordered petitioner to reconvey the prop, 1987: Mommy Go died
entire sale Null and void 1999: Protacio Sr. and Rito (son) sold property
(undivided share) to Servacio
SC DECISION: 2001: petitioners demanded the return of the property,
Petitioner is not a buyer in Good faith servacio refused, they sued for annulment of sale
An innocent purchaser for value is one who buys the property of The petitioners averred that following Protacio, Jr.s
another, without notice that some other person has a right or renunciation, the property became conjugal property; and
interest in the property, for which a full and fair price is paid by the that the sale of the property to Servacio without the prior
buyer at the time of the purchase or before receipt of any notice of liquidation of the community property between Protacio,
claims or interest of some other person in the property. Sr. and Marta was null and void. [6]
Servacio and Rito countered that Protacio, Sr. had
A buyer cannot claim to be an innocent purchaser for value by exclusively owned the property because he had
merely relying on the TCT of the seller while ignoring all the other purchased it with his own money.
surrounding circumstances relevant to the sale. RTC: conjugal property but affirmed validity of sale (as
long as the portion sold does not encroach upon the
legitimate (sic) of other heirs, it is valid.)

Appeal on pure question of law 1978: after wife domingo died, dad domingo sold to
molinas his interest over the land to answer for his debts.
WON the sale is valid Sale annotated to OCT
1986: dad domingo died
SC DECISION: 1995: TCT to sps Molina
1999: Melecio (son) learned of the transfer, filed for
There being no dispute that Protacio, Sr. and Marta were married annulment of title and recovery of ownership against
prior to the effectivity of the Family Code on August 3, 1988, their Molinas
property relation was properly characterized as one of conjugal Melecio claims that Anastacio gave the subject property
partnership governed by the Civil Code. Upon Martas death in to the spouses Molina to serve as collateral for the
1987, the conjugal partnership was dissolved, pursuant to Article money that Anastacio borrowed. Anastacio could not
175 (1) of the Civil Code,[15] and an implied ordinary co- have validly sold the interest over the subject property
ownership ensued among Protacio, Sr. and the other heirs of without Flora's consent, as Flora was already dead at the
Marta with respect to her share in the assets of the conjugal time of the sale.
partnership pending a liquidation following its liquidation. The spouses Molina also asserted that Melecio knew of
the disputed sale since he accompanied Anastacio
Applicable provision: ART 130 FC and ART 105 FC several times to borrow money. The last loan was even
Article 130. Upon the termination of the marriage by death, the used to pay for Melecio's wedding.
conjugal partnership property shall be liquidated in the same RTC: dismissed
proceeding for the settlement of the estate of the deceased. CA: affirmed RTC decision
If no judicial settlement proceeding is instituted, the surviving (1) whether the sale of a conjugal property to the spouses Molina
spouse shall liquidate the conjugal partnership property either without Flora's consent is valid and legal;
judicially or extra-judicially within one year from the death of the
deceased spouse. If upon the lapse of the six month period no There is no dispute that Anastacio and Flora Domingo married
liquidation is made, any disposition or encumbrance involving the before the Family Code's effectivity on August 3, 1988 and their
conjugal partnership property of the terminated marriage shall be property relation is a conjugal partnership. The conjugal
void. partnership of Anastacio and Flora was dissolved when Flora
died in 1968, pursuant to Article 175 (1) of the Civil Code22 (now
Should the surviving spouse contract a subsequent marriage Article 126 (1) of the Family Code. )
without compliance with the foregoing requirements, a mandatory
regime of complete separation of property shall govern the Art 130 FC: requires mandatory liquidation within 1 year after
property relations of the subsequent marriage. death; requires the liquidation of the conjugal partnership upon
death of a spouse and prohibits any disposition or
Article 105. In case the future spouses agree in the marriage encumbrance of the conjugal property prior to the conjugal
settlements that the regime of conjugal partnership of gains shall partnership liquidation,
govern their property relations during marriage, the provisions in
this Chapter shall be of supplementary application. While Article 130 of the Family Code provides that any disposition
involving the conjugal property without prior liquidation of the
The provisions of this Chapter shall also apply to conjugal partnership shall be void, this rule does not apply since the
partnerships of gains already established between spouses before provisions of the Family Code shall be "without prejudice to
the effectivity of this Code, without prejudice to vested rights vested rights already acquired in accordance with the Civil
already acquired in accordance with the Civil Code or other laws, Code or other laws.
as provided in Article 256.
Article 493. Each co-owner shall have the full ownership of his
Implied co-ownership part and of the fruits and benefits pertaining thereto, and he may
Article 493. Each co-owner shall have the full ownership of his part therefore alienate, assign or mortgage it, and even substitute
and of the fruits and benefits pertaining thereto, and he may another person in its enjoyment, except when personal rights are
therefore alienate, assign or mortgage it, and even substitute involved. But the effect of the alienation or the mortgage, with
another person in its enjoyment, except when personal rights are respect to the co-owners, shall be limited to the portion which
involved. But the effect of the alienation or the mortgage, with may be allotted to him in the division upon the termination of
respect to the co-owners, shall be limited to the portion which may the co-ownership.
be allotted to him in the division upon the termination of the co-
ownership. Thus, Anastacio, as co-owner, cannot claim title to any specific
portion of the conjugal properties without an actual partition being
REMEDY OF CO-OWNERS first done either by agreement or by judicial decree. Nonetheless,
Thus, it is now settled that the appropriate recourse of co-owners Anastacio had the right to freely sell and dispose of his undivided
in cases where their consent were not secured in a sale of the interest in the subject property. And Sps Molina became co-
entire property as well as in a sale merely of the undivided shares owners of the subject property to the extent of Anastacios interest.
of some of the co-owners is an action for PARTITION under Rule The spouses Molina would be a trustee for the benefit of the co-
69 of the Revised Rules of Court. heirs of Anastacio in respect of any portion that might belong to the
co-heirs after liquidation and partition
In the meanwhile, Servacio would be a trustee for the benefit of the
co-heirs of her vendors in respect of any portion that might not be
validly sold to her. PNB VS heirs GARCIA (2014)

