Ethics Module 4

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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

This module will explore and analyze moral issues raised by the
recent development of biological and medical sciences, including
those related to reproductive technologies, human genetics, and
health-care policies. This is to help the students become aware
of the moral implications of modern biological and medical
sciences, and provide them with the theoretical framework for
moral reflection and prudent judgment.

At the end of the semester, the students are expected to:

1. know basic principles used in the analysis of moral dilemmas
and show how these principle function in the health care
2. be sensitive on ethical consideration and issues in patient
care, community work and public issues locally and globally;
3. develop their own rational and coherent positions in
reference to the different issues.

1. Demonstrate their ability to research, problem solve and
analyze data.
2. Identify and understand ethical issues related to life.
3. Demonstrate their ability to express in written/oral form,
clear and relevant information and to see that information
to articulate their belief structure.

Other References:
1. Jessica Pierce and George Randels, 2010, Contemporary
Bioethics: A Reader with Cases. Oxford University Press.
2. Additional reading materials are available in the website of
the course: ( chenxi/phil345.pdf)
3. Laura Evelyn Paunil Ciabal, 3003, Ethics for Health
Professionals. C&E Publishing, Inc.
4. Angeles Tan Alora, 2006, Bioethics for Students, UST
Publishing House.
5. John Paul II, 1995, The Gospel of Life, Random, House Inc.
6. James White, 2003, Contemporary Moral Problems, Thomson
Learning, Inc.
7. Robert Solomon and Jennifer Greene, 1999, Morality and the
Good Life, McGrawHill Education.


pages only for all the 3 items)

1. Research and discuss one model of decision-making which you think

is best for you.

There are three decision-making model; the rational/classical,

administrative or bounded rationality, and retrospective
decision-making model (Chand, S.) Rational or classical decision-
making model is multi-step process for making choices between
alternatives. It favors logic, objectivity, and analysis over
subjectivity and insight. (Boundless) Administrative or bounded
rationality is a process wherein people tend to seek the best
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

solution because the decisions they confront typically demand

greater information, time, processing capabilities than they
possess (Boundless). Retrospective decision-making model focuses
on how decision-makers attempt to rationalize their choices after
they have been made and try to justify their decisions.
I thought that the best decision-making model is the rational or
classical model because of the process or path it follows. This
path includes: Formulating a goal(s), Identifying the criteria
for making the decision, Identifying alternatives.
Performing analysis, and Making a final decision. (Boundless). I
often use this model in real life because when I have problems to
solve I usually identify first the problem and the goal that I
need to achieve. Then after recognizing it, I formulate plans to
solve the problem, I do not usually articulate single solution
for a single problem, it is best if we have many options on how
to should the problem then I will choose which of the solutions
will be best to solve the problem. I usually exclude those
alternatives which will less benefit or which is costlier.
Rational or classical model can also reduce the chances of
errors, assumptions, uncertainties, subjectivity and distortions.
It also reduces the risk of failure because the selection process
is based on logic information and knowledge. However, this model
also has some disadvantages. The information for the problem is
inadequate that may result in difficulty of evaluating the issue.
It may result to the use of experience to make a decision.

2. Discuss the stand of the Catholic Church regarding the following

issues: (Please acknowledge your references)


As taught by the Catholic Church, thou shall not kill which is

the fifth commandment, abortion is always condemned by the
Catholic Church as a grave evil. In principle, Catholic
Christians believe that all life is sacred from conception until
natural death, and the taking of innocent human life, whether
born or unborn, is morally wrong. Given the revelation of the Old
and New Testaments, with special emphasis on the mystery of the
incarnation, the Roman Catholic Church has condemned the practice
of abortion. Several examples of teaching which span the first
three hundred years of our Church include the following: The
"Didache" ("The Teachings of the Twelve Apostles," c. 80 A.D.)
asserted, "You shall not procure abortion. You shall not destroy
the newborn child." The "Epistle of Barnabas" (138) also
condemned abortion. Athenagoras (177) in his "A Plea on Behalf of
Christians" (a defense against paganism) emphasized that
Christians consider as murderers those women who take medicines
to procure an abortion; he condemns the killer of children,
including those still living in their mothers womb, "where they
are already the object of the care of divine providence.
(Saunders, W.)

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Euthanasia is defined as an act of deliberately ending a persons

life to relieve suffering(NHS). According to Evangelium Vitae
(1995), Euthanasia is a grave violation of the law of God, since
it is deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of human
person. It is morally wrong because it violates the teaching of
the Catholic Church which is the absolute and unchanging value of
the commandment Thou shall not kill.

In-Vitro Fertilization

In vitro fertilization is a complex series of procedures used to

treat fertility or genetic problems and assist with the
conception of a child. During in vitro fertilization, mature eggs
are collected from your ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab.
Then the fertilized egg or eggs are implanted in your uterus.
(Mayoclinic). The Catholic Church teaches that conception should
occur within a womans body, using the egg and the sperm from
this wife and this husband. Depending on the medical situation of
a couple, eggs and/or sperm can be extracted, undergo a process
to improve chances of conceiving and then be reintroduced into
the womans body where the conception occurs. A child is not
something owed to one, but is a gift. The supreme gift of
marriage is a human person. A child may not be considered a
piece of property, an idea to which an alleged right to a child
would lead. In this area, only the child possesses genuine
rights: the right to be the fruit of a specific act of the
conjugal love of parents, and the right to be respected as a
person from the moment of conception (#2378, quoting Donum
Vitae, II, 8). The Catechism concludes its treatment of in vitro
fertilization in these words: The Gospel shows that physical
sterility is not an absolute evil. Spouses who still suffer from
infertility after exhausting legitimate medical procedures should
unite themselves with the Lords Cross, the source of all
spiritual fecundity. They can give expression to their generosity
by adopting abandoned children or performing demanding services
for others (#2379).

3. After reading Evangelium Vitae, as a Health Care Provider what

is now your personal stand regarding each of the 3 issues above
(refer to item no.2)?

As a Catholic, all these issues are immoral. For me,

abortion, euthanasia, and in vitro fertilization are not right
because it disobeys the teachings of the church. Taking ones
life such as in abortion and euthanasia is wrong, because for me
it is only God who can take it away. We do not own this life; it
is only He who decides what will happen to our life. However, as
a health care provider, these issues faces ethical dilemma. For
example, if the mother is having an ectopic pregnancy, having the
fetus outside the uterus, and it may result to the loss of her
life. As a registered nurse, we were taught of the six ethical
principles which are the autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence,
fidelity, justice, and veracity. It may be the right of the
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

patient to decide, but as a nurse we can teach them and we can

impart knowledge to them on helping to decide. For me, it is
battle between pro-life and pro-choice.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rational Decision-Making Model
Introduction. Retrieved from
Boundless (26 May. 2016). Rational Decision Making. Boundless
Management. Retrieved from
Chand, S. Models of Decision Making: Rational, Administrative
and Retrospective Decision Making Models. Retrieved from
Euthanasia and assisted dying. (2009, August 3). Retrieved from
Euthanasia and assisted suicide. Retrieved from
Graves, J. Church teaching on in vitro fertilization. Retrieved
In vitro fertilization (IVF). Retrieved from
McCloskey, P. God Is the Author of All Life. Retrieved from
Saunders W., "Church Has Always Condemned Abortion." Arlington
Catholic Herald. Retrieved from


You may want to review your reflections and your answers before
you email it to me, your professor? After I finish reading all
your course work, I will give my feedback. I will email you soon!
Thank you, all.

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