Melecio DOMINGO VS Sps MOLINA (2016)
JOSE GARCIA Sr acquired property DURING his
marriage with Ligaya (died 1987)
1951:Sps Domingo bought undivided property in tarlac
1989: R and C Garcia obtained loan from PNB, Jose Sr.
accommodated then, subj property as addtl collateral to

increase their loan, SPA, etc(all of which unknown to the 1996: Franco and their Mother, Loan from EqPCI, secured
children) by same property, was not paid, foreclosed
1994: defaulted on maturity 1999: TCT to the bank
1996: annulment of Real Estate Mortgage; it was null and 2001: Franciscio-TRO and cancellation of SPA, mortgage
void, since the property is conjugal and upon the death of and civil case against Franco and his mother
their mother co-owners, and that it could not bind the Petitioner alleged that he did not authorize Franco to
chidren since their consent was not obtained. mortgage the subject property to respondent and that his
RTC: the conjugal property could only be transferred or signatures in the Real Estate Mortgage and the Surety
encumbered to the extent of Jose Sr.s share in the Agreement were forged.
conjugal partnership, plus his share as an heir in the RTC: in favor of petitioner
other half pertaining to the estate of his deceased CA: reversed
CA: affirmed

Since Jose Sr. and Ligaya were married prior to the effectivity of
the Family Code, their property relations were governed by the NATURE OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE SPECIALLY ALLEGED
conjugal partnership of gains as provided under Article 119 of the IN THE COMPLAINT
Civil Code. Under Article 160 of the Civil Code, all property of
the marriage is presumed to belong to the conjugal We are not unaware that all property of the marriage is presumed
partnership, unless it can be proven that it pertains to be conjugal, unless it is shown that it is owned exclusively by
exclusively to the husband or to the wife. the husband or the wife; that this presumption is not overcome by
the fact that the property is registered in the name of the husband
Registration of a property alone in the name of one spouse does or the wife alone;and that the consent of both spouses is required
not destroy its conjugal nature. What is material is the time when before a conjugal property may be mortgaged.53 However, we find
the property was acquired. The registration of the property is not it iniquitous to apply the foregoing presumption especially since the
conclusive evidence of the exclusive ownership of the husband or nature of the mortgaged property was never raised as an issue
the wife. Although the property appears to be registered in the before the RTC, the CA, and even before this Court. In fact,
name of the husband, it has the inherent character of conjugal petitioner never alleged in his Complaint that the said property was
property if it was acquired for valuable consideration during conjugal in nature. Hence, respondent had no opportunity to rebut
marriage. It retains its conjugal nature. the said presumption.

In order to rebut the presumptive conjugal nature of the property, ORION VS SUZUKI (2014)
the petitioner must present strong, clear and convincing evidence
of exclusive ownership of one of the spouses. The burden of FACTS:
proving that the property belongs exclusively to the wife or to the 2003: Japanese bought a condominium with parking lot
husband rests upon the party asserting it. allegedly owned by Kang
Kang thereafter made several representations with
Upon the death of Ligaya on January 21, 1987, the conjugal Suzuki to deliver the titles to the properties, which were
partnership was automatically dissolved and terminated pursuant then allegedly in possession of Alexander Perez (Perez,
to Article 175(1) of the Civil Code. (now 126 FC). and the Orions Loans Officer) for safekeeping. Despite several
successional rights of her heirs vest, as provided under Article 777 verbal demands, Kang failed to deliver the documents.
of the Civil Code, which states that [t]he rights to the succession Suzuki later on learned that Kang had left the country,
are transmitted from the moment of the death of the decedent. prompting Suzuki to verify the status of the properties
with the Mandaluyong City Registry of Deeds.
Consequently, the conjugal partnership was converted into an Suzuki learned: still in the name of cityland, but the latter
implied ordinary co-ownership between the surviving spouse, on assured Suzuki that kang paid the full price
the one hand, and the heirs of the deceased, on the other. Encumbrance in favor of Orion 1999 for Loan, cancelled
2000, but despite cancellation of mortgage, titles
In the present case, Jose Sr. constituted the mortgage over the remained in possession of Orion)
entire subject property after the death of Ligaya, but before the To protect his interests, Suzuki then executed an
liquidation of the conjugal partnership. While under Article 493 of Affidavit of Adverse Claim12 dated September 8, 2003,
the Civil Code, even if he had the right to freely mortgage or even with the Registry of Deeds of Mandaluyong City,
sell his undivided interest in the disputed property, he could not annotated as Entry No. 3292/C-No. 18186 in CCT No.
dispose of or mortgage the entire property without his childrens 18186. Suzuki then demanded the delivery of the
consent. As correctly emphasized by the trial court, Jose Sr.s right titles.13 Orion, (through Perez), however, refused to
in the subject property is limited only to his share in the conjugal surrender the titles, and cited the need to consult Orions
partnership as well as his share as an heir on the other half of the legal counsel as its reason.
estate which is his deceased spouses share. Accordingly, the
2003: he received letter from Orions counsel (Oct 9,
mortgage contract is void insofar as it extends to the undivided
2003) that Kang obtained another loan, Dacion en Pago
shares of his children (Nora, Jose Jr., Bobby and Jimmy) because
(reg:Oct 15, 2003)
they did not give their consent to the transaction.
2007: Suzuki filed complaint for specific performance and
damages against Kang and Orion
RTC: in favor of Suzuki
FACTS: CA: upheld Suzukis rights over the properties
1988: Francisco executed Irre SPA in favor of Franco Lim to ORIONs petition: SUZUKI not a buyer in good faith for
mortgage the property, he did and was able to fully pay the he failed to check the owners duplicate copies of the
loan CCT and The Deed of Sale executed by Kang in favor of
Suzuki is null and void. Under Korean law, any

conveyance of a conjugal property should be made with Section 7. Save in cases of hereditary succession, no private
the consent of both spouses; lands shall be transferred or conveyed except to individuals,
corporations, or associations qualified to acquire or hold
SC DECISION: lands of the public domain.

It is a universal principle that real or immovable property is Aliens, whether individuals or corporations, have been disqualified
exclusively subject to the laws of the country or state where it is from acquiring lands of the public domain. Hence, by virtue of the
located. The reason is found in the very nature of immovable aforecited constitutional provision, they are also disqualified from
property its immobility. This general principle includes all rules acquiring private lands. The primary purpose of this constitutional
governing the descent, alienation and transfer of immovable provision is the conservation of the national patrimony. Our
property and the validity, effect and construction of wills and other fundamental law cannot be any clearer. The right to acquire lands
conveyances. of the public domain is reserved only to Filipino citizens or
corporations at least sixty percent of the capital of which is owned
On the other hand, property relations between spouses are by Filipinos.
governed principally by the national law of the spouses. However,
the party invoking the application of a foreign law has the burden The rule is clear and inflexible: aliens are absolutely not allowed to
of proving the foreign law. The foreign law is a question of fact to acquire public or private lands in the Philippines, save only in
be properly pleaded and proved as the judge cannot take judicial constitutionally recognized exceptions.
notice of a foreign law. He is presumed to know only domestic or
the law of the forum. we find and so hold that Benjamin has no right to nullify the
Agreement of Lease between Joselyn and petitioner. Benjamin,
In the present case, Orion, unfortunately failed to prove the South being an alien, is absolutely prohibited from acquiring private and
Korean law on the conjugal ownership of property. It merely public lands in the Philippines. Considering that Joselyn appeared
attached a Certification from the Embassy of the Republic of to be the designated "vendee" in the Deed of Sale of said property,
Korea to prove the existence of Korean Law. This certification, she acquired sole ownership thereto. This is true even if we
does not qualify as sufficient proof of the conjugal nature of the sustain Benjamin's claim that he provided the funds for such
property for there is no showing that it was properly authenticated acquisition. By entering into such contract knowing that it was
by the seal of his office, as required under Section 24 of Rule 132. illegal, no implied trust was created in his favor; no reimbursement
for his expenses can be allowed; and no declaration can be made
Accordingly, the International Law doctrine of presumed- that the subject property was part of the conjugal/community
identity approach or processual presumption comes into play, property of the spouses. In any event, he had and has no capacity
i.e., where a foreign law is not pleaded or, even if pleaded, is not or personality to question the subsequent lease of the Boracay
proven, the presumption is that foreign law is the same as property by his wife on the theory that in so doing, he was merely
Philippine Law. exercising the prerogative of a husband in respect of conjugal
property. To sustain such a theory would countenance indirect
Under Philippine Law, the phrase "Yung Sam Kang married to' controversion of the constitutional prohibition. If the property were
Hyun Sook Jung is merely descriptive of the civil status of to be declared conjugal, this would accord the alien husband a
Kang.32 In other words, the import from the certificates of title is substantial interest and right over the land, as he would then have
that Kang is the owner of the properties as they are registered in a decisive vote as to its transfer or disposition. This is a right that
his name alone, and that he is married to Hyun Sook Jung. the Constitution does not permit him to have.

We are not unmindful that in numerous cases we have held that Sps. BUADO VS COURT OF APPEALS AND Romulo NICOL
registration of the property in the name of only one spouse does (2009)
not negate the possibility of it being conjugal or community
property.33 In those cases, however, there was proof that the FACTS:
properties, though registered in the name of only one spouse, 1984 sps sued erlinda Nicol for slander
were indeed either conjugal or community properties.34 1987: RTC: ordered her to pay damages
Accordingly, we see no reason to declare as invalid Kangs 1992: final and executory
conveyance in favor of Suzuki for the supposed lack of spousal Finding Erlinda Nicol's personal properties insufficient to
consent. satisfy the judgment, the Deputy Sheriff issued a notice
of levy on real property on execution addressed to the
MATTHEWS VS TAYLOR (2009) Register of Deeds of Cavite
Public auction was held- Cert of sale issued in favor of
FACTS: BUados 1993
1994: Romulo Nicol (respondent), the husband of Erlinda
1988: Benjamin married 17y/o joselyn Nicol, filed a complaint for annulment of certificate of sale
1989: bought a property in boracay, financed by Benjamin, and damages with preliminary injunction against
and constructed improvements thereon---they separated petitioners and the deputy sheriff; Respondent, as
1992: Joselyn SPA in favor of Benjamin plaintiff therein, alleged that the defendants, now
same year: Joselyn enter into contract with Taylor (music petitioners, connived and directly levied upon and
garden) execute his real property without exhausting the personal
Benjamin: claimed agreement is null and void since done properties of Erlinda Nicol.
without his consent
RTC: joselyn in default (Dec of Nullity of Agreement of Lease SC DECISION:
with Damages)
CA: In favor of Benjamin There is no dispute that contested property is conjugal in nature.
Article 122 of the Family Code16 explicitly provides that payment
SC DECISION: of personal debts contracted by the husband or the wife before or
during the marriage shall not be charged to the conjugal
Section 7, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution states:18 partnership except insofar as they redounded to the benefit of the

were contracted for, or the debts and obligations should have
Unlike in the system of absolute community where liabilities redounded to, the benefit of the conjugal partnership.
incurred by either spouse by reason of a crime or quasi-delict is
chargeable to the absolute community of property, in the absence Fines and pecuniary indemnities imposed upon the husband or the
or insufficiency of the exclusive property of the debtor-spouse, the wife, as a rule, may not be charged to the partnership. However, if
same advantage is not accorded in the system of conjugal the spouse who is bound should have no exclusive property
partnership of gains. The conjugal partnership of gains has no duty or if the property should be insufficient, the fines and
to make advance payments for the liability of the debtor-spouse. indemnities may be enforced upon the partnership assets
only after the responsibilities enumerated in Article 161 of the
Parenthetically, by no stretch of imagination can it be concluded Civil Code have been covered.
that the civil obligation arising from the crime of slander committed
by Erlinda redounded to the benefit of the conjugal partnership. In this case, it is just and proper that Ronnie be compensated for
the serious physical injuries he suffered. It should be remembered
To reiterate, conjugal property cannot be held liable for the that even though the vehicle that hit Ronnie was registered in the
personal obligation contracted by one spouse, unless some name of Elenita, she was not made a party in the said criminal
advantage or benefit is shown to have accrued to the conjugal case. Thus, she may not be compelled to answer for
partnership. Eduardos liability. Nevertheless, their conjugal partnership
property may be held accountable for it since Eduardo has no
DEWARA VS LAMELA (2011) property in his name. The payment of indemnity adjudged by the
RTC of Bacolod City in Criminal Case No. 7155 in favor of Ronnie
FACTS: may be enforced against the partnership assets of spouses Elenita
Sps dewara married under the Civil code, Separated in and Eduardo after the responsibilities enumerated under
fact Article 161 of the Civil Code have been covered.
1985 : Eduardo, while driving a private jeep registered in
the name of Elenita, hit respondent Ronnie Lamela
Ronnie filed SPI at MTCC: found guilty
The levy on execution, public auction, issuance of
certificate of sale, and cancellation of title of the lot in the
name of Elenita were done while Elenita was working in
California. (she filed for annulment of sale)
The respondent spouses averred that the subject lot was
the conjugal property of petitioner Elenita and Eduardo.
They asserted that the property was acquired by Elenita
during her marriage to Eduardo; that the property was
acquired with the money of Eduardo because, at the time
of the acquisition of the property, Elenita was a plain FUENTES VS ROCA (2010)
housewife; that the jeep involved in the accident was
registered in the name of petitioner; and that Elenita did FACTS:
not interpose any objection pending the levy on
execution of the property.
RTC: ruled that the civil liability of Eduardo, which was
personal to him, could not be charged to the exclusive
property of his wife.
CA: reversed RTC

whether the subject property is the paraphernal/exclusive property VENTURA VS ABUDA (2013)
of Elenita or the conjugal property of spouses Elenita and BORROMEO V. DESCALLAR (2009)
Eduardo. (ART. 148)

SC DECISION Both have prior marriages when they cohabited.

Socorro prior marriage to crispin (m. 1952) (son:
There is no dispute that the subject property was acquired by
father of the petitioner)
spouses Elenita and Eduardo during their marriage. It is also
Socorro m esteban 1980
undisputed that their marital relations are governed by the conjugal
partnership of gains, since they were married before the Estebans wife died in 1960 (daughter: Evangeline)
enactment of the Family Code and they did not execute any Esteban died 1997, Socorro died 1999
prenuptial agreement as to their property relations. Thus, the legal There were properties that was bought by esteban
presumption of the conjugal nature of the property applies to the 1968-1970 (The Vitas property was covered by
lot in question. The presumption that the property is conjugal Transfer Certificate of Title No. 141782, dated 11
property may be rebutted only by strong, clear, categorical, and December 1980, issued to Esteban Abletes, of legal
convincing evidencethere must be strict proof of the exclusive age, Filipino, married to Socorro Torres.
ownership of one of the spouses, and the burden of proof rests Evangeline and esteban operated a small business
upon the party asserting it. 1997: sold to Evangeline the properties
edilberto rep by his mom, pet for dec of annulment of
However, even after having declared that Lot No. 234-C is the deeds, fraudulent signature;
conjugal property of spouses Elenita and Eduardo, it does not respondents: since marriage with Socorro is void, the
necessarily follow that it may automatically be levied upon in an latters heirs cannot claim any right or interest
execution to answer for debts, obligations, fines, or indemnities of
one of the spouses. Before debts and obligations may be charged SC DECISION
against the conjugal partnership, it must be shown that the same
MPR: ART. 148
a public instrument which must also be registered with the Registry
It is necessary for each of the partners to prove his or her ofProperty.Failure to comply with either one of these two modes of
actual contribution to the acquisition of property in order constitution will bar a judgment debtor from availing of the
to be able to lay claim to any portion of it. Presumptions privilege.
of co-ownership and equal contribution do not apply.
(BORROMEO) On the other hand, for family homes constructed after the
effectivity of the Family Code on August 3, 1988, there is no need
Applying the foregoing provision, the Vitas and Delpan to constitute extrajudicially or judicially, and the exemption is
effective from the timeit was constituted and lasts as long as any of
properties can be considered common property if:
its beneficiaries under Art. 154 actually resides therein. Moreover,
(1) these were acquired during the cohabitation of
the family home should belong to the absolute community or
Esteban and Socorro; and conjugal partnership, or if exclusively by one spouse, its
(2) there is evidence that the properties were acquired constitution must have beenwithconsent of the other, and its
through the parties actual joint contribution of money, valuemustnotexceed certain amounts depending upon the area
property, or industry. where it is located. Further, the debts incurred for which the
exemption does not apply as provided under Art. 155 for which the
The title itself shows that the Vitas property is owned by Esteban family home is made answerable must have been incurred after
alone. The phrase married to Socorro Torres is merely August 3, 1988.
descriptive of his civil status, and does not show that Socorro co-
owned the property. The evidence on record also shows that Kelley, Jr. v. Planters Products, Inc.
Esteban acquired ownership over the Vitas property prior to his Under the Family Code, there is no need to constitute the family
marriage to Socorro, even if the certificate of title was issued after home judicially or extrajudicially. All family homes constructed after
the celebration of the marriage. Registration under the Torrens title the effectivity of the Family Code (August 3, 1988) are constituted
system merely confirms, and does not vest title. as such by operation of law. All existing family residences as of
August 3, 1988 are considered family homes and are
(BORROMEO) Registration is not a mode of acquiring ownership. prospectively entitled to the benefits accorded to a family
It is only a means of confirming the fact of its existence with notice home under the Family Code.
to the world at large. Certificates of title are not a source of right.
The mere possession of a title does not make one the true owner Here,
of the property. Thus, the mere fact that respondent has the titles The family home is a real right, which is gratuitous, inalienable and
of the disputed properties in her name does not necessarily, free from attachment. It cannot be seized by creditors except in
conclusively and absolutely make her the owner. The rule on certain special cases. However, this right can be waived or be
indefeasibility of title likewise does not apply to respondent. A barred by laches by the failure to set up and prove the status of the
certificate of title implies that the title is quiet, and that it is perfect, property as a family home at the time of the levy or a reasonable
absolute and indefeasible. However, there are well-defined time thereafter.
exceptions to this rule, as when the transferee is not a holder in
good faith and did not acquire the subject properties for a valuable In this case, it is undisputed that the petitioners allowed a
consideration. considerable time to lapse before claiming that the subject
property is a family home and its exemption from execution
Thus, it is clear that Evangeline paid on behalf of her father, and and forced sale under the Family Code. The petitioners allowed
the parties intended that the Delpan property would be owned by the subject property to be levied upon and the public sale to
and registered under the name of Esteban. proceed. One (1) year lapsed from the time the subject property
was sold until a Final Deed of Sale was issued to Claudio and,
During trial, the Abuda spouses presented receipts evidencing later, Aracelis Torrens title was cancelled and a new one issued
payments of the amortizations for the Delpan property. On the under Claudios name, still, the petitioner remained silent. In fact, it
other hand, Edilberto failed to show any evidence showing was only after the respondents filed a complaint for unlawful
Socorro's alleged monetary contributions. detainer, or approximately four (4) years from the time of the
auction sale, that the petitioners claimed that the subject property
OLIVA-DE MESA VS ACERO JR (2012) is a family home, thus, exempt from execution.
RAMOS VS PANGILINAN (2010) (Family home:rules to be
exempt from execution) For all intents and purposes, the petitioners negligence or
KELLEY JR VS PLANTERS PRODUCTS INC. (2008) (Effect of omission to assert their right within a reasonable time gives
FC on those existing family homes) rise to the presumption that they have abandoned, waived or
declined to assert it. Since the exemption under Article 153 of the
In Ramos v. Pangilinan, this Court laid down the rules relative to Family Code is a personal right, it is incumbent upon the
exemption of family homes from execution: petitioners to invoke and prove the same within the prescribed
period and it is not the sheriffs duty to presume or raise the status
For the family home to be exempt from execution, distinction must of the subject property as a family home.
be made as to what law applies based on when it was constituted
and what requirements must be complied with by the judgment EULOGIO VS BELL SR (2015)
debtor or his successors claiming such privilege.Hence, two sets CABANG VS BASAY (2009)
of rules are applicable.
In 1995, the Bell siblings lodged a Complaint for
If the family home was constructed before the effectivity of the annulment of documents, reconveyance, quieting of title
Family Code or before August 3, 1988, then it must have been and damages against petitioners Enrico S. Eulogio and
constituted either judicially or extra-judicially as provided under Natividad Eulogio (the Eulogios). Over the 329 sqm
Articles 225, 229-231 and 233 of the Civil Code. Judicial residential lot and cancellation of title
constitution of the family home requires the filing of a verified
RTC: granted, but liable to pay 1m plus 12% interest
petition before the courts and the registration of the courts order
CA: affirmed in toto
with the Registry of Deeds of the area where the property is
located.Meanwhile, extrajudicial constitution is governed by
Articles 240 to 242 of the Civil Code and involves the execution of

SC DECISION adjusted by law. If it is shown, though, that those amounts do not
match the present value of the peso because of currency
Not forum shopping: fluctuations, the amount of exemption shall be based on the value
that is most favorable to the constitution of a family home. Any
Barred by res judicata: The test to determine whether the causes amount in excess of those limits can be applied to the payment of
of action are identical is to ascertain whether the same evidence any of the obligations specified in Articles 155 and 160.
will sustain both actions, or whether there is an identity of the facts
essential to the maintenance of the two actions. Any subsequent improvement or enlargement of the family home
by the persons constituting it, its owners, or any of its beneficiaries
Among several tests resorted to in ascertaining whether two suits will still be exempt from execution, forced sale or attachment
relate to a single or common cause of action are: (1) whether the provided the following conditions obtain: (a) the actual value of the
same evidence would support and sustain both the first and the property at the time of its constitution has been determined to fall
second causes of action; and (2) whether the defenses in one below the statutory limit; and (b) the improvement or enlargement
case may be used to substantiate the complaint in the other. Also does not result in an increase in its value exceeding the statutory
fundamental is the test for determining whether the cause of action limit.45 Otherwise, the family home can be the subject of a forced
in the second case existed at the time of the filing of the first sale, and any amount above the statutory limit is applicable to the
complaint.37chanrobleslaw obligations under Articles 155 and 160.

Applying the above guidelines, the Court finds that the entirety of To warrant the execution sale of respondents' family home under
Civil Case No. 4581 - including the bid of petitioners to execute the Article 160, petitioners needed to establish these facts:
money judgment awarded to them by the trial court - is founded on (1) there was an increase in its actual value;
a common cause of action. Records show that the sole evidence (2) the increase resulted from voluntary improvements on the
submitted by petitioners during the execution proceedings was the property introduced by the persons constituting the family home,
Deed of Sale, which the trial court had nullified in the main its owners or any of its beneficiaries; and
proceedings. Concomitantly, the very same defense raised by (3) the increased actual value exceeded the maximum allowed
petitioners in the main proceedings, i.e., that they had bought the under Article 157.
property from Spouses Bell for P1 million - was utilized to
substantiate the claim that the current value of respondents' family During the execution proceedings, none of those facts was alleged
home was actually PI million. - much less proven - by petitioners. The sole evidence presented
was the Deed of Sale, but the trial court had already determined
Res judicata applies, considering that the parties are litigating over with finality that the contract was null, and that the actual
the same property. Moreover, the same contentions and evidence transaction was an equitable mortgage. Evidently, when petitioners
advanced by the petitioners to substantiate their claim over and Spouses Bell executed the Deed of Sale in 1990, the price
respondents' family home have already been used to support their stated therein was not the actual value of the property in dispute.
arguments in the main proceedings.
Cabang vs Basay
Respondents' family home cannot be sold on execution under from the inception of Civil Case No. 99-20-127, it was already of
Article 160 of the Family Code. judicial notice that the improvements introduced by petitioners on
the litigated property are residential houses not family homes.
Unquestionably, the family home is exempt from execution as Belatedly interposing such an extraneous issue at such a late
expressly provided for in Article 153 of the Family stage of the proceeding is tantamount to interfering with and
Code.39chanrobleslaw varying the terms of the final and executory judgment and a
violation of respondents' right to due process because'
It has been said that the family home is a real right that is
gratuitous, inalienable and free from attachment. The great As a general rule, points of law, theories and issues not brought to
controlling purpose and policy of the Constitution is the protection the attention of the trial court cannot be raised for the first time on
or the preservation of the homestead - the dwelling place. A appeal. For a contrary rule would be unfair to the adverse party
houseless, homeless population is a burden upon the energy, who would have no opportunity to present further evidence
industry, and morals of the community to which it belongs. No material to the new theory, which it could have done had it been
greater calamity, not tainted with crime, can befall a family than to aware of if at the time of the hearing before the trial court.
be expelled from the roof under which it has been gathered and
sheltered. The family home cannot be seized by creditors except in The family home must be established on the properties of
special cases. (a) the absolute community, or
(b) the conjugal partnership, or
The nature and character of the property that debtors may claim to (c) the exclusive property of either spouse with the consent of the
be exempt, however, are determined by the exemption statute. other.
The exemption is limited to the particular kind of property or the
specific articles prescribed by the statute; the exemption cannot It cannot be established on property held in co-ownership with third
exceed the statutory limit. persons. However, it can be established partly on community
property, or conjugal property and partly on the exclusive property
ART 155: Exempt from execution of either spouse with the consent of the latter.

ART 160: If constituted by an unmarried head of a family, where there is no

communal or conjugal property existing, it can be constituted only
ART 157: The actual value of the family home shall not exceed, at on his or her own property. (Emphasis and italics supplied)
the time of its constitution, the amount of three hundred thousand
pesos in urban areas, and two hundred thousand pesos in rural Therein lies the fatal flaw in the postulate of petitioners. For all
areas, or such amounts as may hereafter be fixed by law. their arguments to the contrary, the stark and immutable fact is
that the property on which their alleged family home stands is
To summarize, the exemption of the family home from execution, owned by respondents and the question of ownership had been
forced sale or attachment is limited to P300,000 in urban areas long laid to rest with the finality of the appellate court's judgment in
and P200,000 in rural areas, unless those maximum values are
CA-G.R. CV No. 55207. Thus, petitioners' continued stay on the The reasons behind Art. 199 as explained by Pineda and
subject land is only by mere tolerance of respondents. Tolentino: the closer the relationship of the relatives, the stronger
the tie that binds them. Thus, the obligation to support under Art.
PATRICIO VS DARIO III (2006) 199 which outlines the order of liability for support is imposed first
upon the shoulders of the closer relatives and only in their default
On July 5, 1987, Marcelino V. Dario died intestate. He was is the obligation moved to the next nearer relatives and so on.
survived by his wife, petitioner Perla G. Patricio and their two sons,
Marcelino Marc Dario and private respondent Marcelino G. Dario There is no showing that private respondent is without means to
III. Among the properties he left was a parcel of land with a support his son; neither is there any evidence to prove that
residential house and a pre-school building built thereon. petitioner, as the paternal grandmother, was willing to voluntarily
provide for her grandson's legal support. On the contrary, herein
One of the son and the mom, extrajudicially settled the estate. petitioner filed for the partition of the property which shows an
Thereafter, petitioner and Marcelino Marc formally advised private intention to dissolve the family home, since there is no more
respondent of their intention to partition the subject property and reason for its existence after the 10-year period ended in 1997.
terminate the co-ownership. Private respondent refused to partition
the property hence petitioner and Marcelino Marc instituted an
action for partition before the Regional Trial Court.

RTC: ordered partition

CA: affirmed

The sole issue is whether partition of the family home is proper

where one of the co-owners refuse to accede to such partition on
the ground that a minor beneficiary still resides in the said home

SC DECISION: NO, not the beneficiary contemplated by law

Article 154 of the Family Code enumerates who are the

beneficiaries of a family home: (1) The husband and wife, or an
unmarried person who is the head of a family; and (2) Their
parents, ascendants, descendants, brothers and sisters, whether
the relationship be legitimate or illegitimate, who are living in the
family home and who depend upon the head of the family for legal

To be a beneficiary of the family home, three requisites must

(1) they must be among the relationships enumerated in Art. 154
of the Family Code;
(2) they live in the family home; and
(3) they are dependent for legal support upon the head of the

ART 159 FC: If there are beneficiaries who survive and are living
in the family home, it will continue for 10 years, unless at the
expiration of 10 years, there is still a minor beneficiary, in which
case the family home continues until that beneficiary becomes of

Marcelino Lorenzo R. Dario IV is dependent on legal support not

from his grandmother, but from his father.

Thus, despite residing in the family home and his being a

descendant of Marcelino V. Dario, Marcelino Lorenzo R. Dario IV
cannot be considered as beneficiary contemplated under Article
154 because he did not fulfill the third requisite of being dependent
on his grandmother for legal support. It is his father whom he is
dependent on legal support, and who must now establish his own
family home separate and distinct from that of his parents, being of
legal age.

Legal support has the following characteristics:
(1) It is personal, based on family ties which bind the obligor and
the obligee;
(2) It is intransmissible;
(3) It cannot be renounced;
(4) It cannot be compromised;
(5) It is free from attachment or execution;
(6) It is reciprocal;
(7) It is variable in amount.


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